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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 1320x1980, How-To-Make-Fried-Eggs-Recipe-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13798460 No.13798460 [Reply] [Original]

I can't stand fried or scrambled eggs. The texture is just repulsive to me, I can cook them fine but for me, it's poached or hardboiled eggs.

>> No.13798504

Eggs taste bad.

>> No.13798512

In which was is a poached egg different from a fried egg? I've never had poached.

>> No.13798566

its like a really soft sunny side up
make an omelette you fag

>> No.13798569

get better eggs

>> No.13798576

Sweet things go well on pizza as long as there's a sour or salty topping to balance it. Pineapple's great with green olives and anchovies. Strawberry works well with rosemary and feta... and I made one last night with pickled banana, hot pepper, and leftover roast beef with horseradish.

>> No.13798585

Don't you just have to crack an egg into hot water to poach them? That sounds easier than frying them over-easy.

>> No.13798587

Omelettes make me want to puke, I’m a very textural eater. It’s like chewy

>> No.13798589

It takes some practice to get it right then cook times and done-ness of the egg varies between cooking vessels, water level, heats. Tons more variables than frying in butter on skillet

>> No.13798602

Shut up, retard.

>> No.13798607

>t. Egglet

>> No.13798608

You just stated facts. An opinion would be "fried and scrambled eggs are bad"
You're fucking stupid.
You liking something is a statement of fucking fact you stupid god damn retard.

>> No.13798610

very based

>> No.13798612

Reddit is down the hall and to the left you sperg

>> No.13798614

Hardboiled is also delicious.
Mine: cilantro is the devil's lettuce and should be exterminated.

>> No.13798616

Cilantro is very tasty but can get old the next second after tasting it and typically is dumped all over everything such as Mexican food

>> No.13798617

The best way to eat a fried egg is to eat all the whites by itself, then pick up the yolk carefully with your fork and pop the whole thing in your mouth. My mom used to yell at me for not dipping my toast into it and eating it by itself because "that's disgusting". Like fuck off bitch I just love the taste of yolks, the creamy orange yolk contrasted with the slightly-set bottom of the yolk is god tier

>> No.13798618

>My mom used to yell at me for not dipping my toast into it and eating it by itself because "that's disgusting".

>> No.13798621

based and yolkpilled
cringe and samfagpilled

>> No.13798626

How do you make them exactly? Because they both taste pretty bad to me when they start getting browned, egg white just doesn't smell or taste good when it gets browned and it gets a weird hard texture. But I like a fried egg if you do it over low heat so it doesn't get brown, and scrambled eggs if they don't get brown and are left a bit moist.

>> No.13798660

Quite heterosexual of you OP. Eggs are disturbingly similar to semen.

>> No.13798662

Yeah but then you need to fish them fucking wings of egg white that started to solidify the moment they hit the water. It is like trying to get 3 jelly fish out of a pot of boiling water.

>> No.13798682
File: 144 KB, 1450x966, dutch baby with lemon and sugar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, though burned egg IS considered bad form, the bad smell and other texture issues you are complaining about? These seem like the immature palate, not just opinion. Keep trying eggs in different ways, anon.

Maybe stop thinking about how they're cooked being wrong, and more just different ways to cook, or about food pairing to enjoy it. A over hard fried egg on top of buttered and crisp toasted artisan bread, soft funky cheese, roasted veggies. An over easy with softer yolk on top of corned beef hash, or alongside grits, ways you want that yolk to break and flavor other things with the runny texture on each bite, poached eggs on a english muffin, lemony eggy hollandaise sauce, lighted sauteed spinach, or crispy crab cake, on top of chilaquiles or huevos with ranchera roasted tomato salsa. Eggs that are runny work just about anywhere that mayo works, so some bitter green salad with your breakfast sandwich. Very eggy batters like crepes or oven cooked puffy omelets, fritattas, or my favorites, a german apple pancake or dutch baby! It's eggy good.

>> No.13798704

>the bad smell and other texture issues you are complaining about? These seem like the immature palate, not just opinion
A lot of people dislike the smell and texture of browned eggs though. For some reason egg protein just doesn't take browning well like meat does. It just gets a funky smell to me and the edges get hard and chewy. I like fried eggs cooked to different amounts of doneness for different things, but you can cook it to over hard without browning if you do it over low heat. But I even hate the smell of egg wash on baked goods and crepes aren't my favorite either, though more tolerable since they're thin and can be filled.

>> No.13798713

You just said the same things all over again. It doesn't make you less of a picky eater.
>hate the smell of egg wash on baked goods and crepes aren't my favorite either
See? It's a you issue.

>> No.13798930

i dont eat stuff from animals, i think it's gross. seems to upset a lot of people when i say ''no thanks'' to bacon.
baconlovers are the worst, they act like everyone is obsessed with that gross stuff and become really angry and pissed of when you don't eat it.

>> No.13798957

He has a point though, eggs produced by chickens that are active and eat insects taste much cleaner and less sulfuric and have a more palatable texture. Supermarket eggs with their bright yellow yolks are produced by chickens that are fed grains, as opposed to their natural diet of bugs, and are kept in shitty conditions from birth to death, are full of cortisol and it makes them taste like ass. When I finally tried eggs from my friends farm I was pretty blown away by the difference desu

>> No.13798996

>See? It's a you issue.
I guess. I don't really see it as a problem. It's just something I don't like. I don't tell anyone else to stop eating their browned eggs if they like it though.

>> No.13799501

>kept in shitty conditions

Why does CK only admit that animal products are bad in non-vegan threads? CK? CK? are you okay? All the 90 lines of text on why you're a victim of veganism and you finally admit it its bad in a unrelated thread?

>> No.13799594

Ranch dressing is gross. White chocolate is pretty gross, too, but it becomes edible when coupled with something else to balance the flavor.

>> No.13799672

There is nothing wrong with ranch. Numales try to push the “ranch is for children” meme yet every boomer you see in BWW has a ranch cup. It’s great for veggies too just don’t put 1tbsp per carrot

>> No.13799675

Stupid cunt

>> No.13799687

Because saying that factory farms are bad isn't the same as saying animal products are inherently bad you mongoloid. Plenty of people don't want to go vegan but still realize the issues with factory farming and want to eat lab-grown stuff instead since it won't involve poor treatment of animals. You're acting like a schizo.

>> No.13799729

>acting like a schizo
Are you the anti-vegan poster who claims plants make you skinny? You're projecting and claiming its someone else DOING IT WAHH NOT ME WAHH ITS THE EVIL VEGONS WAH WAHHH

>> No.13799737

How many B12 you got tranny