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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13829429 No.13829429 [Reply] [Original]

Today we're doing, uh, chili cheese, nachos.

>> No.13829735

the version of that video with sad music is hilarious

>> No.13829741

>guy teaches kids living in a dorm, away from home for the first time, how to make easy little meals for themselves out of a microwave in the dorm’s common room even though the dude is a professor of history or science or whatever, because cooking really isn’t that hard
>people shit themselves over this

>> No.13829746
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>All around me are familiar faces
>Worn out places, worn out faces
>Bright and early for their daily races
>Going nowhere, going nowhere
>Their tears are filling up their glasses
>No expression, no expression
>Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow
>No tomorrow, no tomorrow

>> No.13829750

My hot take is that the Tears for Fears version is better.

>> No.13829762

well first of all thats just completely wrong

and the actual backstory is just much worse

>> No.13830343

Remind me to watch this in a bit.

>> No.13830378

>So we'll just...get the...uh...rice...out of the...bag...
>...And we'll...fill the...bowl...with about two cups...of water...
>...And then...put it in the...microwave...set to...two...minutes...
>...And then...while...that's cooking...we'll just...

>> No.13830379

>endless talking
>watch for 3 minutes, he doesnt make one point or get any farther in what hes supposed to be talking about

do you actually watch shit like this?

who the fuck watches podcasts and shit like this

>> No.13830384

I was just about to post how one of my favorite YouTubers was the cameraman for the Weber Cooks videos. BaerTaffy is the best one out of those four and AlpacaPatrol is the best one of the NLSS. Honestly, NorthernLion seems to start a lot of arguments with some of his "co-hosts" and I think that's because his "co-hosts" are generally more entertaining/funny than he ever has been or will be.

>> No.13830385

Tons of people enjoy podcasts you social outcast.

>> No.13830390

hahah yeah im a social outcast because you replace human contact with fucking podcasts

true bing bing wahoo thinking right there, do you donate to your favorite video game streamers too so maybe they'll say your name?

who the fuck ever wants to just sit and listen to people endlessly talk without being able to make a point? stupid people, that's who. read a book

>> No.13830393

All podcasts are friend simulators. The longer the rambling about nothing, the better.

>> No.13830396
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One of the most treasured memories I have is accidentally pouring molten hot nachos into an occupied baby crib at my work.

>> No.13830401

Go on...

>> No.13830405


>> No.13830419

I do read. The reason I call you a social outcast is because of the fact you think no one can enjoy podcasts. I know several people in real life and on the internet who enjoy podcasts. One of my best friends likes Rooster Teeth's podcast. Another guy I know like tech podcasts. Just because you don't doesn't mean other people must dislike it as well. Really shows how close minded you are.

>> No.13830420
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Hell yea dude

>> No.13830443

>I'm not feeling too strong today, wildcats, so I'll be sitting down for this one
jesus that was a depressing episode

>> No.13830577

That's not a take, it's a fact.

>> No.13830837

Holy fuck you'd get torn apart in the /v/ threads about NL. Imagine having taste this shit. Only shows worth watching are pure saving progress crew (NL, josh, malf, no one else) or old pre-ghost NL, josh, nick streams. Le meme man rob, gay furry, and epid voice baer are all not it.

>> No.13830862
File: 47 KB, 609x920, hello wildcats1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fuck you'd get torn apart in the /v/ threads
Yes, nobody could hope to stand against the unmatched debating and roasting skills of /v/

>> No.13830880

he is/was a convicted sex offender, if that makes you feel better. his mugshot can be found online.

>> No.13830993

Just pour the cheese into the...thing.

>> No.13831130

>my friends all like the podcasts!

anon the guys doing the podcasts aren't your friends

>> No.13831139

He's a convicted sex offender who was on a video production class assignment group lmao.

>> No.13831602

The question is what he actually did and if he feels bad about it and has been doing what he can to repent.

>> No.13831749
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who would win

>> No.13831756

which one was that?

>> No.13831893

/v/ has shit tastes in general
Just because you have no irl friends doesn't mean others who post on here have no friends. Stop projecting your shit life onto me.

>> No.13832075

I find it funny the guy who says "true bing bing wahoo thinking" is the supposed person who has human contact. You have that internet dweller tone to your speech.

>> No.13832093

He's dead.

>> No.13832555

Just because he made a sad nacho video? That seems a little excessive.

>> No.13832612
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>> No.13832632

Fuck everything else, this anon has the floor.

>> No.13832656

Why do all the other videos except the nacho one have this weird unfitting song? Did they not like people putting sad music over the nacho video?

>> No.13832736

he had sex with a minor in 1987, and then raped someone in 2002

>> No.13832750

Okay I watched it and how the fuck is that "completely wrong"? Everything that poster said is exactly what they said in the video, it's just that the guy in the video also added that the guy is a real dick about it who thought he was God's gift to cooking. I think you just wanted to link that video.

>> No.13832760

Well, that is definitely bad.

>> No.13833266

Not true. No one has the records on what he did

>> No.13833318

Ha ha whoa!!! I bet this makes his dookie shit so vinegary!! His butt chunks are like vinegar and poop! Ha ha lmao!!!

