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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 141 KB, 1280x720, homefagcooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13788891 No.13788891 [Reply] [Original]

>Pro Home Cooks

This guy is such a humongous faggot. He has no culinary school background or any working experience as a backroom cook. He brags about cooking at home for fucking 7 years. This dude is a fucking fraud. It's basically getting some asshole who thinks he knows everything about home cooking and thinks he's some ultimate master just like the millions of home cooks who thinks he's the shit.

>> No.13788896

if you're putting carrots into sauerkraut you should be killed

>> No.13788897

>This guy is such a humongous faggot.
not as big a faggot as the guy who watches him and then bitches on a nepalese finger painting forum.

>> No.13788898

Yet you shill him here, even unintentionally.

>> No.13788906
File: 20 KB, 405x341, D920457E-9210-4BE7-BB60-C1AD983D0C08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He has no culinary school background or any working experience as a backroom cook. He brags about cooking at home for fucking 7 years
You think a person is only good at cooking if they had to go to school to learn how?

>> No.13788908

where can I get good kimchi

>> No.13788912

If you don't know how to work under stress while working in a professional highly prestigious restaurant while a man with 20+ years of profesional cooking experience yelling at you, you don't know shit about cooking good food. Especially warranting his ridiculous YouTube success.

>> No.13788931

Hahaha get a life
You hat him cause you ain't him
What you mad that you went to culinary school and ended up at a dead end back water shit restaurant, while faggots McGee taught him self and got famous on jewtube
You are probably pissed because that man still enjoys cooking food and has found a unorthodox way to achieve both money and fame, while you.... Probably scrape a meagerly wage by serving fat shits slop

>> No.13788936

He knows more than me so I'm grateful to have someone teach me more than I know. Fuck you OP

>> No.13788954

That's just the ability to work in a commercial kitchen efficiently. Has nothing to do with cooking good food. I get that you're trying to be an elitist, but it's not really working. You just look retarded. Good food can come from busy kitchens, or from a home oven as long as it's made right

>> No.13788959

literally who

>> No.13788964

then don't watch him you stupid fucking yank

>> No.13789039


>> No.13789040

>youtube man bad

>> No.13789044

He cooks for a living, professionally, but not in a commercial kitchen. What else should he be called? I don't like his videos either but let him be

>> No.13789088


>> No.13789161
File: 92 KB, 823x835, pro home cooks (formerly brother green eats).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder: this was the best era.

>> No.13789172
File: 2.95 MB, 1080x606, drunk girl oksikset.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boiling vegetables

>> No.13789204

*karate chops*

>> No.13789213


>> No.13789252

>You are probably pissed because that man still enjoys cooking food and has found a unorthodox way to achieve both money and fame, while you.... Probably scrape a meagerly wage by serving fat shits slop
Whatever. Fuck you.

>> No.13789259

i love seeing this webm posted, drunk and smoking are my 2 fetishes

>> No.13789283

This isn't /int/ America obsessed third worlders aren't allowed here.

>> No.13789287

>Steals poplar Youtube channel from your brother
Heh, nothing personal bro.

>> No.13789299

He literally has a culinary career as a chef, the only difference is he isn't paid by a restaurant owner or TV network, but instead by an Internet media platform.

>> No.13789309

>e brags about cooking at home for fucking 7 years
I'm just not sure why it bothers you. Focus on something that doesn't irritate you by watching something else. To comment on a dude you watched and discarded as stupid is one thing,, but to start the thread on him when no one else was talking about him (whoever he is), is a kind of mental damage.
Take a break. Go get some fresh air.

>> No.13789320

I made homemade kvass once, it tasted horrible. I hadn't tried "real" kvass yet, so I went out and bought some at a local import shop to see if I had made it wrong, and no, it just tastes that bad.

>> No.13789447

fpbp, this guy should neck himself

>> No.13789712

>huge jars of kimchi and saurkraut

I understand your bittnerness now. You're envious that this fag has a better corona prep than you.

>> No.13789723

Why do you gormless faggots keep coming here to bitch about your youtube feed?

>> No.13790334

Tfw no Jewish bf

>> No.13790987
File: 1.98 MB, 359x346, 1532635966276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucking jewed over their own blood.

>> No.13791003

>Cooking at home for 7 years.
Bullshit, he does not look fucking 7.

>> No.13791022

what if I'm a baker not a line cook?

>> No.13791055

I have to agree that he’s annoying cunt, but I literally watched two videos of his. He seems like the typical try-hard faggot youtuber trying to reinvent the wheel with videos that other people already made years ago. Also, I have 20 years experience of home cooking. Who the fuck cares?

>> No.13791059

move on fag

>> No.13791119

If you actually think this you are one deluded fuck
What you're describing is closer to assembly line worker skills than cooking

>> No.13791641

I quite like him, he makes awesome sourdough.


>> No.13791651

If you're not an european from northward of germany and have opinions about sauerkraut, you should be killed.

>> No.13791658

He's a pretty competent cook and his videos are well edited and interesting. His brother was a terrible cook and dragged the channel down but he jewed him out and relegated him to his shitty 30k subs channel so fuck him.

>> No.13791662

Kvass is pretty fucking hard to make. Here in Russia despite it being quite popular there are NO good big kvass producers. All that shit tastes either bitter, watery or whatever. The only good kvass I ever tried was my mom's, my brothers, and the one brewed locally in my town, but even then getting a bottle from a good batch is like 50% chance.

>t. Magadan

>> No.13791668
File: 1.46 MB, 3840x2160, YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13791825

Said the guy turbo obsessed about a literal who youtuber.

>> No.13791827

no u

>> No.13791850

>He brags about cooking at home for fucking 7 years. This dude is a fucking fraud
How is he a fraud if he is TELLING you specifically that he is a home cook with 7 years of experience?

A fraud would lie to you and say he graduated from CIA and worked at some famous french or italian eatery for several years.

How the fuck does your smoothbrain dumbass think telling people the truth = being a fraud?

>> No.13791876

LMFAO no wonder you think that guys a faggot - tried to remember where he was familiar from and he's half of that channel "Brothers Green Eats"; literally "DUDE WEED" the cooking channel. idk where his short friend went but looks like you never really stop being insufferable even when your schtick runs out.

of course he has no culinary background - he just lives in NYC and that should be enough for you, ya stupid flyover!!