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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 253x450, undercooked-sausage-dangerous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13763181 No.13763181 [Reply] [Original]

Ate some undercooked Italian sausage about an hour ago. Already feeling the stomach cramps. How fucked am I?

>> No.13763187


>> No.13763235

you're going to die lol

>> No.13763239
File: 33 KB, 540x720, wew lad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had you chance to take an antidote 20 minutes after you hate the sausage. Why did you wait, anon? It's too late

>> No.13763256

Sausage is a bad one m8, you won't die but you might have a shitty day or two. See what I did there lol?

>> No.13763266

haha, I like this joke

>> No.13763275

It's fine just enjoy the diarrhoea while it lasts

>> No.13763287

Yea that's what I figured. Hasn't hit me yet. It didn't actually taste bad, just happened to notice when I cut into a piece that there was pink. I just hope it isn't more than diarrhea, I hate throwing up

>> No.13763297

Maybe if you weren't such a faggot you'd live but sadly God will punish your sin with a painful death

>> No.13763317

>an hour ago. Already feeling the stomach cramps
It takes longer than that for food poisoning to start affecting you. You're probably just making yourself nervous.

>> No.13763415

You'll be fine pussy.

>> No.13763440

Why do retards think that undercooked food makes them sick? It literally doesn't.

>> No.13763462

say that to the tape worm eggs that didn't get killed by the non 180deg heat

>> No.13763472


>> No.13763473

>Be American
>Be paranoid about touching raw chicken
>Be paranoid about eating undercooked meat
>Be paranoid of vegetables that have started to change colour
>Be paranoid of meat that has just begun to turn
>Proceed to shovel sugar, chemicals, heavily processed and fast food into their gullets

>> No.13763480

>how fucked am I?
Ebola-Aids tier

>> No.13763481

Why are you buying sausages full of tapeworm eggs?

>> No.13763488

ehhhh, some poops
you'll be fine probably
post feet? it will help

>> No.13763609


>> No.13763620

why did you do that anon?

>> No.13763625

Are you 90 years old? If not, you'll live. You may get some food poisoning so enjoy the free week of weightloss. I'm assuming you're a fat fuck since you're posting on /ck/ so look at this as a positive experience

>> No.13763955

>not drinking to kill the bugs
Oldest trick in the book

>> No.13764004

Raw poultry is not something to fuck with. Raw beef, and raw pork even, are alright to eat provided you know where it came from.

>> No.13765105

i have 5 kilo of chicken mini fillets in fridge
how can i safely defrost it?
not all at once just around 0,5kg at once
>just get order from iceland get 5kg frozen instead of 2,5kg fresh

>> No.13765150
File: 17 KB, 372x372, rcBrS527_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mamma Mia

Die with honor senpai

>> No.13765181

>buying frozen chicken
Enjoy losing half the weight in the chicken when all the extra water leaves it, frozen food is a scam. Buy fresh, then freeze that.

>> No.13765187

i didnt buy it
i buy 2,5 kg fresh get 5kg frozen
someone packed this shit wrong i guess

>> No.13765193

you got corona

>> No.13765200


>> No.13765201

if it's American meat then probably nothing. maybe diarrhea. if not, then die with honor friend.

>> No.13765232
File: 55 KB, 645x773, 1328285713942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I see, That sucks bro. Just put it in a bowl and leave it out for 6-8 hours, or leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

>> No.13765248

can i just leave it on plate in refigerator?
do i need to cover it or something?
never used frozen meat before only frozen vegies
i would return it but its too much trouble and it probably would fuck that poor waggie too

>> No.13765287

thats nice of you to be so considerate
yea leave it in the fridge in a bowl of cold water thats what i do anyway unless its not in a plastic bag or what ever then i am not sure as what to do

frozen meats arent that different from fresh when it comes to preparing just do the same shit but watch out for freezer burn or what ever

>> No.13765289

If you're white you're dead already

If not then you're good

>> No.13765430

thanks anon
have a good day

>> No.13765552

was it pork?

>> No.13765638

>thats nice of you to be so considerate
i used to work similar places
its soul crushing and health ruining job that pay little