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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13794690 No.13794690 [Reply] [Original]

>be grocery stocker
>this whole week the shelves are like this
>you would think that a major apocalypse were coming

>> No.13794693
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Cant eat pasta if there is none on the shelf.

>> No.13794694

It is dumbass go buy toilet paper.

>> No.13794696

>he doesn't eat pasta sauce out of the jar

>> No.13794697
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Cannot wipe your ass if there is no tissue on the shelf.

>> No.13794702

>everyone else in the world gets a free vacation from work
>tfw still have to work

>> No.13794703

i went from being an overnight stocker at a grocery store to back of house in a restaurant. all of my old coworkers are breaking their backs and getting obscene amounts of overtime, all my current ones are wondering if we'll even have a job next week lol.

>> No.13794705

ha, then you're not trying hard enough.

>> No.13794730



>> No.13794734

Definitely gonna be getting a copious amount of over time refilling these shelves. I'm already making $18.18 doing this.

>> No.13794757

How much room do people have in their fucking cabinets? When this ends, is anyone going to be visiting grocery stores for the next two months?

>> No.13794773

i turned down a management job at a kroger distribution center to more or less do the same thing for a contractor at yellowstone. that decision is not looking good from an economic standpoint as of the moment even though wyoming is about as corona proof as you can get. actually had to park it halfway across the country waiting to get the ok to still come

>> No.13794788

You probably won't have a job next week

>> No.13794800

>canned food and pasta gone
>fresh vegetables, meat and rice full
i guess im having stir fry?

>> No.13794817

Easy money as long as you have a good crew. Half my old crew was lazy old white guys that were milking that $1/hr differential, like so lazy they would refuse to restock some of our best selling products because they were too heavy lol.

meh, hindsight 20/20, I turned down an overnight management position that paid $5/hr more than what I'm making now with way better benefits, but the culture of that company was unbearable. way happier now even though it's less money.

wouldn't be surprised but seeing as how grocery stores are opening up positions left and right and that's 90% of my previous experience it's an easy fall-back, I just have more fun working back of house.

>> No.13794823

Most of the food is gonna get thrown out.

>> No.13794856

I hate wagies so much.

>my job is so hard you have to tip me
>I'm a national hero because I work at a grocery store during the flu
>I need hazard pay
>I need a living wage
>you need to bring your cart back inside yourself

>> No.13794860

Going to sound corny but being a part time stocker, I just mindlessly stock and not really feel any meaning to my job. This week has been awesome.

>> No.13794875

I went out and man I'm just disappointed in people
they aren't even buying the right stuff, all the eggs, potatoes and onions in town are fucking missing
and suddenly everyones decided to take an interest in baking but all the yeast is still on the shelves so good luck to them

lazy bones

>> No.13794903

how do you know they took those while they were working?

>> No.13794904

I just wanted to reply to you from a deleted thread. Not sure if Passata will work in vodka making but here's my foolproof recipe.

115L of water
30Kg Sugar
1326ml tomato paste (8.5cans)
5tsp Citric Acid
380g Yeast
1 tsp Epsom salt
2 campden tablets in water

SG 1.086 to .990 in 5 days

>> No.13794916

I work at a state owned liquor store and for some reason we're still open even after Pennsylvannia is shutting down tonight, which even that is a mistake given the size of crowds they'll get pre-St. Patrick's Day of boomers and retarded zoomers who'll stock up and finish the shelves off for good. The saddest part is that people on social media actually think that buying alcohol is an essential service and shouldn't be shut down. Who knew that so many Americans were this fucking addicted.
Also >>13794856 I would still work but employers havent given us any face, eye or hand protection aside from bottles of Purell which we're starting to run out of. If we're still open despite CDC recommendations to stay away from social gatherings greater then 10 and I get tested positive I am 100% going after the state for damages for not doing shit to mitigate risks.

>> No.13794928


N95 only protects from .3 micron particles, covid is .08 to .15 microns. Eye protection would probably be the most useful from coughers and spitters. Wear both for a sense of security if you can. Don't touch your face, ever.

>> No.13794931
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shut up you fucking larper

>> No.13794939

>I went out and man I'm just disappointed in people
>they aren't even buying the right stuff, all the eggs, potatoes and onions in town are fucking missing
St. Patrick's day
>and suddenly everyones decided to take an interest in baking but all the yeast is still on the shelves so good luck to them
St. Patrick's menus don't use yeast. Irish soda bread uses soda

Or maybe some ideas have been restocked, and other items are still not restocked.

> which even that is a mistake given the size of crowds
Certainly no reason why you can't put up a well worded sign to wait for 1 person to leave before entering our store, please stay 6ft away from other customers, etc.
they'll get pre-St. Patrick's Day of boomers and retarded zoomers who'll stock up and finish the shelves off for good
so what?
>The saddest part is that people on social media actually think that buying alcohol is an essential service and shouldn't be shut down.
Possibly for alkies, there is going to be some anxiety right now
> CDC recommendations to stay away from social gatherings greater then 10 and I get tested positive I am 100% going after the state for damages for not doing shit to mitigate risks
The recommendations is so that hospitals aren't going to get overrun at the exact same time. They are trying to not to get a spike in cases in the next 14 days before hospitals can be built, before ventilators on order aren't shipped yet, before more personnel isn't mobilized, etc. If you get into a ventilator in ~10 days....then you'd have a case about their not closing today. Are you unhealthy and not young? If not, I'd say you should probably be damn lucky you have a job at all in the coming weeks. It's going to get to _bad_ economically, and there will dozens wanting your job.

