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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 138 KB, 932x932, yemeni-saal-honey--400g_57986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13766532 No.13766532 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk honey /ck/

Recently tried the Arabic stuff, and after years of supermarket honey I honestly can't go back

>> No.13766709

Honey was a poor person's sweetener in the olden days and now liberals are handing over their shekels for it and thinking it's going to make them "healthy". But there's no such thing as healthy food, so-called "experts" can't even tell the difference between your overpriced meme sweetener and normal food. Enjoy your scam you stupid hipster.

>> No.13766715

not him but where did he mention health benefits.....
talk about your own personal rant

>> No.13766723

i don't eat honey since i'm vegan but i'll gladly have some agave syrup.

>> No.13766724

I can't eat this.
LITERALLY touched and produced by insects.

>> No.13766730

Anybody who doesn’t realize that supermarket “wildflower” and “clove” honey is the shittiest available honey is a fucking retard and needs to find someone who sells locally produced honey
I can guarantee it will be 100% better unless the person you’re buying it from is a fucking faggot and doesn’t take their bees to local farms

>> No.13766744

unless you get it directly from the farm yourself its yellow corn syrup

>> No.13766752

>what even are FDA regulations

>> No.13766758

Honey is the nectar of the gods. Idiots like >>13766709 and >>13766724
can't even begin to understand that. Delish infused with the land the bees inhabit. Pure, crystallin, true gold.

>> No.13766786
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Keep being buthurt, you'll never raise bees and collect honey from your children.

>> No.13766805

You know that apiaries are keeping bees from the edge of endangerment and agave nectar harvested as a plantation monocrop that leaves a massive ecological footprint, right?

>> No.13766825

Fuck are you talking about "meme sweetener"

>> No.13766832

i'm sorry anon but i adhere to a pain and cruelty free diet, the ecological implications are none of my concern.

>> No.13766835

Honey isn't vegan, delet this thread

>> No.13767022

Wow, so you’re an idiot as well as a hypocrite. That’s about right for a hipster vegan though. Rampant virtue signaling without meaningful understanding of the impact of your actions.
Enjoy your osteoporosis.

>> No.13767064
File: 343 KB, 820x984, 793-7930719_mnuka-honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried the Manuka stuff? A friend was recommending it to me but it's ridiculously expensive in comparison.

On the other hand, I recommend "Sidr" and Russian flower honey; former has a very strong, luxurious taste while latter is light and fruity.

>> No.13767109

Lol there aren't bees in the desert anon

>> No.13767182

Just buy local honey if you don’t have the space or time to make your own

>> No.13767184


good work falling for another jew scam

>> No.13767185

order honey from japan, as with all other ingredients, theirs is the best.

>> No.13767202

>i don't use it and therefore it's a meme sweetener that people eat because it's healthy and not because they like it

Try and put some of that stuff on greek yogurt and you'll see

>> No.13767229
File: 92 KB, 600x400, 4811171-Wild_jungle_honey_bees_in_action-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best honey is raw, wild jungle honey. I get mine from an uncle who goes to Burundi/Rwanda every year and brings back a gallon. Changes flavor everytime, lighter in winter, powerful in summer, always delicious. I've tasted some good euro honeys too as long as they're properly made/are single flower sourced like lavender, orange blossom, walnut(bittersweet), etc. I haven't found any arabic stuff that wasn't hideously overpriced or more commonly, fake shit with sugar syrup, in the morrocan/turkish/syrian shops i've frequented.

Yemen has some pretty good shit apperently.

>> No.13767243

I've literally never understood this autism.
So it's wrong to eat honey, but it's ok to kill bugs that are infesting your house? Because there's no way when a cockroach infestation starts in your house you'll just throw your hands up and go "Well, it's the roaches house now"
Vegan values are completely arbitrary and bullshit, what makes roaches who infest your house have a less valuable life than bees? What if in exchange for honey we give bees a better life? Vegans just decide what animals get to live or die by how much the animal inconveniences them, which is even more pathetic and virtue signaling than, let's say, a vegetarian because vegetarian values are a lot more consistent.

>> No.13767265

Huh? I’m saying big commercial beekeepers are bad and local beekeepers are good, both for the fact that the honey is better and local beekeeping is good for the environment.

Idk how you got so mixed up that you thought I was somehow against beekeeping, but you should probably go back to school if you’re this fucking retarded

>> No.13767270

How does he collect honey from wild bee populations? Does he just say fuck it and destroy the whole hive in order to get honey?
I’m assuming in a jungle the need for bees situation is a lot less dire than elsewhere, but if that’s the case, it’s still pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.13767285
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He usually just buys it at a market or pays a few people to go do it. They smoke it out and take everything usually (I've seen this done when I lived in SEA), bees just rebuild and there's enough of them, some even encroaching on human habitation.

>> No.13767294

bees are worthless anyway the vast majority of pollination is done by male mosquitoes

>> No.13767322

I hope you’re pretty, because you’re sure not smart

>> No.13767387

Floridian here.

