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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13769640 No.13769640 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /tea/. This is a thread for general discussion about tea, tisanes, and mate.

Thread Question: What do you respond when someone asks you: "What is your favourite tea?"

Previous Thread: >>13727522

/tea/ FAQ:

>> No.13769646

My favorite tea is easily sencha, maybe gyokuro.

That being said I am currently taking a break from caffeine which for me, is tea. Been having energy problems lately where I crash real hard. Rip.

>> No.13769647
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Let's keep the fucking antisemitism out of this tea thread please.

Last time it was appalling.

>> No.13769668

>almost out of green tea
>spring harvest coming up though
what do?

>> No.13769681

Anyone has some pointers how to brew the ever shilled black gold bi Luo Chun? I just tried to brew some and I can barely taste it. What is your experience with this tea?

>> No.13769689

My tea.
Two large spoons of sugar,
One large spoon of lemon juice.
Occasionally a tea spoon of honey
Casual Forest Fruit flavored teabag.
That's it, and I'm a happy camper, I do this in a 0,5L beer mug.
It's simple, dumb, maybe even childish, but I love it.

>> No.13769722
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>What do you respond when someone asks you: "What is your favourite tea?"
Pu'er. If asked more specifically I would say aged sheng; the best tea I ever had was White2Tea's White Whale, which is long since out of stock now. Later this year when the budget permits I'll have to seek out some suitable replacements.

>> No.13769726 [DELETED] 

no kike

>> No.13769742

What are your brewing parameters?
I have never tried it myself. But consider
>increasing temperature
>increasing leaf to water ratio
>increasing brewing time, at least of first few steeps until it uncoils

>> No.13769764

I pour boiling water into thermos so the temperature during brewing should be around 90-95 Celsius. 100g of water to 5g of tea. I start with 10 second brew time and prolong it 5seconds for every consecutive brew. The parameters all seem fine but the tea has very mild taste, even more than some of my greens. I will try to experiment and will report back. If anyone has some more ideas I'm all ears.

>> No.13769785

>I start with 10 second brew time and prolong it 5seconds for every consecutive brew
Rest seems like what I would do as well, this might be the problem. Again, I haven't tried it, but for green bi luo chuns at least I find this isn't a good strategy. Because of the way it's coiled up, the first brews will take longer, i.e. the increase shouldn't be linear, and the starting time should be higher than for a regular green.
Do let us know if you figure something out that works for you, and what you think of the tea. I'd like to give it a taste myself.

>> No.13769894

opening the pic in paint and saving usually fixes pic orientation
>ever shilled black gold bi Luo Chun
i brew mine @90c for 20sec then +5. with a 10sec rinse first, 1st infusion is usually a little weak but thats true for every tea i find. i think blacks generally do better starting from 20secs and leave the super fast brews for things like pueh and hei chas

>> No.13770029

Y'all use the same leaf ratio for ripes as raws or do you change it up?

>> No.13770037

I'm usually pressed for time during the week but i would like to make some cold brew mate for my pour-n-go lifestyle. How much mate should I use for a gallon of cold brew?
Also, would using distilled water be better for cold brew due to better leeching?

>> No.13770041

Unless you preheat your thermos you'll end up with temperatures in the 70s. Start with a 5 second rinse and then a 25 second brew, then 20 seconds, then increase by 5 or 10 for 2-4 brews and then finally leave for a minute or two.
Nobody will ever ask me that question. That being said, I am a big fan of most chinese greens.
Wait a couple of months of course. Drink green oolongs and raws to scratch the itch.

>> No.13770049

yes 5g/100ml but i flash brew raws a few times before increasing the time

>> No.13770067

I don’t have a particular favorite, honestly. My cupboard has at least fifteen different varieties, and I enjoy them all for different reasons. I find that I usually default to Egyptian licorice, chai, and high-quality black teas. My local tea house sells one that has notes of cinnamon and vanilla, and it’s absurdly good. Floral teas are great, too, with rose being a particularly stand-out flavor in my mind.

>> No.13770074

You blokes sweeten your teas with honey or sugar, or add cream at all? Or do you prefer it straight up?

>> No.13770082

straight up, most people here drink chinese but i also take my bong tea straight

>> No.13770083
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Guys I don't have a kettle to heat up water how can I make tea without it?
Any good recommendations on kettles to buy?

>> No.13770084
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I hope you get your stuff from Shizuoka, because it's the best.

>> No.13770099

Is this a variety I haven’t heard of, or are you drinking straight-up bong water?

>> No.13770108

Just microwave your water, mate, there’s nothing wrong with that. Just keep an eye on it to make sure you don’t overdo it. Alternatively, you can just heat the water in a pot on your stovetop.
If you want to buy a kettle, just pick one up second-hand and sterilize it. You don’t need anything fancy to boil water. Spend more time worrying about the quality of your tea leaves.

>> No.13770120
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first time visitin /tea/... i drink early grey / black lemon from green hills, and green tea lemon / rooibos orange from tekkane... Mesmer green tea vanilla fuckin sucks dick

>> No.13770128
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Alright what the hell is going on. Got my first order from yunnan sourcing. The tea looks and smells amazing but everything tastes like warm water with maybe veeeeery slight umami notes. I use filter water and preheat everything so it should not be problem of method. Just yesterday I drank the last of my past stash and It tasted fine. Is it possible I need to reset my taste buds somehow? It is really confusing and first time something like this happened to me.

>> No.13770268

My favorite is probably a Chinese black tea or roasted oolong, something like a Dian Hong or a roasted Shui Xian or Tieguanyin. Currently drinking some chai though.

>> No.13770290

What do folks here think of the boutique teas from places like W2T and Crimson Lotus? How do they compare to factory teas and other less branded teas from China. Worth the markup?

>> No.13770323

Do not microwave your water. It heats up unevenly, which is no good. Kettles shouldn't be too hard to find, first or second-hand. Do wash it out prior to using it though.

>> No.13770396

rooibus a comfiest sleepytime tea

>> No.13770427
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>> No.13770433

what time, how much tea and steep time?

>> No.13770474

Not that anon but I prefer Kagoshima.

>> No.13770476

Green Tea. 80 Celsius, 20 seconds first brew, 5grams o tea. I will try tomorrow, figured maybe it's because I am dehydrated and it might affect the taste

>> No.13770489

5g/100ml? also 1st steeps always taste weak, how many infusions did you do

>> No.13770699

Yes 5g/100ml.Stopped after 5 infusions I think. Will report tomorrow after rest, meal, hydration and all that jazz. I tend to autistically overthink stuff if something is not perfect so I will call it a day for now.