>> No.13833330

why the hell would a convicted sex offender make me feel better you sick perverted asshole

>> No.13833342

he seems more like the type of guy to get raped by a child instead, like a big mean 10 year old bully kid would anally savage him in a broom closet

>> No.13833367

Awful post

>> No.13833437

The man who can use both arms

>> No.13833781

I don't get this.

>> No.13833790

>E-Celeb faggotry
Fucking kys, retards.

>> No.13833793



What a worthless group of fucking losers. Nothing they say is worth broadcasting.

The internet was a mistake.

>> No.13834093

Shut up spacer

>> No.13834791

Out the airlock

>> No.13834801

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.13835166

He wasn't a professor tho

>> No.13835170

NL used to be okay but that was couple years ago

>> No.13835178


>> No.13835179

NL was alright in the early days of like 2012-2013, before he got really popular. Hell, I watched a video from 2013 where he was doing an Isaac vid with Bisnap and NL was tolerable in it. Now his ego is so big that most of his shit is unwatchable.

>> No.13835185


>> No.13835198
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>> No.13835345
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NLSS is shit but I hope the baby turns out ok

>> No.13835446

Haven't watched the NLSS in months, what baby?

>> No.13835850

The baby Metroid that Samus saved.

>> No.13835933

Then what was said wasn't "completely wrong" but rather one minor thing was wrong. Fuck you and fuck your shitty video, faggot.

>> No.13836019

It's time to go back, loser. You're fucking pathetic.

>> No.13836034


>> No.13836057

he was right to criticize you. you faggot e-celeb worshipers need to hang

>> No.13836062

>he was
Who do you think you're fooling?

>> No.13836069

>cheese out of a jar
>chili out of a can

>> No.13836213

You have what is called in my language a backpfeifengesicht.

>> No.13836228

who the hell can't figure out how to microwave cheese sauce?

>> No.13836250

>He doesn't know how to check for IPs in a thread
Damn, you're both new AND retarded. Then again we all knew that.

>> No.13836265

Who do you think you're fooling?

>> No.13836307

No one listens

>> No.13836309

This is almost as good as kiddie porn.

>> No.13836390

>Everything that poster said is exactly what they said in the video
See above for your error

>> No.13836429

That was a good album.

>> No.13836526

I wonder in how many wars he was involved

>> No.13836656

You know what? Everyone on this site is pathetic, so that's not an insult. Go catch the Bus Light Cold and die.

>> No.13836680

I can't because the Government shut down all the buses because of the coroner virus.

>> No.13836982

can someone explain who this is

>> No.13836989

this what the fuck
asocial retard

>> No.13837023

First off, you're not supposed to "watch" podcasts. You listen to them while you're working out.

>> No.13837085

I like to listen to old O&A shows while hiking or shopping or whatever. Sometimes people stare because I burst out laughing in the store. The fools.

>> No.13837098 [DELETED] 

>Bus Light cold
LMAO at ur life, kid.

>> No.13837265

Some convicted pedo shlub who was in some shitty community college video production course and this was his assignment. He died some years back probably from a heart attack or some shit.

>> No.13837454

Do you have proof that he died, or is he like Elvis?

>> No.13837623

I wonder if he has any proof about pedo shit No xe doesn't!

>> No.13837707

You are screwed up in the head my dude.

>> No.13837731

then lurk moar

>> No.13837765

The only good h3h3

>> No.13837870

So neither? Cause the Steven died a few years ago.

>> No.13838183

>You know what? Everyone on this site is pathetic,
We sure are

>> No.13838217
File: 61 KB, 960x858, 1585198970356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 years ago I had crippling depression and wanted to learn cooking.

Fired up this video, was found half dead with a stomach full of antifreeze. Suicide watch for 5 months in a psychiatric hospital.

Excellent recipes.

>> No.13838550
File: 2.87 MB, 435x250, 1561450170220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13838995

He pissed in public and was spotted by a cop

>> No.13839002

Good on the cop for helping him with his weight training.

>> No.13839005

Watch this

>> No.13839010

so neither? come on there cant be a draw

>> No.13839069

Yeah, I dunno if this is true, but this is why whenever someone says "he's a sex offender" I just roll my eyes because unless you can tell me he raped or molested someone, that could really mean anything. That could mean he was just drunk and pissing in public. I also see people calling him a pedo in this thread just because he's a sex offender with zero proof, based solely on the fact he's allegedly a sex offender, and I guess they don't you can be a sex offender and molest adults.

>> No.13839071

He's teaching kids living in a dorm how to make easy food for the first time using just the one microwave they share with others. Of course he's going to use stuff out of a jar and a can, you idiot. Think before you post.

>> No.13839101

This. The gay piano version can burn in hell

>> No.13839169

Lots of ignorant people out there.

>> No.13839179

Except, if he knew what he was doing he would have used jarred chili and canned cheese. The poor misguided fool.

>> No.13839208

Huh? I haven't followed NL in like a year. If Kate is pregnant a baby would rip her 12yo boy body apart coming out.

>> No.13839255

wtf he sounds based

>> No.13840019

king of /c/?

>> No.13840046

I would rather eat Left's food. Far less chance of dying, and nachos and cheese are a simple meal but at least edible.

>> No.13840311

Yes, he is the king of Anime/Cute.

>> No.13840325

I don't know what's sadder, the fact that he made a video about this, or that I'm going to be like him when I'm his age.