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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13787933 No.13787933 [Reply] [Original]

What should I stock up on in anticipation for CoronaVirus pandemic in my area?

>> No.13787948 [DELETED] 

There are already a ton of these fucking threads, you fucking cunt tourist. Search the catalogue and then promptly neck yourself.

Saged and hidden.

>> No.13787954

Buy potatoes, rice, and beans.

>> No.13787957


>> No.13787958

onions, carrots, celery, garlic and salt. the salt was untouched at my local, i could only shake my head sadly

>> No.13787972

>What should I stock up on
Common sense.

>> No.13787973

beenz and deenz

>> No.13787976

toilet paper and hand sanitizer

>> No.13787983

All the cereal and pop tarts you can

>> No.13787990

>in my area

>> No.13788009

If you’re asking now it’s too late..see you on the other side fren :)

>> No.13788015
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It's too late for you senpai.

>> No.13788019
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Potatoes, gone.

>> No.13788026

Anonchan, mark my words. There is a thing called 'post-viral fatigue syndrome', of which I think there is a SARS variant. I predict that the Wuhanchan event is going to mark the worldwide beginning of widespread awareness of '(chronic) post-viral fatigue syndrome' being a real thing and not just a concept in the minds of lazy malingerers. This is also referred to as plain old 'chronic fatigue syndrome', aka CFS. desu

>> No.13788051

It's not just viruses that cause this. The problem is the same, when people get a bacterial infection, take antibiotics, supposedly no longer have it, but suffer severe fatigue for weeks later they are accused of being malingerers.

>> No.13788052

I got the reference

>> No.13788058

You may now buy the expensive bullshit baby potatoes

>> No.13788078

based and viruspilled

>> No.13788085

What, why not peanuts and pistachios? Great bugaloo foods. Peanuts are beans with 1 x carb, 2 x fat, 1 x protein, basically rough repair materials for your body when shit hits the fan

>> No.13788223

Too expensive I guess, pistachios are expensive as fuck. 8 dollars for a little ass bag.

>> No.13788346

Probably not aided by the fact that most people don't have sufficient time between shifts to sleep or exercise.

>inb4 stop being lazy
That's the attitude I'm talking about. Rotating shiftwork in a factory or a plant is soul sucking.

>> No.13788359
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Why would you need to stock up on any food--particularly dry goods? Are local governments going to shut-down the supply of food and all utilities?

Based retards

>> No.13788420

Why would you want to go to the supermarket three months from now when it's peaking? when you could more easily just buy 8 months of food right now, and avoid getting coronavirus. People are stocking up because they're not going to leave their houses.

>> No.13788428

Popeyes spinach

>> No.13788429

>tfw just moved into a new apartment in a new city and don't have any food.
>Every grocery store is overrun and out of food, lines stretching to the back of the store.
Welp. It was fun while it lasted bros. Hope the best for y'all.

>> No.13788430

Dry hashbrowns

>> No.13788432

>get coronavirus once
>never get it again
wow that was so hard.

>> No.13788442

bat's to make soup with

>> No.13788444

The coronavirus is a hoax cooked up to discredit Trump. I have not stocked up on anything.

>> No.13788445

/cvg/ would have you believe that covid19 mutates to the point where reinfection readily occurs. I don't buy it.

>> No.13788447

>get coronavirus
>infect parents
>33% chance of them dying if they're 70-79, 50% if they're 80+
those figures are from Italy by the way.
some of us aren't going to be going outside anon. I have heart disease, fuck that.

>> No.13788451

I hope you got healthy food but you probably just bought frozen pizza

>> No.13788459

Pasta, flour, 30kg of rice, shit-ton of oils/butters, probably forgetting some. I have enough food to last 8 months and it wasn't even expensive. Have fun shopping every week when this thing kicks off.

>> No.13788464

i got plenty of food. I just don't have heart disease

>> No.13788470

I'm all for getting the virus. I'm 25 and healthy. Parents are both 56 and healthy. I get sick and can neet it up for 2 weeks. Then I can enjoy empty theaters, beaches, and cheap travel all for myself. This is the greatest thing ever. Cheap everything and it will kill off the really old boomers. It's more like the based virus

>> No.13788473

They have that chance of dying from other shit anyway. 70 is old, man. I guarantee they don't give as much a shit about it as you do that.

>> No.13788478

I don't think you understand how bad this is. 80% of people won't be hospitalized. But that 80% still has fucking pneumonia. It will feel like you're breathing through a plastic bag for a week. And your parents aren't safe. There's still a 5% chance they're going to die from this even if they're healthy. No professionals are saying you'll be safe as long as you're healthy.

>> No.13788484


>> No.13788485

why aren't people buying the minced garlic though, that's a good prep item

>> No.13788488 [DELETED] 

you can get reinfected even after being cured though. It's not like chicken pox

>> No.13788519

Don't buy groceries.
Buy puts.

>> No.13788562

Obviously they cant say that with 100% certainty they want the general public to practice precautions. But the probability is low enough that it is worth living normally if you are young and healthy. You have a higher chance of dying in a car crash than getting covid-19 and dying from it.
A large population is going to get it eventually, might as well get it early and recover from it. Like chicken pox when you're young vs when you're an adult.

>> No.13788570

You know what's a better prep item

>> No.13788588
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It's official. I tested positive for corona virus this morning.

