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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 296x345, tortsushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13758255 No.13758255 [Reply] [Original]

Do you walk out of the restaurant when you realize your food is not being made by folks of the same ethnicity as the cuisine that's being served? Like Koreans or Chinese making sushi or Albanians making pizza or Vietnamese making Cajun food or white folks making Mexican food? I do a 360 and walk out. I need authenticity or GTFO!

>> No.13758264

Fuck off, you little autistic queer.

>> No.13758350

all I got from what you said is that you’re morbidly obese and spend half your income on onlyfans

>> No.13758357

Yes, with a few exceptions:
>Chinese pretending to be Japanese/Thai
>Mexicans pretending to be Italians
They can fuck off

>> No.13758414

If the food is made with the correct, authentic techniques, I really couldn't give a fuck.

>> No.13759043

Korean sushi they overcompensate by giving you a way giant slice of sushi that a Japanese place wouldn't

>> No.13759319
File: 28 KB, 588x329, IMG_20190508_191956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slice of sushi
Fuck off dumb fag

>> No.13759323

i'm tore between wanting to EAT and wanting to FUCK the roll.

>> No.13759353

Yes, if they respect the balance of the dish being served.

Certain ingredients are put into dishes for a reason, and if you're substituting something that doesn't work with the already existing flavours, you're fucking it up.

That being said, in response to everyone else in this thread, people from a specific culture cooking another culture's food doesn't necessarily result in inauthentic food as much as poorly cooked food.

>> No.13759366

crossover cuisine was a thing for a brief moment in 1999.

>> No.13760731

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.13760800

Yeah, Ramsay once tried serving me FRENCH food.
Sneedless to say i gave him a knuckle sandwich.

>> No.13760902

better to be a fag than a weeb the way I see it

>> No.13761465
File: 85 KB, 882x1024, IMG_20190508_192213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knowing the difference between culinary terms makes people a weeb
Fuck off back reddit you stupid piece of shit faggot. There's no place here for the likes of you here

>> No.13761469

there's no such thing as 'authentic' food.

the whole concept is for retards.

>> No.13761471
File: 3 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? You do a 360 and walk out? You really spin around on the spot and then walk out?

>> No.13761483


>> No.13761962

only a reddit fag would suggest going back there.
>raging over sushi semantics seems like the actions of a weeb

>> No.13762318
File: 8 KB, 238x211, 1462075507270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Authenticity is a spook

>> No.13762395

Ofcourse not, the only issue I would have with Inauthentic cuisine is if it is not prepared the way it is supposed to be with substituted ingredients.

>> No.13762397

>posts a rare pepe
i think you might be the new one anon...

>> No.13763135

>actually believes that frog posting makes him an oldfag

>> No.13764779

I am OK with restaurants that are like this. What matters is if they pass the first test that they offer to me, my positive judgment.

>> No.13765408

kevin gå tilbage

>> No.13765837

Individual pieces are slices of a roll, you mong

>> No.13765850

My country has its own culture, I don't go to "ethnic" restaurants, only restaurants

>> No.13765886

All fusion food is ok and beautiful as long as whitey isn't doing it

>> No.13766063

No. Most of the people in my town who make sushi are Burmese and they do a really good job. Same with all the Polish people making schnitzel. Authentic food is authentic because it follows a recipe, not because the person making it is of the right ethnicity. If I use coriander instead of paprika in my paprikás, does me being Hungarian make it a more authentic paprikás than an Indonesian who follows the recipe faithfully?

>> No.13766075

>Anglo cooks Asian food
God Tier
>Mexican cooks Chinese food
>Asian cooks Negro BBQ food
Lick my lips and color me diabetic

>> No.13766094

I'm a Mexican from Mexico who prefers Taco Bell to the average authentic Mexican food. Of course I'll take an upscale Mexican meal anyday but the gringos perfected the economic and convenient way to do Mexican food with Taco Bell. 80% of the time I make my own Taco Bell stuff at home by just slapping canned and bagged MRE type ingredients together with some fresh greens and veg on the side or topping. Tostadas are modular and easy to pack up and store. There's nothing worse than looking forward to something fancy and suddenly you gotta leave the house and kill the beauty you spent a week building up to.

>> No.13766181

Americans pretending to be Mexicans

>> No.13766188

How do I know you’re a retarded American