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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13780836 No.13780836 [Reply] [Original]

>Shows the recipe without making a big meme show.
>Explains things properly.
>Makes shit you can actually cook at home without spending a fortune.
>Not a faggot.

Honestly the only cooking channel worth watching.

>> No.13780838

>really annoying voice
>posts half-written recipes
>store bought dough
>is a faggot

>> No.13780844

>super based
>fucks anon's dad in the ass
>uses store bought lube
>has recipes on the channel to make your own lube at home

>> No.13780846

You're a fucking sperg if you make shit like puff pastry dough at home.

>> No.13780851

Can't listen to him talk. Is there any reason for him talking like that? Did he have a stroke?

>> No.13780868

I haven't watched any of his (((youtube))) but I've made some of his recipes from written instructions and they were ok.

>> No.13780870

puff pastry is like 2 ingredients

>> No.13780871

a lot of youtubers over time tend to develop a very weird way of speaking in their narration as a habit that doesn't sound natural at all. Babish talks a little weird and that Joshua Weissman faggot piece of shit talks in this weird mumbled falsetto, and whenever he speaks to the camera he does this autistic looking raised eyebrows and squinty eyes thing throughout, and in every video. but if you look at their earliest videos they talk more normal. Adam Ragusea is the food youtube guy i know of that actually speaks naturally in his voiceover.

>> No.13780877

>Joshua Weissman
I hate that dude.

>> No.13780886

Joshua Weissman is so reddit he makes even Babish look like the coolest and funniest dude on the planet.

>> No.13780921

Yeah, that's pretty spot on.

>> No.13780930

*zooms in on ass for no fucking reason*

>> No.13780933

Don't argue in bad faith. You know good and well that no one is going to avoid making puff pastry at home due to it being perceived as a long ingredients list. You know exactly why people don't make puff pastry at home.

>> No.13780944

>big close up on face as he says something with lots of reverb

funny heehee

>> No.13780963

>Doesn't give any amounts of mesurements in his videos
>Doesn't post recipe in the description like other cooking channels
>Forces you to visit his website to get the ingredient amounts so he can get more (((ad money)))
fuck off shill

>> No.13781003

Most of his videos don't need specific amounts of anything. He constantly stresses that you can (and should) take liberties with proportions of everything to meet your preferences in texture and taste. His videos act as a good baseline in technique, which is frankly the hard part. Ingredient proportions are nice to see, but they're less important than technique. In cases where he's baking or you do need specific amounts, I've never had an issue finding it on the foodwishes site.

>> No.13781016

I'm chef john,
From foodwishes.com.
And today.
We'll be making.
A fried egg.
First youll need.
A pan.
And an egg!
First off you crack the egg.
Any surface will do.
Then you lift the pan.
And put it on the flame.
Put the cracked egg into the pan.
And wait for... Two to three minutes.
And take the egg out.
And as always.

>> No.13781018
File: 3.80 MB, 3024x4032, pastry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose you don't own a food processor? my mom always made puff pastry by hand. it's so common, cookbooks put it right inside the cover

>> No.13781024

You really shouldn't need measurements for most his recipes. That shit is really only important in baking and what not. Taste your food as you cook retard.

>> No.13781064

That recipe is for pastry. It doesn't include the autistic amou ts of folding needed to get good flaky puff pastry. Not a huge deal in my opinion but at least post the correct thing.

>> No.13781080

That's not puff pastry, retard.

>> No.13781101

my original comment was about store bought dough, not puff pastry. I tried my best

>> No.13781120

Yeah it’s a show for people that already know how to cook. You shouldn’t need to measure non baked goods recipes.

>> No.13781123

Hate the voice, love the food

>> No.13781142

Some of his recipes need specific amounts.
Either way it's not acceptable to jew people like that for a few extra shekels of ad money. Just a scumbag move in general.

>> No.13781145

What about that asian guy that holds the camera really close to his face and snaps at it?

>> No.13781170

For me it's Simply Sara

>> No.13781193

Impeccable taste. Those bean burgers have made me a hit.

>> No.13781195

What ad money? Why don't you use adblock? Chef John is also literally jewish, so take that into account, and I don't see it being as prohibitively annoying to refuse to use one of the better cooking channels. If you have someone better that covers a similar array of food, I'd like to see what you prefer to use as a resource.

>> No.13781197

Some people still have pride in their cooking.

>> No.13781516

I like only him and Staphan from French Cooking Academy

>> No.13781603

first post BASED post

second post CRINGE post

>> No.13781606

Sure, but it's still a pain in the ass to make.

>> No.13781607

Mock her all you want but I bet even one spoonful of that macaroni salad tastes like ambrosia

>> No.13781628

Extremely doubtful

>> No.13782448


forgot, "because in yolk town, you're the king of the albumen"

>> No.13782464

I enjoy the ba shows because they show you how cooking really is, constantly adapting. There "tutorials" are not very good but it is interesting and a fun way to show people to not be scared of cooking.

