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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13797173 No.13797173 [Reply] [Original]

whoever posted this, you were a prophet, apparently.

anyway, recipes from food that keeps easily, then? I usually keep stocked up on rice, beans, canned and frozen veggies and buy meat in bulk to freeze so I don't have to shop often besides for fresh veggies.

One of my favorites is red beans and rice since it's cheap, tasty and it keeps well so I can take leftovers to work and such.

>> No.13797243

yall niggas overreactin

>> No.13797324
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>Yeltsin asked customers about what they were buying and how much it cost, later asking the store manager if one needed a special education to manage a store. In the Chronicle photos, you can see him marveling at the produce section, the fresh fish market, and the checkout counter. He looked especially excited about frozen pudding pops.

>"Even the Politburo doesn’t have this choice. Not even Mr. Gorbachev," he said.

>The fact that stores like these were on nearly every street corner in America amazed him. They even offered free cheese samples. According to Asin, Yeltsin didn’t leave empty-handed, as he was given a small bag of goodies to enjoy on his trip.

>About a year after the Russian leader left office, a Yeltsin biographer later wrote that on the plane ride to Yeltsin’s next destination, Miami, he was despondent. He couldn’t stop thinking about the plentiful food at the grocery store and what his countrymen had to subsist on in Russia.

>> No.13797331

They just shut siqn withdrawals across the entire USA. This is a bigger happening than WW2 at this point.

>> No.13797373

It's a happening because people are making it one. Just stop panicking and going out for a while. That's it.

>> No.13797390

>siqn withdrawals

>> No.13797433

Incredibly based post

>> No.13797687

the fucking pigs still shop every day, hoarding shit they happen upon as it's being stocked. they stink and they're ugly and they're wiping their noses and touching things they don't buy. i want to go around lobotomizing them with an ice pick

>> No.13797735

Any adittional feedback?

>> No.13797739

>bigger than WW2

>> No.13797777
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the normies bought all the onions because they read on facebook that it cures corona
really, I mean all the onions, the garlic too.
I can understand the rice, the pasta, the potatoes and even the flour hoarding (even though they don't know how to make bread, the yeast is all still in full stock)
but the onions of every variety that I can buy so cheaply for myself normally here are all gone, the town is completely devoid of onions

I never thought my tipping point would be onions guys but this is seriously eating away at me to know how many hundreds of pounds of onions are rotting away right this moment in some welfare preppers moldy living room

>> No.13797781

They last for months and are extremely versatile, naturally the demand for them would be greater than for any other vegetable.

>> No.13797784

are you saying onion or are you saying soy?

>> No.13797789

>not already having a stack of onions and garlic at home just as standard operation
Bro, do you even cook?

>> No.13797795

I've been saying this for about a decade

>> No.13797821

I go through a lot of onions and had just finished 2 bags of yellows, I'm now limited to what frozen onions I have to ration out between meals but the real issue is that if this keeps up we won't be able to get any onions for quite some time unless we join the crazed mobs before it's too late.

why the fuck would I want soy?

the normies are going to store them with the potatoes they also took and they're going to all rot within weeks

I'm actually feeling like I'm going to be forced to build a garden or hydro setup in my third floor apartment just so I can get some damned basics here

>> No.13797832

I assumed it was to pair with all the black beans they bought.
I was able to find seven pounds of meh-tier brown onions today though.

>> No.13797920
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>> No.13798151


>> No.13798191
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I ated too much basghetti and now my tum tum hurts

>> No.13798193


>> No.13798197
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I just made some depression era potato soup from scraps around my house.

7 big potatoes, chop them up and let them boil in enough water to cover them.
After they've started to soften chop up half an onion and three small carrots and add them into the water.
Add four cups of chicken stock to the water (I only had stock cubes and water but that works), then season with salt and pepper. Let it boil again until the potatoes are done and then set it to a simmer.
On another burner melt some butter and mix in enough flour until it forms a loose dough in the pan. Cook that dough on the pan until it smells nutty and buttery and put some milk on top of it, then whisk the dough knob and milk until the milk dissolves it. Pour that stuff into the soup pot and give it a good stir.
Taste for seasonings and add any herbs you like. I used some dried chives.
If you have an immersion blender you can blend it into a thick soup, or keep it chunky if you prefer.