>> No.13794957

Don't spread this bullshit. 0.3 microns is the LEAST efficient filtration particle size of a respirator mask. That's why the rating is based on that particle size. Larger and smaller particles are filtered more efficiently. An N95 respirator definitely helps.

>> No.13794959

You can't wear those all the time so you're fucked either way as long as you're breathing.
Just accept that death is on the way.

>> No.13794979

The service industry is considered the servant caste by everyone not in it. Sadly we're stuck working and serving people still, just doing what our Jew masters tell us as they get into bunkers and hazmat suits.

>> No.13794980

Get to work, wagie.

>> No.13794997

I love waking up and knowing I'm not some minimum wage slave


>> No.13795012

>An N95 respirator definitely helps.
This is all assuming you are not intubating people and phlegm is flying around and squirting in your face and eyes. What makes the N95 respirator unique isn't micron size but the seal around your cheeks that is maintained because of the valve for air intake allowing the mask to remain flush with your skin in a fitted sense. And, even despite the good mask, there will be a shield placed over it all in that kind of intense contact with patients.

The mass public assertions that masks don't help/aren't effective so only wear them if you are the sick person? This is thinly veiled as medical fact that you are trying to logic upon, but it is instead simply part of the global good advice motivators to stop buying them all up and hoarding them or wearing them in public 24/7, so people caring for sick loved ones at home can't buy one, or medical personnel and responders run out. Its a real concern. Of course a clean mask while out of your house is better than no mask. And, anyway, it is a huge reminder not to touch your face. You can be sure no one is forgetting not to stick their fingers in their nose and mouth while wearing a mask over the nose.

>> No.13795019

Here's hoping you don't wake up tomorrow

>> No.13795061

Bros the grocery was packed with people but empty with food this morning at 7am. We fucked.

>> No.13795076

Guys, I went to the store and stocked up on Friday before people in my area went nuts with food but I feel like I should make a last-ditch run and get some more stuff now. Is this just panic? Should I give into it?
People at work were telling me the store had absolutely no milk, of all things, so I wonder if it's even worthwhile.

>> No.13795123
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> It's 2020 and we STILL don't have automated robots to stock shelves

>> No.13795291

Here’s a step by step breakdown
>be higher level NPC with outward awareness and perception of global phenomena/events
>read shitty media articles highlighting yellow journalism consistently for weeks, raising levels of anxiety and fear
>post stupid shit on twitter and Facebook
>other lower awareness NPCs potentially see this and begin to think about it as well, notice that the lower awareness limits them to the social media spectrum of the internet

>be highest level NPC or even IRL player
>have wide observations and a general grasp of the reality of the situation
>hand down photos to social media of past disasters and pretend it’s a modern disaster photo
>potentially spread panic by way of irony, satire, or direct panic-spreading for luls

>be literal retard NPC
>go into the store
>see higher level NPCs buying stuff to “prep”, potentially because they are panicked about pictures they’ve seen
>other mid level NPCs are mildly panicked because the higher level NPCs warned them on social media
>lowest level NPCs start to see the shelves clearing up, finish clearing the shelves to help out
>highest level NPCs and players already stocked up, obviously

It’s all about the NPCs level, it’s outward awareness, it’s general perception, it’s possible problem-solving abilities, and, generally, it’s IQ

>> No.13795298


>Doesn't realize the supply chain is still functional and more grocery store content is being produced.

>> No.13795306

Booze is damn essential. If people are going to be stuck at home for 2 weeks they might as well get hammered

>> No.13795311

tl;dr version, you’re a moron that bought into the meis hype and panic shopped. Hate to break it to you bud but “””player characters””” have already had ammo and food stores for years now. Buying an extra loaf of bread and canned beans ain’t gonna save ya.

>> No.13795313

Cut up old t shirts anon.

>> No.13795325



Jesus Christ, you stupid cunts deserve to have shit ass.

>> No.13795334
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I just pitched a second batch of 40 handles of vodka. so I have around 80 handles on hand. That'll last a couple months.

>> No.13795354
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I bought a bidet and my toilet is hooked up with all hard pipes I literally cant install it.

>> No.13795360

Literally just buy some flexible hose

>> No.13795363

Bro I just ate the last meat in my apt. I don't think it makes me an NPC that I have to go out today looking for more food. I'm getting hungry already.

>> No.13795381

I'd have to get teflon tape too. I'm not much of a plumber. Is the hardware store even open?

>> No.13795396

Only thing left is raos sauce cause it costs fucking $10 a jar

>> No.13795401

I spent a lot of money this morning on scraps. I got sushi and arbial? rice it was only thing left.

>> No.13795570
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>> No.13795575
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>> No.13795580
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>> No.13795612

people are preparing for disruptions in supply chains. would you want to risk getting product that may be contaminated by someone with the virus handling your food?

>> No.13795726

>all the spectrum brand oils still there
lmao. more 4 me.

>> No.13795766

Looked about the same when I went this morning.

>> No.13795768

at least you have the perk of being able to FIFO product easily.

and wipe those disgusting shelves down with a soapy rag for fuck's sake this is the perfect timing and they're begging for it.

>> No.13796177

Don't you have anything better to be doing?

>> No.13796180

what is restocking? what are you not getting in?