>> No.13770784

just confirmed my first order of tea and a second gaiwan after i broke my first one
spent 50 bucks
its all downhill from here on right?

>> No.13770922

What did you get, anon?

>> No.13770940


>> No.13771379

Godspeed anon

>> No.13771537

>large nosed
>preyed on and ate children
>fooled people into drowning them

is blood tea a thing?

>> No.13771747

Damn that mug looks so cool

>> No.13772111
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Where my southerners at? I made green tea tonight.

What do you guys think of bottled green tea? I get a 24 pack at Sams once a month. I'm currently out of EVERYTHING in my fridge (other than cheese). No cokes, no tea Dx I am sad. I have to make everything by hand right now. Which is why I have green tea in a cup.

Also, for those of you who put sugar in your team, how much?

>> No.13772303

I wish we had nicer bottled the in the US. There is some new meme brand trying to get in on the cold brew coffee craze but they are selling cans of oolong tea for $4 each.
I i don't put sugar in green tea but occasionally I will put honey in it and that's nice. Just half a teaspoon or so.

>> No.13772361

I respect the Japanese culture of not putting sugar in tea but people seem to forget, I'm Southern, we make sweet iced tea all the time, sugar is a requirement. I'm trying to cut back now. I don't want to become another diabetic statistic

>> No.13772451

I mean I hate jews just like any good person but I love tea far more than I hate jews.

>> No.13772455

If it's cold where you live, the tea may need some time to come back to life after sitting in a cold delivery van for a day. Give it time, warmth, and love. Maybe sing to it and give it a tour of your home.

>> No.13772481

I meant no disrespect to sweet tea. It's fantastic stuff and people who hate on it probably haven't actually tried it. I would drink it regularly but I don't drink anything with sugar in it.

>> No.13772911

No you're cool anon, I just make sure that's heard.

You get those anons in here who go "YOU LIKE SWEET TEA? THAT'S FUCKIN GROSS! I BET YOU'RE DIABETIC! TEA ISN'T MEANT TO HAVE SUGAR! AND BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH" yeah, and a lot of people don't believe that hot dogs should have cheese, yet I love cheddar on mine.

>> No.13773265
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tfw 13 confirmed in city that I'm staying.

>> No.13773343

Sweet tea is basically an entirely different beverage compared to how most people ITT drink tea.

It's not even really comparable to putting a teaspoon of sugar in your English Breakfast tea, the magnitude of sugar (and ridiculous ratio of teabags) that go into sweet tea basically turn it into a totally different beverage.

>> No.13773347

How is matcha tea? I can never quite like the watered down sensation of tea, but that is stronger from my read of it, or can be made stronger since you decide how much you want and all.
Am I a crazy chinese dude for not generally liking tea because of that?

>> No.13773357

>I can never quite like the watered down sensation of tea
Do you drink a lot of sugary beverages like juice or soft drink?

Not attacking, just curious, I had similar views when I used to drink tons of fruit juice, since I cut out sugary drinks tea doesn't feel "watery" to me anymore. Wondering if there's some correlation there.

>> No.13773379

Could be, but I don't mind just drinking water regularly. Just that middle ground flavor seems odd.

>> No.13773405

Absolute mad lad reaching the danger zone of filling.

13 in your city meaning in burgergeristan?

>> No.13773520

NL Geleen
'"People who have been infected after being infected with the new coronavirus are allowed to go outside 24 hours after their complaints have disappeared.

They no longer need to be tested, as was the intention until now, confirms the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) after reporting by the Volkskrant. Also family members of people who have been diagnosed with an infection are no longer tested as standard when they get complaints.

"We let that go, because we can better use the scarce test capacity to investigate suspicions," a spokesperson for the institute explains. He adds that people who no longer cough or sneeze don't spread the virus.

Family members of patients who get complaints themselves are only tested if they work in healthcare, are older than 70 or may need to be hospitalized.

According to the RIVM protocol, family members have to stay home for two weeks. They are not allowed to work and must avoid physical contact with others. You can do some shopping. According to RIVM, testing has little added value. “In case of complaints you have to assume that it is also corona. We can use the capacity better"

>> No.13773607

Anon with the phallic wehrmacht teapet: was that a Peterson last thread? Top tier. A pipe with my tea is a fine combo.

>> No.13773700

Why do teafags suck each other's dicks about tea and then seethe so hard when you point that out to them?

>> No.13773748

what else would we talk about in a tea thread

>> No.13773779

Definitely a lot more calm approach than over here in desertkikeland, and i have a few cases in my city and a couple of cases next to my running route.

Though the fact that high % of alcohol apparently kills it off makes me want to add some brandy to my tea.

>> No.13773843

Lemon juice - always. Honey or xylitol - now and then. The rest - never.

>> No.13773982

how does it heat up unevenly if its boiling. I cannot imagine there is that much of a temperature difference throughout.

>> No.13773995


I used to have 10 or 15 pipes but gave them away until I was left with a Mario Grandi, a Capitello, and a Savinelli. Guess I like Italian for some reason.

But yeah, 3 is enough to have one dedicated to English blends, one for Virginias and one for aromatics. Another way they're similar to tea as I know people do stuff like that with yixing teapots.

>> No.13774017

Whaddya drinkin, /tea/?

>> No.13774049

Bought 4 different kinds of tea from yunnansourcing
Black, green with jasmine, oolong and a normal green tea.
I still have an unopened Pu Erh i brought from Thailand, but i feel i should get into brewing the unfermented teas fírst

>> No.13774068

Condensed milk

>> No.13774099
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Little update on gold bi Luo Chun brewing. Today I took extra care to pre heat everything and used advice provided by anons in this thread. Shortly about my thoughts. The tea is very good, however I wouldn't recommend it blindly for people who don't usually drink black tea. It has very prominent astringency which reminds me of the aftertaste of very dark chocolate. It also has very "round" taste with smooth mouth feel. I'm not very good at describing taste so I hope it will make sense to someone. I'm adding photo of brewed leaves because it's the first time I saw that nice leaves and wanted to share.

>> No.13774116

did you try staring at 20 seconds instead of 10? i've never had any astringency, glad you like it

>> No.13774210
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Been doing sencha when I wake up so I can get going and get business things done before business hours close, then save the gongfu session for later on.

This is the only one from my Yunomi sampler that I really liked. I get the sense that ocha has a better curated selection.

>> No.13774222

An overlap of hobbies/interests does not surprise me between pipes and tea. I've also drawn a comparison from one of my aged pipes to a well used yixing.

