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File: 2.87 MB, 512x288, great-way-to-cook-a-steak.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13775847 No.13775847 [Reply] [Original]

Why is deep frying such a great way to cook a steak?

Post your deep fried steaks. Steaks with a shitty crust not allowed.

>> No.13775864


it's a bad way because deep frying requires you to buy, store, have, keep and dispose of a fucking ton of oil. also, canola? not lard? why wouldn't you deep fry it in lard?

>> No.13775875

Why lard? Steak is beef. Deep fry in beef tallow.

Canola is cheap if you want to save money. Too bad it's poison vegetable oil.

>> No.13775890

Could you in theory just dump a shit ton of sawdust into the oil, mix it around, and then dump it in the woods

>> No.13775997

it is if you like steak medium well to well.

>> No.13776015

Just freeze the steak solid before dropping it into the hot oil to prevent the interior from overcooking.

>> No.13776025

Give me a chicken-fried steak over whatever this simpola coastie shit is

>> No.13776027

>post your deep fried steaks
Unless we're talking chicken fried steaks, nobody has deep fried steak pictures except you, dumbass. But you already knew that

I get better crusts with less gray band than you with my own method, thank you very much

>> No.13776030
File: 2.56 MB, 2591x2713, 1282911383_llcrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can cook it however you like. I prefer medium rare to medium.

>> No.13776034

agreed on the tallow/lard fry, but clarified butter is another good option.
animal fats go with meat a tonne better than plant oils. If you'd ever had battered fish in beef tallow you'd agree.

and it's a great method because it heats everything it touches and nothing more
fried foods when properly aren't even bad for you, foods going into oil that is too cold is where it gets the bad wrap, soggy greasy shit that absorbs the oil instead of getting sealed is totally the fault of the person cooking it

you can do blue with a fryer dude, super hot oil and a short quick dip with the basket

>> No.13776140

that's medium, look at the size of that grey well done band.

>> No.13776164

That's how you get the tree courts after you.

>> No.13776169

>that's medium
Yes. That's how I like it.

>look at the size of that grey well done band.
What do you believe to be the problem with this dreaded grey band, aside from not looking as photogenic?

>> No.13776186

that it's more of the doneness that in my opinion is the worst. so i like my steak with as little of that doneness as possible. i mean, if you think about it half the meat on that steak is well done and the other half is medium.

>> No.13776239

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.13776264

rude dude. i ain't saying it's a shit method or a bad steak. it's just not very good if you want your steak rare or have less of the well done meat.

>> No.13776274

I know exactly what the fuck you're saying. You don't tell me, I'll tell you.

>> No.13776281

I know most of you assholes couldn't cook a steak to save your lives, but here's how you do it in a few techniques.

1/ Cook in an oven(180F) to 125F, place on a 700F grill with a pad of butter on it to create a controlled fire for 2 minutes a side. Have a water bottle handy.

This is what they call "reverse sear"


2/ Cut all of the excessive fat on the outside off and render it into a SS pan or non stick, get a good pool of fat going. Heat to 420F and sear both sides for 4 minutes (1.5 to 2 inch, room temp steak). You have to have feel for this. It'll generate a lot of smoke indoors.

>> No.13776294


I should have said you're shooting for 135F which is rare steak in both conditions.

>> No.13776654

>using a flashy soiboi filet knife like a hack saw to cut through a steak
Bothers me more than deep frying it desu

>> No.13777124
File: 2.13 MB, 2319x2455, 75344824_llcrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the actual problem though?

I would describe overly cooked meat as tough and dry. The grey band doesn't cause the meat to be tough or dry so it isn't actually a problem.

These deep fried steaks are tender and juicy. Incredibly juicy. More juicy than any other cooking method.

I get the impression people who complain about a grey band have no taste or opinions of their own. They are just blindly copying others.

In a blind taste test the deep fried steaks would win. But when people see it and judge based on appearance and perceived social acceptability of certain characteristics they will parrot things like the grey band complaint. Monkey see, monkey do.

It's the same as complaining about juice on the plate. Steaks are more delicious when warm. Letting it cool down so it won't lose any juice is disgusting.

>> No.13777132
File: 246 KB, 508x277, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm! I just love steaks that are grey on the ends, and 40% grey around the entire outer edge.

>> No.13777171
File: 2.75 MB, 3021x2419, image:6158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this is one of the retards I was talking about.

No taste. Just a poser keeping up appearances.

>> No.13777199
File: 495 KB, 817x427, 1452122593134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13777221

>Steaks with a shitty crust not allowed.
That looks disgusting due to no crust.

But I guess you think it would be good if the middle was pink edge to edge. You have no taste.

>> No.13777227

Show me a deep fried steak with edge-to-edge pink and I'll shut my mouth.

>> No.13777231
File: 2.05 MB, 1280x720, Nice And Pink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats jack nigga

>> No.13777262

You obviously spend more time looking at photos of steaks than eating them to even think it matters.

But here you go, pseud.

>> No.13777297

And argument thrown into the trash. Better luck next time, champ.

>> No.13777357

I've done that before but my dog ate the dirt spot so now I just throw it in a nearby storm drain

>> No.13777372

You never made an argument in the first place.

>> No.13777649

heres one done side by side with another
both both are good but it's not a common method since people fetishize steaks

I think deep frying a small roast would be fantastic, and then cut steaks out of it

>> No.13777670

>I think deep frying a small roast would be fantastic, and then cut steaks out of it
That would defeat the purpose of deep frying: getting the most perfect crust ever on a steak.

>> No.13777693


>> No.13777697

135 is medium well at best, 105-110 will get you to rare

>> No.13777712

The flavor of the Maillard reaction from the crust just can't be explained.

>> No.13778652

Chicken fried steak isn't as good. You get a crusty coating but the meat itself isn't seared.

>> No.13778655



shut the fuck up and eat it.

>> No.13778668

Just pour it down the drain and run hot water for 5 minutes

>> No.13778675

>can't even discern pork from beef
Just stop posting