>> No.13796221

I literally said that players and highest level NPCs are already stocked up you fucking moron
You know how I can tell you’re an NPC? Because you don’t have basic reading comprehension, you fucking idiot. Sorry the situation is so complex it hurts your tiny brain to read through a simple breakdown. Retard.
That makes you extremely fucking retarded either way you dumb faggot, enjoy starving with the rest of the vacuous masses

>> No.13796379

i find it funny how random customers thank us for working with the whole virus thing going on
We aren't getting any more than usual shipments and hours are the same, just like every other day lol

>> No.13796450



>> No.13796477


They probably just leave it all in the hallway

>> No.13796782

Just buy one of those brushes. Good enough.

>> No.13796785

All you need is your hand and some water.

>> No.13796799

No pajeet we already have a viral pandemic we dont need a bacterial one too.

>> No.13796801

Just wash your hands after

>> No.13797087

you can get EVERYTHIGN online. It takes MINUTES to do and is EASY AS FUCKING SHIT. Go on YOUTUBE if you can;'t figure it out.

>> No.13797103

This just shows the massive stupidity of the General population. If this would be a real threat, everyone would already be dead- and china is just massively overhyping this shit to sell more masks

>> No.13797138

>All stocked up on dry and canned food
>Wanted to get ingredients to make stew because I am now working from home and wanted the house to smell good
>Nearly everything gone, only meat left was bottom round roast (fine but not my first choice but fine) veggies are fine
>look around the store
>All pasta, sauce, rice, beans and unflavored canned tuna gone
>All unsalted butter gone
>All milk gone
>Plenty of eggs? Don't know why
>All paper products, hand soap, cold medicine, trash bags, and dish soap gone
>Wonder what idiot bough 6 gallons of milk as I leave the store

>> No.13797139

I'll tell you what, my eyes were really opened by this
I'm using my trump bucks to buy a rifle as soon as I can. If something real were to happen I'm not going to be left with my pants down because idiots hoarded all the food

>> No.13797141
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>> No.13797147

>Have 24 rolls of TP in the closet
>Realize they are jumbo rolls which don't fit on my dispenser

Why does God make us suffer so?

>> No.13797151

I went shopping for my sick mother and Kroger was hit pretty fucking hard.
Still managed to get everything on her list, but I got the scraps. Tons of shit out of stock.
She likely has the corona btw, and her doctor won't recommend her for a test, even though she shows all the symptoms. She was really fucked up for like 5 days, then improved but she still has a persistent cough.

>> No.13797209

Capitalism anyone? Figures.

>> No.13798009

This, we need a wise, all knowing commissar to tell us which foods to eat. Hopefully they starve the straught white males like they did in Holodomor.

>> No.13798017

I find it funny lefties hate corporations but love the biggest, shittiest corporation of them all. The government.

>> No.13798021

>yfw being a stock boy has gone from a shit job to a great job in a weeks time
laughing my ass off at everyone else getting fired or shut down

>> No.13798032

>you can get EVERYTHIGN online
Imagine how many people coof on your shit during the entire shipment process kek

>> No.13798037

>no one touching Rao's, literally the only edible jarred pasta sauce
Fucking tastelets.

>> No.13798039

>2-3 times the price of other brands
Just make your own at that point.

>> No.13798053
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Found a big ass 24 pack of Charmin at Walmart tonight, there was only two of them and absolutely nothing else in the aisle. Felt like a piece of shit rolling around the store with it when I live alone. I don't like this failed communism vibe from the stores lately.

>> No.13798063

recently started working at a grocery store before all this because it paid more than lab tech jobs. people are fucking savages in grocery stores. they'll just pick things up off the pallet we're packing out onto the shelf. they'll just drop anything anywhere or put it in the absolute wrong place. i took out pancake mix and maple syrup from the meat chiller the other day. people do that shit all the time not even during a pandemic. people ask me questions when i'm clearly busy and half the time it turns out i'm already in the middle of helping another customer, so then i have to get sidetracked from my sidetrack.

also people get so upset if you don't have something in stock (less so now) and then will immediately ask me when it's going to be back in stock. bitch. i don't know. 99% of the staff on the floor does not know the answer to that question, one person a day does the ordering. if i knew when it was back in stock i would have followed "oh it looks like we're out of it in the back" with "...but it'll be in stock at this date!" and on that note, 99% of me checking in the back is for the customer rather than actual checking although sometimes i am unsure and actually check the back.

>> No.13798073

Welcome to the club. Everyone I know can stay at home and have a home office and I have to go to work like a dumbass. Also people doesn’t give a shit, so they are caughing all the fucking time and noone wears the protection. Only bright moment of the day is when I come back home, have a training and and cook dinner for my gf and myself.

>> No.13798079

why do socially maladjusted near-neets take jobs working with the public? just work in a warehouse or something, it usually pays better
>deal with hundreds/thousands of people a day
>a few of them will be dicks and/or morons
what a revelation

>> No.13798082

>need to grab some food for a 42 hour road trip
How fucked am I?

>> No.13798084

Depends what’s available. Can you cook?

