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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13779087 No.13779087 [Reply] [Original]

Chicken sandwiches are officially CANCELLED.

>> No.13779100


have eaten at least one a day since i saw this on youtube for free

>> No.13779127

so whats the synopsis this time?
"actually fried food is unhealthy and these are made of pink slime rib meat and factory farmed chickens raised in massive shit pits"?
not really breaking any ground, huckster

>> No.13779131

considering the first one was fake and he was heavily drinking the entire time as well who cares

>> No.13779137

In December 2017, YouTube Red temporarily dropped the film after Spurlock admitted to previous instances of sexual misconduct and harassment.[5] The production company Warrior Poets also announced that the film was being pulled from the 2018 Sundance Film Festival.[5] Samuel Goldwyn Films released the film in theaters on September 6, 2019, and released it on VOD a week later.[1] It would also later be restored on YouTube as part of the new YouTube Movies service along with its predecessor under the "Free To Watch" category.

>> No.13779160

"""health halo"""

Basically the modern rebranding of fast food as health conscious is a false flag using legal loopholes and clever corporate syntax. "Non-GMO" for example just means the chickens are selectively bred not directly modified. They're still abominations that can't go outside and get heart attacks at 3 months old. "Free range" doesn't mean they live happy in a field somewhere it means there's a window open to the giant factory farm they're imprisoned in. Etc. Focus groups reveal that the actually healthy grilled option is universally undesirable and unprofitable. Often it's not even grilled and the marks are just painted on. People overwhelmingly prefer tasty fried chicken in their sandwiches and sales reflect this.

Like the first it's less eye opening and more an elaboration on common knowledge. Eating mcdonalds every day is unhealthy, obviously. Trying to compete with factory farm monopolies with a backyard coop will fail, obviously. You either play the game or you go home. If people could make food that's delicious AND healthy they would. Reality is you have to make delicious food to be successful and it's not possible to make it healthy, the best you can do is trick people into thinking it is with marketing.

>> No.13779476
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>eating fast food fried chicken sandwiches every day is bad for you
No way

>> No.13779477

>fuck up my liver with vodka since 16
>McDonalds ruined my life after one month of daily meals
>Also got #metoo into oblivion

>> No.13779504

The real redpill was that the industry never changed since the first film, and probably never will due to customers just not actually caring. Look at all the people eating the sandwiches despite all the evidence staring in their faces.

>> No.13779510

>the first one was fake and he was heavily drinking the entire time
Source on this, McShill?

>> No.13779669


Still the "fun" was sucked out of mcdonalds for a sleek cafe style look where you see more people drinking coffee and muffins over burgers. I can't think of the last time I went to McDonald's as anything other than a last resort or promo

>> No.13779676

golly, it's on youtube for free!


>> No.13779687

You can't get fry and soda orders as large as you used to. It's the empty fries and soda that really get you. The burgers aren't particularly rich in nutrition, but without the sides to add unnecessary calories they're not the worst option. Just look at that guy who has had a Big Mac every day for however many decades.

>> No.13779882

Oh my... I've gotten to the part where his 6week old chickens are so plump that they die of heart attacks. This is so sad.

>> No.13780011


Remember, just because you dislike a company does not mean you should embrace misinformation as long as it bashes that which you dislike. Spurlock admitted to consuming large quantities of alcohol since the age of 13 so his liver was screwed up not because of McDonald's but because of too much alcohol. Also if his statement is as accurate as it sounds, he drank alcohol during his 30 day experiment.

I dislike how McDonald's misleads with "healthier" options and I agree binge eating it is bad. I also dislike dishonesty from activists and accusations of being a shill just because of pointing out dishonesty.

>> No.13780020

>implying it's truly free

>> No.13780022

Not the heckin' chunkin' chickerooneys!

>> No.13780165
File: 502 KB, 1280x720, Is Veganism a Cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Supersize me too!!

Let me guess, some slick marketing libtard is putting out more vegan agenda emotional propaganda?

>> No.13780177

and there was an entire documentary called fat head that called out spurlocks lying ways

>> No.13780232

The real problem is education. Schools are either glorified babysitters or exist to pump out drones for the technoindustrial machine. Parents don't raise their kids, they let daycare and school do that because women in the workplace means that a family can't survive on one salary.

>> No.13780275

False** advertising manipulation and corporate greed
it basically shows how the industry uses flashy gimmicks and buzzwords to make you think youre eating healthy when youre just eating a re branded version of the same shit you ate in the 90s
theirs also a side story of how basically how the chicken industry has become a corrupt pseudo monopoly that is fucking over farmers and essentially turning them into indentured servants

>> No.13780284

theres an entire documentary about calling out jesus and trump you should check them out

>> No.13780449

How is beef not nutrient rich?

>> No.13780469

Um. How are McDonald's hamburger patties significantly less nutrient rich than a cut of steak? Is that a serious question?

>> No.13780478

It's no wonder this man gets compared to Michael Moore, they're in a league of their own.

>> No.13780542

It's quality beef, you goof. That's why the burgers cost $7-$8 now.

>> No.13780548

No McChicken for me?

>> No.13781535

yes, because opinion pieces are the same as doing an experiment right

>> No.13781592

>soucres: breitbart, dailywire, wsj
too bad the wall street journal is paywalled, the other two are laughable sources.
the wikipedia article cites the national review in the criticism section for super size me - why are the outlets covering this largely right wing garbage rags?

The wiki entry for fat head suggests it also contains misrepresentations.

nothing of value was learned

>> No.13781857

It comes from his MeToo TwitLonger
>Or is it because I’ve consistently been drinking since the age of 13? I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years,