>> No.13774236

o i m seethin
Aged 2003 hei cha for the first time. There's a slight sourness to it. Very interesting.

>> No.13774263


Yeah, there are so many 1 to 1 correlations that I hadn't expected. People talk about different puerh and its age and processing and region in a very similar way to how tobacco is talked about, and the equipment nerd aspect is there too.

>> No.13774346

oh damn i just brewed up some of my 2019 harvest i got in September, its a lot more astringent than when i last tried it before xmas

>> No.13775385


>> No.13775425
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Fuck bros the what-cha guy replied to my post on reddit slagging them off for sending me the dud Taiwan GABA oolong

>> No.13775968

Let's see it, anon.

>> No.13776447

kek, That's what you get for posting on Reddit.

>> No.13777282

Hei cha is weird.

>> No.13777348
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but great.

>> No.13777470

He just replied professionally with the full "we're sorry to hear that, tell me about it and we'll give you a refund", I just didn't expect them to see my throwaway dunk on them.
It is.

>> No.13777486

Unironically sitting in quarantine and running out of good tea here

>> No.13777571

That's just too much awkwardness to deal with. If that happened to me I would never use that account again and not order from the shop out of embarrassment.

>> No.13777616

First confirmed in my state yesterday. I can work from home, but I hate doing it. Might start next week on, though

>> No.13777684

How many milk should you use in a milk tea (more specifically a green tea latte)? Is it better to replace the water with milk altogether or should I use just a splash of milk? Fifty-fifty? I have no idea

>> No.13778032

Thank God the account I used was a brand new one without any chan language thrown around, because the email address I used to order from them is literally just my full real name. I'm gonna have to make a new account now.

>> No.13778063


>> No.13778677

Tea is just dirty water

>> No.13778685

Use 5 milks, my dude

>> No.13779086
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I've become the owner of a pouch of matcha, but I do not own a tea set and don't know how to prepare it. Any advice? Especially in regards to how much tea/water should be used, and maybe what it's supposed to taste like so I can gauge my success.

>> No.13779221

cut grass, also the mini electric whisks for foaming milk work really well

>> No.13779231

This or just a regular whisk. You either like matcha or you don't and the cheaper the grade the harsher the taste; adding cream and sugar helps.

>> No.13779461

All beverages are dirty water

>> No.13779798
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Godspeed everyone. Stay safe out there. Thanks for the relatively non cancerous general.

>> No.13779826

Godspeed, anon. Make good decisions, savor what you have.

>> No.13780261


>> No.13780324

How do you preheat your thermos so it doesn't suck too much heat out of the water? I guess I could brew my kettle twice? But that seems kind of wasteful

>> No.13780341

Just run hot water from the sink in it.

>> No.13780382

>adding cream and sugar to matcha

Fuck off back to Starbucks, Stacy. Adding any kind of dairy product or sugar to matcha is vile

>> No.13780392

Isn't that unhygienic?

>> No.13780434

You don't need to fill the thing. Just throw like half a cup of hot water in, swirl it around and tip it out.

>> No.13780691

Only if you live in a third world country.

>> No.13780756

hot boiler water /= tap water
use a cup of kettle water to warm it up and if its been longer than 3 mins(it shouldn't be) just reboil your kettle, it should still be close to boiling anyway so the extra electricity won't be much

>> No.13780762

>hot boiler water /= tap water
What else would tap water be. You sound pretty third world.

>> No.13780789

Swiss here. Unless you are from Norway or Liechtenstein, you can't call me a third worlder. Even here it is commonly recommended not to drink hot tap water.

>> No.13780814

boilers are filthy

>> No.13780956

You can drink hot tapwater you spackers, it's just not as fresh as cold tapwater.

>> No.13780990


It depends on your plumbing situation. Some heavy metals that would not leach into your tap water from the pipes when it's cold will actually dissolve quickly enough in warm or hot water to reach your glass.

>> No.13781613

Plus some people don't like the taste or residue left by hard water. Personally, I don't mind it and it doesn't make too much of a difference for me.

>> No.13781684

Nigger unless you use bottled water it's gonna be hard

>> No.13781728
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when should I buy my tea

>> No.13781745

Only in the sense of having some mineral content. Not in the sense of exceeding 120PPM.

>> No.13781752

spring for greens/green oolongs, summer for darjeeling, autumn for darker oolongs

>> No.13781822
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I'm coming around to these ripes. 2014 YS Cha Tou Sheng Yun and 2013 YS Yi Dian Hong have opened up and are starting to develop actual flavors apart from just "composty."

>> No.13782046

I meant if its shit grade matcha not some ceremonial stuff, Cletus.

>> No.13782261

Nice, you have to embrace the fish. Any progress on your ktm order?

>> No.13782295


Last update is ”Item held by transport/customs” on the 9th. Is it just tied up or does that mean I'm not getting it?

>> No.13782434
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no idea, my YS order last update was 25th of feb "Despatched to the UK". fuck sal

>> No.13782636

It should make it eventually.

>> No.13782645


Word. I barely even remember what I ordered at this point so it'll be a nice little surprise when it gets here.

>> No.13783000
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We're gonna make it lads.

>> No.13783476

>you have to embrace the fish
No you don't, good ripes don't have fish flavours.

>> No.13784165


>> No.13784295
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>> No.13784634

Are electric mug warmers useful or is it just a meme?

>> No.13785236

Fair enough. Sorry for snapping my guy, just tired of the yoga pants ugg boots pumpkin spice latte crowd that has "found" matcha for themselves.

>> No.13785275

All good. That's a fair complaint.

>> No.13785539
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Anyone had trouble recently getting hojotea to respond to an email? I'm trying to buy a smexy banko yaki for my bull to prep for the upcoming green tea season but they haven't so much as given me a reply to the request for the teapot I picked out in the shitty ass purchasing system that they have going for them.

>> No.13785540

You've done well today, boys. Cheers.

>> No.13785613
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same. Stopped drinking pop for a bit and now it's undrinkable without an extremely greasy and salty meal to balance out the sugar and acidity. That's why it's made that way I guess, so you binge eat more garbo. Fave teas are now the ones with that lingering back of the throat sweetness. Recently enjoying some dong ding.
Feels so much better than drinking soda.

>> No.13785642

I do about a tsp matcha, 80mL water at 80C

Preheat bowl, wipe dry. Sift matcha into bowl to eliminate lumps, add water. Whisk with a W motion until frothy and completely incorporated. Raise whisk off the bottom of the bowl and continue the W motion, this will pop the bigger bubbles so you get a finer foam.

