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File: 48 KB, 620x413, waffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13769175 No.13769175 [Reply] [Original]

I go to waffle house for the burgers they are good

>> No.13769177


>> No.13769188 [DELETED] 


>> No.13769191


>> No.13769193

>2 gets in a row
This is now a digits thread

>> No.13769217

good thread waffle house marketing team. you really convinced me.

>> No.13769241

I once ate 3 of their plain hamburgers with nothing but mayonnaise. They were fucking delicious.

>> No.13769246

The only time I went there when I wasn't rolling drunk was with my dad on like Thanksgiving or Christmas when all of our immediate family were either working or out of town. The times I've been there while drunk, I remember the hash browns being great.

>> No.13769267

tripple hash smothered and capped, no other orders allowed

>> No.13769281

Oh my God, can you even imagine? If they hired like somebody's retarded nephew or an affirmative action hire to run their social media presence, and this was the best they could come up with? Just flood forums with "This place is good". And then it actually fucking worked, and all advertisements for restaurants just became like "The burgers here are good, I like them. So are the fries, those are good too."

>> No.13769283

>go with gf
>she always says "I just want bacon, toast, and hashbrowns"
>I always explain that if she orders the allstar that I will eat the waffle and eggs and it's cheaper than ordering those components seperarately
>she begrudgingly does it
>one day I'm in there hammered
>she mentions "I'm not quite sure you're right about that"
>I ask our 50y/o waitress which one is cheaper
>without skipping a beat she tells me "oh definitely getting the allstar is
>I stand up and very loudly announce "FROM THE VIRGIN MARY HERSELF"
>the waitress goes "... Wait... I'm the Virgin Mary?"
>I am practically cross eyed drunk but I do my best to look her right in the face and quietly say "yes"
I love Waffle House, but I feel so bad for any worker there that's in a college/major town. It seems like it would be kinda comfy if you were jn a bumfuck truck-stoppy area, though.
Dealing with drunk as fuck shenanigans on the regular sounds annoying.
I'm trying to find a particular video where the cook is getting berated and he beats the shit out of some asshole and then just SLAMS him with the dish cart, but googling "waffle house fight" has proven entertaining, but futile.

>> No.13769288

I fucking lol'd

>> No.13769301

Capped is the worst possible choice. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.13769321

Idk what it is but sometimes I get these overwhelming cravings for triple hashbrowns with onions and gravy.
It is the only way.
I just get them and take them home.
I once asked if they would do a quadruple hashbrown. They said no.
I'm not even fat, I just like those dang hashbrowns.
Past that, the only economically sound option is to order two orders of triple hashbrowns, and that just sounds... Sickening.

>> No.13769351

you seem gay

>> No.13769357

i'll allow it

>> No.13769365

Fuck you, you don't control what anyone likes. End your miserable existence right now.

>> No.13769457

i'll allow it

>> No.13769467

I go to wafflehouse for the crack and 10 dollar handjobs from the waitresses

>> No.13769976

i know exactly what video you're referencing but i can't find it either

>> No.13770633

best fight videos

>> No.13771573

your over paying

>> No.13772997

I go for the off chance some tweaking junkie stabs me to death in the parking lot.

>> No.13773508

Straight up the last time I was at Waffle House I saw a guy get cut by some psycho late 30's tweaking lady.
She was screaming about all kinds of shit and pulling around some rolling luggage and walking to and from the median across 4 lanes of traffic.
I called 911 for him and waited.
She was a fucking show. Thankfully she didn't come up and try to finish the job.

>> No.13773774

>bumfuck truck-stoppy area
Nah, less drunks but more druggies and weirdos. Your best ones are usually smaller towns away from major transit routes or suburban locations.

>> No.13773802
File: 53 KB, 593x800, chompers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like being generous

>> No.13773818

The coffee is good.

>> No.13773932

i'd waffle her house if you catch what i'm throwing at ya...

>> No.13773965

Saint Louis?

>> No.13774112

Hopefully some of that pancake makeup flaked off into the batter for additional flavor.

>> No.13774159

College town in flawda

>> No.13774194

I go to watch the tweakers and domestic disputes

>> No.13775610
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x782, 1496838419640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None near where I live. It was my go to for breakfast when I traveled a while back. Probably just as well, I'm fat enough as is. Miss those cheese n' eggs though.

>> No.13775615

they know that anyone who posts fast food threads are retards and are trying to relate to them.

>> No.13775626


>> No.13775646

Crikey, she'd carve your pecker clean off

>> No.13777393

are the grilled veggies and chicken breasts worth it?

>> No.13777915

>thin waffle house waitress
Im skeptical...

>> No.13778260

The what?

>> No.13778422
File: 109 KB, 640x853, aqua-teen-hunger-force-carl-toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy. We have a Waffle House along a strip frequented by a luggage dragging late 30's schizo lady who constantly disrupts the local businesses. Don't think there's any drugs involved, just straight up mental illness.