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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 800x754, Craft beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13777103 No.13777103 [Reply] [Original]

Is craft beer an overpriced meme?

>> No.13777110

Other than the M to F ratio that looks like a pretty adverage ass spread of people

>> No.13777111

What the hell is up with that bar graph?

>> No.13777115

Ask Corinne Winthrop and Katie Huss

>> No.13777120

But, is it something that people have been tricked into buying? I've wanted to get into it but I don't want to piss away cash.

>> No.13777135

stay away from drugs and sugar my dude

>> No.13777172

I dont think so
Craft beer is mostly a faggy millenial hobby as far as I can tell
Like avocado toast or french press/chemex coffee

>> No.13777203

there is a lot of overpriced craft beer, but there is reasonably-priced craft beer as well. the increased price compared to macrobreweries usually translates to increased taste. it's practically impossible to compete price-wise with breweries that produce 100 times more beer.

it looks like the range of ages of craft beer drinkers

>> No.13777245

But there seems to be no relation between the percentage values and the size of the actual bars.

>> No.13777257

Of course not, the data doesn't fit their narrative

>> No.13777287

Lol didn’t even notice til you pointed it out

>> No.13777293

It is if you drink it for image. If you like it then no.

>> No.13777299
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>> No.13777300

>is it something that people have been tricked into buying
Shut the fuck up, retard

>> No.13777302

That's one of the most poorly made infographics I've ever seen.
>the incorrect bar graph
>the poorly labeled pie chart with the male/female distribution in the middle for some reason

>> No.13777305

>nuh uh, these stats don't align with my accepted stereotypes.

>> No.13777308

It's just beer dude. You don't "get into it," you just go out and drink. You either like the taste of beer or you don't, it's not a big deal.

>> No.13777314 [DELETED] 

do americans really drink meme craft beer that is overpriced?

only americans think its an average ass spread of people

do americans really ask about the bar graph?

only americans ask corinne winthrop and katie huss

only americans get tricked into buying

do americans really not stay away from drugs and sugar?

only americans dont think so

do americans really buy overpriced beer as well as reasonably priced beer?

only americans think there is no relation

do americans data not fit the narrative?

only americans didnt notice

only americans drink for image

only americans post that

only americans need to shut the fuck up

only americans make infographs poorly

only americans stats dont align with accepted stereotypes

only americans dont get into it

>> No.13777326
File: 66 KB, 760x506, AERZUSLHOI6TFMPUPBYW65GLVU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy it because it has zany cartoons all over the bottle/can and rick & morty references, then yes. If you buy it because it's legitimately good beer and much better than the Bud/Coors/Miller pisswater they mass market to boomers, then no. Pic related, an awesome brewery by me that has a great selection. They're much larger than they were when I started drinking their beer almost 20 years ago, but the quality has not dropped and they still fit the microbrewery model.

>> No.13777329 [DELETED] 

only americans buy it for the zany cartoons

>> No.13777358

it looks like they flipped the bars for 26-34 and 35-49. did you really expect accuracy for a picture like that?

>> No.13777386

>it looks like they flipped the bars for 26-34 and 35-49.
It's not just that.The shortest bar is 1/4 the size of the longest one, even though the percentage value it represents is 20 times smaller.
>did you really expect accuracy for a picture like that?
Well, yeah. I mean, Excel will do that shit for you automatically. It's actually takes more time and effort to make up a wrong graph like that.

>> No.13777395

The only thing I noticed about "craft beer" is that its all about trends and experimentation meanwhile Euros have been drinking the same beers for over 100 years and they seem fine with it. So yeah while I do enjoy craft beer, the entire industry is a bit of a cancer.

>> No.13777397

>experimentation is cancer
Are you dense

>> No.13777402

I personally stick with the reasonbly-priced craft beer which is like 10 bucks a 6 pack give or take a few dollars. Once you get into the $16-20 4 pack stuff I'm far less interested. Id rather just go to the brewery directly to get that stuff rather than at the store. Makes it more special.

>> No.13777405

Yeah like I said people in Europe drink the same beers for over 100 years and dont care about experimentation if that means throwing all kinds of fruit in the beer to "experiment."

>> No.13777413

Stagnation is death.

