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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 233 KB, 1500x738, ramen too hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13804125 No.13804125 [Reply] [Original]

>see this meme'd for years on /ck/
>finally try it
>too fucking hot

How the fuck do you eat this /ck/, I'm a white guy from SoCal so I know spicy food as most shit is straight from meixco and I can handle it easily. This, is just another level of hot? Suggestions for being able to down it? Heard milk works but that shit wrecks my innards worse than this

>> No.13804130

You just have to eat it really fast

>> No.13804134

Is just throw them away desu. I did the same thing as you and it was terrible. The broth has like no spices in it. It's just hot with no flavor.

>> No.13804145

I've found a spoonful of mayo cuts the heat perfectly.

>> No.13804152

>meme noodles
How many threads are you going to make about this?

>> No.13804161

They are pretty good though, I stocked up for the virus on these. I like spicy food but this is woo boy.

Never made a thread on this before because I thought it was a joke about spice.

>> No.13804180

>playing dumb
bitch move.

>> No.13804181

did the chicken holding the bomb not give enough warning that its fucking hot. go eat those semi sweet fried noodles instead. just as good

>> No.13804186

Underneath the spice it kinda just tastes like mi goreng BBQ chicken flavor but with chunkier noodles.

>> No.13804539

>That is spicy
Do whites really?

>> No.13804547

Left is great, pretty much perfect spice level. Is that hotter or is the red one?

>> No.13804553

Just cut it with a big dollop of peanut butter and a dash of coconut milk, if you have it. It's like chicken satay noodles.

>> No.13804640

Use less seasoning? Try half.

>> No.13805219

>The broth

>> No.13805220

Get the Cheese or Carbonara ones
But they still hurt your butt lots

>> No.13805327

The red one is hotter

>> No.13805332


>> No.13805341

lmao wimp

But if you want, do what >>13805220 says or the green one, which is the least spiciest of the bunch.

>> No.13805518

Just use half the sauce packet. Buy some cheap as shit regular ramen and save the other half of the packet for that one.

I pour the remainder of the packet into a little squeeze bottle and use it that way.

>> No.13805600

you're not meant to make it into a soup, it's more like chow mein

>> No.13805629
File: 218 KB, 1280x720, mgtow ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon has the answer.
My first bundle of these shits I had to use half the sauce packet like a little bitch.
I found that the other half of the packet made an awesome hot sauce for all kinds of other things.
I love the one that has curry in it and now I can eat them at full strength but still like to save some occasionally .
OP you will make and be a better man when this is over.

>> No.13805647
File: 221 KB, 1400x789, IMG_20200319_121816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother gave me these because he found them "too fishy"
What am I in for? I reckon I want to save them and have them as a proper dinner with some fresh fish or prawns or something rather than as a midnight snack like I mostly do with ramens.

>> No.13805652

>I'm white
>milk rekts me

Well that sucks for you. Most whites can drink milk straight from the udder.

>> No.13805654

How can I eat spicy food around people without boogers streaming down my face? I enjoy it though

>> No.13805659

I don't even eat or particularry like spicy food, but I could finish my bowl.
Sure my tongue felt like someone had poked it with red hot needles and I was sweating.
The taste behind all the heat wasn't too bad either.
Would I eat them ever again?
Fuck no, but I did since my brother gave me a pacage.

>> No.13805670

I mean I'm sweating and red by the end of the black package, but it's damn good. Adding other ingredients like onions and egg tones it down a bit.

The 2x is just a meme, you'd have to be ridiculously tolerant to consider that real food.

>> No.13805676

> I'm a white guy from SoCal so I know spicy food
opinion discarded

>> No.13805683

haven't had either of those, but the ones with dried shrimp (the one on the right possibly contains it) are prettttyyyyy fucking good

>> No.13805727
File: 16 KB, 394x394, 1378533088793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this true? Everytime I eat these damn noodles I tell myself to take it slow, don't scarf it down like a stray dog

then everytime I mix in the flavor packet and tuck in, it's gone in an instant and my entire face is on fire

>> No.13805737

Eating fast is for pussies and babies.
Don't eat it at all if it's so bad.
You need to savor it and embrace the suffering.

>> No.13805758

It's not a choice for me, man

It's like I look down and the bowl is just gone. I actually like the flavor, but part of my monkey brain wants the pain to go away and the fastest way is just putting that bitch down.

Have you guys tried the 2x spicy kind? I thought it was just too over the top. At a certain point, you just can't feel any more tingle

>> No.13805764

Try volcano, so fucking good but hot af

>> No.13805766
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most balanced pack of spice noodles t b q h

>> No.13805768


>> No.13805850

Funnily enough, the noodles in pic related is actually not too terribly spicy unlike that red packaged garbage.
It's a good amount of space, and you can actually taste it.

>> No.13805875

I honestly can't tell the difference between standard and 2x, it's my favorite brand of non-soup instant noodles though.

>> No.13806460


>> No.13806775

>The broth
You're doing it wrong.
There isn't any broth if you follow the instructions

>> No.13806943 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 480x360, 1575442690138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homohomo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo homo