>> No.13785650

I thought this was a fucking candle for a second
It's a pepper

>> No.13785654

Trader Joes has oolong bottles for just over a buck

>> No.13785788

boil your eggs, zhang

>> No.13785798

I'm a southerner, but not from your country I suspect.
There's a great brand called 东方树叶 dongfang shuye in China which makes bottled tea which actually tastes like fuckin' tea. I've only tried their oolong and chrysanthemum, but they tasted exactly like cheap tieguanyin and chrysanthemum tea.
It's nongfu tho so y'know

>> No.13785804
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Each bottle's about 40p btw

>> No.13785916

drinking a duckshit dancong from winter 2018
you enjoy your puer dark as midnight on a moonless night. i think you should brew for less time.

>> No.13785926


That was maybe the second or third infusion and was poured as soon as I could get the gaiwan lid on. Color is due to it being ripe. The 2013 Autumn Ye Sheng comes out a moderate orange and the 2018 Bang Dong Zi Cha comes out a very light goldenrod.

>> No.13786244

Ordered 650 grams of tea from YS, cause I ain't afraid of no corona.

100g of black gold cause I am running low
100g of yunnan early spring silver strands green tea of simao
50g of 2018 Cha Yu Lin "Liu Bu Xi Village" Tian Jian
200g 2016 "Bamboo Aroma" Tian Jian Hei Cha
100g of Rice Scent and Ripe Pu-erh Tea Mini Bricks
100g of Yunnan Green Spring Snail Bi Luo Chun Green Tea
to round things off

>> No.13786337

>sugar in tea
is this worth trying?
I love a bunch of teas without any additives, am i missing out on something great? what tea should i try sweetening?

>> No.13786345

>"Liu Bu Xi Village" Tian Jian
Please post a review ITT when you get this. I have had my eye on that for a while.

>> No.13786359

Just tried the 2016 Da Yi Jia Ji Tuo. First impressions weren't great but I think it'll be better with some tweaking. Did 1-15 ratio and used boiling water, but will try 1-20 and 205F next time.

Wet leaves smelled really nice, citranela, vanilla, chamomile, maybe even a slight bit of dried cherries, but none of those flavors came through in the brew. It was decently but not overwhelmingly bitter, just not much else going on. I'll report back when I've mellowed the parameters and we'll see if that helps.

>> No.13786380

I'll be sure to, I picked it up cause the description mentioned it was like scotch and I was curious

>> No.13786398

Yea i would consider that a little young for a tuo. They tend to mellow slower due to tight compression and they tend to be punchy because they chop the leaves. I had the 2009 version a while ago and enjoyed it but it was pretty unremarkable. Definitely play with brew parameters some. They tend to infuse slowly until the chunks separate and then dump a lot of flavor really quickly.

That reminds me, i need to buy a few kilos of tuos for long term storage. The xiaguan ones at least come in plastic bags of 5 so you don't have to worry as much about humidity control.

>> No.13786413

i just got a water filter and while i cant really tell the difference for tea compared to tap. the filtered water itself does taste a lot better, thicker and sweeter and less sour(?)

>> No.13786515


Oh gotcha, I wasn't really informed on the practical differences between tuos and cakes.

>> No.13786545

Black teas are good with a little sugar and milk. Also I've found it makes a lot of herbal ones I didn't like before actually palatable.

>> No.13786735

>Tuos are very much an everyman's tea. They may not be anything amazing but they are consistent and a great value. Xiaguan also makes lots of special edition ones that are basically leftover broken leaf from their special productions.

>> No.13787694
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I just got a fresh batch of electroflowercandy from kuura and put on a good album, feeling cozy /tea/.

Also when anyone ever asks me what tea I like I just say green l, most normals don't even know white tea exists.

>> No.13787703

smart move, any normal would rexogbize you as the autistic faggot you are if you started crapping on about the gayest shit in the world (tea)

>> No.13787943

You should say white, it's the truth and it's a good conversation starter. Obviously the conversation you start shouldn't be an infodump about tea, that would be autistic. But
>wut tea you like nigga
>ayo isn't that racist tho?
>nah senpai it's chinese
is a decent lead-in.
I just say I like all sorts.

>> No.13787981

just put in the empty 0.5l bottle and shake it

>> No.13788025
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Most people in my experience think white tea is black tea with milk. I don't like being a teafag and correcting them because it makes me feel pretentious and autistic. It's just easier to say El green tea and not be a weird cunt.

>> No.13788027

>Most people in my experience think white tea is black tea with milk
Well, in their defence, it is. That's what you call black tea with milk.
I admit it's easy to come across like a boring cunt if you correct it so I don't blame ya for sidestepping the entire issue.
If you remember to make the conversation about the other person than pretty much any topic should be gud tho

>> No.13788031

Yeah it's not a huge deal to me because I love green tea as well but if I correct them I most likely will sperg out

>> No.13788036


Not him but I brought a first date over to my place a few weeks ago and made us puerh while we talked. Gave her the 5 minute run down and all and she still slept with me. She said it's attractive when folks have things that they're into and knowledgeable about.

I think you can go about it in a way that isn't full of pretense and that will actually pique the interest of people, but it's definitely.a fine line to walk between that and yelling about the concept of kill-green for half an hour and how all teas are from the same plant just processed slightly differently.

>> No.13788040

It's exactly like being a vegan. Good vegans are my rolemodels for "how to turn boring autism into something people like about you". They talk about all the delicious food they're gonna make for you, they turn it into a joke, and they make it interesting for you by showing you why they're interested in it themselves.

>> No.13788049


>turning it into a joke

I think that's a really important thing. No one likes to be talked at. If you vocalize that you recognize the absurdity of your interest it lets them in on the joke. You can go from someone lecturing another person to someone letting another person into a space you care about, and then you can both laugh about the intensity of your interest and they can start engaging with it without feeling like an outsider and without feeling like an idiot.

>> No.13788070

>letting another person into a space you care about
This is the thing IMO. Joking just gives them the perfect way in, because it takes two people to make a joke. It's also why you don't just talk at them about tea, you make it for them. Nobody wants to be talked at.
The same principles apply to everything. If you're running a tabletop roleplaying campaign you don't dump a bunch of setting info on the players, because nobody cares. You make it about the players. You let them play with the setting, and you make the setting affect them too.
Also why all the best dates are activities you do together. Although I won't deny I love the simplicity of getting hammered at a fancy bar.

>> No.13788390
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>What are you listening to?
Herb Ellis & Remo Palmier – Windflower

>What are you currently drinking?
YS High Mountain Red Ai Lao Mountain Black Tea

How about you, /tea/?

