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File: 6 KB, 159x318, 6F4A8AEA-E787-4A0F-8BB6-14B25289C181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13835965 No.13835965 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had a beer so bad you had to spit it out?

Pic related

>> No.13836023

Baltika 9

>> No.13836024

>had to spit it out
no because I'm not a fucking child

>> No.13836027

No because I'm an alcoholic

>> No.13836029

Natty ice

>> No.13836072
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>> No.13836090

any beer, alcohol is disgusting

>> No.13836111

Yes. Had ash and a cigarette butt in it.

>> No.13836162


>> No.13836208
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I bought a six pack of this garbage and it was full of sediment. my buddy who was over used to work at a brewery and said he had seen that before and it should not have been shipped out. I wrote them an email whining about the beer and they offered me a free coupon and I told them no fucking thanks

>> No.13836225

not really.
I've had some pretty sudsy expired beer that I've just tipped out instead of finishing, but never spat out.

>> No.13836236


I would suggest wine instead.

>> No.13836312

Come back when you're of age

>> No.13836316

I accidentally drank a beer that had cigarette butts in it but I didn't spit it out. I tasted it and thought "that's unfortunate" then went to the fridge to get a freshie.

>> No.13836335

Unironically Bud Light.

>> No.13836352

I was fucking this 11yo girl while watching Kim Possible years ago and I tried drinking a busch light while pumping away and that commercial came on that went "honey comb big yeah yeah yeah" and she sang with it and I laugh spitted all over.

>> No.13836360
File: 27 KB, 623x623, cold-hawaii-blaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cold Hawaii (blå) made by thisted bryghus
>New Nordic beer without hops. Cold Hawaii is a light aromatic under-fermented beer, brewed from organic malt from Gyrup in Thy, and extracted with birch, pine and spruce extracts.

Fresh beer with a nice slightly spicy taste of citrus and peppermint.

Cold Hawaii Blue was launched in collaboration with Friends of Cold Hawaii, thus supporting the surfing community in Thy.
>without hops

it tasted EXACTLY like that smell new shoes sometimes has, took one sip and poured it down the drain

>> No.13836371


>> No.13836441

Any peanut butter beer.

>> No.13836483
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took one sip and poured the rest down the drain.

>> No.13836505

i had the other one and it was pretty good

>> No.13836562

Can't remember spitting beer out, but had some awful beer in Hue. Was dirt cheap thoough.

As a Bong, have had plenty of off pints of Ale that I've had changed, but even then the flavour isn't spit it out bad.

>> No.13836575

Based. fuck IPA's and fuck whoever said the american pallete preders bitter coffee and bitter beer and bitter garbage

>> No.13836661

Not paying attention and a cigerate butt in there will make me puke it right out.

>> No.13836682

I suspect that I'd rather drink ciggerate butt beer than this overbearing hipster bullshit or stupid hipster crap.
Give me a bud and I'm fine.

>> No.13836686
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>> No.13836702

I like girl called Sandy.

>> No.13836735

Does this count as asian?

>> No.13836739

fool coon town

>> No.13836740

VR is pretty good, though, especially for New Belgian. Your bottle was probably skunked, or just 5 years old.

>> No.13836759
File: 20 KB, 335x517, Harpoon-Dunkin-Coffee-Porter-CED6-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, pic related. Harpoon makes good beers overall. This beer was an absolute crime. My wife bought a variety pack and it had 4 of these in it. We both took one sip and poured it down the drain. Dunkin coffee is absolute trash, and shouldnt even be consumed on its own. Let alone used as an ingredient in beer.

>> No.13836773

So drinking some hipster shit named harpoon makes you seem to be ahab and you'll get the white whale? What a load of shit.

>> No.13836779


>> No.13836781

Would have made more sense to team up with Starbucks for it in that case. Hawhaw.

I got a varietypack of very local brews from my brother as a birthday gift today. Haven't tried any of them yet, though.
I guess they don't have an English language website. Sorry. https://sundbryg.dk/vores-ol/

>> No.13836790

Charlie dont surf!

>> No.13836804

>thought of the same response as I saw this thread the catalog
>it's already here
I...I need a break. Too much memeing. I've become even more unoriginal.