>> No.13798087

I took the freight-pill
>"you don't even have to talk to anyone, just clock in, grab your papers and do your job until it's done and go home"
>never mentioned having to talk to your supervisor and coworkers every single day, or having to shake hands with CEO millionaire fuckwits who come down every other month to eat pizza and pretend it's business
>or the fact that you still have to fucking deal with customers as a dock worker when they show up in their little crossover piece of shit and expect you to hand load five thousand pounds worth of cement bags in it or something else equally stupid

>> No.13798138

My Safeway sells out of ground beef and chicken within a couple hours of putting it out. Customers start taking stuff off the rack as soon as it gets wheeled out. The people in my department have been working their butts off for the past 5 days and have been getting a bit stressed. The guy who has been working in meat departments for 20 some years said he's never seen anything like this.

>> No.13798147

at least where I am the following are starting to go:
>all cheap meats (beef mince, chicken)
>canned & frozen vegetables (corn, tomato, peas, pasta sauce)
>toilet paper and toilet paper substitutes
>non-skim long life milk

>> No.13798152

ive been travelling all across the country during this whole thing and i just hit the walmarts when they open at 6am now. zero issue in any of them other than tiptoeing around wagies restocking stuff

>> No.13798158

>at least you have the perk of being able to FIFO product easily.
Lol, that's what I've been saying. I'm not worried about rotation at all anymore, code dates are simple, lows and holes scans give us a true count of what we're out of. My cooler has never looked better. Working the trucks with 300+ scratches is simple. The only tough thing right now is telling customers no on shit and it probably sucks for the front end way more. Meanwhile customers are saying 'thank you for your service' like I was a vet. I've had only a few bad customer interactions and one of them was literally a covid at risk boomer so I just laughed at him. The fucker had ignored employees only signs and wandered into my cooler so fuck him.
T North Texas Kroger Dairy Fag

>> No.13798161

Wagies are always working.

>> No.13798187

I'm not panicking but I've never seen anything like this. I didn't grow up in hurricane alley so I've never seen a store get cleaned out before.

>> No.13798226

>Doesn't realize the stores' warehouses are out too

>> No.13798234

I'm running low on toilet paper, what are the chances I'll be able to buy it anytime soon?

>> No.13798245

Some stores have it but they ration to 2 packages per customer. Still, the stock sells out quickly.
Other stores have been unable to get it for several days

>> No.13798265

Haha suck it fag I'm the last guy and frequently overload improper vehicles with construction materials. Boo hoo just bring your little wagelift near and I'll hand bomb them myself because I've got better shit to do than wait for some fat cuck in a loading yard. Now pick my order.

>> No.13798275

Yeah, I wasn't expecting Walmart to have any, but they had two guys behind a caution tape barrier doling out a single package of 4 rolls of Angel Soft to each customer today when I went.

>> No.13798288

as opposed to the shipping process getting stuff to the grocery store?

>> No.13798290

This guy gets it

>> No.13798296

Pajeet pls

>> No.13798333

It's working fantastically. I'm in haulage and I've been on overtime for the last week. Warehouses and depots are still well stocked. You see, supermarkets don't like to store more than what's on sale on site as it's expensive. Instead they use warehouses and trucks as rolling inventory. Normally this works great, because people typically don't go out and buy out entire inventories worth in a few hours. But because people are stupid, they're wiping inventory out, and we typically only restock stores with fresh inventory everyday, then non-perishables less often.

There is no actual shortage, there's just a delay in getting product to point of sale, unlike in communist countries, like the one I grew up in, where there is a shortage and you won't get it for ages if you get it at all.

>> No.13798343

We do though they're called wagies

>> No.13798435


>> No.13798495

>Doesn't realize kids not in school and less restaurants open means more food will have to come from grocery.

>> No.13798580

>you would think that a major apocalypse were coming
>he doesn't know

>> No.13798593

I hope people take notice how quickly shit can hit the fan. Sadly they won't.

>> No.13798620
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I work IT (from home) for a major grocery chain.
This shit has been awesome for me, the stores are so fucked that they can't even call in issues so I spent about 90% of my day shit posting and playing games in stead of my regular 40% or so of doing that.
While I feel bad when I do hear the desperate tiredness of the people on the phone, frankly its been awsome for me.

>> No.13798632

No, they need to calm the fuck down.
People started buying guns and ammo the second walmart ran out of wet wipes, they already think shit has hit the fan and I for one am not about to die over toilet paper.

>> No.13798649

>No, they need to calm the fuck down.
>People started buying guns and ammo the second walmart ran out of wet wipes, they already think shit has hit the fan and I for one am not about to die over toilet paper.
When 50% of America temporarily loses their job in the next month? Yes, you might start finding that desperate people will start breaking and entering unoccupied homes, petty theft and shoplifting, and even bolder armed robberies.. you know, these types of crimes for money and basic needs. Keep in mind even liquor stores are closing for some people, so not just the usual desperate thieving drug users needing crack monies.

>> No.13798667

>all the cancer oil is gone

>> No.13798671

you'll be able to log more hours, and no one will bat an eye either.

>> No.13799029
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>> No.13799033
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>> No.13799038
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>> No.13799050

>that floor

>> No.13799052

>mom went on a grocery run for grandma the other day
>is a bit of a scatterbrain and wasn't watching her cart
>cart raiders took all of her top shit like eggs and beef
>she didn't notice until she got back home
She also had people try to steal her entire cart twice at costco.

>> No.13799053

Is that chicken? Everywhere is almost out of chicken.

>> No.13799056

>nobody's buying the goat milk
Oh shit, that stuff's delicious.
Sh-should I go to the store and hoard goat milk right now to make sure it doesn't get pilfered in the second round of hoarding?

