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13786364 No.13786364 [Reply] [Original]

Food service workers: Do customers ever flirt with you?

>> No.13786414

i manage a cafe
no but i usually sexually harass every female employee i get paired with when i have to open so they either fuck me (if they’re young and stupid) or request a shift change/quit
women working front of house will always waste your time and money by talking to friends or integrating their personal lives into the workplace. combine that with women generally being incompetent, it’s better to force them out as soon as possible

>> No.13786423

>so they either fuck me (if they’re young and stupid) or request a shift change/quit

/ck/ would appreciate a greentext of either of these types of stories

>> No.13786568

Yes. McD's cashier and drive thru boi. Co-workers flirt too. I got to pull cash out of some fat girl's boobies.

>> No.13786578

no we wouldn't

>> No.13786579

>I got to pull cash out of some fat girl's boobies

how does this even happen?

>> No.13786591

Yes, I had one girl flirt with me for years. it was also obviously mostly like 40 year old dudes flirting with the 17 year old girls working the cash but every no and then us bros would get some attention as well.

>> No.13786594

>integrating their personal lives into the workplace. combine that with women generally being incompetent
nothing says keeping your personal life out of the everyday business & being a competent manager like sexual harassment until the cafe gets metood and cancelled

>> No.13786597

I smell roast beef

>> No.13786617

When i was s front of the house girls would cone up to me and flurt. But i know it was just their friends daring then to go up and do that to me just like high school and grade school because im a fucking loser and no women would ever flirt with me

>> No.13786619

Very BASED post
Very CRINGE post

>> No.13786676


>> No.13786688

I'm glad you had the sense to realize that. Mean girls do it all the time, and if you take the bait they hurt you bad.

>> No.13786714

I know this is going to sound weird, but I could figure out every word she said with precise clarity just by looking at her mouth. Beautiful wife.

>> No.13786737

>tfw my childhood friend did this to guys all the time and was a complete bitch who jerked around every guy ever interested in her
>tfw she did it to me more than once when her bitch friends weren't around and she always got really quiet after i laughed it off
haha man those mean girls am i right

>> No.13786760

As a customer how do you tell if employees are flirting instead of being nice for the job?

>> No.13786767

If they literally have your cock in their mouth, they are flirting
Anything up to that is just customer service/working for a tip

>> No.13786811

Yes, most think they got their drink faster or I noticed them sooner because they did. It didn't, but letting them think so makes things much more entertaining.

>> No.13786817

You don't. If they're on the clock, always assume it's customer service.

>> No.13786825

What if she laughs when I say thank you?

>> No.13786837

That means your autistic behavior is making her uncomfortable.

>> No.13786840

That means your autistic behavior is making her comfortable.

>> No.13786849


Both roads end in tragedy

>> No.13786877

That means your autistic behavior is making her uncomfortable.

>> No.13786927

Doesn't it mean she's horny for me?

>> No.13786945

Yes, and I don't care.
It's funny.

>> No.13786958

Yes. Propose for marriage next time that you see her. Make sure that you do this in front of a lot of people

>> No.13786967

Shoot for the moon

>> No.13787392
File: 82 KB, 819x1024, 1581890486402m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also had another pair of big boobie hotties hold a blunt to my mouth. Ghetto McDonald's always has some action. People get a kick out of messing with drive thru workers. It's even its own thing on pornhub.

>> No.13787468

How about if they corner you in the bathroom?

Get called cute and variations of that everytime you come in?

Worker notices book I'm reading and talks to coworker how she's totally into that subject as loudly as possible without sounding loud?

Get told hours and days she works there without prompt?

Talks shit about coworker I've known longer, thus friendly to, and how she totally looks younger than her? Also changes shifts to days I'm known to come in.

One day find two workers who normally don't work together, both of whom are friendlier with me than others workers, and one gets super snippy with me and watch as they progressively get snippier at each other behind the counter during the time I'm there? A week later i find out they no longer work there because of some bad event.

Long time worker before quitting job starts drawing heart in my coffee, leaving it uncapped for me to notice?

