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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13830533 No.13830533 [Reply] [Original]

What are you eaten while being quarantined?

>> No.13830558

The same thing as always, but why are you quarantined?
Are you infected with the Kung-Flu?

>> No.13830562

Dino Tendies

>> No.13830565

No but my boss thinks so

>> No.13830578

I had to eat something out of the ordinary recently, but fortunately I've been too drunk to remember any deviations.
I think it was a Tony's Pizza, and uh chicken wellington?

>> No.13830579
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Made pizza the other day from scratch. Breddy good.

>> No.13830586

My internet provider asked me to ask you if you would consider resizing your pictures to ~500KB

>> No.13830589
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.... wut

>> No.13830590
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>implying I’m quarantined
I work stock at a grocery store m8, my ass is there until I get sick. At least I have first dibs on everything that comes in I guess.

>> No.13830631

>At least I have first dibs on everything that comes in I guess.
Is that really how it works? My local Kroger gets like 2 cases of Four Loko Grapes a week, and lately it's been more like 6 per week.
Are the employees fucking me out of my daily fix before I can even buy it?

>> No.13830678

you have to go back

>> No.13830687
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>3.68 mb jpg

>> No.13830693

That's how it's always been, there's just usually enough to go around.

>> No.13830697

Looks tasty anon

>> No.13830723

They even reallocated the space on the shelf to some nasty hard iced tea, and relocated my favorite beers to an area that could could only fit 11 at most.
Before this bullshit Kung Flu, they had room for nearly 30 of them.

>> No.13830756
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My recipeless Sauce aux oeufs attempt

>> No.13830774



>> No.13830776


It was alright. Should have left the dough cold fermenting for another day. 3 days wasn't enough.

>> No.13830985

Doubt it, everything is flying fast as fuck now so if you aren’t early you aren’t getting shit. A lot of products have also gotten limits as to how much can come in at a time, the store I work at got 3 entire pallets worth of paper products like toilet paper and towels two Mondays ago, now we get barely even one, and of course that shit sells out in seconds as soon as we open. It’s not like employees can just horde a mountain of shit in the backroom either, its pretty much all just a package of toilet paper if they need it.
In my state the liquor stores are all closed up by now, wouldn’t surprise me if the alcohol where you go is gone in minutes.

>> No.13831034
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I'm eating this three or four times per day, it's comfort food in these troubled times

>> No.13831038

This better a joke.

>> No.13831200

>5 eggs (need to restock)
>1 gallon milk
>20 pounds rice
>5 pounds flour (need to restock)
>6 pounds coffee
>4 pounds steelcut oats
>18 cans diced tomatoes
>2 fresh onions
>5 cloves garlic
>2 pounds red potatoes
>30 packs microwave popcorn
>5 pounds sugar
>3 apples
>3 heads romaine lettuce (about to go bad- mom offered to "split" pack and gave me basically the whole thing)
>2 pounds carrots
>half a cucumber
>5 radishes
>3 apples
>2 lemons
>8 packets of Tasty Bites Madras Lentils
>1/3 box of instant mashed potatoes (good for thickening soups and stews)
>8 pounds peanut butter
>loaf of oatnut bread (need to restock)
>10 pounds frozen pork ribs
>5 pound frozen pork shoulder
>single frozen chicken thigh
>2 pounds unidentified cut of beef
>2x5 pound packages frozen ground bison
>10 pounds frozen roast hatch chilies
>7 pounds frozen diced onion
>5 pounds frozen italian sausage
>1/2 pound fudge from favorite choclatier (she's not gonna be coming back, she's old as fuck and her business is going to go belly up even if she doesn't die)
>various spices
I'll probably head back out when the milk runs out.
Shit reminds me of getting supplies for Oregon Trail, I'd often fuck that up and kill my whole party.
>13 grandfather clocks

>> No.13831213

Not quarantined. About to try a mcfish at arby's. Wish me luck.

>> No.13831245
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What in the fuck?

>> No.13831256


>> No.13831419
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Shitty plating but waygu flat iron, bourbon mushroom pan sauce. Seared duck breast with blueberry compote. Sauteed green beans.

>> No.13832021

Why do this to yourself?

>> No.13832105

the meat looks very well cooked. props. but why mix two meats like that in one dish? who were you trying to impress?

>> No.13832106
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Peppers onions pepperoni and some fermented hot sauce. Done in the oven with stone + steel. Was pretty good.

>> No.13832669

bc no one was stockpiling the good stuff it was hella on sale and still way in date- so i gave myself a treat that's all

>> No.13832707

All sorts really, highlight was probably when the old man dropped round half a beef shin so had some really bloody good ragu from that, still got half of the leftovers in the freezer.

>> No.13832719

how could you do that to those poor egg noodles

>> No.13832762

I'm fasting until the end of the quarantine

>> No.13832809

>Dollar pepperoni
Shred the fuckers, you'll thank me later.

>> No.13832850

Based slacker anon helping with the economic collapse

>> No.13832890

This is the exact type of food I imagine an American to be slopping on right now during their media fed hysteria

>> No.13832924

Looks like the sliced cheese that's even cheaper than store brand. The shit that doesn't even melt.

>> No.13832937

I'm holding off on my cans and tins. Coffee and pasta for now.

>> No.13832940

That seems fair. Otherwise you wouldn't have a chance at all for it. Plus, you're getting coofed on for a measly $2 extra if you're lucky.

>> No.13832948

Lots of chicken. Lots of rice too, now that I think about it...hmm.