>> No.13782502

His annoying voice inflection and need to add cayenne to everything is dumb. I've tried a couple of his recipes and they're average to sub par.

>> No.13782898

he thinks adding cayenne is a flavor enhancer. you know, the thing that is accomplished by salt and sometimes vinegar.

if anyone ever thinks a food that has cayenne is more flavorful it's probably just because the small subtle spicy burning sensation on their tongue stands out in their memory more.

>> No.13782934

>hurr durr don’t like what I don’t like
You could also just not use cayenne if you’re so confident it doesn’t do anything, you fucking retards. What a stupid god damn thing to complain about. It’s like complaining he uses too much or too little salt, just use whatever you want you cooklet faggots.

>> No.13782997

This nigga needs more views

>> No.13783385
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 22C34092-60A3-4115-86D4-3AE26EC2E89A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After all, you are the Mussolini of your fettuccine

>> No.13783406

but he does make his own dough. Just no puff pastry. Nobody that doesn't have LITERALLY anything else better to do makes their own puff pastry dough.

>> No.13783414

Kinda reminds me of NileRed.

>> No.13784068

He records his voiceover lines one sentence at a time.
He's also tripled down on it just to piss off some of his commenters in like 2012

>> No.13784102

What the condition called where you inappropriately sperg out over how people speak?
I saw lots of similar sentiments with totalbiscuit.

>> No.13784106

You are now reading the comments in his voice

>> No.13784134

have you actually listened to one of his videos? pull one up from 8 years ago and compare.

>> No.13784151

Puff pastry is a dough retard. And it's obvious from your posts that you never did any kind of dough yourself. So stop being that arrogant.

>> No.13784157

obviously I've never made dough? what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.13784193

Yeah you don't even know what is a puff pastry and you seem to have preconceived ideas based on what your mom is doing.
There is nothing wrong with buying a pre-made dough. It's not like a frozen dish or vacuum sealed meat. It will be at least as good and usually better than the one you will make at home. Criticizing someone for using store bought dough is just being an arrogant hipster. It's not based on facts.

>> No.13784200

he posts recipes that include store bought dough. dilate

>> No.13784392

his speech mannerisms are annoying and he's kind of an asshole irl, but his recipes are on point. i've never recreated a meal from one of his videos that wasn't awesome.

>> No.13784417

It's not how he normally speaks at all. The sing-song voice is a deliberate affectation on his part, and on top of that he does multiple takes and stitches pieces of them together for maximum clownvoice.

>> No.13784425 [DELETED] 

>the script to every video sounds like it was written by a sassy fat woman
>"muh shake-a, shake-a"
>turns it's his wife that's writing the text that john then reads out for the video
what a cuck

>> No.13784429

Yup. If you listen to some of his older videos it wasn't this bad before. I deliberately avoid any recipe if his name is on it, even if there are thousands of positive reviews (he is weirdly very popular on allrecipes)

>> No.13784537

based and /threadpilled

>> No.13785133

The only recipes I can think about using not dough he made are the ones with puff pastry dough and on episode where he made pizza with premade dough (which was the whole point).
I think he even made phylo dough at home (fuck that shit) and even showed process how to puff pastry at home (fuck that shit 2x).
Also, nothing is stopping you from making your own dough when making his recipes.

>> No.13785147

You mean you don't like CWISPY?

>> No.13785183

yeah the way he speaks is a bit weird at times, but I can put up with that
it's when other food youtubes insist on showing their faces or just looking too weird or being loud and obnoxious
like that joshua weissman fella or that loud fat tattooed screeching cunt
horrible content

adam ragusea almost gets it right since he actually tends to have the camera pointing at the food for most of the videos actually about food
though he does insist on showing his face at times, but I can live with it since he's not horribly offensive to the ear/eyes

>> No.13785306 [DELETED] 

>the Virgin John
>The Chad Guga

>> No.13785337
File: 50 KB, 570x570, DF4C379D-0429-4D1E-9F1B-D81FAEA26E32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm now this post looks good on the outside, but when I open it up it’s kinda... faggy? It’s really difficult to dry-age an OP and after taking it off the cooling rack after 35 days you can tell, this is really no good. Remember anons, trust your nose and grab the flamethrower. Now let’s open it up, and see what it looks like.

>> No.13785338

im french, i watched his french recipes , and i can say hes 100% legit

>> No.13785461

nothing is stopping him from linking a dough recipe he's already done before instead of using store bought

>> No.13785476

is the shake of cayenne thing actually done to improve the recipe seasoning or is he just doing it because it's his signature move?
like sometimes he's putting it in very questionable things, and it makes me wonder is he just using so little that the flavor doesn't come across and it's in there for a joke

>> No.13785820

>Forces you to visit his website to get the ingredient amounts so he can get more (((ad money)))
How dare he, making you click on a link so he can make a little bit more money from his work, how will you ever recover