There you go. Nice hearty soup for a week.

>> No.13798202

Also forgot to add, this soup freezes easily and can be kept in the freezer for 3 months.

>> No.13798260

Thays a great write up, you didn't have to do that. Most would post the photo and expect others to figure it out. But you have a special quality, you care about the way information is delivered. You understand people are craving information that will help empower them to live better lives. 4/5 stars

>> No.13798278

I went to the store today
ALL of the bread, eggs, milk, and meat is gone. (including poultry and fish)
You know what there's plenty of?





>> No.13798284

That's an ass backwards potage parmentier

>> No.13798285

how is that retarded? worst case scenario, people will need those canned foods to survive and they will be there. For the time being if people are still producing perishable goods then we should eat them, we might not have the option in the future

>> No.13798323


>> No.13798378

>we might not have the option in the future
We definitely will, dumb fucking retards like you are the problem. The only time supply is low enough for demand to be this high is during wars, and even then I doubt the US would be hurting for food. We sort of have a shit fucking ton of land, if you hadn’t noticed

>> No.13798388

It's not meant to be fancy, it's just quick and simple food.

>> No.13798390

This. There will be temporary shortages and you might not be able to get your favorite brands or the exact item you were looking for, but food will be on the fucking shelves. The supply chain isn't broken.

>> No.13798391

Almost all of Australia's fresh animal produce is sourced entirely within Australia

If shit hits the fan hard enough that you can no longer get fresh food, it's going to be hitting hard enough that you'll be REALLY upset that you bought a bunch of perishable fucking food

>> No.13798400

the problem that i predict in australia is that most of our transport is petrol based.

We export food, coal, and uranium, so we won't run out of food or electricity. But we import oil/oil products.

Most of our transport of goods is powered by diesel, which we import. If we run out of it distribution will be very difficult and while we may have plenty of food in the country shortages in populated areas may still occur.

>> No.13798409

you have to go back.

>> No.13798412

Shut the fuck up reddit.

>> No.13798417


NOT THE HECKIN YALLERINOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13798425

Reminds me what happened at my grocery store
>Water, canned goods, /deenz/ are plentiful
>look at candy, chips, perishables and they're all out
>look at the shitty Soybucks vending machines they have
>hear some bitch say "OUTTA MY WAY"
>then suddenly ses

>> No.13798434
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That's why you make cupboards filled with spices and herbs for the entire year so the moment a facebook craze over a spice/herb happens you don't have to fear stores becoming devoid of one also Anon >>13797789 is right on that

>> No.13798440

I had both before this nonsense started going on like I said

>> No.13798443

The people mocking people buying food annoys me more than the panic buying. Oh no, the horror, people have some food in their house! Governments are quarantining around the world, what's wrong with stocking up a few weeks of food and items for peace of mind?

So many people don't have more than a few days worth of food in their house, so of course they are going to buy more than usual. As for others saying supply chains are not broken. They are not broken NOW, but as some estimate up to 70% will get this flu, they can easily be broken later, especially in this just-in-time economy. Again, having some food stockpiled gives you peace of mind.

And it's not like the food will necessarily go to waste, pasta and canned food lasts for years.

>> No.13798461

I got my rice, I got my beans, I got rice and peas, filler chili, rice-flour pancakes with mushy pea stuffing, root vegetable and chana curry on rice. Mofaka, I got beans and I got rice.

