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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13840347 No.13840347 [Reply] [Original]

well, /ck/?

16 here

>> No.13840351 [DELETED] 


>> No.13840358

so is mom 'n em

>> No.13840365

22 here ya'll

>> No.13840372

True, but the high score implues that being the most southern means being black, in a way

>> No.13840395
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26. do people that arent black really not eat this stuff outside of the south?

>> No.13840405

also banana pudding should be on there just for good measure, that shit's tops

>> No.13840411

12, but I'm from Florida

>> No.13840416

13 - only 'cause some of this is slave food and not worth eating.

>> No.13840421

28 here Dixie pride.

>> No.13840443

16, and I'm not even American. I've had most of them growing up in interior BC, then later living around the Maritimes. Weird how country food can be the same in another country.

>> No.13840462


>> No.13840475
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25, SE TX
I've never even heard of some of that shit. What the fuck is a burgoo or hoppin john?

>> No.13840483

27. Most of them I ate in the midwest before moving to the south but I had a grandmother who grew up in the Ozarks and lived next door. She cooked most of them.

>> No.13840528

Eaten 24 but only about 10 of them were any good. But I gotta say those 10 things are fucking amazing. List is also missing a lot of shit. Hamhock and beans, etoufee, collard greens, shrimp and crab boil, white lightning...

>> No.13840543

what's wrong with tomato sandwich?

>> No.13840544

I’m not from that obese cesspit however.

>> No.13840545

>born in Newfoundland, Canada
>spend most of life in northern Alberta
>still get 26
squirrels are delicious tho

>> No.13840562
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>no black-eyed peas, no collard greens, no pulled pork BBQ, no spare ribs, no country ham, no buttermilk biscuits, no cayenne peppers
Get this NYC yankee shit the fuck out of here.

>> No.13840599

The south was settled by a lot of people who migrated south from Canada when the south was still a French territory. They were Arcadians and the term morphed into Cajuns. They brought a lot of the classic/rural French cooking techniques with them and that is now Cajun food. Add in some slaves from Africa and the Caribbean and you got the creole influence. Combine those influences with what was grown in the south and you have southern food. WA LA

>> No.13840619

>no fried okra
>no fried pickles
also I don't think deviled eggs are southern. they ought to be everywhere in the US. I just looked them up and they're made in several countries too

>> No.13840778

>fried squirrel
Literally subhuman.

>> No.13840813

Burgoo is roadkill, they eat it in KY

>> No.13840824

21 Jacksonville

>> No.13841069

hoppin john is rice and peas, the dried kind. cooked with bacon or country ham as well
I've heard squirrel tastes fine, assuming it lived in clean woods and not in an urban environment. Probably similar to rabbit or cuy

>> No.13841080
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30 and I've lived in Chicago my whole life.

>> No.13841084

Y'all mind tellin me how poke is a southern thing

>> No.13841085

Born & Breaded baby

>born and raised Seattle but dad and his family are from TX/AR
>raised with many cheap southern staples
>forces to hide it from haute cuisine friends

only one in the family that knows my grandma's secret recipe for chicken fried steak, though I often spice it up just a bit. I know she wouldn't mind

>> No.13841088


please do excuse my phoneposting errors; don't have a computer at the moment

>> No.13841095

21 and I'm from Hawaii... Do you guys really think that you can't get most of that stuff everywhere?

>> No.13841115
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>born & breaded tier
>am french

>> No.13841130

10, Central Indiana here. Makes sense.

>> No.13841135

so are all of the white people in the south, genetically at least

>> No.13841148


>> No.13841157

Nice try, but the "r" is not the same backwards, thus invalidating your shitty joke.

>> No.13841164


>I've lived in NY all my life

That doesn't seem right.

>> No.13841170

i live in commifornia and even i have had all of these and more. but i have family in the south so it checks out

>> No.13841283

26, South Texas

>> No.13841901


I'm a coastie tho

>> No.13841936
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i've only had cornbread lmao

>> No.13841947

I got a 7 because those dishes are really hard to come by in the canadian prairies and I only started cooking for myself like a year or two ago.

>> No.13841959


>> No.13841979
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28, North Carolina, represent

I desperately try not to have a southern accent though.

Where my spoon bread biggas at

>> No.13841988
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17, but I grew up in Chicago. Parents and grandparents also from Chicago area.

>> No.13841999

Stay mad, tranny.

>> No.13842030

poke salad is some borderline second-harvest tier famine shit, like acorn flower.
>you'll shit yourself to death if you eat this plant
>if you boil it in 11 changes of water, it'll fill your stomach
throw some hog fat or molassas in the mix bam you got substance and calories

>> No.13842057

He's probably thinking of poke, which is some weird hawaiian thing.

i've seen it called Poke Salad... and I've seen it called Polk Sallet.

When I was growing up, this old black lady that lived next door would cook us up some polk sallet for us kids if we gathered it up for her.

Boil it in like 11 changes of water and then fry it in butter with apple cider vinegar...

>> No.13842069

lol, do southerners really think deviled eggs are theirs? They are as midwestern as food gets

>> No.13842090

Literally only 1.