Avocado honey on cheese, savory things. It's tastes almost buttery and herbal-green, but with no bitterness.
Orange blossom and key lime blossom honey for teas, toast, topping oatmeal, recipes, etc.
Mango honey is hard to find, and I can only assume it gets tainted by florida holly plants, because there are certainly large mango groves, but when you get it, it's right up there with lychee/longon.

Manuka honey is just a honey that is studied for the health benefits. It's not delicious, just high demand.

I order lychee honey from thailand, such dude I found on Amazon, since I can't find it much anymore in S. Florida farmer's markets.

>> No.13767487

avocado honey? the fuck, i'm ordering some of that immediately
sounds awesome

>> No.13767507

How to distinguish between fake and real honey quickly?

>> No.13767515
File: 69 KB, 680x680, 4fb (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no such thing as healthy food

>> No.13767521

>the Arabic stuff
It's an explosion of flavor.

>> No.13767524
File: 111 KB, 700x466, wehrloom-honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to this hipster ass apiary/meadery and picked up a bunch of shit. I don't think the type of honey matters nearly as much as how close to the source you are, this shit was miles better than anything i've ever gotten in a store.

>> No.13767528

he's right, though. there are things that are ok to eat and things that aren't. none of them are "good" for you.

>> No.13767549

>I don't think the type of honey matters nearly as much as how close to the source you are
The type matters more than anything else, with regards to flavor.
If you want to be close to the apiary, great, but honey doesn't spoil, so farm to table freshness isn't the reason...buy it online from an apiary and honey company anywhere in the world. Being close to the apiary means you might benefit from anti allergen reasons to consume local honey from the area's local weeds and plants to whose pollen you might be sensitive to. It's the innoculation mindset when it comes to health.

>> No.13767596

Hipsters are insufferable faggots but they have good tastes

>> No.13767626

Anyone know how apple blossom honey is? I'm getting a small orchard and I'm thinking of taking up beekeeping.

>> No.13767670

how much did it cost and for what size?

>> No.13767689

he thinks he's eating honey and not colored HFCS.

>> No.13768218

t. hipster in denial

>> No.13768322

you're confusing honey with maple syrup

>> No.13768354

Also, bees are in trouble at the moment, and vegans depend on them in order to pollinate and produce fruit & vegetables. You'd think they'd be very pro-beekeeping. Do they think that bees are somehow being mistreated or some stupid shit?

>> No.13768366

$80 for 30oz

>> No.13768370


>> No.13768388

Desu I like a lot of things hipsters do, and like hipsters, I can't fucking stand actual hipsters. God fucking end me.

>> No.13768391

checked, your fate is sealed

>> No.13768464
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>> No.13768473

A lot of olden poor people food is now hipster food. Probably because of the idea that old = traditional, no chemicals = healthy

>> No.13768474

this, organic is a meme. i buy 1$ chickens

>> No.13768483

organic chickens are a meme
free range is not a meme

free range chickens taste way better and it's just not necessary to torture chickens so cartoonishly evil over a few bucks.

>> No.13768484

Any flowering plant can be used to make honey (unless it’s poisonous to bees but most aren’t, including shit that’s deadly to humans)

I’ve had avocado, buckwheat, orange blossom, wheat, sage, and a bunch of others from this local vendor (SoCal). They’re all unique and they’re all delicious.

>> No.13768505

Similar experience here. We have a local farmers market and the bee keeper brings different honey based on plants are in season for the bees to polinate.
My favorite has been pomegranate honey.

>> No.13768754

That sounds good, I don’t think I’ve seen that even though they grow here too. My favorites were avocado and sage, but buckwheat by far had the most distinct flavor (it didn’t even taste like “honey”).

>> No.13768798

>arabic honey
ok, but why

>> No.13768804

wtf why are the >> on the wrong side

>> No.13769419

Keep animals then, maybe slaughter them when they get old, the only real alternative for pigs and chickens is going to a factory farm or getting released and dying in the wild.

>> No.13769443


>> No.13770953

I almost took the bait

>> No.13771046

Honey bees are an invasive pest that are driving out all the native bee species because greedy bee farmers don't give a fuck a out the environment unless they can abuse it for a profit.

This myth that honey bees are essential needs to die, they're only needed for pollination in a few areas where they lived naturally before humans spread them around the world.

>> No.13771053

Bees are only an essential pollinator in the few areas they are native to - namely Europe, Africa, and bits of Asia. Everywhere else they are outcompeting the local pollinators that the ecosystem relies on due to human intervention preferring "useful" species.

>> No.13772004

Buckwheat honey is delicious and molasses-y. A granny smith apple, some sharp cheddar, and a bit of buckwheat honey is a blessed snack.

>> No.13772434

there's no reason to lash out just because you don't know why either.

>> No.13773396


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>> No.13774760

I wish I was rich enough to buy fresh honeycomb all the time. I fucking love it.