Get told to stay at the bar instead of going to my usual table?

Two workers rush to register when I'm ready to pay, and one butt-bumps the other away and gives her a longass silent stare?

How autistic am to not act on any of this? Or am i mentally ill for thinking too much about these moments? All different girls, btw, just picking the worst moments from days/months/weeks/years of knowing them. The one that said she looks younger than her coworker actually stalked me, but that happened elsewhere.

>> No.13787470

Mentally ill. If she was as interested as you seem to think she is she would just ask you out. It's 2020, not 1950.

>> No.13787471

Who even records this gay shit?

>> No.13787480

This actually makes me feel safe, because i do tend to overthink shit and have avoided certain days and hours at stores because of certain girls working at that time.

Hasn't happened a lot now since i got fat.

>> No.13787484

As far as I know I've never been flirted with by a service staff member, but I've definitely flirted with customers as a service staff member.
They still come in, so either they don't mind, or I'm so bad at flirting that they can't tell I am.

>> No.13787705

Only in Japan you can get this service this cute

>> No.13787720

fatty fat faggot. lose some weufgr

>> No.13787726

i work in an ice cream shop and i give fatties smaller scoops

>> No.13787762

>tip jar with japanese on it

the irony

>> No.13787782

oh yeah. One thing i noticed is that girls still expect guys to ask them out.

That one girl who cornered me at the bathroom? Didn't say a fucking word to me when she did this (i didn't make a sound either) and it felt like an eternity while she had me there.

I come to the store the week later and every worker was giving me looks, with the male employees shaking their heads at me. Despite being a regular, she never talked to me. Ever. So i didn't either. But i did talk with other workers and she'd always make huffing and "hrrm" sounds when she'd pass by me when I was talking with them.

Cute as fuck girl. Like 4'11". Long curly blond hair. Worked there for almost 2 years. Never even knew her name until years later, because i wanted to know what was up with her and the last employee from her era was leaving. She was the type of girl that never made first moves and expected guys to come up to her. Not surprising that super attractive girls fear rejection like normal peopel and are even shy about introducing themselves, but i guess creepy cornerings are too good to pass up when there's an opportunity to do it.

>> No.13787806

is that supposed to be flirting? jesus, I guess fast food workers have been flirting with me for my entire life and I just assumed they were being friendly and wanted tips.

>> No.13787828


>> No.13787894

If they're flirting to get you to buy they're flirting to get your money. If they're flirting with no money involved then they flirt because they're into you. Do people think prostitutes find their johns sexually attractive?

>> No.13788201

Sounds pretty normal customer service to me. I wouldn't read too much into it.

>> No.13788210

It happens. Usually it's some older lady trying to get revenge on her husband or something so I just give a polite chuckle and go on my business. On one occasion it was a woman my age, but then I found out she was already fucking the Peruvian prep guy so I figured she's just fucking thirsty so I left it. I quit shortly after because the smell of old people and their bladder control issues and the cheap shit fragrances they tried covering with began making me vsiolently sick.

>> No.13788343

Given that you never took these cues that you think you were given, and appear to have wanted to, I can only assume you are shy to the point of extreme loneliness. Given such, your mind will be predisposed to imagine that other people are interested you just to provide an iota of comfort. The reason women ask men out less frequently is that when it comes to finding people they are only mildly interested in they can simply wait. They will only take a chance if they are intensely interested in a person, and they will do so in that scenario. What you describe in your post sounds like intense interest, but is likely a much more tame event that you have built up in your head to be much more than it was.