>> No.13777416

Not when people drink Bud and Heineken more than any other beer. They dont seem to care.

>> No.13777417

They don't care because they are already dead.

>> No.13777425

The fact that there is a huge, viable market for craft beer that is present in any town over 2000 population says that a lot of people do care.

>> No.13777496
File: 482 KB, 800x754, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like

>> No.13777505

french press isn't a meme, it's legitimately the easiest way to make good coffee

>> No.13777515

All beer is an overpriced meme.

>> No.13777517


>> No.13777696

French press coffee is a 90s meme
You don't even know what you're making fun of

>> No.13777803

is it expensive at times? yes, are there too many IPAs? yes. but craft beer is overall good for beer and good for the economy, I have been to towns where I would expect the average person to work at a mill and drink molson, and they have local craft breweries, if you can combine them with restauraunts it creates cool places to hang out and makes your town more desirable to stop at for hipsters.

>> No.13777879

i still dont know what the fuck craft beer is? is it just normal beer but with a fancy sticker on it?

>> No.13777892

What's with that weird age chart.

35-49 years old are 41%, why is the bar for 26-34 longer? And why is 21-25, which is only 5% so large?

From those numbers, the median Craft beer drinker is over 41.

>> No.13777921

Prior to prohibition there were 4800+ craft breweries in the US. The rugged rough and tumble pioneers who carved a civilisation out of a savage land drank craft beer and their wives and daughters could have kicked your ass to hell and back. Many of the founding fathers brewed their own beer. The tasteless pisswater adjunct macrobrews became popular after prohibition to satisfy the sickly men (with bone spurs and such) too weak to fight in WW2 and the women. Macrobrews, not craft beer, are designed specifically to appeal to feminized men and women.

>> No.13777923

So in other words, normal people?

>> No.13777928

This graph made me upset.

>> No.13777943

Imagine being this ignorant about the history of beer in Europe.

>> No.13777947

>here, have my lemon-grass-infused 60-minute IPA mixed with hints of lambic and sold in old wine bottles that we openly gloat about tasting like shit on the bottle and call you a pansy for not liking something that tastes like a bathroom after it's been cleaned with pinesol
>not your thing? How about my chocolate chai coffee oatmeal imperial stout casked in old rye whiskey barrels and infused with seasonal, off-season spices, none of which you can taste because we'd made its 19% ABV because imperial stout lmao
>oh, there's a new fad in beer that's come around? Bet you can't guess what my entire product line will now be
If these are what you are referring to as "craftbeer", then yes, of course it's nothing but a meme.
If you were talking about microbreweries like >>13777326, then no. Most of those people are just interested in making beer that's good, which is why it's rare to see them do some jackass stupidity like what I greentexted above. No one is immune to market fads, though, which is why everyone here in Texas is currently doing a pickle beer.

>> No.13777967

nice graph retard

>> No.13778012

Typically craft beer is beer made in much smaller quantities compared to industrial beer like Budweiser; there is also a greater emphasis on experimentation and flavor. There are also "psuedo craft" beer like blue Moon, cause while not as mass produced as Bud, are still made in larger quantities compared to very local small breweries; but that's the pendant argument.

>> No.13778035

>posts a graph
>proves he’s a seething poorfag, brainlet

>> No.13778040

They prob made that shit in mspaint homie

>> No.13778042

What a terrible infographic. Why are the age brackets on the left so disproportionate? 5.4% over half 41.5%?26.4% significantly larger than 41.5%?

>> No.13778048

Its not overpriced if you are ok with the price. Im not a poorfag so if im gonna drink beer its not going to be hillbilly swill like budwiser

>> No.13778053

>women in charge of making graphs

>> No.13778070
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>> No.13778084
File: 51 KB, 847x565, 93c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>70% of craft beer drinkers are over 35
>they still portray him as a 20 something hipster

>> No.13778192
File: 79 KB, 733x670, imagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ really hates avocado toast and I don't get it. There's better toasts out there but I ain't gonna say no to one

>> No.13778213

So it's just special snowflake beer? Sounds gay.

>> No.13778218

>Craft beer is mostly a faggy millenial hobby as far as I can tell
Based on what? You've clearly never gone to a brewery or a tap house.

