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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13847543 No.13847543 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get all the hate. Yes it's unhealthy processed food, but so what? Are you health conscious when you decide to eat a cheeseburger? It melts good and has a great texture. Tastes nice too.

>> No.13847549

I'm gonna contribute nothing to this thread

>> No.13847551

Seems like weak bait, and the start of a shit thread.

>> No.13847553
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>> No.13847555

Is it even particularly unhealthy? It's just milk products and emulsifying salt.

>> No.13847572

There it is. The unnecessary spitefulness. What's so wrong about this processes milk product?

>> No.13847577 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13847585

much better than orange cheese imho myfamalam

>> No.13847597
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>> No.13847600

Meant for

>> No.13847604

imagine tossing hillary's salad

>> No.13847619

that sound heavenly

>> No.13847624

It's only good for breakfast sandwiches

>> No.13847630
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checked my homo friend

>> No.13847695

>unironically eats Kraft singles

What did she mean by this?

>> No.13847697
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>> No.13847701

It in fact does melt good with a great texture. Tastes abhorrent though.

>> No.13847714
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how does it taste anon
tell us

>> No.13847721

Slightly like vomit.

>> No.13847724

>knows the taste of vomit
you're gross anon

>> No.13847725

It tastes like my nonnas hamstring after she comes home from physical therapy.

>> No.13847827

>tastes nice too
No it doesn’t. It taste like trash. Get a slice of actual American cheese, and take a slice of your shitty sides and eat them side by side.

>> No.13847869

You've never thrown up? Ok then.

>> No.13847912

Only during sex.

>> No.13847923

you mean it tastes like that droplet of diarrhea running down your nonnas hamstring after she comes home from physical therapy.

>> No.13847945

It's not nonnas diarrhea very different taste. More like sweat plus medicine plus spermicide from her tiny hamstring while her diarrhea is more casu marzu plus eggplant.

>> No.13847951

So you've only ever thrown up in your uncle's van?

>> No.13847969
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>> No.13847975

Italians don't drive the vans anon.

>> No.13847978

Not in but outside, nobody in their right mind wants to throw up in an uncle's car.

>> No.13847984

Italians are overrun by negros and islamic savages so they don't count anymore.

>> No.13847996

>Implying Italians weren't negroes to begin with.
Hah. It's the negroes, and Islamic savages who are being overrun.

>> No.13848043

Harsh but true

>> No.13848055

I eat it to. I don't give a shit what anyone says. I use a better brand of turkey with it and lettuce so I figure it's healthy enough. Besides if any of us ate healthy we would have been outside instead of here before the quarantine because we wouldn't constantly feel like shit.

>> No.13848324

I think the problem is people are expecting deeper flavors associated with other cheeses. Yes it isn't aged for years in barrels in some cave under a French cottage but it's as gooey and tangy as the rest.

>> No.13848974
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>american cheese

>> No.13848989

Perfect cheese to be melted in a sandwich or burger, do not @ me.

>> No.13848994
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>mfw I make my own processed cheese slices

>> No.13850123
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Look at all these American simpletons who think there is anything of value on their pasteurized cheese product.
Imagine feeling attached to something so objectively bad, imagine letting this attachment cloud your judgment to the point you feel the need to defend it.

There is nothing good about American cheese. The color is a calculated shade brought by an immature expectation of what cheese should look like, and achieved trough artificial means. Its only reason to be is some food scientist thinking to himself "Well, this is what cheese looks like, right?"
The flavor is a mix of placebo and regret. While freshness or careful aging create the complex flavors of cheese, this American parody lacks such privileges, whatever aroma it may have is purely coincidental, whatever illusion of flavor it may posses is only due to the dopamine high Americans get when eating something fatty.
The texture is like softened wax, because that is what it most likely is. It covers your mouth in a plastic-like fatty layer that Americans love confusing for enjoyment.
And by far the most pathetic argument I see repeated over and over again, the fact it melts. The characteristic often posted as the sole redeeming quality is something shared by almost all substances in the world, that things soften when hot. Almost all cheeses melt, not that you would want to as different cheeses are meant to be eaten at different temperatures. But the ones that are often melted are superior, they impart great flavor, fat and texture, just look at mozzarella with its milky flavor and stringy texture even after melted. American cheese only serves as a brightly colored layer of fat, might as well top your burgers with some butter, you will get much better results that way.

American cheese is the margarine of cheese. A publicity stunt for a cost-cutting measure that Americans ate right up and now feel a worthless sense of nostalgia for.

>> No.13850157


Whether that's pasta or not, some sad person took the time to type it all out. Have sex, people. Then have some cheese of your choice.

>> No.13850161

Actually American cheese has very little fat. It’s the emulsified milk and whey proteins that provides it rich, fat like texture and mouthfeel. Whey and milk proteins are commonly used to provide a fatty or creamy mouthfeel without the fat.

t. foodscientist

>> No.13850228
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Stop eating shit and you will realize how easy it is to write

Imagine needing a degree just to make fake food

>> No.13850240

No, it's not particularly unhealthy unless you're some idiot afraid of the scary chemicals and preservatives.
The problem with it is that it's incredibly bland.

>> No.13850243
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>Are you health conscious

>> No.13850891

Everything Kraft makes is fucking garbage.

>> No.13850915

>t. salty singles poster

>> No.13850938

It's good for unhealthy burgers. technically lower in calories then regular cheese, but lacking in nutrition in comparison also.

>> No.13851026

If i order a cheeseburger i expect to actually get cheese with it

>> No.13851221

That is actual American cheese. It is the most distinctive cheese invented in America. There are other cheeses made in America, many of them perfectly fine, but this is the quintessentially American one.

>> No.13852131

Only people that don't fully understand food dismiss the merits of american cheese.