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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13833024 No.13833024 [Reply] [Original]

as a future RD, decided to try the meme keto diet so I may understand why my clients may have a cult like fascination with it like vegans

any keto recipes you can vouch for /ck/

>> No.13833029

>future rd
>taking advice from /ck/
Sure thing, anon.

>> No.13833049

Keto has become popular through word of mouth despite media, academics, government, businesses, and vegans shilling against it because:

1. It burns more calories.
2. It reduces hunger.
3. It preserves muscle mass.

>> No.13833067

lol what advice? a recipe is advice

thanks i know buddy, just want to put myself in these peoples shoes, easier to manage them better

>> No.13833163

Only meme dieters actually use keto recipes. Just make regular food but don't have a lot of carbs and sugar. It's not that hard. Not everything has to be some carb copycat replacement recipe.

>> No.13833184

i agree sir but its about the experience, many clients actually will be meme dieting types

>> No.13833245
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Here's a no-bake cookie recipe I liked when I was doing keto.
8oz Natural Peanut Butter (just peanuts and salt)
2oz Butter
1/4tsp Salt
3tbsp Confectioners Erythritol (sweetener, Swerve is a popular brand)
2tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
2tsp Vanilla Extract
90g Unsweetened Shredded Coconut, Toasted
90g Pecans, Toasted and Chopped

Microwave the butters in a mixing bowl until melted, add everything but the coconut and pecans and whisk together until smooth and mix the remaining ingredients in. Portion out with a 1/2oz disher onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and refrigerate until firm. Each cookie will be about 88cal 8.3g fat 2.2g protein and 2.6g net carbs.

>> No.13833251

Why does it look like shit

>> No.13833263
File: 76 KB, 800x800, mama-lupe-tortilla_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help source keto versions of typically high-carb foods like bread and tortillas. Costco sells keto bread now and I can't speak for how it tastes but it looked good enough when I saw it earlier today. I used a lot of low carb tortillas when I did keto for wraps, tacos and pizzas. Mama Lupe was the tastiest brand I tried.

>> No.13833278
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That's just how no-bake cookies look. Called em diarrhea cookies when I was a kid. They're fucking delicious, though.

>> No.13833283

oh, that looks pretty good. do you prefer to mix the coconut in like that or do you need to to add some body/stability to the cookie? the white color is such a loss
thanks to you mate! the trial and error of having to go through shitty brands is exhausting

>> No.13833294

No but the copycats can help with cravings. I got a lot of mileage out of low-carb tortillas and biscuits made with carbquik.

>> No.13833310

You can mix anything you want into it really, coconut is just really tasty and it turns tan when you toast it. You can even just leave the mix-ins out and enjoy it as a quick fudge.

>> No.13833329

The main problem with keto is you need some competency at cooking to have any sort of variety in your diet, otherwise people go mad eating nothing but eggs, cheese and meat. I did very well with it for about 3 months before I started a new job and I just didn't have the time and energy to cook every day.

>> No.13833489

cool, ill try it out and see if i can leave out half to sprinkle on top or something

>> No.13833510 [DELETED] 

unstuffed cabbage
also if you spread out shredded cheese onto parchment paper and put it in the oven you can peel it off and use it as a wrap/taco shell

>> No.13833538
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One I currently like atm is pizza crust.
170 g mozzarella,
85g almond flour or crushed pork rinds or both
30 g cream cheese
1 egg

put shredded mozz in a bowl, add cream cheese and flour, microwave 1 min, stir, another 30 sec, stir again and let cool for 1-3 min. Add egg and mix till combined.

bake at 350 on parchment/wax paper checking every 5 mins till it just starts to caramelize on top.

Flip, add sauce and toppings and extra cheese, bake checking every 5-7 min until cheese begins to turn golden.

I love this pizza, I add tons of toppings, whatever leftover meat I have lying around and lots of cheese.
1 slice for me is usually around 250 cal and I usually don't eat more than 1 slice a day.

Stark contrast to me being able to easily eat an entire large restaurant pizza in one sitting.

pic related. Mouse not included

>> No.13835468

I started keto a couple days ago, what do you guys do for breakfast? Bulletproof coffee is kind of gross and I don't want to cook when I've just woken up.

>> No.13835479

Go ahead and prove your claims, fattie.

>> No.13835630

It's reworked Atkins, which is reworked Dukan. Long-term, it'll wreck your kidneys.

>> No.13835716

If your goal is to lose weight with keto, you should just skip breakfast. The benefit of keto is completely killing your food cravings, so you can eat much less without needing a will of steel and the discipline of a monk. If you can't handle that at the start, make a keto breakfast casserole (google it) once a week and eat a piece every morning.

>t. lost 30 pounds over 2.5 months on keto, still on it btw

>> No.13835792

Not on keto, but I usually have black coffee and an omelette for breakfast.

>> No.13835905

ive been doing 3 eggs and 2 hot dogs scrambled together

>> No.13836579

when I was doing keto I'd buy trays of chorizo/similar wrapped around cheese and just grab a couple on the way out the door, but that was as much time management issue as a food issue

>> No.13837131
File: 246 KB, 816x1620, keto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been at a healthy weight for many years. Keto makes it effortless to maintain a healthy weight without measuring anything.


>> No.13839044

i know this is retarded of me, but whenever i see people argue about keto, i just can't help but sympathize with the ketotards just because the people on the other side are such massive tools. just extremely dislikeable posters.

>> No.13839084

Protein bars. Just check the nutrition info and note the net carbs. Quest is has the best variety. Carb Killa has the most retarded packaging but they're pretty tasty. Costco has super-cheap ones that taste okay.

>> No.13839132

Bacon crumbles with anything. Also to be an RD an eating disorder is a prerequisite.

>> No.13839224

I like to make a beef vegetable soup. Red cabbage is a good substitute for noodles. I will also put hamburger with taco seasoning over sautéed cabbage.

I make a mushroom omlette every morning, sometimes with a leek. Just get used to cooking or do intermittent fasting and skip breakfast. If you really want to eat but not cook then keep some hard boiled eggs on hand.