>> No.13778264

honestly a lemongrass infused 60 min ipa with some lambic in old wine bottles, minus the stone you're not worthy joke, sounds tasty as does a chocolate chai oatmeal imperial stout, minus unnecessary spices. thanks for the ideas

>> No.13778270

>>the poorly labeled pie chart with the male/female distribution in the middle for some reason
Yeah I don't really get which percentages are suppose to what on that part.

>> No.13778274

Things associated with millennials and liberals are usually hated here. But I agree, avocado toast is pretty damn good. Especially with bacon and eggs. Avocados in general getting hate is retarded. Anyone who says guacamole isn’t a fantastic dip is lying

>> No.13778280

>enjoys biking and hiking alone
I feel like hipsters are more likely to do this in groups.

>> No.13778281

I hated avocado before it was cool

>> No.13778287

He's a faggy loser that doesn't go out. Might not even be old enough to drink. Definitely wouldn't go to a craft beer bar.

All the college kids shit on craft beer as well. They can't afford it and they want their beer to taste like water. Never see any college kids at the craft German lager brewery at the edge of town.

>> No.13778291

it’s a beer for people who don’t want to constantly drink the same beer every time they drink. I love hamms and grain belt, but I also like getting craft beers once in a while. There’s nothing wrong with drinking craft beers and supporting a smaller brewery if they make a product you enjoy. A lot of people on 4chan would probably enjoy craft beers or any of the numale stereotypical things if they didn’t use 4chan and weren’t insecure about doing things that other people also do.

>> No.13778293

I just think it's pointless. It's a wad of fat that tastes vaguely of grass. I want flavor if I'm going to have to deal with a gob of fat in my mouth.

>> No.13778295

There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you’re not just disliking it because 4chan told you to.

>> No.13778298

Try guacamole with corn chips, it (usually) has seasoning it in.

>> No.13778318

Naw. That's your perception. The reality is easy to see. Actually go out on a hiking path or bike trail and they're mostly alone. I should know, I'm actually out there hiking myself.

I get to see both sides, rednecks and hicks vs hipsters and urban. I'm an electrician in the PNW. Mostly it's just the former getting mad about the existence of the latter, going so far as to spend thousands on a coal rolling truck just to piss em off. It's real sad. Hipsters are mostly enjoying their life while these ol boys are angry, bitchy shitters.

Work in construction. You'll see that grown men gossip, bitch, and complain as much as office women. Petty shit like an electric car triggers em. They're also incredibly insecure of their masculinity, taking jokes waaaaay too far.

>> No.13778343

Idk where but there was a thread about construction workers. They were insanely triggered over some anons suggesting they probably won’t ever make a six figure income, or even over 60k a year. I don’t even know how true that is but I was amazed at how many anons who worked construction got so butthurt over that. At the end of the day, you can do more with a 4 year college degree in literally anything than someone who’s worked construction their whole life.

>> No.13778350

The bars are wrong on the age graph and the man pictured is younger than average. Also, I'm assuming that the 75:25 split is male:female, but it isn't specified.

>> No.13778360

>local, small businesses are gay
Lmao craft breweries are one of the only things saving small towns nowadays. Everything is shifting towards mass produced garbage made in the big city, meanwhile breweries attract tons of visitors to smaller towns that would otherwise be dead. It's not "manly" to drink mass produced pisswater.

>> No.13778361

>muh millennials
Anybody 20-40 is a millennial, which is 80% of this sites population

>> No.13778385

How about you go outside you fuckin retard

>> No.13778399

I dunno about that. My gross last year was 143k. Construction is full of skilled trade labour. That's where the big money is. You have to give up drugs completely though. Lots of testing. Hard on the body. There's some really smart people in construction as well, due to changing careers from their college degree related field.

You're so correct about getting triggered lol. The non-trade guys are especially angry. A lot of them are like a walking stereotype. Angry young men, very conservative and mad at the world for their place in it. I think they just want attention.

>> No.13778402

Total beer industry is the ring, craft beer is in the center. That's at least easy enough to comprehend, but still shit.

>> No.13778403

20-23 year olds are zoomers. 80% of the site? Where the fuck are you getting that info from? Also, even though probably the majority of the site are ‘young people’, the culture on 4chan is a hive mind that dislikes most things associated with young people, pretty ironic.

