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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 444x286, banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13809357 No.13809357 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like cooking with bananas or are they an inferior fruit

>> No.13809369

bananas are good raw but I would not cook with them, except for maybe putting the rotten ones into a banana bread

>> No.13809370

>banana bread
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s based. Though I can think of a lot more to do with plantains.

>> No.13809376
File: 462 KB, 596x598, 1523985272762-Banana_Phone_Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they make good phones.

>> No.13809393

ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
banana phone

>> No.13809398


>> No.13809417

hahaha O&A

>> No.13809421

banana bread pudding is kino.

>> No.13809424

Charlie don't surf!

>> No.13809429

is dat some doonkey kang?

>> No.13809437

Banana bread is pretty awesome but I can only get it around the holiday season, like around Christmas.

>> No.13809448
File: 7 KB, 351x143, kong_peers_in_window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13809476

why? bananas are seasonal for you?

>> No.13809527

The best ones surely are. Apparently the best way to do it is to put them in brown paper bags for a couple days to let them ripen.

>> No.13809529

yep, just keep them in a dark place.

you can and should make banana bread with past-ripe bananas, btw. I'm not sure why you don't make banana bread unless you don't know this considering you said you can get them, just not the "best ones."

>> No.13809536

I wish that I had a proper oven, then maybe I could make banana bread. There's a restaurant near me that makes it so sometimes it's just best to get a loaf from there, I just have to order a day ahead of time.

>> No.13809543

I had not considered not having an oven.

>> No.13809548

It's kind of like that with pizza as well, I don't have some 500 degree oven to bake stuff in and my kitchen is kind of small so want flour and all flying all over the place.

>> No.13809550

so what the hell is in your kitchen

>> No.13809553

I used to have some one or two big ass ovens but I have a smaller kitchen now.

>> No.13809560

Heck it's just a simple kitchen, I improvise. It's not some huge thing that I used to have. You should have seen stuff that my family had three rooms for just a kitchen and was in some big magazine.

>> No.13809566

Architectural Digest
Most of you folk wouldn't believe me if I told you, and I'd dox myself.

>> No.13809568

you're fucked up, anon

>> No.13809570

Yeah, maybe.

>> No.13809576

Sometimes you just have to say "what the fuck?" and be done with it.

>> No.13809580

I've done that a few times in our limited encounters.

>> No.13809600

We have Duran Duran, Girls on Film.

>> No.13809607

The funniest thing is the various editions of The Bounty movies. I know of three but there might be a fourth, a silent one.

>> No.13809633

Its literally the most versatile fruit, retard.