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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13751835 No.13751835 [Reply] [Original]

Today I’m making this 0,900 kg bone in dry aged (30 days) Sashi steak, this is the method I’m going to use.

>unsalted meat, room temperature (2 hours outside the fridge)
>ventilated oven @ 90C
>target temperature for the steak core is 52C
>outside the oven the steak is patted dry and immediately goes in the cast iron pan
>the pan is fully dry and has a good seasoning
>medium heat on the stove
>45 seconds on the fat cap
>1 minute and 20 seconds on both sides
>45 seconds on the other side (heat turned off)
>5 minute resting in warm oven
>final temperature “medium” circa 60-62C

Let’s go

>> No.13751839

why don't you just say 900 g instead of that faggot 3rd worlder comma shit?

>> No.13751840
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The steak is uneven and the fat cap expands, however the full ventilated oven keeps the surface dry

>> No.13751842

this beauty needs just a cast iron pan, salt, pepper and 6-8 minutes of time. you all must stop with rever.. what ever it calls faggotry.

>> No.13751846
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Let’s make a small side for my steak: 50% shallots 50% white onions, caramelised in butter and salt on low fire.

Because it’s more powerful and muh dick

>> No.13751848
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Wait for the magic senpai, I promise it will be good.

And here it is.

Not 100% good searing because it wasn’t flat but I’m ok with this. Tell me what do you think.

Of course butter basting would deliver the best searing but this steak is already buttery as hell, my arteries are clogged as I write.

>> No.13751851
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Without flash

>> No.13751855
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This happens when you use a thermometer btw

>> No.13751857
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>> No.13751861

I don't know anyway, anon. If you like so.. I see just something really pointless. But again. if you really like this way.

>> No.13751864
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And there we are.

The caramelised onions go on the slices for maximum sweetness and buttery taste in contrast to the dry aging

>> No.13751870
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It’s not pointless anon, it’s a good method if you have time and also it saves me X minutes of smoke and clouds of fat in my kitchen. This is worth 80% the work!

>> No.13751872
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This steak was amazing, I’m really happy with the result.

>> No.13751874
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>> No.13751875
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Bonus picture for the deep fried steak bro, he will understand

>> No.13751876
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And I’m done.

Thank you and sorry for the blogpost.

>> No.13751877

Looks nice. Just needed added fats for a better sear. The pan should have enough fat in it that it touches the uneven parts of the surface.

You've got to have contact between fat and protein for the Maillard reaction.

>> No.13751880
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Thanks anon.

I don’t want to add fats for reasons, I’m trying to work with the fat cap of my steaks to add its own melted fat to help the searing.

Pic related was the previous result with the same method, however the steaks were flat.

Probably I could’ve used a higher flame on the stove since the pan was entirely filled this time.

>> No.13751889

ok, honest question: what's the difference in taste? because I don't care about smoke or anything else.

>> No.13751901
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The meat comes out super tender and juicy, the cooking time in the pan is super quick because the meat inside is already cooked in the oven so you just have to build the crust and render the fat.

Because of this virtually no grey area inside (if the steak is uneven you will have it in the thinner parts of course).

>> No.13751948
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Also look at the pan, I finished washing it now: well seasoned even with dry searing.

Grapeseed oil is the perfect oil imho for coating cast iron.

>> No.13751953

>2 hours
>Room temperature

Do yourself a favour and check the temp in the core after 2 hours

>> No.13751969

Its a texture and doneness -thing. Its the middleground between skillet and sous-vide

Cooking it in the oven first brings it up to temperature more evenly than blasting it on a skillet, resulting in more even cooking. The oven also dries and heats the exterior making searing much faster. You end up with a steak that has less of a gray area on the outside than a solely skillet-cooked steak.

For me its too much of a hassle so i just pre-salt and dry my steaks before searing and finish in the oven.

>> No.13751973

18C room temperature 22C.

“Room temperature” then

>> No.13751988

Question: does it really matter if you don’t bring the steak to perfect room temperature since you’re going to cook in the oven with a thermometer inside that monitors the thickest part?