>> No.13778409

Very very true. They bring in huge money and tourists. Breweries and local food movements are saving some small towns.

>> No.13778421

Damn man, you have other avenues of income or was that all from your job? Do you consistently make that much every year or do you have good/bad years? Invest some of that shit if you’re already not

>> No.13778426

I’m still living in my small college town until this summer and this is so fucking true

>> No.13778428

truth. im going on a solo roadtrip this summer and i'll be stopping at craft breweries so that im not surrounded by feckless retarded boomers in every unfamiliar hamlet i swing through

>> No.13778430

>Is craft beer an overpriced meme?
Other than in a restaurant or in remote village in some travels , I've never seen beer actually overpriced in any way. Stupid people might go to a bad grocery or fake 7-11 reseller to get ripped off, such as some bodega. Beer is pretty cheap stuff otherwise.
Craft beer can be made by the same people who make the mass produced brands, so if you consider that some form of cheating, you could call it a meme, but that's the reality.
You either like to have a variety of flavor, or you want clean lager (immature people pick on the mass produced top vs bottom brewed lagers as somehow being cheap or bad, which they aren't, it's just a style). Sometimes craft beers are utterly overflavored (in your opinion) or gimmicky/holiday in theme, but it's on you to have enough experience in what you like to consider buying it in the first place. You may or may not want lemongrass aroma in your beer, for instance.

>> No.13778453

It's my first year making this much. I moved to the PNW and transferred to a local IBEW. You can easily make 40 an hour up here as a journeyman. Trades are good money, and they certainly are not for idiots. I started 5 years ago making 16 an hour, completely green to construction. Paid off my unrelated college loans in that time! Look into any and all apprenticeship programs. Plumbing HVAC machining tooling even just setting up giant machines is a great paid union gig! Be drug free, be on time, don't look at your phone and you're a good candidate.

>> No.13778457

>shorter than 26.4%
>half the length of 26.4%

Lol wut

>> No.13778462

Oh and I did side work for friends and family plus massive amounts of over time. The overtime was very significant in making that 143.

>> No.13778465

If I didn’t go to college already I would’ve gone to trade school in a heartbeat. I’m just trying to get into data analysis rn with a non traditional major. Making 17.5 an hour working a healthcare tech job at a nonprofit. Not terrible but I’m really hoping to get to 60k salary within the next five years. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable goal ether. Still, your occupation sounds tempting. But I would have to quit dude weed lmao

>> No.13778481

That doesn't sound bad at all for an entry level job. If you jump ship every few years you'll hit 60k I'm sure.

Lots of people start learning trades in their 30s surprisingly. People switch careers into it. I think the mode age for my class was 28. If you're ever looking to start again or make more money you have some great back up options.

The weed part hurts man. Some shops don't care but my union does. Once it's federally legal and insurance HAS to be updated to work with it we'll finally be free.

>> No.13778497

What’s weird about the pot thing is I know a lot of construction workers smoke weed after work. I don’t see the issue as long as you’re not high on the job. Someone coming into work hungover and operating heavy machinery could easily fuck something up or hurt someone/themselves

>> No.13778510

Sugar is fine just stay away from fats

>> No.13778522

I think hes right, the bar graph seems to have a mistake on it. It looks like the 41 percent and 26 percent got switched.

>> No.13778530

massive kek

>> No.13778556
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its shooped

>> No.13778569

Yup. You're 100% correct. I went drug free in order to sell myself better. Get more overtime and calls to work. There's guys that smuggle piss or have others piss for them though. No electricians in our union, but I've seen plenty guys have "safety meetings" on shift lol.

>> No.13778703

Ignorance is bliss. I'll stick to my bud light and save the cash

>> No.13778718

jokes on you tough guy avocados make my tummy hurt
>t. millenial

>> No.13778720

British journal of customer marketing is trying straight up to lie.

>> No.13779721

>gen x and faggot boom booms make up almost 70%
>better post picture of faggot ass millennial
For some reason this really irks me.