>> No.13833636

Some places don't do that. I worked at Wal-Mart and they forbid us to shop on the clock or put things aside for later. When I started at Whole Foods, did that all the fucking time....sampled anything I stocked too to figure out if I wanted it. I'm gonna miss working at a grocery store for that reason, actually. Nothing better than knowing what to buy because you get access to produce fresh off the truck

>> No.13833743

lets see
>butchered a chicken
>made chicken strips day 1 from the breast with a bag of chips and water
>day 2 i fried the rest of the chicken and split it with my dad. side of rice and gravy and greens
>day 3 scrambled eggs for breakfast and top ramen with an egg for dinner
>day 4 used the chicken bones and the carcass to make chicken soup (luckily i didn't butcher it very well) it had pickled carrots, jalapenos, celery, onions, pickled garlic, tomatoes, and potatoes.
>today made bread for the first time in my roaster oven. i don't own a real oven because of poverty but it was still pretty good. should have backed it for longer though

>> No.13833768

I’ve had nachos for the second time this week. Sunday (or maybe last Saturday?) was beef. Today did chicken. My husband made some bland roaster so we shredded it, mixed it with beans and cream cheese and spices, cooked with garlic, then sprinkled with shredded cheese on top. Added fresh avocado, tomato, cilantro, scallion, and red onion.


>> No.13833776

You counted the apples twice

>> No.13834096

This is how I make my nachos as well. I use pasta noodles because I am allergic to the corn tortilla chips, and I prefer ketchup over salsa because I cant handle the heat. I also use sliced american or cheddar cheese because I like the way it melts. Very yummy!

>> No.13834133

>make a big pot of black bean and bacon stew
>realize that i don't have any cheddar or sour cream to put on it
>stores closed at seven


>> No.13835172

Spaghetti Bolognese.
Spaghetti Aglio e Olio.
Penne with Italian Sausage and Spinach.
Been living like a fucking king on dimes, honestly.

>> No.13835174

Get a better internet provider.

>> No.13835176


>> No.13835211
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>It's another tendies and toast night

>> No.13835240

/ck/ in a nutshell

>> No.13835257

Eggs. All of them.

>> No.13835264

Got a shitload of rice, beans and chicken thighs.

>> No.13835435

Chicken nuggets
Seasoned ground beef
Chicken thighs
Frozen pizza
Eggs and bacon
Andouille sausage
Hot dogs
Canned chili
Lunch meat slices
Pepper jack cheese

>> No.13835580

guacamole all day long

>> No.13835847

fucking hell bro at least make a sauce with the pasta water, cheese and ketchup

>> No.13835978

Uh, anon, you cxan't make sauce out of water duh. I odn't know how they're made but it sauce is made from chef wixzards casting a spell.

>> No.13835986

Where did you buy those fucking tendies? If I'm seeing them right they're the ones Costco used to stock here, but they stopped about 5 years ago. I've been pining ever since.

>> No.13835988

Down to 2 apples because I fried one for topping oatmeal.

>> No.13836036

i mixed ground beef and salsa con queso together and ate that with cool ranch doritos.

no pics

>> No.13836039

day 4 now ugh

>> No.13836050

Around midnight i ate two cans of Spaghetti-o's with meatballs and i'm currently eating ten scrambled eggs with a fistful of shredded cheese mixed in. Next comes sleep.

>> No.13836055

That has nothing to do with the stockers then, you were probably the only person buying those drinks and the company made them stock less

>> No.13836059

Breakfast today was "huevos rancheros" which in my case was corn tortillas, avocado, black beans, eggs, hot sauce, and sour cream.

>> No.13836078

why do give a shit about your " boss?"
You make me want to puke. Buy him a pizza and tell him to shut up, if working for some little shit company that's the only way that it'll respect you, Otherwise get to a real company.

>> No.13836081

You and your internaet provider aer homosexuals and shuld get a room in some hourly hotel and buttfuck each other over your rates.

>> No.13836096

You people really come across as morons that deal with "company take outs" and minagrie. In every company that I've worked for, we do our job professionaly and get the fuck out. Nobody in their right mind wants to deal with "shared lunches."

>> No.13836147

>32 oz hot coffee for breakfast that lasts me most the day
>egg sandwich for lunch:
>fried egg
>salted butter
>two packets of taco bell diablo sauce
>slice of cheese
>smear of spicy refried beans
>whatever I can arse to make for supper

>> No.13836362

>chicken thights deboned and deskinned
>fry bones and skin until a golden fond forms then added water, bay leaf, cloves, parsely stalks
>simmer for 4 hours
>take out bones and scrape left over meat back into pot
>add onions, celery, swede, cabbage, thyme, 1 tbsp of tumeric, and chicken meat from step 1
>cook for 20-30 mins and add noodles
The best chicken noodle soup ive ever made. The broth had such a strong chicken flavour and full of chicken fat and theres enough left for 4 days

>> No.13836366


bitch i aint quarantined

>> No.13836373
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Pot roast

>> No.13836380
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>> No.13836382

Psyllium husks blended with pepper, salt, cayenne and a bit of butter. This quarantine is doing wonders for my wasteline.

>> No.13837365

Homemade burgers. Didn't grind the beef but otherwise scratch.
>warm fresh buns
>spice blend in meat
>mayo-based sauce
>pico de gaillo style blend of veggies instead of straight up tomatoes
Nothing fancy but fuck was it ever good. Bbq weather is finally here in Canada.

>> No.13837384

I'm not eating as much meat because it spoils quickly.
I eat a lot more plant-based foods now. Peanut butter is great for bulking during a quarantine!

>> No.13837400

psyllium husk always made me gassy as fuck
stomach gurgles all day

>> No.13839772

doesn't look too bad. but i would put some butter on the pasta and slice the cheese some more. then let it melt and put some ketchup on it afterwards.

>> No.13839784

Your education was a waste.

>> No.13840268
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