I always thought it was something I should really do when cooking in the pan only.

>> No.13752036

Shit I’m hungry now

>> No.13752081
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What’s wrong with that?

It’s sold priced per kg so it’s not wrong.

>> No.13752084

>unsalted meat
you messed up already

>> No.13752096


There’s no reason to dry brine a piece of meat that marbled, also the juice and tenderness is provided by the reverse searing process.

I salt and pepper the slices when I eat them.

>> No.13752105

because it makes it taste better how is that not a reason? I'm not sure what marbling has to do with it.

>> No.13752120

What’s the difference from salting at the moment vs salting before?

With leaner cuts I do it several hours before eating the steak so the juices and moisture go back inside, but with a dry aged steak with a concentrated flavour and tons of fat (the flavour is right there) I don’t see why salting before IF the goal is the make the meat tender and “juicy”.

>> No.13752127

It tastes better when you salt before eating, after cooking.

People season before cooking for no reason other than they are copying what they have seen others do.

>> No.13752136

the entire meat gets salted instead of just the outside. It's not about the juicyness it just tastes better.

>> No.13752150

No, it doesn't. It just dries out the meat.

>> No.13752157

guess bacon isn't salty on the inside either right?

>> No.13752169
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I went to this place owned by a bbq pro chef and he first sear the exterior on an infrared grill, then slices the steak at the table and season with salt and pepper then he let us cook the slices on a hot stone at the table.

He also sprinkle pepper on the hot stone because according to him this releases the natural oils of the pepper.

Idk the science behind it but the steak was fabulous, however it was salted before going 1 minute on the stone so I guess it doesn’t count as pre salting the steak.

>> No.13752187

shut the fuck up stupid cocksucking maggot

>> No.13752189

Bacon isn't moist.

>> No.13752190

Interesting, kind of an amateur cook myself but i always fail with beef. Fish, chicken, vegs even pork fillet but beef. Will try seasoning it after cooking and see.

>> No.13752193

Yes it is, unless you're someone who likes crispy bacon, but that's not really standard

>> No.13752195

do you know how bacon is made?

>> No.13752208

Fucking beautiful. Fat rendered to a buttery crisp but meat juicy as hell. 10/10 OP.

>> No.13752213

Damn, my mouth is watering. What was the overall cook time in the oven OP?

>> No.13752215

Are you a cow?

>> No.13752219
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Too kind anon

>> No.13752226

1 hour with ventilated oven.

You’re looking for the name faggot “clairecow” on /o/

[Spoiler] it’s a she (he) [/Spoiler]

>> No.13752231

> 1 hour
Wow, overall pretty quick for meat that size. Looks based as fuck.

>> No.13752239

Yes it was quick, keep in mind that it’s different from oven to oven.

You ideally want the lowest temperature possible (most domestic ovens can’t reliably go under 70C) because the slower the entire process the better result, however if you want to make it quicker you can go up to 120C.

For me 90C ventilated is the sweet spot.

>> No.13752314

The moment you started harping about the steak I lost interest and you're bound to fuck it up, then claim it's perfect.
Told you
You didn't even rest it

>> No.13752331

It was rested for five minutes, bud. Learn to read.

>> No.13752353

>then claim it's perfect

What? I never ever claimed anything, I always post and look for suggestions at best :/

>> No.13752356

looks great op, dont let the haters get to you

>> No.13752379
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Thank you fren

>> No.13752417

Do americans always chop their steak into tiny pieces like it's being served to a toddler?

>> No.13752439

More precise seasoning and also that steak was eaten by two people so it’s easier to split it.

Also I’m Italian.

>> No.13752467

I'll never understand this board's boner with steak. What an absolute basic bitch "meal."

>> No.13752493

It’s the difference between a shitty and a mouthwatering steak what enlight us

>> No.13752513
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>> No.13752520

in regards to salting, when I do my oven roasts, I always salt generously prior to putting it in the oven

the cooked fat is absolutely delicious and salty, I recommend you try it one day just to compare

>> No.13752528

No need to rest reverse seared steaks


> Serve the steaks immediately, or, if you'd like, let them rest for at most a minute or two. With reverse-seared steaks, there's no need to rest your meat, as you would with a more traditional cooking method.

