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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13771445 No.13771445 [Reply] [Original]

-Not filling
-Lacks bold flavors
-all style, no substance
-extremely overpriced
-not even healthy either

>> No.13771451

pity post

>> No.13771454

I dont think something needs to have "bold" flavor to be really tasty

>> No.13771457

Then go eat some burgers you fat americunt, the rest of us will continue enjoying what you don't like.

>> No.13771458 [DELETED] 

you know what's the real scam? your mongrel father charging 20 bucks for a blowjob.

>> No.13771459

idk, really high quality fresh fish is nice, but i agree sushi is overpriced

>> No.13771574

For the price they're charging and for how unfilling they are, yeah they kinda do need potent flavors to be worth it.

>> No.13771582

I mean sushi comprises of a pretty wide variety of stuff, that's like asking if tapas is a scam.

>> No.13771587

Maybe you should go to the nearest Indian shit trough if you want “potent” flavor then.

>> No.13771608
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>Not filling

>> No.13771612

Yeah.... It really needs ketchup.

>> No.13771613

it's really filling and dense though, I'm always surprised how heavy just a few pieces of sushi can be

flavors really depend on the type

definitely overpriced though

>> No.13771620

Good sushi is like good homemade meatloaf. I've eaten at the most expensive sushi place in Los Angeles and it was forgettable. The only thing I remember about it was that it was a humid night and one of the Beastie Boys was sitting across from me. Just because something is foreign doesn't mean it's Godlike. Sushi is good once in a while in small doses, but most of the time it's not worth the price. End of rant.

>> No.13771637

American sushi > Japanese "ONRY SOY SAUCE FISH AND RICE" autism

>> No.13771654

yeah absolutely, some of those places are a huge rip off
if you want sushi you're better off going to an all you can eat sushi place, their stock will generally be fresher than the pricier places by virtue of simply putting more of it out.
20-25 bucks for a nights dinner with friends is a good time and quite comparable to most restaurants.
if you don't find it filling for the price stop paying 15 dollars for 4 pieces and go to the all you can eat place, I don't get why anyone buys expensive sushi

>> No.13771679

probably depends where you live, in vancouver it’s cheap and plentiful

>> No.13771690

There's just no scenario where sushi doesn't seem like a scam.

1. If you're craving fish, just get a whole one. Cheaper, bigger portions and you can make it precisely how exactly you want it. (Without some chink touching your raw food with their bare hands as well) If you wanna fall for their marketing scheme of having amazing quality fish, just go to a fishmonger or a reputable store. You'll get a meal that's actually filling and the sushi grade shit is probably just placebo.
2. If you want an asian lunch or dinner, there are plenty of different cuisines that offer food that looks just as beautiful/colorful but actually nourish you. Sushi isn't even healthy on top of not being filling.
3. If you want 'le subtle' flavor just decrease the amount of seasonings on whatever you're cooking. Tasting bland shit isn't some amazing experience just because the marketing scheme brainwashed you. You would be like those teens who spend hundreds on just plain white Ts because of the brand.

Maybe if you're trying to impress a hipster friend by taking her to an upscale sushi joint, yeah I can understand that. But the food is just underwhelming on every level.

>> No.13771702
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>Not filling
ur fat
>Lacks bold flavors
You're eating the wrong sushi
>all style, no substance
What besides rice and fish is there supposed to be in your mind?
>extremely overpriced
Good shit costs good money
>not even healthy either
Shut the fuck up

>> No.13771707

are you from the 70s or just a flyover fag?

>> No.13771711

American sushi are terrible. They are so terrible, I was concerned I wouldn't like Japanese cuisine when I move there.
Turns out, I don like it much after all but specifically sushi are very good.

>> No.13771757

Yes but only in the sense that it's trendy "exotic" food for western hipsters and you get places charging the retard tax for raw fish on top of white rice

The food itself is fine and it seems most problems you have originate from being an obese American raised on fast food

It's filling, it's tasty and it looks good

>> No.13771764
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>bold flavors

>> No.13771767

Soy sauce and wasabi are pretty strong flavors.

