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13755296 No.13755296 [Reply] [Original]

Who actually uses egg cups? I’ve seen them on TV and in films, but I’ve never seen them used IRL

>> No.13755297

Brits. So no one of note or worth.

>> No.13755299

i unironically sometimes rest my testicles on these just to feel special after a hard day's work.

>> No.13755316

As a Brit, even I think eggs and soldiers are pointlessly ceremonial. It's like it's just meant to make less mess than eggs on toast.

>> No.13755317

That is very rude.

>> No.13755331

>As a Brit,
ok raheem

>> No.13757203

No British person would identify themselves as British.

>> No.13757223

My family used them when I was growing up, but only for soft-boiled, obviously. As an adult on my own, on the rare occasions I've cooked soft-boiled eggs for dipping, I've either just used a piece of foil coiled into a ring to hold it up or used a demitasse because I cba to actually buy egg cups.

>> No.13757310

My grandfather on my mothers side used them but he died in 1973, got caught in a hurricane building a church and a wall fell over him.

>> No.13757336
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your grandfather was such a good man, godarino killed him earlier because he wanted him in heaven sooner.

>> No.13757466

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, lol!

>> No.13757523

lol what a fucking moron. how do get caught by a hurricane? nigga they are slow as fuck.

>> No.13757633

It teaches table manners, etiquette, responsibility, restraint, calmness, delicacy, appreciation.

The English have no food culture? Egg and Soldiers is the epitome of English food culture. Get lost bigots.

>> No.13757654
File: 70 KB, 736x1081, F88DC9E3-EFB2-466F-A487-8B0A47393899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We use them all the time in the U.K. Or at least everyone has at least one. Can be chipped and forgotten in the back of cupboard somewhere, but they’re very common.

>> No.13757676

That soldier needs some marmite.

>> No.13757686

Evry 2 weeks I got the need to eat a softboiled one.
Hence me need for the eggcup.

>> No.13757705

How the fuck else do you make dipper eggs (soft-boiled eggs with toast cut into strips for dipping)?

>> No.13757711

Remember in England when you could buy an Easter Egg that came with a mug and an egg cup?

I had a Cadbury's one, can't remember what the chocolate bar it was. Do they still offer mugs and egg cups in Easter Eggs? I used to love them. Get some tea and a boiled egg, then have the chocolate for afters.

>> No.13757712

I very much think not

>> No.13757725

i do, theyre great for 3min eggs. how the fuck do you eat a soft egg without them?
t. Swiss btw

>> No.13757755

fuck that sounds comfy brit bro

My grandparents were bongs and they also had eggcups and had porridge every morning. They were extremely based.

>> No.13757762


Yeah, I just realised after you said this they don’t do that any more! Fucks sake.

>> No.13757767

Quiet, egg pleb.

Get a British passport. All Englishmen now required to return home and help man the barricades against the vile EUmpire.

>> No.13757793

It's been on my mind. Maybe it's something I should do. I'm a raging poltard bro.

>> No.13757802

You should. It’s not only you; if you become a British citizen then your kids are automatically entitled regardless of where they’re born.

>> No.13757805

I don't want my kids to grow up being raped by Muslims and arrested for speaking out against it though dude.

>> No.13757834
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Voting a 3. Grade journalist for the Telegraph make Drumpf a saint. Nah Im immigrating to the continent.

>> No.13757841

I use my shot glasses.

>> No.13757893
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>> No.13758511

You've obviously never had dippy eggs and soldiers. What a sad existence you must be enduring.

>> No.13758579
File: 4 KB, 247x204, eggcup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bought my wife 2 for her birthday a few years back
she has a soft boiled egg in it about every six months
I'm gay btw

>> No.13758687
File: 44 KB, 500x500, Next_level_egg_Slicing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We use them in Norway + Sweden + Denmark
But its for serving the egg to be eaten with a spoon, and salting/peppering as you go along.
Its a novelity to eat the egg differently.

I would argue egg slicer + rye flatbread is the superior way to eat eggs. With some added smørgåsbord ingredients on top, for extra luxury.

>> No.13758719

Ceremony is never pointless. Ritual acts hone a person's discipline.