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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13863377 No.13863377 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for? I better not have been memed

>> No.13863400

makes things that don't taste meaty taste meatier when used sparingly
MSG= Makes Stuff Good

>> No.13863401

treat it like salt and sprinkle it on savory foods, it's definitely a great flavor booster

>> No.13863403

>description says 16 ounce
>image shows 1kg

>> No.13863407

Don't use too much or you'll burn your tastebuds

>> No.13865586

a good salt replacement. Great on meat and homemade snack foods, just not for anything you don't want to taste really savory.

>> No.13866176
File: 187 KB, 1080x1080, f60e218e884c9846d1bfe2a9c77e8599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience it's neither some evil ingredient or a miracle one. It's good in some stuff, especially American Chinese food. A little dash can kick up the savory factor in a dish, especially things that naturally have msg like tomato sauce or pasta with parmesan cheese.

That said, it's no miracle ingredient like the trend right now says. If for sure has a very specific taste. It's good for some things, not for others. Use sparingly and it has its place.

>> No.13867219

but it's 50% salt

>> No.13867261

I dislike it on principle but if it's used sparingly it's not a problem. If you operate a high-end traditional restaurant, i.e., one that isn't based on molecular gastronomy, you shouldn't use it. If you're operating a joint in a strip mall, I can understand.

>> No.13867275

It is to meat what granulated sugar is to carbs.

>> No.13868352

Makes a lot of food tastier, use sparingly.
Outside of asian food, I find it good in tex-mex food.

>> No.13868381
File: 127 KB, 800x419, RN-MSG-Top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I don't understand. Every leftist health nut out there have been whining about MSG in our food for decades but all of a sudden it's hip and trendy when it's been rebranded with a Japanese name?
It's been called poisonous and unnatural but all of a sudden it's some sort of sixth flavour that only the Japanese knew about and now it goes by a KAWAII DESU name like UUUUUUUUMMAAAAAMIIIIIIIII that makes you look like a real life soyjak when you say it out loud.
God normies are fucking retarded.

>> No.13868470

I have the same brand.
Good for things like soups.
Adds some depth heaviness to food the same way salt or animal fat does.
Also a nice on vegitabels Roasted or stir fry.
You won't be disappointed. Just don't go overboard or it becomes pretty noticeable.

>> No.13868474

MSG is an excitotoxin, only retards who can't cook use it. Don't forget your aspartame, HFCS, and fluoride tho.

>> No.13868487

Clinical trials have disproven its supposed negative health effects. It's perfectly fine. Just a varient of salt.
And umami is the flavour it gives but they havnt renamed the product. Its still always called MSG except for fucking murican who call it "flavour enhancer chicken salt"

>> No.13868494

it has always been harmless, and people realized that the nips have been eating it for a billion years and still have the highest life expectancy in the world so it is probably fine

>> No.13868506

Ask me how I know you eat glyphosate.

>> No.13868513

I never claimed it was dangerous myself, my main criticism was aimed at those who mindlessly thought it was but are now jumping on the UUUUUMMMMAAAAAMMMIIIIII bandwagon because it's hip and trendy.

>> No.13868523

man, it is almost like people aren't completely static and can learn new information or something, or that maybe they were never the same people to begin with and you are just looking for something to bitch about.

>> No.13868836

absolute truth

>> No.13869185

Its not bad for your health, proven count less of times.

>> No.13869191

Msg is used much more in authentic chinese food served in china, than in american chinese food.

>> No.13869262
File: 36 KB, 515x384, 4A916CBC-2EE7-4925-841E-E67DA8BDBADF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what you think you know.
>inb4 soy
I avoid soy

Hasn't meatly flavour always been hip and trendy?
And if you're talking about the word itself, how are they supposed to describe it? MSGey?
Sounds like you heard this hot take somewhere else and you've adopted it yourself because you want a personality.

Maybe umami is a bit cringe because we all associate Japan with cringe, lets be real, but it wouldn't stop me from using a word that's accurate.

>> No.13869906

>Sounds like you heard this hot take somewhere else
Find where I've heard this from.
For years I've used MSG when cooking my food and tons of faggots trying to convince me that it's dangerous. Now that it's UUUUMMMMMMAAAAAAMMMIIIIIII the same sort of people seem to be all for it. Go fuck yourself, hypocrite cunt.

>> No.13869918

Then apologise then. People can change their views all they want but it doesn't make them any less of a hypocrite unless they renounce their past views instead of pretending like they've always been on board.