>> No.13799058

it's going to be the worst if the government hands them money since we all have to pay for it but they get free money and a vacation while we have to work

>> No.13799060

I expect the donation boxes in most grocers to be filled to the brim once people realize they don't wanna eat stuff they usually don't eat. Either way food banks are gonna be PACKED and STACKED in a couple weeks

>> No.13799067

Hopefully its stuff people actually want and need

>> No.13799070

>t. James Monroe
What's it like having an 18th century mindset in the 21st century?

>> No.13799079

retarded cart narc tripfag fan
I hate that fucking channel
That guy is provoking people for no reason. If he slapped a bumper sticker on my car I'd knock him out

>> No.13799096

I'd expect them to stay open always. if the state is going to take away our ability to distribute liquor ourselves they should absolutely not be shutting down stores. ABC stores are unconstitutional

>> No.13799098

I've been wearing a moon suit to work
I've was getting the weirdest looks when i went to stock up. I live in the sticks and was buying a bunch of flour, nuts, peanut butter, potatoes, Mason jars, etc.
A lot of good, reliable staples are still being ignored, at least where I am.

>> No.13799103
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>> No.13799108

>t but they get free money and a vacation while we have to work

Everybody gets the free money whether they work or not moron. So those losers might run close to losing their car or home while you get a nice bonus.

American education. that's the disaster.

>> No.13799114
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Top shelf packaged lamb meat. Middle shelf store brand meatloaf. Packaged pork and whole turkeys.

>> No.13799120

The local businesses here have mostly gone back to normal considering stock. We haven’t completely closed, but I get 1 day off per week
>master hvac technician

>> No.13799123
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I hope dogs ain't concerned about eating no dry damn dog food anytime soon.

>> No.13799124
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Does /ck/ have a eCookBook source??

>> No.13799131


>> No.13799132
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This is a big store. And there are about 20 more of these same ones of equal or bigger magnitude. What was put on the shelf that night by stockers gets emptied out in that day/afternoon. We need to close down for a few days just to get everything fully stocked. In Las Vegas. Buy shhhh you didn't hear that from me.

>> No.13799153

>implying dogs are eating that

>> No.13799158

But lamb's delicious.
Take that ground lamb, some med spices, cucumber, olives, pita, maybe some feta.
Is there still feta?

>> No.13799170

they're going to put a $65k cutoff into the stimulus bill. quit thinking like a fucking poor person

>> No.13799234

It's not like that in Canda, well in my area desu all the shelves are full

>> No.13799256

>be grocer
>retire after coronavirus
we should be worried where we will get our groceries after this is over because these fuckers will be ready for retirement with all the stress and cash flow that came from this plague.

>> No.13799306
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>> No.13799700 [DELETED] 

>you would think that a major apocalypse were coming

How unaware are you? First the covid, and now the additional market collapse. Probably not the actual end of the world, but at least a big enough happening to change things forever.

>> No.13799704

>>13794690 (OP)
>you would think that a major apocalypse were coming

How unaware are you? First the covid, and now the additional market collapse. Probably not the actual end of the world, but at least a big enough happening to change things forever.
You should've thought to buy food beforehand if you haven't already, especially since you're in control of stocking the damn place and would've been the first to see this going down.

>> No.13799735

Call me coldhearted but is it really worth freezing the entire world because this will kill some people? Making people lose their jobs, closing down business, shutting down schools for months, this all seems excessive. I guess the possible death toll must be pretty bad to make it worth ruining the economy.

>> No.13799754

>I guess the possible death toll must be pretty bad to make it worth ruining the economy.
No shit, retard. Why don't you go look up what the Spanish Flu did.

>> No.13799757

Is there reason to believe this will be Spanish Flu level bad?

>> No.13799773

I think it's fine considering I'm not the one giving my kids hormone blockers.

>> No.13799778

I'm guessing you think it's dirty or something? It's polished and reflecting the light. That's just what the stone looks like. Try going outside some time.

>> No.13799816
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>tfw work for coca cola doing the same job as kroger stockers but get paid significantly more
>get to do all my shopping before the store even opens, haven't had to deal with lines once

>> No.13799897

Go when they open, they'll have restocked then

>> No.13799906

Yes it's worth closing things down, holy shit. Even younger people can get this virus, it's not only boomers. Plus boomers love restaurants and young people there are most likely to get it from boomers because boomers aren't as good at social distancing sometimes.

Sucks for the economy, yeah, but the economy would be even worse if everyone got the virus. Economy's been in a shit state for while now anyways, and you should've prepared for that too.

>> No.13799927

>30Kg Sugar

>> No.13799928

There's reason to believe it could be worse. It's insanely transmissible and 2% mortality rate is a conservative guess. That doesn't sound like a lot until you start talking about millions and millions of infections. If 100 million people got it, that's 2 million dead right there. And it could infect a lot more than that, and kill at a much higher rate than that.

>> No.13799978

And how much is that? I make $18.18 stocking groceries

>> No.13800003

All these dopes bought out bread flour and pinto beans. I live off of that stuff feast or famine. Bull fucking SHIT you know how to bake or make beans, Boomers. You're going to look at them in the pantry.

Meanwhile, I can't make my weekly loaves, as I actually DO know how to bake.

One trick is to find the 'Mexican' aisle if you can. For some reason, Goya brand canned beans and other products aren't sold out because Boomers don't go down there.