>> No.13771768
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based :DD

>> No.13771786

What if you just like eating it and don't have this level of autism?

>> No.13771791
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>that'll be $12.95, plus tip

>> No.13771793

I don't try to impress anyone. I'll eat a bowl of chirashi by myself while I drink some gay ass tea.

>> No.13771799

You're probably right desu.

I went for sushi a few weeks ago. There were some really nice pieces - I had waygu, otoro and sea urchin. But they are all luxuries and not easy to find. For the rest of it, whilst it was nice, it was all twice the cost of the local sushi place I go to, and tasted almost the same.

>> No.13771808

It's literally Japanese fast food idk why we need to keep rehashing this shit if you are spending more than ten bucks on this stuff you are getting Jewed hard

>> No.13771879

The jew fears the samurai.

>> No.13772483

best seafood in the world in america...

>> No.13773414
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>> No.13773423

Sushi is very much overpriced but it's rice, it's filling as fuck. I would recommend making your own so you can choose which fish you want. Marinated mackerell is extremely bold in flavour for instance.
I would argue that the style and substance bit is subjective and you would be right that it's not very healthy considering the amount of salt and sugar in it but it's not supposed to be a staple food.

>> No.13773442

Simple homemade salmon rolls are very filling and relatively affordable. Just make your simple sushi at home.

>> No.13773445

>Lacks bold flavors
Good sushi has tonnes of flavour though

>> No.13773466
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>You travel long time stranger, you must be hungry
>prease, take seat. I prepare finest dish in japan
>you see rice? Ancient japanese secret, passed down father to son for many generations
>and tuna, bought fresh today
>now before you eat we honor japanese custom

>> No.13773477

Fish and rice is very healthy you homewrecking skank.

>> No.13773496

Inari sushi is the best variety.
Fish sushi is meh.

>> No.13773499

There are more things in life than just shoving food down your mouth-hole
High-class sushi is not meant to be a replacement for nourishment but a way to appreciate ingredients and mastery over technique, if you don’t care about that, that it’s ok, but thinking that you all food has to feel the same as your fast food “food items” only shows your lack of refinement

>> No.13773500

>Inari sushi
literally the most plebian baby mode sushi in existence that people bizarrely meme themselves into thinking is a cultured choice
>very sweet
>for sushi, bland

>> No.13773547

>thinking it has to be the same as your fast food

>burgers are the only other food in the world aside from sushi
Nice projection, amerisharts.

>if you don't care about that, that's ok
If the food isn't all that flavorful, isn't filling, isn't healthy, is overpriced what's the point? It sucks in every aspect. Only time it makes sense to go for sushi is if you're trying to date a hipster chink girl or was invited with someone else paying.

>> No.13773555


It's overpriced and pretentious. Like lobster used to be in the west. It's raw fish on rice, the only cooking skills required is rice, the rest is just presentation and meat sourcing

>> No.13773557

>still not getting it
I bet you are the type of guy who thinks the only “purpose” of alcoholic drinks is to make you drunk

>> No.13773561

slicing fish is not easy.
seriously, try it, go buy a piece of salmon and just try make nice pieces

>> No.13773570

>shape of fish
>size of costumer
>age of fish

>> No.13773571

>thinking there's "something to get"
You literally just fell for the meme. You can't defend something that's not filling, not healthy, not very flavorful for the overpriced chink shit. You are a textbook example of a pseudo intellectual, ironically when you're the one buying in to such a blatant scam.

>> No.13773579

You can get fresher, bigger fish from many places. That would actually fill you up, you can prepare however you want instead of limited to the cheap portions they give in sushi places. You have the mental capacity of a teenage girl and fooled yourself into thinking their fish is anything special just because they told you to. Learn to think for yourself, learn to fish, talk with fishmongers/find some good stores that have good quality fish.

>> No.13773580

>not healthy
woh woh woh hold up there anon
fatty fish like tuna and salmon are extremely good for you

>> No.13773588

>not filling
Meme, feeling full is a type of disgust, the goal of eating is feeling satisfied. That said, sushi is not meant to fill you up, but give you an experience
>not healthy
It has no adverse effects and is not meant to be a replacement for other foods. Is like wine, you do not consume just wine because that will hardly fulfill your nutritional requirements, yet you cannot consider it unhealthy
>not very flavorful
Shut your flapper for a second and pay attention to what you are eating.