>> No.13779729

the bars are still horribly off

>> No.13779735

I'm 24, I don't have any kind of college degree, I never buy organic foods, I don't bike or jog because that's for pussies and faggots, and my gook girlfriend is the one who introduced me to craft beers.

>> No.13779768

This post sure triggered a lot of soylent chuggers

>> No.13779789

Because it's shopped >>13778556
Craft beer is mostly a faggot ass millenial thing

>> No.13780226

millenials are 40 now dude.

>> No.13780283

I dislike craft beer and mostly drink Pabst

>> No.13780525

if by craft beer you mean all IPAs all the time all day everyday hops hops hops then yes

>> No.13782006

So dessert chocolate cheesecake beer is better

>> No.13782010

Craft beer is getting its shit pushed in by seltzer

>> No.13782021

faggot-ass millenials are pushing 40 now.

>> No.13782059

yes. Craft beer tastes just like old socks but craftcuks will defend it and say that my tongue isn't advanced enough to experience the superiority of craft shit over any other beer but they are just kidding themselves.

>> No.13782099

23 year olds are still millenials they were born in the mid 90s

>> No.13782451

97 isnt mid 90s
If you were a barely sentient baby during the 90s you're not a millenial

>> No.13782487

What craft beer have you tried?

>> No.13782488

I love how the meme is that hipsters are still thin and athletic. They're all chubby fat fucks now from too much craft beer and not enough exercise.

>> No.13782495

Hipsters don't exist anymore, boomer.

>> No.13782580

And bald

>> No.13782677

With soy tits too

>> No.13782727

Different audiences. Seltzer audience seems to be entirely women, mainly club goers or barhoppers. Craft beer audience is all male.

>> No.13782745

Apart from wheat beers and sours.

>> No.13783134

Ahh I see now, makes much more sense.

>> No.13783168

Craft beer is just a way to introduce variety to beers.

Not every craft beer is going to be good or even better than bulk lager but if you enjoy the process of taste testing or just have the patience to shift through tons of mediocre beers you will eventually find something that you like more than any bulk lager.

Whether it's overpriced is subjective. Beer is not a necessity so any money spent on beer is excess. If you're asking whether they're needlessly inflating their profit margins then no, producing something at a smaller volume is much more expensive. Whether it's worth it to you as the customer depends entirely on how much enjoyment you get from drinking it. There is no universal correct answer to the question.

>> No.13783195

>Craft beer is getting its shit pushed in by seltzer
No, macro beer is what is losing to Seltzer

Blue Moon and Leinies have lost more volume to seltzer than there is craft beer

>> No.13783328

>Seltzer audience seems to be entirely women

>> No.13783616


>> No.13783631

sorry, women and gays

>> No.13784098


I mostly homebrew desu, heck of a lot cheaper. Just read your greentext and kek'd a bit, in the autumn I sometimes do a red ale, lightly hopped, and try to use just enough chai tea to have a little hint in there. I dunno, I'm fucking tired of memebeers just for the sake of standing out - also kinda why I started homebrewing, but I got the idea and have done it twice so far.

Honestly, whatever, I'm not here to shit on people for making or drinking beer, I'm just tired of the billions of kinds of IPAs and whiskey barrels and doughnut flavoured beers and bullshit like that.

>> No.13784434
File: 89 KB, 658x658, C0D3A2E9-131E-41B2-B17A-BFC34798C35E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to murder you

>> No.13784658

Chai beer?

>> No.13784702

No. There's really good shit to be found and enjoyed. The meme aspect of craft beer comes from the kind of faggot who "only drinks the real stuff". I love nitro stouts, session IPAs and would probably drink myself into a coma given enough La Trappe Quadrupel, but I'm also gonna kick back quite a few cans of Bud if the host is offering. And there's nothing wrong with it, ice cold macrolagers are a good fit for summer BBQs. You can enjoy nice things, just don't be a pretentious faggot about it.

>> No.13784716
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what is the other .5% of genders

>> No.13784731


>> No.13784793

based post anon.

>> No.13784803

>26 is bigger than 41

>> No.13784942


>> No.13784965

It's more like they got into it because its a social event at craft beer festivals. You get a ticket, drink as much beer as you want and then you start to notice a lot of the beers are better than budweiser.

>> No.13784969

Maybe I should try that.