>> No.13788468

Do you drink all types of tea in that clay pot? Is that a Yixing? Looks really cool.

>> No.13788524
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Anyone know a place to get high quality but cheap yixing pots?

Also fuck me this is some good tea

>> No.13788573
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Just got back from walking my dog with a pipe of Escudo Navy Deluxe, now got some '18 YS Bang Dong Zi Cha and reading this for the first time as it feels appropriate. Lofi beats are playing since I can't read and listen to music with lyrics simultaneously.

>> No.13788589

You are like me except I don't read shit books

>> No.13788606


24 pages in so far so I don't have any judgements yet.

>> No.13788666

I have three yixing pots, two I bought from the Taiwanese owner of a local tea shop (Gu Tee Haus), the third I got as a gift from her. I use one for pu erh and another one for any oolong. The one in the picture I use for every other tea I feel like because I like the slight hint of bitterness

>> No.13788706

What do if my depression has gotten so bad that I can't enjoy tea any more

>> No.13788712


See a therapist, friend.

>> No.13788715
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>What are you listening to?
Mari Nakamoto - Unforgettable
>What are you currently drinking?
Sae Midori from O-cha

>> No.13788732


That's an exceptional tea.

>> No.13788787

Loss of pleasure from previously enjoyable activities is a serious symptom, Anon. The last stage is slowed down psychomotricity. Seek help before that, depression is a neurodegenerative desease.

>> No.13788888

Is that a Walkman? If so, nice.

>> No.13788904

nw-wm1a and ier-m9

>> No.13788989

CHECKED. Good on ya.....

>> No.13789012

Red Rose forever.

>> No.13789265
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>>13779086 here
I made a few cups since which came out alright, my main problem is really that I can never seem to entirely dilute the matcha and will always have some at the bottom despite sifting. I also decided to try making some sweet stuff with it since I was told elsewhere that if it was low grade it would still come out alright in desserts.

This is a steamed cake, came out good but didn't taste all that much of tea. Would probably have been better with some red bean paste on the side but I didn't feel like making some. I've got more in the making but let me know if tea desserts aren't welcome here.

>> No.13789536

I moved recently to a place with hard water. Usually I drink black tea (from yunnan sourcing).
The water completely changes the taste of the tea. I don't think I can't drink tea anymore.

>> No.13789541


Why not just get a filter?

>> No.13789559

I've tried two kinds and they do help, but it's still not the same. Tea needs soft water.

>> No.13789567

where to get best lapsang slouchong from i didnt like yunnan’s it didn’t seem smokey enough

>> No.13789579


Buy a Berkey replacement filter and then look up online how to build a cistern for it so you don't have to pay for the whole unit. Ends up only being about 50 bucks in total and the filters will last for years, and they get practically everything out of the water.

>> No.13790078


Used bottle water? It’s a world of a difference from my tap water, I use bottled spring water, with like a ph of 6. Have a real nice deal at a grocery store around her for 2 cases for 7 bucks. Keeps me stocked for months at a time

>> No.13790086

Oolong owl has a recipe for matcha “brownies”. And they looked pretty good. And don’t worry, it has no chocolate in it. Just pure matcha


>> No.13790228
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Holy shit what if all my tea since moving back to the UK tastes worse because I'm using hard tapwater instead of bottled water
I thought it was 'cause it was old or something
I've gotta test this out

>> No.13790843

green tea,not matcha. but also love the color of indian black tea, like Assam, golden red color. reallly any high grade tea leaf, unflavored, is fine with me. darjeeling, yunnan, ceylon, assam, sencha.

>> No.13790876

i think you got your filenames scrambled bro

>> No.13791673


>> No.13792304

How's your apocalypse stash, anon? I've got a 7542 and a 7572 both 2017 and unopened, some hei cha, tie guan yin, and the eternally shilled black gold bi luo chun. A decent amount, but not a ton.

>> No.13792381
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I'm running low on everything except houjicha
My YS order I placed the other day is still going to make it, r-right?

>> No.13792431


>> No.13792490

mine >>13786244
just shipped.

>> No.13792495

still waiting on a ys order, i have maybe 150g each of a raw, ripe and white from xmas

>> No.13792531

I just got a kilo of puerh from YS last week. In total I have 2 kilos or so of good tea. Hopefully I will still be able to get some Japanese green this spring.

>> No.13792540

Ordered a couple of packages, one from YS's US site and What-cha. Got a 25g sample of some aged sheng, 100g white tea cake, a pick, and 50g of some ripe mini tuo cha from YS; got 50g of Nilgiri first flush black tea, 50g of Darjeeling black, and 25g of Korean Daejak green tea from What-Cha. YS delivered today, now waiting on What-Cha to clear customs and whatnot.

Only problem is my campus clearing out this week. If the What-Cha doesn't make it here before I leave I've made sure to have it sent to my home address. Combined with my leftover sencha, gunpowder green, shui xian, roast tieguanyin, and dianhong, I should be ok for a while. :-)

>> No.13792546

I use smart water

>> No.13792566

>100g of black gold cause I am running low
I assume you dropped a few zeros?

>> No.13792571

Nah I’m broke. Might ask for a kilo for my birthday, or two

>> No.13793071


Has anyone here tried using their green tea to make ochazuke? Any tea which works particularly well?

>> No.13793099
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What I have, though the ones listed as ordered on 2/20 are in the mail. Overall I have about 1.5 kilos of puerh with a similar amount otw, and am still crossing my fingers a spring sencha order will happen.

>> No.13793104

There was someone who did in the last thread >>13757825

>> No.13793125

No sweat. Very prepared.
Savor it! 300 gs goes so fast when it's your last one.
Yeah idk senpai. I'm going to put in a laaarge order soon, including some yixing plus it's a group buy for a few of my kin. I've had to delay that order due to some Wuhan flu prep costs, plus like 3 fucking grand I owe in taxes. Im afraid my tea has to take a backseat for a while.

>> No.13793143

Newfag to tea here, what's a good rich one? Most of the ones I try just taste like hot water to me. Would cream or honey help?

>> No.13793176


I'm not sure I'd classify it as "rich" specifically but fukamushi sencha has extremely pronounced flavor - very savory, vegetal, sea-weedy. Sae Midori from o-cha is a prime example.

Of the few puerhs I've tried, the most flavorful are the 2013 YS Autumn Ye Sheng, which is akin to an Islay scotch, and the 2018 Bang Dong Zi Cha, which has a lot of the same flavor notes as an asamushi sencha (grassy, bright, sweet, tart) but amped up to 11. The 2007 Yi Wu Zhi Chun isn't quite as forward but has some really deep dried fruit flavors.