>blatant scam
If you think that’s overpriced wait ‘till you see how drinks work at restaurants and bars.
Learn to choose where to eat, not every sushi is overpriced but of course you rather lazily look at what is most popular and then feel a stupid sense of pride on your ignorance

>> No.13773591

Why don’t you do it?

>> No.13773670
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I would hardly call it a scam, this right here was about $4 and change usd

The problem is waito piggus are treating a japanese fast food item as fine dining and paying a premium for it

>> No.13773683

Everytime I go out for sushi, I end up feeling pretty full, especially if you get some tempura and have some drinks with it as well as the edamame beans and such.

>> No.13773702

>not filling
yes it is
>Lacks bold flavours
you lack tastebuds
>Extreamly overpriced
your poor, i can afford it fine
>not healthy
yes beacuse rice seaweed and fresh fish is so unhealthy
this is why public shootings happen, and this is why i dont want them to stop

>> No.13773797

No food is inherently healthy or unhealthy, stop being a retarded normie moron and learn to fact check any dumb propaganda media shoves down your throat.
There is no food you could eat and it's magically good for you. It's always about your diet as a whole. And for your diet as a whole, sushi might as well be a clean source of fish.

>> No.13773847

That is meat sourcing
That is presentation

Neither of those actually involves cooking.

>> No.13773852


>implying I don't

>> No.13773923

The only pseudo intellectual here is you, buddy. "Oh look how superior I am because I don't like something that is popular!" Don't you have some clove cigarettes to boof or something?

>> No.13774003

This nip only serves close friends and celebrities now. His doors are closed to the average consoomer.

>> No.13774603

What fish is the white sushi?
I ordered lunch from my local Jap/Thai store and it came with "Sushi Combo" that was salmon, tuna and a white fish very similar to that one minus the roe.
Probably the best tasting fish I have had.

>> No.13775503

>put a tiny piece of fish even a cat won't be satisfied with on rice
>wa-ra dat would be one hundred dorra
Why are fedoras so easy to manipulate?

>> No.13775520

>Look how superior I am because I like something not filling, not healthy, not flavorful and overpriced
Falling for chink marketing schemes is the opposite of intellectual. You're the pseud here, retard.

>> No.13775535

hey faggot he said $4 are you retarded

>> No.13775538

Chicken sushi is dope as and pretty cheap and filling

>> No.13775539

shouldn’t eat raw chicken anon

>> No.13775547
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Stop using words you don't know the meaning of, dumbshit.

>> No.13775548

>Is sushi a scam?
A scam would imply that sushi isn't what it is. It's vinegary rice with fish or seashells. You know what you are buying, it's not a scam.

>> No.13775575

Everything you said is wrong

>> No.13775576

Can't blame him, he's fucking ancient.

>> No.13775636

>can't deny how unfilling, unsatisfying, bland and overpriced sushi is
I accept your concession.

>> No.13775656

>im right ur wrong
>el oh el
enjoy your burgers, burger

>> No.13775665
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>I can't deny how completely and utterly retarded I am

>> No.13776190
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It is tasty and I like it, but, unfortunately, yes it is. All these high prices and celebrity chefs are all bullshit for what is, ultimately, a simple fisherman food.

>> No.13776212

>-Lacks bold flavors
Objectively wrong, tastelet.

>> No.13776230

Are you seriously bragging about grocery store sushi?

>> No.13776251

Excuse me, but I eat at whole foods every day. Are you saying I'm stupid?

>> No.13776392

sushi is 99% a scam, that 1% exists though

>> No.13776677

>-Not filling
it is if you're eating the right amounts of it.
also you're not supposed to eat until you're full, you're supposed to eat until satisfied.
>-Lacks bold flavors
Japanese food isn't about bold flavors it's about balance and texture.
>-all style, no substance
see above.
>-extremely overpriced
2 pieces for 100yen is pretty fucking cheap my dude
>-not even healthy either
normal sushi is heaps healthy. stop making sushi rolls stuffed with fried pork, cream cheese and mayo.

