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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13815212 No.13815212 [Reply] [Original]

Good heavens, you know it's serious when Ronald McDonald pulls down the shutters.

>> No.13815230

>free mcdonalds
holup how do I get that

>> No.13815234

A more interesting question is what happened to Waffle House? They've always stayed open at ground zero disasters. Are they still running, because they don't have drive thru.

>> No.13815243

Glad I ubereats breakfast from there this morning.

>> No.13815279 [DELETED] 

It's just a cold lmao

>> No.13815284

All those hamboigas...

>> No.13815289

I work across the street from one. It's been bustling with people. Waffle House don't give no fucks

>> No.13815301


Ray Krok is probably spinning in his grave at the thought that so many low skilled wagies are going without having their work exploited for poverty wages

>> No.13815303

Download their app

>> No.13815375

I guess the nothing burger meme as real

>> No.13816404

I think they said delivery where they have to shutter the physical restaurant

>> No.13816525

>It's been bustling with people.

>> No.13816808

>UK and Ireland

>> No.13816816

Some Americans would starve if they closed in the US

>> No.13816829

They already have stopped the stoner hours but I haven't had to shoot anyone over it.

>> No.13816835

mcchickens and McDoubles ads cheaper than groceries. stay mad.

>> No.13816836

Looks like nothingburger's back on the menu, boys.

>> No.13818062

damn we all ded

>> No.13818101

This is like, a crime against america, or something. Dont euros have bicycle-thrus?

>> No.13818115

Uhh, they're still gonna do delivery, right?

>> No.13818170
File: 72 KB, 226x263, 1350185470395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>population of 66 million
>6000 cases
>200 deaths
>mcdonalds shuts
What the actual fuck is the news doing to us anon

>> No.13818182

the shabbat goyim will do what we say without question or else....

>> No.13818203


At least in the UK there are other places to get traditional Scottish cuisine (obviously). Think about expats. In America, McDonald's is the only major Scottish restaurant chain, and there are only a few international grocery stores with the proper ingredients to cook a proper Edinburgh-style Egg McMuffin or Big Mac at home. What if they close McDonald's restaurants here too?

>> No.13818634

>there are other places to get traditional Scottish cuisine
Thank goodness UK garbage collection hasn't stopped yet.

>> No.13818649

Dumb and coward

>> No.13818678

Preventing a disaster. You shouldn't have to let things get out of control before you believe something is serious. You need to be smarter than that.

>> No.13818687

All dose people...

>> No.13818906

>traditional Scottish cuisine
Irn Bru and a bag of chips?

>> No.13818957


>> No.13819055

Local House is still open and not giving a single fuck. They'll stop cooking when the cops drag the cooks out by force and not until then.
Stop being intelligent you mongrel. It's a conspiracy obviously. Not waiting until it is too late is for morons.

>> No.13819399

Why don't they just keep their drive-though open?

Saw on social media that my local McDs had lines out the door and cars blocking traffic on the main road for the last hour because loads of people wanted one last McDonalds. Ridiculous.

>> No.13819605

even in the out of control places it isnt as out of control as the news wants you to believe.

>> No.13819611

Just about mcfucking had it.

>> No.13819627
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>> No.13819667

Ok, just leap into the stock market then. Them boys don't play pretend,.

>> No.13819692


All hail the Awful Waffle.

>> No.13819701


>> No.13820171

they can't burn the bodies fast enough in spain and italy, shut up

>> No.13820210

Because it only takes one sick employee to infect all the rest and all the food he prepares. Letting restaurants stay open for drive-thru/carry-out/delivery isn't actually safe, it's just a bone they're being thrown to prevent them from all going under.

>> No.13820290

It's not that serious, but taking it seriously is for the better