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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13777586 No.13777586 [Reply] [Original]

When first brought to Europe, black pepper was called 'grains of paradise.'

>> No.13777589

Salt was more expensive than gold.

>> No.13777594

Gold and diamonds are media creations, the latter from de beers.

>> No.13777599

that would be printer ink.

>> No.13777608

I think that depended a lot on the color, like blue or green.
t. printer for a publishing company for some years.

>> No.13777611

in the holocaust they didn’t get a lot of food

>> No.13777615

Gold has practical value. It's used in electronics. But you're right about diamonds. Aside from their hardness they have no real value.

>> No.13777624

>aside from their value they have no value
uhh ok

>> No.13777633

Gold is excellent for conducting electricity, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.13777637

Not really, the both debeers made up stuff. debeers.com, the made monesized some mines and capitalized on them. Gold was made up as some kind of currency that didn't have any inherent value, it's all media shit.

>> No.13777638

Platinum and palladium are better, the value of gold is simply made up media shit.

>> No.13777642

If anyone bothers to look it up the values of either platinum or palladium is higher than gold.

>> No.13777643

They make artificial diamonds now that are cheaper and even harder than the real thing. Diamonds aren't forever.

>> No.13777644

The value of everything is made up; based on perception.

Have you seen a yeezys? No one would pay more than $50 for that were it not for the brand.

Coming to the food business, chicken wings were considered unusable until a few decades ago and no one would eat them; yet now they are popular and expensive.

>> No.13777646

That was debeers was pushing, even from that James Bond movie, Diamonds are Forever. That was never part of life until debeers started pushing it, like all chicks needed diamond rings. What a load of shit.

>> No.13777647

That seems legit, GTFO!

>> No.13777648

I remember seen this TV thing a long time ago where a football (soccer) player got a diamond made out of his hair and he gave it to his mother. Don't know if these have any vlaue to

>> No.13777652

WTF? Diamonds aren't made of hair.

>> No.13777658 [DELETED] 

That comes across as real negro stuff. He probably wore it in is nose.

>> No.13777690
File: 166 KB, 1020x1530, bnan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 posts in and you idiots are talking about diamonds lol

> a cluster of bananas is called a hand

>> No.13777747

Cheese is like milk but solid

>> No.13777752

tree nuts are fruits.

>> No.13777751

A bunch of crows is called a "murder" what's your point?

>> No.13777755

you sound so insecure lmao

>> No.13777756

San Friscisco "people" are called fruits too.

>> No.13777759

Oh yeah right, because anyone that disagrees with your politically correct notions is insecure. You come across as a moron.

>> No.13777760

Palladium is more expensive than gold by weight. Aside from that, their use cases don't 100% overlap and you would likely find a combination of silver, gold, and palladium if you took your phone or computer or phone down to the components.

>> No.13777764

Bread makes you fat

>> No.13777765
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Its a goofy food fact. You know, the thread topic???

>> No.13777766

ok manbaby, keep telling yourself that

>> No.13777770

Well yeah, you can't eat a murder of crows?

>> No.13777772

I thought grains of paradise was a different kind of spice:

I think I've used that as ingredient to a homebrew beer. (a belgian saison)

>> No.13777774

Well from your terminology of "manbaby" you come across as a reddit scumbucket. Therefore useless.

>> No.13777784

Have you ever worked a day in your life and gotten paid for it or are you some academia type?

>> No.13777789

>When first brought to Europe, black pepper was called 'grains of paradise.'
No it wasn't. Grains of paradise are a different thing entirely, not even related to pepper.

>> No.13777790

didn't they make rice-a-roni?

>> No.13777796

Yeah it's the san francisco fagit treat

>> No.13777811

Yes it was. Many different kinds of peppers were used and they were called the same, basically.

>> No.13777850

why is it called roni? is this some kind of gay lingo?

>> No.13777867

it's both rice and pasta

>> No.13777878 [DELETED] 


>> No.13777887

Salt used to be valued as a drug back in caveman days

>> No.13777889

Bread makes you fat??

>> No.13777897

This thread is somehow extremely fucking retarded but i don't think it was your fault OP

>> No.13777898

Bread makes you fat!

>> No.13777902

fuck wYT ppl lmao

>> No.13777939

based retard

>> No.13777951

>Grug put funny rock dust on meat
>dust make meat taste better
>Make Grug feel good
Now these zoomers are all overdosing on opiates. We need to go back to the good old days.

>> No.13777973

>chicken wings were considered unusable until a few decades ago and no one would eat them; yet now they are popular and expensive.
related: flank steak. 1985, basically free. today: 15 bucks a pound.