Rice and peas for four with leftovers:
>Soak 1 cup of dry kidney beans overnight. If using canned, just drain and rinse... or don't.
>In deep skillet, saute pan, or wide pan, begin to caramelize 2 tbsp sugar in 2 tbsp oil over medium-high heat. Burn it, see what I care.
>Add one coarsley chopped onion, stir well, and cook until at least softened. Add 1-4 finely chopped scotch bonnets.
>Dump in 3 cups rice, and fry until fragrant. It's all fairly good for this, but arborio and basmati seem to work best.
>Add 2-5 cloves of garlic, minced, about 1" of shredded/julienned ginger, 1 tbsp allspice, 1 tsp thyme, 1 bay leaf, a pinch of cumin, maybe a dash of clove or cinnamon if you're feeling adventurous, and your beans. Stir frequently until fragrant.
>Switch over to crock pot at this point if you don't have time to check on this every 15 mins or so
>Add 1 can of coconut milk, 1 28oz can of diced tomatoes, 1 cup of water, and 1 bouillon cube (chicken, veg, beef, fish if you're feeling fishy). Reduce to simmer, and stir occasionally.
>Once reduced to a paste full of crunchy rice, add a cup of water. Stir, lid, and remove from heat (or turn to keep warm setting in crockpot).
>Check on it in 30 mins. If the rice has absorbed most of the liquid, taste check your seasoning - you may want some lime juice, soya sauce, worcestershire, salt and pepper in there. A chopped green onion/scallion or two couldn't hurt either. If the rice is still goopy, just let it sit longer. It'll soak everything up.

Now you won't die of starvation.

>> No.13798475

Emergency rations are one thing. Panicking, and buying 20 bags of pasta, 40 cans of premade sauce, and 8 loaves of bread that will go moldy before you toss it in the freezer is quite another. Even if the people here quadrupled their usual purchases on a single shopping trip in a single week, the shelves wouldn't be as permanently, tactically empty as they are. Who the hell hoards white bread?

>> No.13798477

This. A lot of the stuff people are hoarding makes no sense and I really doubt some of them even know to cook with the things they're buying.

>> No.13798482

I've been baking bread for people. There doesn't seem to be a problem keeping yeast and flour stocked... although if demand goes up, I'm going to need to order it in, and actually make this a job.

>> No.13798483

Flour's run out here but the yeast has looked untouched.

>> No.13798486

If it gets bad, beer supply places sell 1lb bags, up to 100lb containers of wheat, barley and rye. They might even mill it into flour for you.

>> No.13798488

I've wondered if the reason stores are sold out isn't as much people are hoarding but all the people that don't ever cook are now stocking up. That's a significant increase in customers.

>> No.13798494

I think it's a bit of both. People that don't cook are buying food, people are hoarding, people that normally eat out for lunch at their jobs are working at home, it all piles up.

>> No.13798496

It is part of it, and that rush should stop very soon. The hoarders and opportunists (re-sellers, especially the re-sellers) will keep creating shortages.

>> No.13798501

>first instinct in a crisis is to make profit off of it

>> No.13798523
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i didn't expect to see pseud posting here

>> No.13798546

I'm not. As a true prepper I was ready for this five years ago. I smile when I hear about what is happening at the supermarkets. This isn't even it. Things will revert in fewer than twelve months. But the real happening will come before 2030, and if you aren't ready after experiencing this taster you truly deserve extinction.

>> No.13798983

I just want this nightmare to end, bros.

>> No.13798999

> I usually keep stocked up on rice, beans, canned and frozen veggies
That's the shit you'll have trouble finding though, people aren't stocking up on perishables.

>> No.13799005

based Jamaican

>> No.13799031

It's close to a happening because liberals blowing it up caused lots of people to lose their jobs but it's still just bullshit from the left.

>> No.13799082

>7 big potatoes is scraps
God I miss potatoes

>> No.13800600

I'm so scared bros, I already bought more food than I can fit in my fridge but what if some incel comes and shoots me for it?

>> No.13800813

You can also use frozen mashed potatoes in a pinch, just reduce the boiling time on them.

>> No.13800815


>> No.13800827

>something bad will happen in 10 years.

oh no