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File: 412 KB, 600x600, Sandwich-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13802462 No.13802462 [Reply] [Original]

Why is vegan food so much better tasting than carnivore food? Meat doesn't taste good at all, you need to add herbs and spices to make it taste palatable, I'll take a mushroom sandwich over a turkey sandwich any day

>> No.13802510

i like vegan food, but have you ever tasted kobe beef anon?
That shit is a flavour bomb without any herbs or spices

>> No.13802518

>mushroom sandwich over a turkey sandwich
Thats fine for people who dont need protein.

>> No.13802549
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Turkey sandwitches are boring anyways.

I would take a thick sliced homemade home aged heritage ham on fresh homemade sourdough with mushroom and onion sauteed in plenty of grass fed pasture raised butter, then to the leftover butter you add a bit of flour, beer and maybe some honey to deglaze and thicken. Then add some of it as a sauce, save leftover for future sandwiches.

Heirloom tomato, maybe some thinly sliced fresh or fermented radish or homemade pickled pepper and cucumber for some crunch and spice, Not sure what kind of leafy green I would add, maybe some romaine?

Vegan food can be very delicious, but for me, it will never be able to hold a candle to the highest quality animal foods. Low quality, cheap, industrially processed animal foods tastes like absolute garbage. But the culinary experience of the exact opposite cannot be described in words. It's just art.

>> No.13802747
File: 80 KB, 270x392, w270-7e9d7e60d9(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone needs protein retard, and there are zero cases of protein deficiency outside of eating the disorders bulemia and anorexia. All plants have protein. Read a book.
Pic related, it's seitan.

>> No.13802755

Yeah I noticed that too, my family believed humans are carnivores and made cow tongue and cow tacos every day... but then I went vegan and I realized how good spices taste?

Also beyond beef tastes more like cow tongue than beef

>> No.13802812
File: 346 KB, 1024x724, Nigella vs Vegan You Decide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok let's compare vegans to carnivores....

>> No.13802830

op honestly thinks they're smart for pointing out a vegan mushroom toast sandwich from a high end cafe tastes better than a mcdouble

>> No.13802847

Is this literally a bot with a preset-phrase related to anti-veganism? I met at least four people on here who knew how to make bots write things for them. We know your secret and other people share them

>> No.13802872
File: 191 KB, 1008x756, 1584233030277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I'ma bot. Russian bot if you must know. I'm here to point out that nobody ever buys this vegan fake "meat." Even during a panic/pandemic when people are starving they leave this Satan food on the shelves.

Even you probably don't eat it you just promote it.

>> No.13802908

Why is carnivore food so much better tasting than vegan food? Tofu doesn't taste good at all, you need to add herbs and spices to make it taste palatable, I'll take a turkey sandwich over a mushroom sandwich any day

>> No.13803029
File: 162 KB, 801x305, satan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13803880

Not being protein deficient doesn't mean you're getting the optimal amount either. Most studies I looked at said vegans/vegetarians had less muscle mass than omnivores.

>> No.13803896

>doesn't understand how amino acids work

its almost as bad as those guys who put a scoop of glutamine in their water when they work out
literally does jack shit for you

>> No.13803909

you need all essential amino acids. There are very few to no complete plant proteins. You need to strategically eat specific complementary proteins in order to succesfully do a vegan diet.

>> No.13803954
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here we go again

>> No.13803956

Right now I'm living off soup kitchens that use out of date food donated by supermarkets, and since all the meat is taken right now they've switched to purely vegetarian. I still gladly eat it because it's the only meal I can get but it doesn't really satisfy me even when it tastes good.

>> No.13803961

I'm vegan and you're right. But Beyond meat is god-tier.