>> No.13836806

>made more sense to team up with Starbucks
Why would they team up with a coffee company on the complete other side of the country?

>> No.13836815
File: 47 KB, 500x403, moby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a Moby Dick joke, man. Relax.
Also, I don't think SB is limited to one side of the country. Or planet.

>> No.13836826

>I don't think SB is limited to one side of the country
SB is just as much associated with Seattle as DD is associated with Boston.

>> No.13836846

Sediment happens. Your friend is dumb. It just means they didn't filter it out well enough or at all. It's harmless

>> No.13836851

Oops correction I have NEVER experienced sediment with a lager. I take back what I said

>> No.13836926

Of course not, we believe you. Really we do.

>> No.13836988

Only spat out beer once. The pub hadn't purged the pipes properly and the pint had a dose of sanitizing fluid in it.

>> No.13836994

Fucking female!
>he can't down a drink

>> No.13837014


>> No.13837027

lmao are you illiterate?

>> No.13837030
File: 37 KB, 400x600, serveimage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprecher Scotch Ale. What the fuck, I drink the worst swill and will grin and bear it, but this one made me throw up. Not like beer foam mixed in with nose drips throw up, but just disgusting "I'll try to chug the thing and be done with it," throw up. Disgusting shit, and from a company that makes some of the best beer I've ever tasted.

>> No.13837035

Is that Patrick Stewart?

>> No.13837038

Anything whiskey barrel aged. If I wanted whiskey I'd drink whiskey, and I almost never want to drink a beer bottle full of whiskey without getting drunk.

>> No.13837039

Should we notify the FBI?

>> No.13837044

It does say that right on the cover, what are you some kind of moron?

>> No.13837050

Yeah and alert the media.

>> No.13837055

I can't read English.

>> No.13837103

They are the most hit and miss brewery I've ever experienced. All their pop is great tho

>> No.13837107

Beer doesn't even taste like alcohol, are you alright m8?

>> No.13837109

you child

>> No.13837116

Fucking savage!

>> No.13837122

Yes, I think it was Founders who released a Blueberry drink of some kind. Shit was disgusting.

>> No.13837135

Lizard of Oz or whatever

>> No.13837138

To our tastes, dollars to donuts that they thought it was damn good, better than anything they'd ever had. Put yourself in their heads in that time and not in 2020 and then think of it.

>> No.13837149

Yeah, it was a TV miniseries and actually a pretty good, albeit low budget, adaption of the book.

Also what >>13837044 said.

>> No.13837160


>> No.13837174
File: 84 KB, 464x828, 309938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Is the worst beer I've ever had, I know it seems weird but maybe it could've been an expired beer or just a bad bottle, but jesus christ this was awful, I couldn't even finish the bottle, I gave the rest of my 6 pack to my alcoholic uncle.

>> No.13837191

I mean all alchohol tastes terrible so idk what you expected.

>> No.13837195
File: 90 KB, 490x490, 4C5D95F0-8ACF-40B7-9E52-1CB9140ED5DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually enjoy a nice pumpkin-spiced beer around Halloween, but this shit tasted like a rotten pumpkin pie and cost me $5 per bottle.

>> No.13837218

I wouldnt say Shock Top is the worst beer I had but yeah it sucks.

>> No.13837225

Its smells like graham cracker crust tho. One of the few beer thats smells better than the taste.

>> No.13837239

I'm not a fan of pumpkin beers in general, but that's one of the better ones.

>> No.13837309

Actually find this beer very refrshing. Needs a gentle shake to stir up the spices on the bottom.
t. Druncle

>> No.13837324

Just drink Hoegaarden instead.

>> No.13837349
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Some insight here. He didnt get that box, he probably got this one which is unfiltered. Has a bunch of shit floating in it. Got it by mistake once and boy i got through that six pack because im an adult who does not spit out nor waste in any way alcohol

>> No.13837578

Had this in a can, not great but not bad enough to spit out

>> No.13837637


>> No.13837652

I like Karbach Love Street but I had this one can that smelled like ass when you put it to your mouth and tasted like raw eggs. Puked that shit out and dumped the can. Probably bad, I got it at a concert and bought no more drinks from the venue after that.