>> No.13793362

>300 gs goes so fast when it's your last one
Does it really? I use maybe 5g a day, that still makes for two months

>> No.13793386

had that issue when I started, I just needed to mix faster and for longer. What ratio of tea to water are you using?

fast zig-zags back and forth with the whisk touching the bottom of the bowl to start. Your masturbation stamina will not help you here, it's a different range of motion.

>> No.13793551

Waffles from white 2 tea is a great staring pu-erh, I got a sample of it randomly with some tea ware I ordered from somehwere else, and no shit it tasted of maple syrup and then milk in later brews.

its delectable,

>> No.13794638


>> No.13794648

Sounds like a good breakfast tea, I'll have to look into it

>> No.13794870

im 10g/day. glad i ordered a 100ml gaiwan my 200ml is pretty large for daily drinking

>> No.13795482


>> No.13796091

which one do you prefer? i am a typically consumer of white and oolong teas than of puers.

>> No.13796375
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I'm not much for tea, but this is sencha made by my students last year when I lived in Japan. I haven't wanted to open it, but it's dated with May 2020. Will it just get awful if I keep it around past May?

>> No.13796394

Give it to me

>> No.13796435

No, it's not like it will spoil from one day to the other. Nor does it "expire", really. May 2020 is a "best before" date. Green tea in general doesn't keep well beyond one year, but it's not like it turns into poison.
Why not brew it up? No point keeping it around.

>> No.13796554


Which do I prefer between what? Ripes and raws?

>> No.13796795

Even green tea will taste just fine after some time given its been vacuum sealed.

>> No.13796819

Pu'erh all the way.

Also, anyone else forced to deal with being considered gay'feminine for liking tea? I've always been ashamed of it since the minute I first drank it.

>> No.13796823
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>Also, anyone else forced to deal with being considered gay'feminine for liking tea?

>> No.13796829


>anyone else forced to deal with being considered gay'feminine for liking tea?

Nah, when I get that it's usually for having sex with men.

>> No.13796831

>Also, anyone else forced to deal with being considered gay'feminine for liking tea? I've always been ashamed of it since the minute I first drank it.
Either you hang around horrible assholes, in which case stop that, or you have crippling self-esteem issues, in which case go to therapy.

>> No.13796839

No, but my pleb friends think I'm an elitist for shitting on bag tea all the time

>> No.13796852

They're right, stop being mean to your friends. If you want to convince people of the virtues of good tea you don't start by telling them the tea they're drinking is horrible garbage.

>> No.13796892

I assume they're just joking around, anon

>> No.13796923

none of them drink tea on the reg or like it at all, and I've never ragged on them when they do. I just say I think bagged tea is gross if its the basic stems and dust and mulch you get if you don't get the fancier ones.
I have a feeling you're projecting amigo.

Yep, exactly. I just talk about tea alot, that they joke I could be replaced by a bot that does nothing but it and they wouldn't notice, so I occasionally joke around for laughs outside of my usual "I don't like bagged tea" if I'm asked about it, or if they specifically ask about gong fu in a bad Chinese accent

>> No.13796933
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>or if they specifically ask about gong fu in a bad Chinese accent

>> No.13796995
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Look what showed up.

>> No.13797040

Please start an Instagram account for this shit dude. Stop turning this thread into a blog.

>> No.13797059


Nearly the entirety of what I post is tasting notes on tea.

>> No.13797078

Ignore them. There's always a couple shit posters that get triggered if people post anything remotely OC.

>> No.13797101


>> No.13797115


Raws so far. I've only had those two ripes and while they're starting to grow on me I'm still not bowled over. I have a lot of ripes in my KTM order though so that's something to look forward to. I'm pretty impressed in the variety between raws so far. In the couple cakes I have there's everything from peaty to bright and grassy to deep and raisiny.

>> No.13797211

Any hot opinions on teaspring? I know Iwant some first flush longjing which they have, but they only have a couple of other first flush teas. Is it still too early for first flush if I want to try a bunch of varieties?

>> No.13798223

its only gay if you drink it with milk and little finger sandwiches

>> No.13798432

>complains about pictures
Corona can't do human clearance fast enough

>> No.13798712

genmaicha yummy yummy

>> No.13798904

a glass of dian hong brewed too light and a piece of salted caramel chocolate

the damned quarantine is really getting to me, but at least I have the time to figure out the proper amount and brewing time for this tea

>> No.13798911
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and here's the damned picture

>> No.13798946

Don't listen to >>13797040, we enjoy your pics.
I am just too lazy myself to transfer pictures from my phone to my PC so I don't post any

>> No.13798959

Are you on Android?
Just grab kuroba from github and use that to post. It's fantastic, makes the site 100% easier to use.
It's free and open source so no spyware ads etc.

>> No.13798967

Not my thing desu

>> No.13799845

How do you gong fu hei cha?

>> No.13799882

5g/100ml, 100c, 10 second wash, 10 seconds 1st infusion, +5 seconds going forward. same as ripes

>> No.13800047


>> No.13800977

Would drink

>> No.13801304

Today I sampled the 14 Years Aged Menghai Ripe Mini Tuo Cha and the 2018 Fuding Shou Mei Cake from Yunnan Sourcing. The aged ripe tea really hit the spot after a day and a half without any caffeine. It reminded me of some aged Hong Kong raw maocha that I had drunk some months back, but it was even darker, and had a similar buzz to that of black coffee. Indeed, it was very much like black coffee minus the bitterness and with an added smoothness. Very clean and smooth-tasting all round. The white tea cake was very light, in contrast. Floral scent and taste, with a hint of spice in the later brews. I'll try the sheng puerh sample tomorrow. :-)

>> No.13801372

I love me some ripe. Especially in the morning its a nice smooth easy drink that scratches almost the same itch as a nice coffee. Try some 3 cranes liu bao when you get the chance. It's a very similar taste profile but with a betlenut flavor if that means anything to you.

>> No.13801534

Some milk if britbong tea, nothing if Chinese

>> No.13801931


>> No.13801998
File: 3.01 MB, 5664x2752, tea order 2020.2.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tea came! ordered on the 14th of feb
i'll start reviewing from tomorrow. free sample was 2013 Yunnan Sourcing Yong De Blue Label Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake i'll probably start with that.

>> No.13802003
File: 2.87 MB, 5664x2752, gaiwans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ~120ml rain drops gaiwan i ordered is surprising large compared to the 200ml i already had, its also heavier but the texture on the outside feels great and its a nice contrast between the two.