>> No.13803995
File: 290 KB, 816x612, herds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this is true for me. I mean I believe regenerative agriculture is the only way to heal the Earth, but it will require more people to take up farming to make it more available to more people. I don't even think its a bad thing for it to take more land (though I read somewhere this one guy was raising a million lbs of beef per acre).
Plus it's better for the environment than crop mono cultures.
And as far as resources go... I'm not quite sure what you mean? Based on my research it uses LESS resources, considering you don't till or use any chemical pesticides or fertilizers, and you only harvest whatever your animals don't eat. It would be a much more efficient way to feed animals than corn and soy fields.

You should do your part and become a farmer. Grow as much of your own food as possible. Stop sucking oligarch cock.

>> No.13804001
File: 171 KB, 300x225, Forest-pigs-foraging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry 1 million lbs of cow, so maybe 500,000 lbs of beef?

>> No.13804046

You know, I've never actually met a vegan person in real life. I have met a lot of vegetarians though.

Are vegans even real?

>> No.13804119
File: 206 KB, 1125x1808, 51075971_2042614402495240_6911471684939677696_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My older sister is a vegan. My friends half brother was vegan for about 5 years back before it was mainstream. A couple of my customers are vegan. All of them are not what I would describe as healthy. One of them is very beautiful but every time I see her she looks sicker and sicker. I actually had to fire her recently because she was sick on Tuesday and I just can't be putting my other customers at risk.

vegetarians can be healthy but my experiences have been mixed. A couple "vegetarians" I met were legitimately insane.

>> No.13804139

If vegan food is so great, why is it the only crap left on the shelves in supermarkets?

>> No.13804235

>Meat doesn't taste good at all, you need to add herbs and spices to make it taste palatable
Ah yes the famous plain mushroom sandwich, revered all around the world and in france as well.

>> No.13804240

There's no such thing as chronic lyme disease, it's a myth.

>> No.13804245

Because non-vegans usually only buy vegan ingredients spice up their meat/eggs/, like lettuce on beef burgers. they don't buy vegan alternatives.
I saw that the virus freak out made someone try the vanilla ripptein milk

>> No.13804252

Have you considered all the benefits that suicide might offer you?

>> No.13804426

> Meat doesn't taste good at all, you need to add herbs and spices to make it taste palatable

Raw ground beef is delicious all by itself. Meanwhile, here’s the list of seasonings required to make the sandwich in your picture:

1 tsp (3 g) cajun seasoning blend
½ tsp smoked paprika
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp granulated garlic
¼ tsp ground black pepper
2 tsp (10 ml) soy sauce (or use coconut aminos)
2 tsp (10 ml) vegan Worcestershire sauce

>> No.13804458

Better make sure it's animal-friendly paprika too, you don't want paprika from a farm where the farmers shoot rabbits to keep them from eating the pepper plants.

>> No.13804777

it's not like the protein is completely useless because it's low in lysine, it's just less efficient so you need to consume more to compensate

if you're trying to put on muscle i would probably recommend eating meat just because it's easier but for most people they're gonna get enough protein either way

>> No.13804827

>I'll take a mushroom sandwich over a turkey sandwich any day
I can agree with you on this, but only white people eat turkey, and only Americans like it. A steak sandwich or a pork belly sandwich is much better than a mushroom sandwich.

>> No.13804872

You do realize those mushrooms were likely sauteed in oil and spices right? Try cooking that without spice it's hella different. Also everyone has different taste perception.

>> No.13804920
File: 433 KB, 2048x1024, 1584231980078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory that nobody is buying that vegan crap ever, and the panic run on useful food like beef and chicken merely exposed that. Soros and Bill Gates are pumping these vegan companies and fake meat like the current Theranos.

>> No.13805434

To be fair, vegans only make up 1% of the population.
If you live in a smaller town or village, there's even a chance that there are no vegans at all.

>> No.13805458

in addition, processed veg food is more expensive than rice and beans, which last longer.

>> No.13805485

That stuff is just more expensive and usually lower in calories too so it's not great food for stocking up on

>> No.13805509

>Why is vegan food so much better tasting than carnivore food?
But it's not.