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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13793550 No.13793550 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck do I survive on my meme Keto diet
everything is sold out
I'm not gonna make it bros

>> No.13793606
File: 367 KB, 568x454, God.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your keto. I wanted red beans and rice tomorrow. There are no red beans. Or black beans. Or pinto. Or fucking rice. People took all the goddamned lentils and chickpeas too.

I managed to grab the last can of dinty moore stew and a 6 pack of macaroni and cheese. This has gotten out of control. There's only liquor left and there are people buying two handles at a time.

>> No.13793748

this is why you prepare in advance. I know hoarding gets a lot of shit on here, but honestly if you stock yourself enough to last at least a month you're better off and probably can still do whatever meme diet you want as long as you bought the right things. There's a lot of frozen keto friendly foods, why didn't you think to buy them before the happening?

>> No.13793773

why weren't you stocking up on rice and beans beforehand, anon? These are items that last a long time and clearly things you'd eat before they expired, so you have no excuse. You doomed yourself by not having a proper pantry.

>> No.13793842

I could’ve never guessed I’d feel so powerful by having a bunch of dry beans, lentils and grains in my pantry.

>> No.13793849
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>place orders 3 days in advanced
>they get cancelled last minute

>> No.13793856

Last night I had lamb shoulder chops and fish sticks for dinner so stop crying about your fake ass diet

>> No.13793873

pantry stocking is something you'll never regret as long as you like the foods you've stocked and go through them before their expiration. I'd say at the very least every person should have a decent sized bag of rice and a few bags of lentils as a reserve. You never know when you're going to need that stock, and covid certainly won't be the last happening we ever have.

>> No.13793874

why did you eat fish sticks as a side for lamb? This is concerning.

>> No.13793875

Hunt down whales, duh.

>> No.13793926
File: 117 KB, 795x918, China 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why weren't you stocking up on rice and beans beforehand, anon?
Why would I? I live in a developed nation, within walking distance of a grocery store. I've only been buying what I need, as I go. I never expected retards to empty the shelves because a man in China coughed.

>> No.13793953

>herr derr I lived in a developed nation so therefore I will never be exposed to a time of emergency

On second thought, people like you deserve to starve. Enjoy never being prepared for anything. Covid isn't even the only reason to stock up when you can. What if you have a budget issue in the future and can't afford food for a little while? What if a natural disaster effects your area? What if you yourself get sick and can't go to the store?

>> No.13793964

Hunt geese. Agitate one with pebbles until it comes over to attack you. Now, at that point it WILL hit you with its wing at least once, but let that happen. What you need to do at that moment is grab it by the neck and then whip it around in a circular motion as hard as possible, breaking the spine. Wala: one dead goose.

>> No.13794030

He has the mentality of a child, anon. He thinks disasters are something that happen to other people.

>> No.13795293

Maybe don't do a meme reduction diet during a crisis.

>> No.13795295

>preppers having a shitfit because someone doesn't act retarded like them

>> No.13795318

Perfect time to try prolong fasting

>> No.13795321

>What if you have a budget issue in the future and can't afford food for a little while?
What a stupid argument. How is spending a hundred dollars on tinned beans a better idea than simply saving a hundred dollars in a drawer for that that scenario?
Are you really that bad with money?

>> No.13795353

>saving cash in a drawer

You do know cash can contain the virus, right?

>> No.13795375

So can the outside of a tin of deenz, dumdum.

>> No.13795379

>happening deniers acting like retards and starving when domino's closes

>> No.13795400

Indeed. That anon thinks that storing a bag of rice and some dried lentils just in case is 'hoarding' even though it's just smart planning. They'll probably be the first to whine on here too when all the restaurants close in their area and they have no food in the house.

>> No.13795403

you can sanitize the outsides of cans though. You can't wash cash.

>> No.13795406

I could eat for 4 months out of my deep freeze but that's not abnormal. Not a prepper.. just like to make shit and freeze it at sub sub zero.

>> No.13795659

Look into fasting.