>> No.13871247

Yeah alright, I can tell you are just looking for something to bitch about.
What the fuck do you want these people to fucking do that would stop you whining about them?
Are you really expecting these people to issue some kind of public apology that they were acting on incorrect information about the nature of MSG? This is assuming, by the way, that these were people who held these views in the past and not simply entirely different people or otherwise people who didn't claim one way or another.

I'm gonna be real with you anon, you need to stop being such a little bitch. People change and adapt, and they don't have to fucking apologize for it. It doesn't make them hypocrites. It is called fucking GROWTH.
Maybe you can grow a little here too anon, this is a teaching moment and I hope you have learned from it. No apologies necessary.

>> No.13871528

You realise that you're made of glutamate, right?

>> No.13871560

>the FDA said it's fine so it's FINE REEEEEEE
Okay retard. Learn to cook and you won't need crap.

>> No.13871722

You're so ignorant about cooking that it's astonishing. Go back to your home board, tourist. I won't waste my time on a monkey.

>> No.13871732
File: 77 KB, 407x405, 62b81bf13807925f81e0ed19c9b0a23f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically uses MSG
>"y-y-you just don't know about cooking, m-monkey!"

>> No.13871733

it completely revolutionized my stir fries
don't really toss it in much else though

>> No.13871738

Thats 50% lese salt than salt

>> No.13872149

>I better not have been memed

>buys a bag of umeme

>> No.13872224
File: 1.94 MB, 189x189, 1585956099554.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't season his pork chops with fluoride
Why are you on this board?

>> No.13872239

>Are you really expecting these people to issue some kind of public apology that they were acting on incorrect information about the nature of MSG?
Yes. That's what they deserve for being self-righteous fags in the first place.

>> No.13872300

I know how to cook. That's why I use ingredients that taste good, unlike retarded boomers.

>> No.13872411

debased retard poisoning his friends and family because the dumb retard can't cook

>> No.13872460

>Sodium and glutamate
This is why you're retarded, boomer. Keep searing your meats with salt and pepper and calling it "cuisine"

>> No.13872628

>I use MSG because it can make dog shit taste good
>no, I don't care about any adverse effects it has
>haha, you use salt and pepper
Stop pretending to be smart, dumpster baby retard.

>> No.13872831

>adverse effects
Please stop doubling down on your stupidity.

>> No.13872839

Go kill yourself retard. I don't care. It's literally an excitotoxin. If you don't care about your health I won't, just stop acting like all the dog shit you call food is healthy because it's not and all you're doing is trying to drag others down with you. I see people like you all the time. Go to hell and die, useful idiot schizo.

>> No.13872846

Even fuckin normalcy bias wikipedia acknowledges its an excitotoxin. You MSG shills are so fucking pathetic. KYS

>> No.13872863

>leftist health nuts knowing literally anything about health


>> No.13872890
File: 118 KB, 768x512, MSG-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What am I in for?
Brain damage.

>> No.13872900

U mad?

>> No.13872903

My brain is already retarded anyway

>> No.13872961

use in moderation, too much will make shit taste chemically, but the right amount will make food taste amazing, normally I would add half the amount of MSG as I would salt.

>> No.13873002

Are you supposed to use msg with salt? Or is it a replacement

>> No.13873102

Why are you talking about health when you probably gorge on cheeseburgers, sugar, and red meat? This isn't /fit/, fag. No one cares about your pseudoscience bullshit that you ripped from some fag's blog post. It takes ladel-fulls of MSG in order to cause any type of minor harm, just like with any other substance you ingest.

>> No.13873108

16 ounces is a kg

>> No.13873127

Tell me anon, do you eat tomatoes? How about cheese? Mushrooms? How about meat, especially fish?
If you answered yes to any of the above, congrats, you are eating glutamate! No, msg isn't any different than any of these.

You see, like basically fucking everything, glutamate is absolutely fine in moderation. In order for you to have to worry about excitotoxicity you would basically need to be constantly shoveling it into your mouth.

Now stop being such a paranoid fag

>> No.13874413

16 oz is a pound

>> No.13874636 [DELETED] 

Nice logical fallacies, MSG shill retard. Do the world a favor and kill yourself so the average IQ can go up.

Stop being such an illogical MSG shill trying to cope with the fact that you are physically addicted to an excitotoxin.

>> No.13874642

No, that's fake news because I can't stop consuming MSG. Everything's bad so MSG is good. The FDA said it was fine so I'll eat copious amounts of it. Stop challenging my addiction, you bigot.

>> No.13874782

>”fake news”
and there it is.....lmao

>> No.13874789

is there a name for the Trump version of Godwin's Law?

