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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13835343 No.13835343[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remember how simple it seemed in the beginning? You brought your morning cup of coffee into the bathroom to sip while on the loo. And why not? It saves time and stimulates your morning push. And if a cup of joe is OK, why not a bran muffin or chocolate biscotto too? Before you know it, you're eating bacon & eggs on the throne. And if it works for breakfast, why not lunch and supper too? The normies will never understand. "Why is there a TV tray in the bathroom, anon? Why is there a hotplate? Why is the bathroom sink full of dirty dishes?" But there is a elegant logic to our lifestyle, and after women have been fully supplanted by AI sexbots, toilet diners shall be vindicated.

>> No.13835384

How long does it take you to poop?
I always poop in under 2 minutes, and that includes wiping.

>> No.13835402

wiping alone takes me about 15 min

>> No.13835418

I had my asshole surgically removed
Conveniently this leaves me immune to the great TP shortage

>> No.13835460
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blessed thread

>> No.13835466

>cup of joe

>> No.13835483

Do Americans ever stop eating?

>> No.13835626

The post demonstrates a sad and desperate truth about the American degenerate, that the instance his gut is vacated he must proceed to fill it up again without a second's pause.

>> No.13835634
File: 8 KB, 350x230, US CDC 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Obese 'Mericans have zero self control.

>> No.13835640

why should we? you mad you cant afford food, hans?

>> No.13836418

Your dinner eating time will exceed the time needed to poop and it will just get kind of uncomfortable after a while and it's probably unsanitary too.
Have you ever sat on a toilet for long, whether cushioned or bare? Just think about it, sitting in a hard chair watching tv. Your back starts to ache. You see yourself in grade school again bound to a plastic chair for hours on end.
Go down this path and you'll be toilet-bound for life, I'm warning you.

>> No.13836472

Bro, pfft ha ha ha!! Imaging how vinegary your ass slop is right now!!! Vinegar and shit!! Lmoa!! Its so vinegary your dookie!!!

>> No.13836492

How do I keep my legs from going to sleep while shitting? A few times a week I stand up from the toilet and crash into the wall and can't stand back up because the circulation in my legs has been shut off

>> No.13836497

Poop molecules float through the air.

No thank you.

>> No.13836546

Everything is made of molecules, retard

>> No.13836556
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>electrons are made of molecules
Okay, champ.