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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13796812 No.13796812 [Reply] [Original]

do y'all keep a grease can? what do you do with it once it is full? need some ideas now that times are tough and I don't want to be wasteful.

>> No.13796816

a hardy swallow each morning and night makes a man strong

>> No.13796820

a can might be a bad idea
botulism and all that, maybe try tupperware or a jar?

>> No.13796836

Yes. I just wrap it up and toss it. Once it goes bad.

>> No.13796838

wtf is in there?

>> No.13796841


>> No.13796870

Good for starting fires, bbq, fireplace etc.

>> No.13796914

Only bacon grease can be saved, and reused.
The grease from any other meat will quickly spoil, and is completely worthless.

>> No.13796925

you can mix it with bird seed and feed it to birds
birds like fat

>> No.13797014

My dad does this, he microwaves ground beef in a colander in a plastic bowl and collects the fat in a can.

I don't eat his food anymore.

>> No.13797018

Jesus Christ, break it down with soap and pour it down the drain

>> No.13797143

Wrong tallow is good at room temperature for up to a year. But you do need to filter it and store in an airtight container so it doesn't oxidize or mold.

>> No.13797156

do amerifats really carry around a can of pure grease with them at all times throughout the day to sip from

>> No.13797167

how else can one get gains?

>> No.13797171

go back to /int/ retard

>> No.13797240

i keep a can of bacon/sausage grease by my stove
every morning i mix it in my coffee and skip breakfast entirely
in the winter i do this but also add about three seconds of bourbon

>> No.13797248

Feed if to birds or make johnnycakes

>> No.13797274

Yes. I also carry a couple spoons with me in case it solidifies and there aren't any nearby microwaves.

>> No.13797578

it's so they can lube themselves whenever they're too fat to squeeze through a door

>> No.13797686

The fuck is that?

>> No.13797690


>> No.13797691

my god i didnt know /ck/ was so funny without abusing each other all the time

>> No.13797711
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I pour all mine is this or milk bottle
then throw them out when its full

>> No.13797720
File: 111 KB, 460x1663, 4zWvOGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of butter, use lard in the grease can.

You can also make patte out of them

Try also fry roots and tubers with them.

If you make beans or rice, mix a bit into them, especially rice, the extra fat mixed is heavenly.

You can also make pastries with them.

Try make savory pancakes, such as batter with green onion, sea food, or other veggies. Pan fry with fat.

>> No.13797758

I use duck fat for frying potatoes and veggies, lard for baking, everything else either for deep frying or render it well and make soap.

>> No.13797889

finally a real man

>> No.13797934

i save bacon grease, but that's pretty much it

i use it instead of oil when i make stews and sometimes baking. using 2/3 butter and 1/3 bacon grease makes really good pie crust for savory pies.

>> No.13798015

If you put a wick in it, you can make a (smelly) candle

>> No.13798035

no it catches the grease which comes out

>> No.13798128

I just pour my grease in the toilet and flush it down. If I pour grease down the sink it clogs.

>> No.13798132

If you're feeling crafty, heat it up so you can filter the solids out and use it to make soap. It's a relatively simple process (though lye is pretty harsh, so some care is needed).

>> No.13798170

Good ideas. I save all the grease I can. Bacon obviously, sausage, roasted chicken, meatballs/meatloaf. I like spreading it on toasted bread better than butter.

>> No.13798172
File: 3.90 MB, 3769x4713, wallhaven-683930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three seconds of bourbon

>> No.13798185

dont do this it makes you the bird king

>> No.13798186

this nigga got a fatberg under his house holy shit

>> No.13798206
File: 347 KB, 1824x1368, DSCF8781S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a real grease can. You need to strain that shit.

>> No.13798211

I haven't had a single problem flushing grease down the toilet.

>> No.13798236

Throw it in an alley and do burnouts.

>> No.13798295
File: 307 KB, 1824x1368, DSCF8783S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See how nice and clear my grease is?

>> No.13798353
File: 1.92 MB, 3296x2472, 100_2888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're gross

>> No.13798407

Resize your fucking pictures, faggot ass tripfag.

>> No.13798414

what is it too big for your phone to handle without crashing queerbait

>> No.13798416

I can see how "nice" and moldy it is.

>> No.13798420

You can't see very well then. I recommend cleaning the semen out of your eyes.

>> No.13798681


>> No.13798685

Put it in a mason jar and cook with it.

>> No.13798686

>I don't like what's in the fridge
then why did you buy it and put it in your fridge

>> No.13798696

I cool it then throw it over my neighbor's privacy fence. His dog eats chunks of it lol. 99% sure that dog will have a massive heart attack one day

>> No.13798697

You're retarded, it's a problem on desktop because opening the photo causes it to expand far beyond the limits of the monitor.

>> No.13798702

I just wipe out or pour pan grease into the trash on top of some paper towels or newspaper. I use a lot of paper towels for things like this, but I also use a lot of washable towels for hands, and do a load of laundry for changing those out each week, so it balances out. Most of my oil waste is olive oil, and it's not reused.
So, I might add a brown paper grocery sack as the liner inside my plastic trash bag as well, to make sure it doesn't pool in the bottom. My trash is bi-weekly pickup but I take bags out to my can when full in the kitchen daily. I refrain from throwing out leftovers out of the fridge or spoiling produce until the night before actual pickup. If I deep fry? Which only once or twice a year, I'd use a jar or coffee can, and I don't reuse oil. Mostly I just shallow pan fry rarely, the random fried okra or fried green tomato mood, mostly.

My sibling has once weekly trash pickup (which is awful for the Florida heat), so their household uses the jar method, and actually freezes the jar, until it either fills up or it's the trash day. Leaving anything spoiling 6 days outside in a can is bad news, it's beyond the fly-maggot cycle, timewise, so lots of items are tucked into the freezer rather than going to the trash can right away. Multi-million dollar private walled community is cheapass only having once weekly pickups.

City does my trash, which is much more practical.

>> No.13798703

sounds like a you problem
on my desktop it sizes things properly to the max

>> No.13800098

bruh do you still have a 4:3 monitor

>> No.13800247


>> No.13800352

extremely based