>> No.13788590
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>> No.13788603


>> No.13788614

hey good. die

>> No.13788622


>> No.13788651

>Why would you need to stock up on any food--particularly dry goods? Are local governments going to shut-down the supply of food and all utilities?
They may close all the stores, yes. They've done it in China, and also Italy, and now in Spain.
And, the supply chain may be affected, yes. This is when all imports and shipping stop. You'll be surprised what comes from out of state or when borders close, curfews happen. If you live with someone older or immuno-compromised, then you won't set foot in a store for about 2 months or might be ordered to stay home.

I'm confused at the ignorant, especially those with internet access.

>> No.13788683

Prove it.

>> No.13788705

They didn't close grocery stores or pharmacies you dunce

>> No.13788714

if you're a boomer then haha.
if you aren't, then aww.

>> No.13788727

There have been no stories of people starving to death. Just call for a delivery, they have to send food to you. How would it look if someone in your country died of starvation because of curfews? No government wants that on them, they would have workers (allowed to deliver goods and food with a uniform or a badge) to those who need it.
If they can have police on patrol during curfew, they can have deliverymen to deliver food to the actual needy people. Next.

>> No.13788735

Exactly, if you can have postmen delivering your mail every day why not food? They can even leave the food at the door step and not even come into contact with those in the home. They can even test these deliverymen every day for covid-19 if needed. So essential workers get to work, those who aren't get quarantined.

>> No.13788767

Gotta build up that immune system. It’s like a vaccine.

>> No.13788802

RIP friend

>> No.13788975

They don't close food stores tho.
Also pharmacy/tobacco/civil servant stuff are still open.
All the food producing chain is still up, they're just putting a stop to the non-essential things, especially the one where lots of people come into contact with each other (nightclubs/theaters/clothes stores/...)

>> No.13789184


Toilet paper.

>> No.13789193

>They may close all the stores, yes. They've done it in China, and also Italy, and now in Spain.

Except food stores and pharmacies stayed open you ignorant idiot.

>> No.13789196

semen, itll be rape time soon

>> No.13789199

>Pasta, flour, 30kg of rice, shit-ton of oils/butters

Have fun eating greasy carbs for 8 months straight. Just think of the shits you'll be having! At least you stocked up on toilet paper right!?

>> No.13789280

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.13789284

>Why would you need to stock up on any food--particularly dry goods?
1. You want to be ahead of the last minute panic buyers. I've been stocking up since mid februari (slowly, not getting crazy) and I've got enough potable food for at least 2 weeks.
2. It's always good to have a little emergency supply, in case shit really his the fan. It's always better to be prepared. Even if you've "wasted" your effort, you now have loads of food that won't expire for another year or two. Oh boo hoo, however will you get rid of it? It's not like you still need to eat even after this crisis is over or something.

The numbers are almost certainly false. Deaths in Italy are about five times higher than in South Korea, but South Korea is testing A LOT more cases. The less you test, the more severe cases you catch (proportionally). The good news is that the mortality rate is probably around 1-3%, the bad news is that Italy probably has 5-6 times more cases than the official numbers report.


Lethality is most likely 23% for those above 80, for other age groups it's far lower.

Odds are you'll survive but you still have my sympathies.

Shortness of breath (not even pneumonia, just general shortness of breath) happens in about 18.6% of cases. Most likely it's just a coof and a fever.

>> No.13789298

nigger how bad are your intestines to where you need a roll a day to wipe your ass

>> No.13789306

>trying to force this weak facebook-tier pasta
fuck off

>> No.13789344

Pretty much every professional has said that

>> No.13789352

>rapes your lung up and kill your parents
>100% chance that you'll never get tested if you actually infected
>even if you completely cured, it will still come up later like common cold
based. You live in India?

>> No.13789407

>rapes your lung up and kill your parents
Possible, but not likely

>100% chance that you'll never get tested if you actually infected
True, but on the flipside the majority of cases get mild symptoms

>even if you completely cured, it will still come up later like common cold
Its seasonality is speculated on but not proven. Even if it does come up again, the chances of us getting a vaccine in 2021 are pretty high given that multiple teams around the world are working on it. To my knowledge China, America, Britain, Germany, France and Israel are confirmed to be working on it, while a Dutch team made some breakthrough in regards to its antibodies.

>> No.13789434

There's one in fda testing right now from canada

>> No.13789456
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>> No.13789486

Nuts and beans. Flour. Hand soap. Salt and spices. Pasta and canned tomatoes. Onions and potatoes. Pasta. Cheese in blocks or waxed cheese if you can find it. Butter. Rice. Lentils. Canned or dried fruit for enjoyment. baking supplies in general. Squash because it'll last forever.

>> No.13789492

Peanut butter is really cheap for the calories and nutrients. And if nothing happens, it's something most people would still end up eating. I bought the good stir kind, but a 64oz container is like 4 and enough calories for many days,

>> No.13789499

The foreign markets in my area all seem mostly-full and have no item limits. Check your local foreign markets and buy some staples and produce. They also tend to have some of the cheapest rice, flour, etc.

>> No.13789532

The rice was out at the one I went to yesterday, but other than that, they were pretty much fully stocked. Also, keep in mind, there will be food later, it's just people are scared to have to go out later and get it so if you're not particularly afraid of getting corona-chan, there's no real reason to prep for months, just get what you need for the moment.

>> No.13789533

Yeah this weekend they got hit hard. They'll get a giant delivery over the next two weeks and people will stop freaking out when they realize there aren't any shortages