Any suggestions?

>> No.13842094

Variations of deviled egg date as far back as ancient rome, but go ahead and pretend it's yours.

>> No.13842096

17 here, east TN

>> No.13842246

16 but I'm born and raised Minnesotan

>> No.13842284

18 from Manhattan

>> No.13842294


>> No.13842306

If some of ya'll never been down south too much, I'm gonna tell you a little bit about this
so that you'll understand what I'm talkin' about.
Down there we have a plant that grows out in the woods and in the fields, looks somethin' like a turnip green.
And everybody calls it poke salad, polk sallet.
Used to know a girl lived down there and she'd go out in the evenings and pick her a mess of it, carry it home and cook it for supper.
'Cause thats about all they had to eat, but they did all right

>> No.13842311

Only cajuns

>> No.13842314

21 and i live in wisconsin you guys are plebs

>> No.13842357

>all this hostility over deviled eggs
imagine boiling an egg and thinking of ways it could taste better. imagine

>> No.13842382

I love deviled eggs

>> No.13842442

born and raised in Illinois, but a proud 12

I've had pigs feet before just not pickled, so does that make me 12.5?

>> No.13842453


Fuck everyone that isnt me

>> No.13842467

Scored 31 myself and I'm from Florida. I tried for years to hide it but after a while, fuck it. Love spoon bread!

>> No.13842471


>> No.13842472

Not certain, but somewhere in the 8-10 range. (I may have eaten some of them not knowing what they were called.)

>> No.13842474
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Cheers m8

>> No.13842505

Same. I live in louisiana

>> No.13842589

14, but I'm from Minnesota. I just traveled to Louisiana a lot for work.

>> No.13842718

16. born and breaded in northern california, never set foot in the south. we got african american restaurants though. moved here in the 40s to build ships for the war. and ive made some of these items as a home chef.

>> No.13842733

Whoa you're old

>> No.13842870

Tell cool stories about good ol' days, please!

>> No.13842904
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leftist derogatory term to mock traditional rural white men's culture

>> No.13842913

No. Hicks are pretty retarded. Great to have around for working hard, but don't count on them for any sort of groundbreaking idea

>> No.13842927

You trannies need to stop this shit and realize you're in the wrong place, /ck/ is pro-rural and pro-Trump.

>> No.13842948


you haven't browsed here for long have you

>> No.13842951

that explains all the fast food threads

>> No.13842955

I got 6 and I'm almost as far north as you can possibly go in the mainland US, who made this dumb list, how are deviled eggs a southerner food

>> No.13842957

Majority of /ck/ is female

>> No.13842971
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I thought THE VIRUS has squashed tourism? Hie thee hence, knave.

>> No.13842987

What are you even trying to say?

>> No.13842993

So? Most women voted for Trump.

>> No.13843002

17. Squirrel tastes pretty good.

>> No.13843006
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I literally just made cobbler and chicken and dumplings lol.

>> No.13843028

I'm from Mormonopolis

>> No.13843064

7-8 I don't know if eating fried alligator counts as gator tail. From New Hampshire.

>> No.13843093

Does gator actually taste good. People said shark tasted good but I had some and it just tasted like super metallic fish.

>> No.13843114
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>> No.13843130

I'm born and breaded, and I'm a Coastie. Flyovers BTFO yet again

>> No.13843162



>> No.13843257

15, 16 if you count the time i took a bite of cold frog leg at a chinese buffet and spit it out

>> No.13843536

When is the right time to harvest pokeweed? What do you eat off of the plant?
Pokeweed is native outside of the south.

>> No.13843550

I'm not Southern, but I've been to restaurants, and have family in the South.
The list is pretty much pretty tame, and available almost everywhere btw.
It doesn't even list fried okra.

>> No.13843549

tits or gtfo

>> No.13843557

Shark, and alligator tastes like what ever it's seasoned with. Stay away from alligator fat though.

>> No.13843578

19 here. These foods are how the Yankees keep the South from rising again.

>> No.13843590

3. Half of these don’t even sound real. I’m convinced that some of these were made up and thrown in just to fuck with people.

>> No.13844375

okie here, i haven't eaten any of this disgusting shit

>> No.13844436
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15 in Fl.

>> No.13844450

11, TX

>> No.13844489


>> No.13844495

11. Never even been to southern usa.
Rabbit stew and fried squirrel honestly? The southern part of a young country is gonna lay claim to the most basic prep of the most ubiquitous wild protein? Fuck off retard burgers

>> No.13844497

16 MN
Trucker tho

>> No.13844580

1, had chicken liver once. I'm lucky enough to be European, so I only eat actual, delicious food.

>> No.13844595
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I'm from the midwest and my family is from the northern east coast.

>> No.13844644

>Sho’nuff Southern
>Los Angeles
>Parents are from Long Island

>> No.13844692

31... Well shit...

>> No.13844700

It's a shit list, so of course it gets shit responses such as yours.

>> No.13844710

t. Canadian
it might be that I had many of these but as different names

>> No.13844749


>> No.13844769