>> No.13776709

>not filling
>lacks bold flavors
this is some real brainlet posting

>> No.13776722

There’s a sushi place near me that has a daily 16 piece special for only $10. It’s not super authentic but it’s pretty damn close, some days I’ll get two if I’m feeling extra hungry and I still can’t finish it

>> No.13776946

It's Squid or "Ika sushi"

>> No.13776950

Sushi and sashimi is the best way you can experience fish.

>> No.13776957

Sushi IS a scam. Asians and californian numales perpetuate that it's high class fine dining shit when it's not. Even at the end of most omakases they give you handrolls, soup, other courses because they know the meal isn't filling. Even WBS who films himself eating at the very best sushi restaurants admit he usually isn't full by the time he gets home. And b4 American jokes come, he's European and more fit than anyone on this board. Sushi is like designer clothes, it sells more on how people perceive it than what it actually is. I'd take pretty much every other fish dish over soyshi.

>> No.13776958

What if you are a weeb?

>> No.13776983

I could easily spend $100+ on sushi and still be hungry

>> No.13776990

You need to weight under 200 kilos to post on this board

>> No.13777025

I love sushi but I would never spend more than a dollar a piece on it.

>> No.13777076
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Try $10k worth of sushi and get back to me

>> No.13777223

I usually go to a sushi place that is a la carte style. They have a menu, you pick whatever and they bring it to you, no limits.
It's delicious and filling

>> No.13777236

I go to ones that are buffet style where you can watch them actively make the sushi in the back so you know it is somewhat fresh

>> No.13777239

The one I go to also has an open kitchen. It's quite nice

>> No.13777279

this. only limp wristed hipster faggots like sushi

>> No.13777459

Food of subjective taste isn't a scam. You can think its not worth the money but thats up to the individual. Its not like someone tricked you into buying it.

>> No.13777462

Are you seriously thinking $100 sushi is 25x better than $4 sushi? At some point diminishing returns kick in. And at least in Japan their grocery/convenience store sushi isn't trash like the west.

>> No.13777482

>lacks bold flavors

you should try some that's not from your supermarket chiller case.

>> No.13777513

It's only overpriced if you go to meme places instead of an all-you-can-eat lunch.

>> No.13777538

>at least in Japan their grocery/convenience store sushi isn't trash like the west.
objectively not true, go hug your body pillow you weaboo faggot

>> No.13777556

I've lived there a few years. I can at least judge it.

>> No.13777557

It is an okay food that is somewhat overrated due to its aesthetic value (relative to say any given Japanese/Indian curry which tastes better but looks like a glob of liquid).

>> No.13777924

Not that anon but I'm living here and sushi are only good in sushi restaurants. Even expensive-ass sushi sets you can order are mediocre at best.
If you think sushi from grocery stores don't taste like garbage you're shit eater.

>> No.13777929

It does for me. Pass the MSG, bros, there's never enough.

>> No.13778068

how much do you weigh?

>> No.13778282

Maybe you have unrealistic expectations. Or maybe you're the shit eater who can't appreciate subtle flavors. Luckily they have Mcdonalds in Japan too.

>> No.13778327

If it had the "stripes" like in the pic and a somewhat chewy texture, it was likely squid as Anon says. There are a few different types of white fish you can encounter, though. White tuna is fairly common with a more typical soft texture.

>> No.13778338

this what bug me yall be eatin this shit and not even know what u eatin

>> No.13778381

sure thing, weeabo.

>> No.13778947

The best way to eat sushi is to stirfry it first. Sushi is literally stir fry ingredients but without the follow through.

>> No.13779138
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>-Not filling

>> No.13779146

>the only “purpose” of alcoholic drinks is to make you drunk
literal fact. fuck you.

>> No.13779418

Its cooked ya fucken mong

>> No.13779429

>subtle flavors
of shit maybe
Your argument is completely retarded as I already stated that sushi from dedicated sushi restaurants is good.