>> No.13802079

finishing off some jasmine tea in my new gaiwan and the tea really cools down fast, im guessing its because the gaiwan is so thick compared to my other, i might have to start warming this one first on the plus side it should keep the leaf warm in between infusions

>> No.13802168

where do you think you are

>> No.13802260
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Does all tea have metabolism boosting qualities or is it just green tea?

>> No.13802274

Green tea doesn't have metabolism boosting qualities without drinking 20 well extracted cups a day

>> No.13802278

Oh so it's like that huh? It's one of those things where it is only good if you harvested and make the leaves yourself to even experience a fraction of its benefits? But what about black tea?

>> No.13802343

Nah green tea "boosts metabolism" (it feels like it tears through the food in your stomach). I don't know how much science is behind it or if it's more a subjective thing. I have experienced similar with some chinese fermented tea, fu cha specifically. But I don't know if I would consider it a medical effect. More like I can't drink these teas on an empty stomach or I will feel uncomfortable.

>> No.13802631


Curious to hear how you like that 2019 raw.

>> No.13803094

How do you guys feel about cold(er) water for white tea? It's never bothered me, so I can go as low as 140.

>> No.13803138

any good teas with caffeine? I have a heart condition so I cant do caffeine without feeling like my heart is gonna leap outta my chest, but I love the flavor/aroma.

>> No.13803146
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>> No.13803172


Hojicha is quite low in caffeine, probably practically caffeine free but I'm not a cardiologist.

>> No.13804123


>> No.13804433

what heart condition do you have? i got something similar and only drink green and white tea (oolong occasionally). I'm personally as huge fan of Kuura's elctroflower candy

>> No.13804559
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I have bad heart palpitations.after going through intense phenibut and clonazolam withdrawal in 2018. I take propranolol for it these days. Also it makes me ultra sensitive to caffeine. thanks for the recommendations guys.

>> No.13804570
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Do these things effect your tea? I just received one as a gift, and I'm wondering if they're any good.

>> No.13805007

Colder water = less flavour extraction

That can be a good thing but it's usually not

>> No.13805008

They suffer the same issue a ball infuser would; there's not enough room for the tea to open up and brew fully. Not the end of the world, but it will limit the flavour.

Not so much an issue if the tea you have doesn't have big leaves though; a lot of lower grade loose leaf teas and tisanes would be absolutely fine.

>> No.13805424
File: 3.27 MB, 5256x2752, 2013 Yunnan Sourcing Yong De Blue Label Ripe Pu-erh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2013 Yunnan Sourcing Yong De Blue Label Ripe Pu-erh
~7g/120ml 100c, wash, 10sec +5sec going forward
dry leaf
came as 3 nuggets and some loose fragments
dried fruit, bark

wet leaf
creamy nutty yeasty/bread
after 1st infusion, cherry + almond

no fish funk
light compared to other ripes/hei chas, salty taste pops up momentarily in the first few steeps. reading YS they says they've used a lot of gong ting in the blend, googling that give this "golden tips or buds of Yunnan tea. Because the leaves are delicate, the tea does not undergo the Wo Shi (moistening process which we earlier called composting) for the full two months. Instead the time is halved."
it does taste less full bodied than other ripes, less thick without that clawing sweetness you get at the back of your throat
6th cup gives a very cooling mouthfeel on the roof of my mouth

heres a vid of scott drinking it

>> No.13805427
File: 3.93 MB, 5664x2752, 2013 Yunnan Sourcing Yong De Blue Label Ripe Pu-erh nugget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of the nuggets scott talks about

>> No.13805598

petition to allow violence in order to make people call it pu'er or puer

>> No.13805610

i second this motion

>> No.13805663

Does anybody do anything interesting with their cake wrappers or nei fei? I can't bring myself to throw them away.

>> No.13806029


Interesting. Sounds kind of like a typical ripe but on Lite mode?

>> No.13806031
File: 2.67 MB, 2016x1512, 1584723479629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just have them all sitting in a box no idea what to do with them. I posted this pic of some of my collection a few threads ago.

>> No.13806409

What tea(s) do you drink in the evenings? My japanese friend told me they drink houjicha after dinner and I agree that it's very comfy.

>> No.13806468

If it's too late for caffeine, spearmint or rooibos.

>> No.13806486

After a stressful day I love to slowly prepare high quality matcha with a whole mini-ceremony. It really helps me to calm down, though the process of preparing everything and the ritualistic nature might have a bigger impact than the matcha itself.

>> No.13806590
File: 111 KB, 600x834, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just grab a fukin tetley bag m8
>Slap it in a cup
>Hot water, if it doesn't scald your teeth you ain't got it hot enough
>Add the milk then the sugar.
>Anyone that adds milk to a teabag deserves to be flogged by her maj, god bless her.
>Then you sit down with some rich tea or hob nobs and watch shit TV, corry or the 'enders and get angry at the kids outside playing kerby.

That's how you enjoy a cup o' tea guv

>> No.13806648

My dad has strong opinions about those who use honey in their tea.
Fuck tetley and fuck working class "people".

>> No.13806662

Based on my experiences with people who have strong opinions about things like that, I bet your dad would warm to rough anal surprisingly quickly.

>> No.13806665

You one of those yorkshire tea poofs?

>> No.13806672

It shocks me to my core that you think yorkshire tea is posh. In more civilised times you would not have been allowed to browse the same board as me, let alone reply to me.

>> No.13806681

Ah, so you're an earl grey ponce

>> No.13806684

Earl grey isn't even a brand you spacker, and fuck no, earl grey is for girls and americans who don't know it's for girls.

>> No.13806703

What kind of mate you guys have access to? Toasted mate shaken with a bit of lemon juice is really good in the summer.

>> No.13806730
File: 19 KB, 400x400, tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have any mates

>> No.13806740


>> No.13806807

*hugs you*

you're my mate, mate

>> No.13806891
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>> No.13806892

Last night I drank some young sheng puerh. It depends on what I'm in the mood for, honestly.

>> No.13806893

What's the difference between Shou and Sheng taste-wise? I'm thinking about buying some Sheng, but for the price, I want to know what I'm getting into.

>> No.13806902

thanks, mate
i have a mate now but i would never toast him.

>> No.13806938


Depends significantly on the age of the Sheng and the base material/storage. Young shengs tend to have a lot of high notes, bright, floral, astringent. Older ones tend to mellow and develop more bass flavors, sometimes smoke, dried fruit, etc.

>> No.13807134
File: 132 KB, 1512x1512, 2020-03-20-17-39-27-399_compress44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to go degenerate today. DD people were nice and gave me extra matcha.

