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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 500x425, DINNUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13758483 No.13758483 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13758486 [DELETED] 

wow funny racism lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! insecure piece of white trash.

>> No.13758504

>tfw want this mascot back
>would be a somewhat success with young people because of muh 80s aesthetic
>can't because retarded /pol/tards latched onto it
It hurts bros

>> No.13758513

so enlightened

>> No.13758519

calm down schizo

>> No.13758524
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sir, this thread is about McDonald's

>> No.13758531
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>> No.13758554

Do you think the black guy in the other booth is related to them or was McDonalds trying to show that it was a good place for blacks to network and socialize?

>> No.13758565

So wait. this guy isn't advertising macaroni and cheese?

>> No.13758566 [DELETED] 

blacks are not people, anon...

>> No.13758622

>you are not forced to tip here
>americans go WHOOOAAAAH

>> No.13758717

his head looks like a banana

ring ring ring ring ring ring ring
banana man

>> No.13758746
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>it's the creature from the fever dreams I had as a child.....

>> No.13758814

Dilate reddit fag

>> No.13758817

whats racist about this?

>> No.13758830
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>> No.13758832
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We must secure the existence of the Moon and a future for Moon children and the Moon cheese we export to the fine, hungry people of /ck/

>> No.13758833


>> No.13758872
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>> No.13758892
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>> No.13758897


racism is good.

>> No.13758902


>> No.13758909
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>> No.13759183

I'm always made uncomfortable by ads which use stereotypical slang and music to appeal to minorities.

>> No.13759209


>> No.13759271 [DELETED] 

ornery piece of brown trash

>> No.13759307

i feel very secure buried balls deep in yo mama's quisine

>> No.13759311

>Sir, this is McDonald's, can you please make an order?

>> No.13759315
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>Hating Moon Man
>In 2020
Wow, you are a fag.

>> No.13759459

Glad I'm not the only one who sees how patronizing and minstrel show-ish the dinosaur media is. It seems even worse today.

>"hey you filthy colored peop... i mean people of color... please purchase our totally lit product! we even put one of your kind in our latest commercials and the radio plays generic rap beats 24/7!

It's so tiresome

>> No.13759461

>there's no tipping
Anyone who's been a server knows how true this is.

>> No.13759462

was there a particular reason moon-man was turned into a neonazi? the ads seemed pretty harmless, what exactly did people latch onto?

>> No.13759492
File: 111 KB, 500x500, IF YOU GOT MUD IN THE BLOOD YOU'RE GONNA GET SMOKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13759628

Ok leftoid

>> No.13759661

Started with a single video someone made as a joke, and just kinda escalated from there over the course of like a decade or something.
It's still a joke, even now.

>> No.13760057

I would like to see the Mad Men episode where they came up with this one

>> No.13760106

I've been on the internet since 1998 with a free AOL floppy over 14.4 dialup, and there are still moments when I see something I didn't realize humanity was capable of creating.

>> No.13760137

on ytmnd people just kind of flung shit at the wall until something stuck. moonman was easy to imitate so it stuck around

>> No.13760471

1488/420 hail Satan

>> No.13760484

That's not what happened at all, how retarded are you

>> No.13760489

They could 100% do it, do you know how niche /pol/ is? And the "controversy" it could make would bring attention to it. Then McDonalds could make his VA black to solve any "racist" issues.

>> No.13760499

kill yourself faggot

>> No.13760505


>> No.13760510

I like how everyone on the internet is so fucking retarded they don’t know how anything started anymore because you’re really all 12 year olds

>> No.13760516

Statistically speaking, white people of European ancestry, specifically young males, are among the most likely attempt suicide. Other high contenders are Native Americans and Slavics.

>> No.13760525

That's what happens when you're a fairly small part of a global community of low-IQ shitskin retards that shit, eat, and fuck without thought of consequences, and rarely if ever plan for the future. It's depressing as shit to know no matter how hard your civilization tried to make the world a better place, the shitskins just can't help themselves, but destroy it all.

>> No.13760578

nobody actually knows why moon man's life and career took such a dark turn. Personally though I blame the crack epidemic and breakdown of inner city america. It's no coincidence moon man parodies rap music

>> No.13760593
File: 297 KB, 1080x1080, 1080px-Mac_Tonight_Animatronic_-_Woodbridge,_VA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps disenchanted by the debauchery he had been parodying becoming less and less of a parody, Moon-Man went on a soul-seeking journey around south-east Asia. He eventually returned to the US, reunited with his family and got his old job back. He's still around, and every now and then, people try to confront him with his past, but you can tell he's found a new lease on life.
Next, on E's True Hollywood Story: The Hamburglar comes clean in his new biography, but what was life behind bars really like for him?