>> No.13779493
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I don't get how people are saying its not filling and satisfying. all the different flavours, combos and colours. Could just spend more thann 30 minutes at a park bench slowly enjoying every seperate piece. Its like a cheese platter but with fish instead. Sashimi is a nice treat too.

Tempted to get some tonight... but then again the local joint makes a REALLY good ramen. I just made myself hungry.

>> No.13779495
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didnt mean to click you sorry.

Enjoy a free (you)

>> No.13779672

Because you normally need to spend a fortune to get a filling and satisfying amount.

>> No.13779704
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Seeing as how the idea of a "normal" portion involes pre-supersizing it, perhaps the idea of eating less may seem alien. the idea of "filling" seems to be misunderstood as "bloated".

For now I'll just assume pic is you.

>> No.13779706

Where do you live that sushi is expensive and bland? My gook gf and I have three great sushi places in our shitty small town in Central California and we have never spent more than $35 total for dinner at any of them.

>> No.13779725

Wow, only $35? Why don't poor people eat it every day to save money?

>> No.13779736

Meme. Like chicken wings. Somehow gooks have tricked city people into paying premium prices for raw fish and rice. Fuck that and y’all.

>> No.13780144

Sushi is my top favorite food right next to jambalaya. I feel sorry for people who don't like it.

>> No.13780166

amerifattieclap detected

>> No.13780184

sure thing, kungfluboy

>> No.13780299
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>> No.13780428

>all the soy hipsters and Lee Chang Wangs seething ITT

>> No.13780441

I was on a date with a chick one time. We went to a sushi place. The ones where there's little plates on an assembly line or whatever. I had 4 plates and she was disgusted at how much i was "over eating". I thought it was a reasonable amount for a man? If anything I secretly wanted a LOT more but of course wasn't going to outright pig out in front of her...though according to her I did. There was like a piece or two of sushi on each one of the rinky dink fuckin plates goddamnit. :(

Few weeks later we had sex a few times. I nutted. She left very angry and unsatisfied.

>> No.13780707

Sushi isn't "unfilling" at all, fatty.

>> No.13782175

just imagine all the slants laughing at the gullible customers who spent big on raw fish sliced on a small block of rice

>> No.13782188

wat u said fr fr

>> No.13782189

fucking seething wew lad

>> No.13782195

Aww yes I love how a woman will judge you and still ler you nut in her

>> No.13782232

>You either like sushi or you're a fat amerilard!

Sushi is boring cuisine, the flavors are lazy and it's basically an assembly of raw ingredients. Japanese people masturbate over it all day on the internet but IRL Americanized sushi is catching on like wildfire in Japan, along with many other regional cuisines. Japanese food is fucking boring.

>> No.13782241

>lazy flavors
based reductionist retard

>> No.13782253


>Shaky, rickety japanese hands struggle to form up a wad of sticky rice
>Grabs a slice of raw fish and glues it to the rice ball
>Yessu zat wirru be six hunduredo dorra
>Hesitantly pull out my wallet and begin to pull out close to a week's paycheck for some raw fish on fucking rice
>He stops me hand
>PRUSS tippu
>Pay 800 dollars for raw food on a basic starch

I left feeling very high class and sophisticated, take that amerifats! I'm really cultured!

>> No.13782259


A standard dining out experience for two is going to run you $30+ in even the cheapest places after tax and tip. The question was whether this is somehow more expensive than your typical dining out experience, not if dining out is inherently a sensible financial decision.

>> No.13782269



Ok Gollum

>> No.13783121

>allcaps strawman
Take your meds.

>> No.13783148

Soy sauce and wasabi aren't really the main components of sushi.

>> No.13784117
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Best to eat in Japan

This is a bit expensive, so it's about $ 12

>> No.13784118
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This is $ 6

>> No.13784482
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Japanese love sushi.
However, sushi is not just "NIGIRI".
In daily life of Japanese, cheaper "NORIMAKI" and "INARIZUSHI" are indispensable.
The sushi culture is mainly vinegared rice, not raw fish.

>> No.13784497

Sushi is delicious and filling without being heavy. It's the first place I took my gf and it's where I'm going to propose to her. I look forward to it every day.