>> No.13807310

Update: had some shou mei white tea from YS. Incredible floral scent and taste, with a hint of spice and a light golden liquor. Gives me a good boost of energy before I do my evening workout.

>> No.13807414

Do it anon. Sheng is the good stuff. You have a specific cake in mind?

>> No.13808487


>> No.13808549

First visit to YS yesterday. How do you guys make choices in such a plethoric offer? I consider ordering their raw and ripe puer sampling packs. Seems the only reasonable thing to do. I'm not going to compare all their teas or blind buy anything.

>> No.13808577

i've either gotten recommendations from here or bought blind, i'm the one who started the Black Gold Bi Luo Chun meme and that was a blind buy.
id recommend getting a raw, ripe, green, black and oolong. that will give you a range to see what you like rather than getting several types of puer. they have offers for free cakes if you spend over a limit

>> No.13808645

Yeah it definitely can be overwhelming. Scott is usually pretty honest in his descriptions of tea, though he mentions negative traits in a delicate way. The customer reviews are also usually helpful. The samplers are definitely a good starting point. The intro the puer sampler really looks good.
If you are going to get a raw puer cake the ys impressions series is a good starting point, get the 2014 or 2015 version. They also have some smaller 100g cakes of puer if you don't want to commit to a 356g cake. For other kinds of tea the bestsellers section is a good place to start looking.

>> No.13808896

Everybody was pretty much in the same boat at one time. Your other replies are great advice: get mostly samplers for your first order. Also pick up black gold bi luo chun.
I can confirm the intro to puer pack is outstanding, especially the 2002 Kunming market opening sheng. Easily one of my favorite teas.

>> No.13809603

Can you just use a kitchen knife to cut a cake? I know it would be sloppier, but it is possible without serious consequences? I'm referring to xiaguan sheng cake.

>> No.13809630

sure just be careful, i've slipped and stabbed myself with my small very blunt pocket knife, flat screwdriver would probably be better/safer

>> No.13809742
File: 3.18 MB, 4944x2752, 2019 Yunnan Sourcing Spring Morning Raw Puer dry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019 Yunnan Sourcing "Spring Morning" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake
~5g/120ml 100c, wash, 10sec +5sec going forward
dry leaf
doesn't really smell of anything*, big leaves and the cake falls apart very easily

wet leaf
a little spice and fruit again not a very strong smell*
*but my nose is clogged so...

1st infusion, weak taste, lingering sweetness
2nd much stronger taste now, thick viscous mouthfeel, sweet and a little astringent. hay, floral. empty cup smells like honeysuckle
4th getting stronger but not overpowering, looking up other reviews a lot of people are saying this is a softer raw and meant for drinking young rather than ageing so it mellows(there's not much to mellow out)
10th still going, little less sweet more astringent but still not over powering

>> No.13809745
File: 3.25 MB, 5664x2752, 2019 Yunnan Sourcing Spring Morning Raw Puer 10th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is only my 2nd raw and its only a year old, very different and lighter than the 2012 Yunnan Mengku YUE CHEN YUE XIANG QI ZI off ebay which im not sure i like, this is easy to drink im guessing its a good starter raw but i still prefer ripes
some other vids on this tea

>> No.13809799

Yeah i was reading about that cake it sounded interesting. It's made with the large older leaves which are sorted out from the production of standard cakes. It's definitely supposed to be much more mild and sweet. It's a good price for that kind of older tree material. I guess there could be some arguments over them leaving the material in loose-leaf form for a year of tropical storage before pressing. It probably hurts it's viability for long term aging, but makes is perfect for drinking right now.

>> No.13810030
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I've been experimenting doing the two ripes I have grandpa style with some positive results.

First, I think that imitation crab meat taste I was getting early on was actually just woodiness that went slightly off during shipping. The '14 YS Cha Tou Sheng Yun has really improved with gpa style, moving past that and towards a deep and rich cherry sweetness. I'm really liking it and trying to figure out how to get that in gong Fu sessions with it.

The '13 YS Yi Dian Hong is still just meh to me. It's not developing much past that initial "ripe" taste, and I've seen some other reviews that have said as much. That one is pictured.

>> No.13810033


That sounds pretty nice, actually. Like a good intro young Sheng that isn't going to murder your tongue if you mistreat it.

>> No.13810239
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How do I make this tea and not have it come out bitter as fuck and undrinkable? I've been preparing it like I would any other black tea. Wait till water is boiling, steep for 5 minutes, drink without anything added.

Did I just get a bad batch? Or do the bongs make tea that you literally can't drink without stuff added in?

>> No.13810275

>Make tea
M8 we fuckin' nicked some spear chuckers back garden and put them into debt so they have to do it for us

>> No.13810293

>do the bongs make tea that you literally can't drink without stuff added in?
Yes. Bong tea came about because the only way to cheaply transport a fucktonne of tea across the Indian Ocean and up the side of Africa is to, bluntly, ruin it. It results in a bitter tea which is only palatable if you dunk milk and maybe sugar in it. And now consider that brands like yorkshire tea are the cheap brands, and ofc it doesn't taste good without milk and sugar.
Bong tea is meant to be drunk by working class people multiple times a day, remember. It's not gourmet.

>> No.13810322

>Bong tea came about because the only way to cheaply transport a fucktonne of tea across the Indian Ocean and up the side of Africa is to, bluntly, ruin it. It results in a bitter tea
The bong beer that traveled the other way share that same flavor. It's much more popular nowadays, tho.

>> No.13810323
File: 14 KB, 180x180, h-e-b-select-ingredients-english-breakfast-black-tea-bags-001094789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't looking for anything gourmet, I was looking for an everyday morning black tea. I've drank tons of cheap manufactured black tea in teabags, and I could drink all of them without anything added in, none of them were this bitter.

I'm in Texas and our local groccery store makes really good bagged tea.

>> No.13810339

It doesn't really taste like it did before the Burgers got their hands on it, though.
Transporting shit across the ocean resulted in a lot of awesome innovations, like port and imperial stouts. But it also ruined a few things.
I've never had American tea other than lipton iced tea so I dunno. All I know is there's only two kinds of Bong tea you're meant to have without milk and probs sugar -- earl grey and lapsang souchong. You can also have darjeeling without milk but it's uncommon.

>> No.13810432

Steep for 60 seconds instead of 5 minutes

>> No.13810441

Modern IPA beer tastes nothing like beer that has sat in a wooden barrel in a hot ship for half a year.

>> No.13811854

gong fu doesn't work(trust me) only way i've made it drinkable is cold brewing over night. bong tea is made with the intention of it being served with milk+sugar. also try 90c for 3 mins.