>> No.13760595

Go back

>> No.13760602

that's not how these things work you naive goober. people get accused of "dogwhistling racism" for doing the ok sign that overrides 150+ years of it being culturally ingrained as a harmless sign here in the US from basically a single /pol/ thread lol

moon man getting brought back would cause an absolute shitfit temper tantrum from touchy faggots

>> No.13760608

I still don't see the problem with this one. It's wholesome and shows what appears to be a functional happy nuclear family. So what if they're using a few extra apostrophes? I'll definitely take that over Cardi B trying to sell me a Pepsi.

I'm lovin' it.

>> No.13760634
File: 76 KB, 928x336, moon pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people get accused
And here we have the real culprit; /pol/ is very niche, but the retard SJWs who keep taking it seriously are all over Twitter. That's why Pepe, which is probably the broadest and most prolific Internet meme ever, was suddenly condemned as a WP symbol. /pol/ didn't make that happen; the idiots who take /pol/ seriously did.

I'll be going to McDonald's for once tomorrow, actually. Took get our dog some fries before she is put down. It's her favourite treat and a very rare one.

>> No.13760661

Moonman Moonman
Can't you see

>> No.13760713
File: 2.60 MB, 1270x720, fuck off, we're full.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13760718

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.13760726

You are in the same boat as the rest of us nigger, but in the moldy, rat infested part of the boat because you are old, a failure in life, a balding dinosaur, a social pariah among your own generation. You're really showing the yungguns' that you're better than them, showing what it means to be a real man with your superior knowledge of mid 80s' fast food mascots. Kys boomer

>> No.13760818

If anybody ever bothered to actually read the SPLC write up on Pepe you’d know that they categorized him as something very commonly but not even close to exclusively used in WP circles. Never did the SPLC claim that Pepe is itself a hateful phenomenon or symbol.

It’s like pointing out that biker gangs ride Harleys. Doesn’t mean every group of dudes on Harleys is a gang, but if you’re worried about biker gangs watch for Harleys.

>> No.13760833

Dunno dude. Every place I've been to that's a conservative or far right echo chamber outside of pol pepe was front and center. And for the most part still is.

People dont realize pol is like a venting complaint board for a lot of people who dont want to chance it on Facebook or somewhere else.

>> No.13760891

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.13761416


The new Farcry game looks great!

>> No.13761461

First 10 seconds in Australia

>> No.13763130 [DELETED] 
File: 767 KB, 650x886, moontroopers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13763169
File: 213 KB, 960x768, 1473087682452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw old enough to remember this mascot

>> No.13763291

Nobody knows what splc is, and they werent the ones to demonize it.
Adl and hillary were, and adl has massive political pull

>> No.13763347



>> No.13763364

>blaming /pol/
>not virtue signaling social media sjws who get butthurt at paula deen and hulk hogan because not enough first world problems

>> No.13764039

>If anybody ever bothered to actually read the SPLC write up
wanna know how i know you have family members that attend pride parades

>> No.13764042
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>> No.13764069

Is this the new fortnite map?

>> No.13764074

>noooo you can’t just read freely available texts people are talking about
>just accept whatever half-baked assumptions I make up or I’ll call you a homosexual

>> No.13764084

Seeing it in motion, that costume is pretty damn impressive.

>> No.13764091

Mooman is a YTMND meme from the 2007 era of memery. It's a classic of internet culture at this point.You think /pol/ could possibly have created a meme with so much soul?

>> No.13764117
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>> No.13764133 [DELETED] 

Hickory Dickory Dock
When the clock stuck two
I shot my goo
And left the bitch down the block

>> No.13764147 [DELETED] 

"The Diceman Cometh" (Entire Show) - Andrew Dice Clay (1989)

>> No.13764580
File: 511 KB, 1079x1114, havesex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13765182

I'm 40 years old.

I dressed as Mac for halloween the year that was popular. I don't know who did it but someone made a mask out of cardboard that was big enough for me and trick or treated with my parents that night.

>> No.13765202

I just love that "dinner at McDonalds" is made out to be some grand, high point that's good for ending the day. Wish they were striving for this image.