Lack of eggs also hurts me, I live off of bacon and eggs. And there again, so much bacon and sausage still available. Why don't Boomers buy those as staples? They last a long time (they are CURED), they freeze well, you can get cooking grease out of them.

>> No.13800022

but omg I'm going to be soooo bored when I'm stuck at home and I can totally bake cookies

>> No.13800024

Says the man with a 19th century mindset.

>> No.13800046

>Cant eat pasta if there is none on the shelf.
nigga, pasta is flour with an egg in it.
its so dumb
went shopping this morning, Kroger looked apocalyptic, zero dry pasta, yet there was still bags of semolina pasta flour, so I bought that and eggs, takes like 5 minutes to make pasta in my handcrank pasta machine, cooks instantly and is infinitely better.

>> No.13800051

Bought a dozen liter cartons of milk today and the bottled water section in the super market was totally cleared out by some fucking idiots. The area I live in has some of the best tap water in the world, better than many bottled waters.

>> No.13800063

grocery stocker here too

>normal trucks are 2000 pieces
>yesterdays truck was 6000

store manager came in and got mad that pallets were still on the floor while customers were shopping. wtf did you expect?

>> No.13800079

But with all the extra sales and the extra work I'm putting in, I'm sure I'll be compensated when this all blows over.

>> No.13800097

$20, where do you live making $18 stocking though? Unless you're an assistant manager or something that's a lot for the job. I'm in Ohio for reference

>> No.13800154

No mask is 100% effective. Any mask (even improvised) is better than nothing.


>> No.13800160

b-b-but what i-if t-they c-cut t-the w-w-water o-off?1!!1

>> No.13800215

>A lot of good, reliable staples are still being ignored, at least where I am.
I have a shitload of pearl barley. Tastier than pasta, same price per calorie, and just as easy to cook if you have an electric pressure cooker.

>> No.13800228
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want to buy lasagna all they have left if the shitty vegan version

>> No.13800229

just applied for a job at the local Trader Joes, wish me luck lads

>> No.13800590

Can't tell, Kroger or Washington state Fred Meyer?

>> No.13801059

well yeah, you don't have kids

>> No.13802086
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>be prepper
>buy 15 packs of salt 500g each
>it was like 8 months ago
>when dad visited me he saw my stash
>"why the fuck you need so much food and salt? are you retarted? "
>explain him what is preppin
>"oh ok, highly understandable son"
>fast forward today
>go shoppin
>no salt in fucking 50km radius
>every box of salt is fucking bought out
>me and my old man face
i thought stocking up salt was a meme and i fell for it, but it turns out it wasnt meme :^3

>> No.13802119
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>made fun of /pol/tards for freaking out about this
>1 month later
>food supply almost empty
>nothing available at the shops anymore
I'm so hungry. Why did I doubt /pol/?

>> No.13802128

This looks like my Kroger, but I know it's not.

>> No.13802143

I work retail and if anyone starts coughing in my house I'll get two weeks off paid.

I was as shocked as you are reading this.

>> No.13802145

I would be wary of produce unless you seriously disinfect it. People will pick up produce with their freshly coofed on hand.
Also I've been buying a lot of fairlife since expiration date is like June 1st and I can freeze it. Powdered milk is shit

>> No.13802161
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is liqour and vodka still available at your store ? if yes, get at least 3-6 bottles of alcohol. you can dissinfect yourself with just 40% vodka, i got like 3 bottles atm, plus whiskey / gin / run 2 bottles each. i also got pack of lighters and 3 lighter fluid petrol, so i got plenty of "fuel" that i can use in my cooker

>> No.13802162

There will be no shortages, you said. Supply chains are unaffected, you said. People who stockpile food are retarded, you said.


And this is only going to get worse as drivers come down with this flu.

>> No.13802165

>tfw work in retail part-time and just did the odd bit of shopping after work, bought a few toilet rolls when I saw them casually doing my business whilst they were there before the big panic, and then grabbed some milk and paracetamol today through the self-service walking past all the shoppers queued up to the end of the store.
People are so dumb. I did my shop yesterday at 3pm. The shelves were "bare", i heard everyone moaning, but I still managed to get a trolley worth of food to top up the freezer. People are waaay too picky.
If anyone should worry it should be me because I'm a live-in carer for family too. But I've been living frugally anyway so to me this is all business as usual.
It just sucks I can't take my bro out to have fun at the moment. He's driving me mad because he doesn't understand everything's closed and he has to stay at home.
I've kind of accepted I'm probably going to get ill soon. Its why I'm so calm. I'm just having a nice quiet comfy liedown in my room before I have to go back to the chaos in a couple days, permitted nobody gets a cough or fever in my family by then.
Otherwise I get a 14 day holiday at home. Which suits me fine being introverted.

>> No.13802177

that won't fill my aching stomach. it's too late now. i was always so careful.

>> No.13802187

Funny, I did the same. Bought 5 kgs of flour and a shitload of eggs. Homemade taghliatelles ftw

>> No.13802196

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.13802208
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>all this panic over a pathetic meme virus

>> No.13802271

Salt was untouched when I went to the store. Sugar has also been largely untouched. I haven't seen a single bag of rice in a couple weeks, but those big boxes of Uncle Ben's are always there.

