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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13832482 No.13832482 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any “holy grail” cooking books you guys recommend? I’m interested in the theory of cooking and flavor itself more than actual recipes

>> No.13832505
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How to Cook Everything
On Food and Cooking
I'm Just Here for the Food
The Flavor Bible
Salt Fat Acid Heat

>> No.13832506


>> No.13832518

Modernist Cuisine is... decent. But expensive. And out of print.

Salt Fat Acid Heat is pretty good, too.

There's this one they did on SortedFOOD, where it's a reference manual, not a recipe book...

(I really like this one book from Vincent Price... it's recreations of recipes from his favorite restaraunts...)

>> No.13832557

Flavor can't be broken down in formulars or equations. Cooking is an art form. You can't rationalize art, can't you?

>> No.13832582

>retarded /ck/ instagram normalfags recommend edutainment books that dont actually teach cooking methods but are just glorified blogs

>> No.13832596
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>one book mentioned was turned into a netflix show so now on food and cooking is a blog

>> No.13832606

>books are 60 pages without the index
>half the book is just high resolution "inspiration" and food images
>quarter of the book is recipe backstory
>book actually contains 20 recipes
not a cookbook bud

>> No.13832620
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>socks in bed
>filthy sheets
>books on intelligence and reasoning

>> No.13832621

On Food and Cooking is 900 pages and doesn't have pictures. And no, it's not a cook book. OP didn't ask for cook books. Why are you even here? Do you even know where you are?

>> No.13832630

gaslighting doesnt work when the OP is right there on screen
he asked for holy grail cook books that explain the method behind cooking
salt fag autist reddit, the book both of you recommend, is an edutainment blog book that doesn't do any of that
same with flavor bible

>> No.13832633

You should probably re-read the OP, if you even know how to read.

>> No.13832634

Sapolsky is pretty far from pseudo intellectual

>> No.13832642

Fuck you don't even know how to turn on the stove do you? You just read recipes and think you know then go out to McDonald's.

>> No.13832672

Modernist Cuisine is rather verbose.

The reference book used by those british fags has no recipes, it's just a reference of different techniques.

And how dare you call anything with Vincent Price involved as an EDUTAINMENT BLOG!

>> No.13832754
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this one is kind of like an encyclopedia, it contains a bunch of everything

>> No.13832765

It's also the exact opposite of what OP asked for.

>> No.13832781
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Not sure why this hasn't been mentioned yet

>> No.13832832
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people often refer to it as the french cooking bible. what the fuck was the OP asking for? it has a ton of recipes and pictures here and there. the section on beef covers the different cuts. it teaches you how to prep vegetables, make candy, pastry, fucking ketchup recipes are in it. the revised edition has a lot more in it too. when cookbooks get too broad they tend to be worse. there is no "holy grail"

here you go, georgian feast. the "holy grail" of georgian cooking

>> No.13833142

in times of online recipe resources and youtube cooking, cook books have become completely obsolete.

>> No.13833165


>> No.13833172

On Food and Cooking is top tier. wtf are you even talking about

>> No.13833190

Not really. No amount of watching and regurgitating youtube recipes is going to substitute the kind of breasth of knowledge and awareness of what you’re doing that you get from reading a good treatise of cooking or cooking technique. Videos work for that visual element that books lack. But they should always be supplementary.

>> No.13833213

you can find one in any thrift shop guaranteed for like $5

>> No.13833412

the internet is such a hodgepodge it's not that great unless you know what you're looking for. I like the georgian feast because it describes what pairings people use when cooking entrees and sides and it describes customs at feasts and shit. it's a pretty neat cookbook. it's divided into sections with recipes that go well together.

>> No.13833423

Holy shit /ck/ is full of fucking pleb ass incel retards who don't even know anything about food or cooking. Read "La Technique" by Jacques Pepin.

>> No.13833691

not true at all

>> No.13834042

Get your head out of your ass and goggle a recipe

>> No.13834185
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>> No.13834239

Anthony Bourdains essays. Best way to get a feel for other cultures and cuisine and the business itself.

>> No.13834313

The essentials of Italian cooking is a good one

>> No.13834382
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Got mine signed