>> No.13788392

bunch of whores, oh yeah im going to flirt or pick up the cashier/food service girls that are exposed on a daily basis to a multiple number of males, i dont want to be mean, but this is why you dont date lower class girls, oh its certainly worth your trouble knowing that the girl is probably getting approached by every tom, dick, and harry piece of trash thats a part of the public, at that point, a female becomes more of a public resource in a mans eyes, like a nice fuckin whore you slam with your pals

>> No.13788427
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only the gross old ones
oh, and that one guy who brought his laptop to write furry porn at the bar

>> No.13788450

>Do prostitutes find their Johns attractive
Of course. They have more choice than ever to use every slut app and have a buffet. It's not like they have anything locking them in to accepting jobs they don't want. They're basically just being paid to be the whores they were going to be anyway for free, the money just covers worries (they're not calculated enough to say risk)

>> No.13788475

>Used to work at a 7-11 near a University
>Busty gym girl with onion hair comes in and asks me with real breathy talk about every food item
>Suggest the healthy stuff
>Gets real close to me: "thank you"
>Felt her vapor on my face
>Asks me if I get off soon she's looking for a ride home, says she's new in town
>clock out in 5 minutes
>Walk with her to my car
>Small talk she tells me she's from the East Coast and small talk about some nephew she babysits
>Get in my car
>her hand in my thigh
>Drive to the nearest pullover
Yeah I regretted it. Steamy living like that made my heart beat to evil. I was amazed that I was tempted that intensely and persistently. I would have never withstood conversation with that girl let alone the fallout of what could have happened with an oopsie.

>> No.13788522

is this AI generated? Get the fuck off our site, google

>> No.13788526

Mentally ill. You're describing a shitty teenager drama from tv

>> No.13788557

>be customer
>customer ahead of me in line flirts with worker
>i'm hungry & tired, and can't place my order

>> No.13788560

Damn I sound like AI? Wtf man

>> No.13788565

lol wtf

>> No.13788581

>things that never happened

>> No.13788605

It's not your fault, the simulation is is running over it's maximum capacity at this point. Small errors like you are prone to happen.

>> No.13788677

>onion hair
I'm not familiar with this vernacular.

>> No.13788690

get to the bel air part...

>> No.13788754

Oh it's this new thing girls are doing, apparently rubbing a raw onion into your hair is supposed to be really healthy for it, prevents split ends and all that. Don't know if it actually works, but it's quite popular now.

>> No.13790168

i used to get flirted with by the 2 thai girls that worked at the massage place down the road from the sushi place i worked at

>> No.13790258

Interesting. All of the asian massage parlors I went to were strictly a monetary negotiation starting at handjobs and working up from there.

>> No.13790265

this pretty chinese lady hugs me every time i go to the chinese buffet

i should probably ask her out actually

>> No.13790269
File: 34 KB, 680x591, 307[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% of women are whores

>> No.13790275

lmao ok

>> No.13790438

I helped cater for a wedding reception once... at a golf club.

A girl got drunk and started calling me her prince charming and lover. I don't know if she was making fun of me or not.

>> No.13790594

I'm outgoing, but i drop my spaghetti around really flirty girls.

Like i said, I'm friendly with the staff at places I'm a regular at and even ask about those girls who have been pushy with me.

And i do mean friendly, because i know how much the cutey girl workers get flirted with to the point of harassment. I'm friendly enough that they'll share stories about scuzzy guys who always flirt with them and generally just shoot the shit with me.
I don't like to flirt with workers because of that. i only express interest when i think there's a good connection between us. So those girls i'm aware are interested in me, but I'm not into them, i tend to be aloof with them.

Maybe I am building up those other instances with the girl who cornered me at the bathroom, because i so fucking regret not doing anything, but that was extremely intimidating and the embarrassment from the aftermath was too much. IT's why i didn't even ask about her until years later from a GILF that was quitting, because shit's scary, but i got my closure... if it can be called that.

>> No.13790617

life does feel that way sometimes, especially around teenagers.

Here's one of my favorites that's so cartoony and bad, but it didn't happen at a restaurant, bar, or cafe
>regularly go to closeby kmart
>regularly see busty cougar cashier
>busty cougar is pretty flirty everytime i pay with her
>one day busty cougar asks what my ethnicity is
>I'm mexican
>but you're too sexy to be mexican. can you say you're spanish?
>I'm going to call you the sexy spaniard from now on
>throaty cougar laugh to compliment her playful touching of my hand
>never see busty cougar again because mexican coworker told what happened to manager
I have a very vague recollection of what her face looked like because big tits.