>> No.13802279
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>go to supermarket at 10pm
>over-worked staff are rapidly trying to stock shelves
>people are grabbing stuff as soon as it hits the shelves
>people are grabbing stuff out of the boxes before they've even been shelved
>get some soap just by pure luck, the whole supply is gone within a minute
>come back the next day at 2pm
>it's even worse
I don't even want to hoard, just getting normal groceries is a problem because of this artificial scarcity.

There's no shortage of supply, they just can't move enough trucks and have enough staff stock shelves fast enough.

>> No.13802305
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>there's no shortage of supply
true, but economic jews are also inflating this problem, by delaying the supply which makes people really think there is no more food in stock

>> No.13802358

>work grocery
>corperate sent out their statement that they're not doing any compensation and you only get paid if you can work from home if you're quarantined or infected
>which basically covers absolutely fucking no one in the stores, or the warehouses, basically only covers corporate

At least I'm night shift and work alone in my department so my chances of infection are slim to nil.

>> No.13802360

>still get to go in and make money
>new policy is to stay the fuck away from eachother
>work night shift so don't see anyone anyway
Nothing has changed for me except grocery stores don't have TP. Not sure if I'm lucky or not.

>> No.13802373

Should have gotten one of those shower hoses instead

>> No.13802376

Lol that temporarily unavailable sticker

>> No.13802377

It's not a jewish trick, suppliers are just fucking woefully slow to meet any sort of unexpected demand, even if supply isn't actually affected in any way. Like the logistics of keeping thousands of stores that are suddenly fucking desperate to get quintuple the amount of bottled water, bread and toilet paper is fucking absurds. And the longer shelves go empty the more customers think there's an actual shortage and that just makes demand worse while people are still barely catching up.

My store's only finally started to catch up with the toilet paper and bottled water demands judging by the one or two pallets I see left in the aisle still full (of like 16) but our bread aisles are still picked clean daily.

>> No.13802390

Only 3% of Americans make the federal minimum wage. So you and most everyone else gets to wake up with this feeling.

>> No.13802415

Eventually the demand for this stuff with plummet and then the stoes will have mountains of this all piled up.
They'll have to send it all back to the warehouse.

>> No.13802418

>Everyone's spooked and buys everything off the shelves
>this must be some jewish trick
Failing to ramp up production 1000% instantly and teleport it into stores isn't some jewish trick.

>> No.13802423

Hell if stores were stocked it'd be more evidence of a jewish trick as they knew about the virus and resulting panic beforehand.

>> No.13802441
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>> No.13802457

Im making my own soap just in case

>> No.13802473
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Don't do it.

>> No.13802474

Reporting in from North Italy. All grocery stores are now filled with everything, including produce. After the immediate panic buying, it all returned to normal. Farmers are still farming, truckers are still driving, trains are still moving agro product.

Coronavirus will kill many but the food scarcity is a nothing burger

>> No.13802507

Glad to hear. Western society has nothing to fear when it comes to food production. People don't realise that these companies have vats and vats of material in storage before the food is even made. At least a years worth in many cases.
Their contingency planning puts entire governments to shame. They plan far ahead and have loads of stock in storage ready to ship, and they've already sold a lot of stock onto retailers for their own warehouses in wholesale (Costco stores are but a babies compared to some wholesale intermediaries) , but only make what's needed to cut down on wastage.
The trouble at the moment is getting the stuff out of the warehouses to the stores. Thats a problem for logistic planning. They haven't got enough drivers and they can't magically get more overnight.
If people stopped buying stuff for a week I guarantee most stores would be back to at least 70% capacity by then if not more.

>> No.13802537

Spanish flu was way more deadly for young people

>> No.13802671

Just rest them on top of your toilet like a normal person.

>> No.13802691

>fresh vegetables, meat and rice full
Not at my store. They have been completely out of chicken, beef, pork, just every type of meat, the shelves are empty. The veggies were the last to go but now they are empty too.

>> No.13802708


>> No.13802712

>put up a well worded sign to wait for 1 person to leave before entering our store
Not that anon but I worked at a liquor store and first off, people don't read signs. Second, the ones who do read them don't give a fuck and will come in anyway.

>> No.13802731


imagine being a slave to the fourth reich

>> No.13802734

lmao good luck. People are buying up all the guns too. If you can find a rifle you won't be able to find ammo for it. That or you will be paying $1 a round for basic bitch 5.56.

>> No.13802735

>be a good consoomer, do not be self sufficient

>> No.13802738

Commie shelves look like that on a normal day.

>> No.13802749

All this media outrage and panic proved is that snow niggers are literal NPCs.

>> No.13802768

>CEO millionaire fuckwits who come down every other month to eat pizza and pretend it's business
Ours installed a helipad just so he had someplace to park his helicopter. The only times I have seen him are when he stops by to take it out for a spin, usually with some boomer chicks in skanky dresses. He's probably getting head in that helicopter.

>> No.13802803


>> No.13802848

>and 2% mortality rate is a conservative guess.

The big problem with this disease is that it is clogging up healthcare infrastructure well above surge capacity. When you look at the case fatalisty by age stratified data the real risk is (same as season flu) to the elderly. Seemingly this virus does not cause much death in youngsters and those without co-morbidities where if you subtract the elderly and co-morbid populations then the fatality rate nose-dives. Even then, it does cause a significant number of people to need hospitalised care - again emphasis that is stressing the healthcare system. A lot of people are going to die directly from this disease, a lot of people are going to die indirectly by not getting the care for whatever other condition they have. As for whether it will be another 'Spanish flu' - No. The problem with the Spanish influenza was that it in contrast to seasonal flu would affect the younger working adult population - in fact the elderly tended to exhibit protective antibodies and immunity! The Spanish flu would have been way worse for the economy as is now then what is actually going on currently.

