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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13796282 No.13796282 [Reply] [Original]

Why are restaurants closing? Here on the news they said the local ice cream shop now requires you to call in and they will deliver your ice cream cone to you. It's so stupid I can't make this shit up. Like, it'll melt by the time it reaches you.

The Wuhan Plague is not going to kill 99.9% of people, let alone infect that many. Why are the governments telling us we can't even sit down and have a nice meal out anymore? I wanted enchiladas but I want it fresh on the plate, not in some shitty styrofoam container and cold by the time I get it home. They're just making people extra paranoid and irrational. Just being around people isn't a death sentence ffs.

>> No.13796289
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>> No.13796292

>Yes, i'll have the spaghetti and meatloaf

>> No.13796305
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No good reason, the government likes to project its bullshit from time to time.
I'll have some gabbagool before you close.

>> No.13796309

The more bullshit the government projects the safer the sheep people feel.

>> No.13796312

>Like, it'll melt by the time it reaches you
Put it in a bowl, put that in an ice box.
I've had ice cream delivered just fine before.

>> No.13796319

>put it in a bowl

The whole point is it's supposed to be an ice cream cone. I don't want it in a bowl.

>> No.13796323

Seems japanese, italian food in a small toilet bowl. Axis power stuff I guess.

>> No.13796325

They just can't get over losing ww ii.

>> No.13796330

>Waaah waaaah risk groups should risk spreading the infection further just so I can have ice cream

>> No.13796335
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It's still in the cone, you just flip it into a bowl to keep it in tact.
They do this shit at baskin robbins. Have you never seen this before?

>> No.13796342

3000 people died in italy in like the past 2 weeks you fucking mong

>> No.13796343

Because you're in close proximity to other people in restaurants. They don't want you within 6 feet of others to decrease the chance of you catching it and the reason they don't want you catching it is because hospitals aren't equipped to deal with thousands of people being sick all at once on top of the patients and emergencies they already have to deal with.

>> No.13796349

You're not going to completely wipe out the virus by having everyone stay inside. That's unrealistic and impossible

That looks so stupid. It's ruined.

Well I'm not in Italy so I have the right to eat enchiladas.

I don't know what restaurants you inhabit but I don't sit within 6 feet of people. We all have our own booths.

>> No.13796356

no. I suspect that eating stuff from a miniature toilet bowl will be left for you and the japanese.

>> No.13796359 [DELETED] 

The japs are savages and that's that.

>> No.13796364

cases of corona virus in costa rica and mexico. how do you know the spic making your enchiladas isn't infected fatso?

>> No.13796369

If he's infected he'll spread it via take-out or not, so just let people eat in is the point.

>> No.13796373

hey chico, hey pablo, i cleen
if i say it then true

>> No.13796395

But if you don't eat the enchilada you won't catch it and spread it further. It's all about preventing the infection. A lot of people don't wash their hands and touch their face all the time. It's about getting everyone to adapt to the most stupid people which, apparently, you are a part of. Congratulations.

>> No.13796406

>It's ruined
Why because it's no longer dripping down the sides and getting all over your hands?
Are you a fucking child?

>> No.13796412

Not all bowls are toilet bowls, anon.
Do you only eat off plates?
Plus that's clearly a glass or plastic bowl. Toilets are made out of ceramic.

>> No.13796417

0.0019% of the world population has it. It's not nearly as infectious as the news hypes it up to be. There is literally no reason to avoid going outside over this.

>> No.13796429

the point of these lock downs isn't to indefinitely prevent people from catching it. it's to SLOW DOWN the rate at which people catch it. when you have 20% of the population infected and requiring a respirator and only have 1 respirator for every 10,000 people (maybe 1 per 100,000 if you're in a shit hole county) then people will needlessly die. This is about managing the situation the best way we can, otherwise you wind up with a mountain of corpses like in italy. Fuck, 2500 dead in only a few weeks.

>> No.13796431


see >>13796417

>> No.13796433

right now it has a 5-10% mortality rate. that's worse than some forms of cancer. you want to risk getting cancer at a time where the supply of cancer drugs (i.e. respirator) is non-existant over a fucking enchilada?

>> No.13796439

Learn to cook it yourself. A few dirty dishes won’t kill you.

>> No.13796442

I don't have a good answer for you man. I don't go to restaurants unless it's a family thing. I don't have the money and I don't like being in crowded places. But I have been in restaurants that were very busy, where people are close enough together and with the wait staff (who also moves between tables and BOH). The virus is apparently very contagious and airborne and I've heard survives on surfaces for a prolonged time so I assuming all it takes is one or two careless people. Customers are big unknowns. You don't know their habits or their histories and for businesses that keep busy it's difficult to keep things sanitized and safe to the extent that they need to be with this bug. Keeping guests out of the dining room keeps the staff safer so that they can still work and provide you with ice cream. Also the hospital thing. Resources are limited and they can't handle everyone getting sick at once.

>> No.13796446


>2500 dead in only a few weeks.

also this is a disease that is easily transmittable and shown the ability to re-appear in patients who have recovered.

0.0019% of 250 million is still half a million people. i can assure you there are not half a million hospital beds and half a million respirators out there for you.

>> No.13796448

No one's actually seen any corpses, right? It's mostly just conflicting news articles with numbers that go up each time.

>> No.13796467
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yeah it's just a prank man, that's it

>> No.13796494

Most countries don't have enough hospital beds to contain a full on outbreak and I'd like to think it doesn't spread as fast as it could because sensible people avoid gathering together. You're entitled to your opinion but remember that a good third of the infected were symptomless for Influenza and we're looking at something similar. Just because you don't die from it doesn't mean you may not infect the people close to you.

>> No.13797010

>get take out
>eat it outside the entrance
what next

>> No.13797062

>if we pretend it doesn't exist it will go away
And you guys claim climate science is fake! You have as much credibility as an evangelical preacher.

>> No.13797070

>if we pretend it doesn't exist it will go away
This is literally what you do with colds and flus unless you catch them you fucking shut in.

>> No.13797076

Dat sexy meatball in OP's sketti....

>> No.13797089

Cope a lot harder than that.