>> No.13875012

that's what kg stands for

>> No.13875018

Shut up, If I want to drink 12 aspartame diet sodas a day I can and it's healthy for me because the FDA said you're fake news.

>> No.13875021

You're a retard if you ever thought MSG was bad for you

>> No.13875030


Just say you hate asian people and leave--no need to be racist when you're already this dumb

>> No.13875041
File: 65 KB, 800x419, MSG2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MSG shills unironically crying "waaycism" to defend excitotoxins

>> No.13875047

>according to the FDA
where's the source, dumbass
that's real nice fake news you got there, but where's the science backing you up?

>> No.13875053

>"[citation needed]"
>"fake news"
>the MSG shill cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.13875062

prove it, it should be simple
okay, racist
let me know when you find some facts instead of fiction

>> No.13875087

>strawman and ad hominem
>everyone who disagrees with me is "racist"
You're only digging a deeper hole, MSG shill.

>> No.13875097

I'm begging you, please prove that what you're saying isn't a lie
Just a crumb of scientific research, anything that isn't completely biased
>mmm... NO
the image you posted said it was based on research from the FDA--surely you can just send that research over
>tee hee... NO
why are racists so stupid?

>> No.13875124
File: 64 KB, 700x367, Header-Dangers-Of-MSG-e1514685680242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your own homework, schizo.
Nice one-dimensional thinking, dumb retard.

>> No.13875128
File: 515 KB, 1000x1000, 55758d1ecb9eemsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo not my MSG
>I can't live without my addiction to toxic crap
>nooo, you're waaaycist waaah
Absolute retardation

>> No.13875132

I did

Also, I never originally called you a racist--you responded to my original post saying racists were stupid
You outed yourself as a racist my dude

but hey, that's a really nice picture you have there junior
did your dad help you make it?

>> No.13875141

>Pure monosodium glutamate
>50% salt
Are you damaged in the brain?

>> No.13875159

>I never called anyone racist
Are you really this retarded? Please unironically kill yourself. Just do the world a favor and kill yourself, retard.

>> No.13875170

Of course he's brain damaged, he eats MSG

>> No.13875186

I would use the word umami but all it translates to is "savory", and that's a perfectly functional word for most applications where you're describing flavors. MSG is just the chemical compound of it, like I might usually call food salty or minty before I call it sodium-y or mentholated.

>> No.13875195

hey, if you're going to pretend to quote me, at least let people know you're going to be an idiot while doing it

but hey, you're a racist, I don't think you're smart enough to read well

>> No.13875197


Just so we are clear, glutamate ions are indeed a very powerful exitotoxin (they are, effectively, the canonical exitotoxin, since other ones simulate their effect) but that's completely irrelevant to the safety of dietary MSG. The thing is, your body wants glutamates. Every cell in your central nervous system desperately needs them, or else you die. On the other hand, putting too much of them in a synapse kills the whole nerve cell if you're not careful.

The solution is to not inject MSG directly into your spinal column, then you're fine.

>> No.13875210

good post

>> No.13875218

>waaaah waaaycism
MSG is not a race, retard.

>> No.13875235

>ignoring my post because he knows he's wrong
if only you'd stop being racist

>> No.13875258

It's not a race ,retard.

>> No.13875982

You guys convinced me, I want to try it.
Which kind/ brand should I pick?
There's like a dozen of them on Amazon with slightly different chemical names and I have no idea about any of this shit

>> No.13875987

it's all the same, basically
it's a seasoning, so sure there might be varying qualities, but ultimately it comes down to what is actually in it
As long as the ingredient list just says MSG, you're good

>> No.13876215

Remember when potato chips and browned toast was almost a death sentence?
Remember when more that two eggs a day would definitely kill you before you reach 50
Remember when coffee killed you

>> No.13876258

That shit gives me a head ache if I order food from a place that uses too much. Call me crazy, but it's true.

>> No.13876270

a pound is 1.14 Euros.

>> No.13876276

What kind of cup do I use to measure Euros?

>> No.13876278

Confirmation bias. You get head aches from doritos or cheetos or bottled ranch too? Pretty much anything processed and savory has a good chance of having MSG in it.

>> No.13876286
File: 30 KB, 522x434, 81gsHQDLp1L._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before buying in bulk, I'd make sure you like the stuff by just grabbing one of these the next time you're at the grocery store. It's literally just pure MSG.

>> No.13876300

No, I mean it's literally, certain restaurants (chinese), that serve specifically that sleazy Americanized shit with vegetables that look like they've been spray painted green and all of the dishes smell the same. Most places don't bother me, just the really cheap ones.

>> No.13876335