>> No.13802853


Then you've got worse things going on. People would not be shutting themselves in - there would be social collapse.

>> No.13802859

>People who stockpile food are retarded, you said.

Yeah - because those idiots who have stockpiled both at the onset and now are the ones causing all these food shortages in the first place. Fucking selfish retards.

>> No.13802905

Today at the grocery store I saw someone with a legit full face mask and oxygen tank. It is truly the end of days.

>> No.13802913

So you don't wash your ass when showering?

>> No.13802917

As opposed to illegitimate?

>> No.13802928


>> No.13802941

This is a figure of speech, which here means that the full face mask and oxygen tank were legitimately present - it wasn't, say, a surgical mask and this poster is exaggerating, and is a legitimate properly made mask and tank rather than being some kind of home-made filtration concoction made of a bucket and scarf or something. Hope this helps, I know when you're autistic it can be hard to understand speech or writing that is not strictly literal.

>> No.13802951

Imagine literally being a grammar nazi in 2020.

>> No.13802953

the authenticity of his statment is legit you fucking autistic cunt.

are you american? only americans are this fucking autistic

>> No.13803010

I work IT as well, I can work from home without problems, but issues spiked thanks to everyone needing vpn access to work from home. It's finally slowing down though

>> No.13803128

It's killing so few people because we're taking steps to control it. It would kill a lot more if nobody gave a fuck.

>> No.13803131

>pictures of empty shelves
Good thing I live in a completely irrelevant country so we have only few hundred cases of corona. Only thing I couldn't get today was dry pasta. I have pasta machine so that isn't a problem. There was even toilet paper.

>> No.13803137

I got everything I needed today
But the people in the store said “that’s because we just restocked. 20 min from now it would have all been gone•”

>> No.13803141

He's counting his time and a half pay, he doesn't normally make that, he mentioned it earlier in the thread.

>> No.13803148



>> No.13803183

>you stockpiled first you asshole
>you should have not done that and let me stockpile in stead of you!

>> No.13803277

That's retarded. You are retarded. Now is the time to pump out as much shit out as you can supply. People will buy.

>> No.13803293

Is this paranoid shoppers, or just lazy shelf stockers?

>> No.13803299

First. It will go back to normal when the retards have stocked enough to sate their paranoia.

>> No.13803325

I do, but i simply point my ass to the shower head for a min

>> No.13803337

You know Philadelphia police straight up told people they're not going to make the effort to go out and arrest people for the foreseeable future right? For them the shit has actually hit the fan. I wouldn't be surprised if other places followed suit.

>> No.13803368

In a way it's wrong what they did, but at the same time it's like your mom should work harder at being less of a ditz.

>> No.13803400
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Went to Meijers this morning (12 Mile and Mound in Warren MI) and it wasn’t crowded and there were 3-4 cashiers in operation, so the lines were moving quickly.

Toilet paper is COMPLETELY out, the canned soups and such were heavily picked over; only the split pea & ham was left of the Campbell's Chunky Soup for example so I got two, (probably regret it) most of the canned tuna was gone, the only chili was a few cans of the no-beans kind and some turkey chili, plenty of baked beans but all the SPAM is gone.

There were still a few bottles of liquid hand soap available and a lot of the frozen foods had been picked over.

“5 Items Or Less” on pasta (plenty on hand) and bottled water (still some left, though it also comes out of the fuck’n tap, you know!).

Also picked up two more cartons of cigarets from the smoke shop down the road and while the guys there didn't know what the plan was as far as closing, there seemed to be plenty on-hand.

>> No.13803483

Went to the liquor store (state run) yesterday and asked him what he thought the odds were to close and he said a recent email from the state said they have enough warehoused to keep supplying. He said it's the major tax revenue for the state since they shutdown the casinos. The state govt.would literally collapse if they shutdown liquor stores.

>> No.13803516

>supply chain managers tell store managers to completement the automatic ordering systems with manual orders
>manually order a ton of stuff that people want (pasta, rice, paper, cans, soap etc)
>the next day, get a mail stating that the warehouse workers are flooded with orders and will prioritize the automatic orders and pick the manual orders if there's time
Thanks for nothing, faggots. and now the automatic system won't order any of the stuff we ordered manually because they sensed a giant manual order, so it'll take even longer before the goods people actually want gets here.

>> No.13803542

>only the split pea & ham was left of the Campbell's Chunky Soup
Split pea and ham is based as fuck tbqh.

>> No.13803549

>people are fucking savages in grocery stores. they'll just pick things up off the pallet we're packing out onto the shelf.
This shit is hilarious to me. I was coming out of the backroom a few days ago and saw someone rolling out a bunch of toilet paper on a cart. He then just stood near it. I guess he was assigned to be the toilet paper guardian. He'd give them out one per customer, and when the cart was empty, he'd run to the back and load it up again.

>> No.13803892

>buying cigarettes in the face of the Lung Pow Sicken

>> No.13803915

ur mums a spitter faggot

>> No.13804109

>eye pro for armor against coughers and spitters
>0 protection against tanks and the witch
just save up for an m60 and you'll be better off