>> No.13837660

I used to think the same thing, you just gotta let the Stockholm Syndrome set in

>> No.13837692
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>> No.13837699

Why are you buying it, it's not even close to Halloween? Are you some kind of moron?

>> No.13837743

I had some banana bread beer once and it was really bad.

>> No.13837764

Maybe the beer part ruined it, bakers put that in for children, they think they'll get drunk from "beer bread."

>> No.13837769

Bringing in the kids, brings in the parents who pay.

>> No.13837800

Yuengling, iron city, and old german. all are vile piss. old german is so bad i feel like everyone should have to try it once just for the experience

>> No.13837818

You're very negative with hate, so what do you like? Maybe we can be critical on your "perfection."

>> No.13837831

Shut up up faggots some bitch asked me to try it

Take your egos somewhere else incels.

>> No.13837936

Lol I had that on an American base I khazakstan after six months in Afghanistan

>> No.13837964

Bad opinion. Pumking is delicious

>> No.13837985

Bad opinion will get you right to room 101 in the temple of love.

>> No.13838203

Bet it tasted alright then

>> No.13838335
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Tasted like someone left a Budweiser in a smoker for 12 hours burning pine wood then capped it and chilled it down fucking awful and I like really smoky bourbon

>> No.13838342
File: 88 KB, 500x500, Samuel-Adams-Bonfire-Blonde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13838449

At least I went and got a pizza and some buds tonight, it's fair for a lonely Friday night and I noticed these stupid little distance tapes on the sidewalk, also in a store. This shit is becoming a joke especially with cuomo as governer of NY, one couldn't be more of a moron that that bitch.

>> No.13838453

I'm fucking glad that I'm not in nyc anymore.

>> No.13838458

I tired Corona for the second time ever this evening and it wasn't that bad.

>> No.13838461

Everyone step away this anon's got the virus!

>> No.13838473

It could be worse it could be that shit samuel adams, that overpriced swill that they hork in airports and mega charge for because of their stupid advertising. I wish they'd all die and go hell.

>> No.13838483

Comer here anon give us a kiss
Never tried that but I got this for cheap and I can't complain

>> No.13838502
File: 160 KB, 630x354, mongo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mongo likes kisses

>> No.13838504


>> No.13838506

>spitting out drinks like a toddler
The amount of manchild here is staggering.

>> No.13838511

Thanks mr professional alcky why not teach us more, how about your shakes and stammering?

>> No.13838516

Can you even sign your name anymore or are your hands too shaky to hold a pen let alone write something coherent?

>> No.13838521

I suspect that's a good thing that its staggering to one such as you.

>> No.13838537

Seething manchildren.

>> No.13838544

Thanks Ezmeralda, I'll put your opinion in an appropriate place.

>> No.13838546

Reddit cringe.

>> No.13838553

Don't remember the name. But it was some kind of kombucha ale. Was just awful. Don't know who thought of that but I'd never do that again.

>> No.13838555

I wouldn't know about reddit anything but I suspect that you know a lot about it, therefore you might want to get the fuck out.

>> No.13838561

You tried it because you saw it on some website? What are you a moron?

>> No.13838564

I guess you just naturally behave like reddit then.

>> No.13838565

I've had beer before, yes.

>> No.13838568

I don't know but apparently you do so isn't that your home?

>> No.13838571

>n-no you!
Kek brilliant.

>> No.13838574

No I tried it while at a brewery that has guest beers weekly. I ordered it from the menu behind the bar and later saw on the printed menu that it was a kombucha beer. I don't order beer online.

>> No.13838581

Well aren't you mr special, let's alert the media and roll out the red carpet.

>> No.13838585

I guess ordering beer online would be benieth your gloryness.

>> No.13838588

Why would you order beer online?

>> No.13838590

I don't know, ask mr special at >>13838574

>> No.13838592

He told me he doesn't do it

>> No.13838596

I don't order beer online

>> No.13838614

Just dildos and vibrators but you wont admit to beer. We know your sneaky ways!

>> No.13838633

I buy those in person.

>> No.13838873

After drinking a six pack of Dogfish Head’s Dragonfruit Yum Yums I threw up and developed arhythmic heart palpitations for a while. Scary.

>> No.13839554
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First beer i'd consider undrinkable.