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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13756907 No.13756907 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop eating /ck/. I'm not even hungry but have these urges to binge eat, eating makes me happy for some reason.....I managed to lose 21kg from 150kg by eating less and exercising but my progress has stopped. I'm stuck on 129kg for months now and I just can't stop eating anymore....

>> No.13756918

That's great you lost that weight, you should be proud.
At this point, I think you should consider seeking a therapist who can help you with this specific issue, and/or maybe a support group

>> No.13756926

yoga and meditation can help a lot for addiction problems
it helped me at least

>> No.13756928
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>That's great you lost that weight, you should be proud.
At this point, I think you should consider seeking a therapist who can help you with this specific issue, and/or maybe a support group

>> No.13756935

Find fulfillment with God first and foremost or else something else will always take precedence.

For immediately helpful advice, you need to completely overhaul your diet in a major way. Look at these binge eating urges for shitty chinese food and whatnot as an addiction. That's really what it is, and you cannot overcome this addiction by continuing to eat your current diet. It can take years for a regular person to get control of these bad habits and get to the point where they can go out for Chinese food with family or friends, control themselves, and not slide back into bad habits. For you, it's probably never as it sounds like an addiction and not just a bad habit. As long as you look to food as something that brings you fulfillment, you will never overcome this problem.

>> No.13756942

fasting might sort you out. believe it or not the urge to eat goes away after a while. it doesnt just keep building and building until you cant take it anymroe. you get hungry around the times you are used to eating but once a few hours pass you'll feel normal until the next time you usually eat.


>> No.13756943

ill have uhhhhhhh the corona platter

>> No.13756963

Wow, you're gonna soijack him for that? Go outside.

>> No.13756972

speak in lbs fat fuck

>> No.13756978


>> No.13756984

>you should be proud you lost weight
no, they never should have gotten fat in the first place

>> No.13756995

Why are people on 4chan so negative about everything? Someone wants to better themselves and a group angry anons come out of nowhere telling them they shouldn't be happy for making progress. I'm pretty sure there's an area in your life where your not doing so well.

>> No.13757011

for me, it's severe loneliness

>> No.13757053

And you should have never been born, but we're all working with it.

>> No.13757247

let´s say your goal weight is 100 kg

at a 100 kg you can eat garbage every day and still maintain so aim for 100 next and then evaluate.

you can do this.

>> No.13757564

Some people are just mean, and here they can be mean without consequence

>> No.13757590


If you want a make believe world filled with bunnies and rainbows you can find it at reddit.

Around here if you are a fat slob then you get treated the way fat slobs get treated.

>> No.13757627
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I dunno. I used to binge eat, then had enough one day. Joined gym and dropped 150 pounds in just over a year to just over 125 even. Never put it back on because working out became a way of life and so did eating properly.

OP needs to just go work out and get the motivation from his accomplishments. Right now, he just thinks he can’t really do it and somewhere in his head he’s convinced himself he’s not worth it. Maybe you need therapy for things like that, or maybe you just need to make a decision and stick with it. Number one key to long-term weight loss and results is to make an exercise regime and stick with it. Then comes diet, including a cheat day where you can stuff your face to your heart’s content. You can actually do both.

>> No.13757629
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Stop eating carbs.

>> No.13757630

for me getting the ball rolling with eating is hard but once your stomach shrinks and you focus on recognizing when you are full it gets way easier. for me, anyway.

>> No.13757650

hello op
i used to weigh 400 pounds at 5’10 and now i weigh 140
i would eat about the same amount of food in your picture every other day because i wanted to taste all of my favorites at the same time and refused to come to terms with portion size
what worked for me was finding one thing i wanted to eat that day and making a huge portion of it
most of the time i’d eat 2000 calories of chicken parmesan a day but the process of having to cook it myself distracted me from wanting to binge food
so you have a few options:
>cook all your food and binge as much as you want, will probably lose weight and maintain sanity
>find activities to distract yourself so food stops becoming a hobby, leading to less consumption but requires willpower
>follow every other retards advice here by moving to a mom science trendy diet which still doesn’t address the psychological problem of binge eating

>> No.13757939
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Stop worrying about it. Just take up powerlifting and do enough conditioning work to meet your powerlifting goals.

>> No.13758436

this is a viable option
i weigh 280 at 5'11, but I can bench 350, squat 550, and deadlift near 600
i definitely have a good layer of fat on me, but it's well distributed and I mostly just look like a brick shithouse
i also eat whatever the fuck i want, had a pupu platter for 2 plus 2 dinners from a chinese place last night
builtfat is bestfat

>> No.13758474

it's not much of an option if people are already fat pigs
they'll have tons of visceral fat leading to them looking and feeling like shit

>> No.13758497

Eat less
It's how I lose weight
I cant bother counting calories and I'd rather die than quit good food like pizza and fries so I only eat once a day and make it special

My diet is naturally pretty balanced though, I dont like excessive sugar or grease or artificial tastes so I naturally avoid fast food, sweets and processed shit. It's easy for me
If you're addicted to trash food then that's a different issue

>> No.13758503

You are addicted to sugar.
The yeast in your git releases a chemical that makes you crave sugary foods.

>> No.13759983

Diet overhaul comes first. You need to eat actual healthy food in order to feel good, full, and nourish yourself properly. You need to have self control and to be able to eat based on your activity level whether you are highly active or completely sedentary.

>> No.13760010

Patting someone on the back and giving them a gold star for failing at fixing something they've completely fucked up isn't helpful to them and only makes them feel validated for being a failure. Wow so OP ate himself into severe morbid obesity and lost enough weight to still be severely morbidly obese? Throw him a fucking parade!

>> No.13760077

It's not, but you're also spend all day on 4chan to validate your social views, so I don't care what you say.

>> No.13760085

Something I did when I was starting out was whenever the urge to binge got really bad I would chug a bottle of water. Doing that 2-3 times in as many hours bloated me to the point I had no interest in eating.

Just be careful of not drinking too much and getting water intoxication

>> No.13760127

I get that way when it comes to booze. But usually with a bad experience, I step away from it for a few or several days. It always takes a bad experience to make you rethink an "addiction".

>> No.13760246

Just purge after eating, all you need is a bucket, a glass with a lill water and a bar of soap