>> No.13752540
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Oh no, you ate your steak while it was still warm and the juices were flowing?

Sure it was probably delicious and juicy. And sure you rested it for plenty of time, and credible sources like The Food Lab say reverse seared steak doesn't need to be rested at all. But was it worth the consternation of trolls who spend more time looking at professional photoshoots than actually eating?

Just kidding. Pic related. I deep fried two striploins for breakfast. You can see the remains of my first under its sibling.

Glad you enjoyed your meal. Looks excellent. I would definitely eat a steak you cooked.

>> No.13752541

Also this makes sense because you can clearly see that every slice of meat is juicy as hell, no matter if it makes some puddle in the plate.

Idk why people keep ignoring the pictures...not only in this thread.

>> No.13752550
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Thank you

>> No.13752552
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>> No.13752558
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>> No.13752681

shut the fuck up you balls licking dick suckings cumdumpster

>> No.13752687

Someone sure sounds mad.

>> No.13752691

it's still breathing

>> No.13752918

Did you read the rest of the message?

>> No.13752950

Looks good and tender

>> No.13753078

Your boomer is showing.

>> No.13753080


>> No.13753085

I’m a big boomer

>> No.13753090

You're a disgusting fat fuck, yeah.

>> No.13753181

Why did you smear bbq sauce over that poor thing?

>> No.13753202

Wish there was some way to get all that delicious fat marbelling crispy without sacrificing the rareness.

>> No.13753234


>> No.13753403


>> No.13753412

There's nothing on it. That's just the amazing crust.

Dried overnight in the refrigerator and deep fried.

>> No.13753664


>> No.13753826

sure I did

>> No.13753891

Don't believe his lies.

>> No.13753931

>tfw Finnish
>can’t eat sashi meat because 98% of the production is for the export

I’m jealous of you OP

>> No.13754006

Reverse searing is a fucking meme.

>> No.13754015

Explain why and post a better method

>> No.13754063

Doesn't allow as good of a sear.

Fry in cast iron skillet.

>> No.13754068

The intro culinary class I took said that letting steak come to room temperature doesn't even do anything, but I haven't done further research. It's always seemed to improve the cooking for me, so I assume either they are right and I'm cooking the steak wrong or they said that due to regulations not allowing steak to sit out in a kitchen for 2 hours before being cooked.

>> No.13754099


I have two thick ribeyes who I can experiment with and see if there are differences between perfect room temp and “almost room temp”.

However most of the articles I read say to leave at least 30 minutes the meat outside the fridge, 1 hour if it’s a thick steak.

>> No.13754119

Two steaks for breakfast and covered in BBQ sauce to boot. That's a yikes from me dawg.

>> No.13754122

Every cooking related article that I have read says to let it rest to warm slightly to room temp.
The only experience I have had using frozen meats was from Walmart. Bought fresh, stored remaining bits in freezer, tried to cook after defrost in fridge (24-48h) and always ended up with a watery mess.
Could the crystallization of the moisture contribute to not equal cooking? Ice will form in meat even at normal fridge temps, does letting it get to temperature avoid this and it then becomes a bacteria issue (that is cooked out anyway) or am I a retard and assuming the more liquid was from shitty meat instead of my own prep issues?

>> No.13754125

Time is a flavor the longer something takes to prepare the better it is

>> No.13754134

Yeah I just remember the instructor saying that the temperature difference doesn't do anything meaningful in cooking the steak and explained himself pretty well, but I can't remember the details. I take the steak out of the fridge, salt it, let it sit for an hour, pat it dry, and cook it. I guess I'll have to try cooking one that's sat on the counter and one that's been in the fridge to know for sure if there is any discernible or worthwhile difference.

>> No.13754152

hi r*ddit, upboat for upboat?

>> No.13754160

>can't actually refute the point
I think YOU'RE the Redditor here.

>> No.13754168

Reverse sear was invented and popularized by Jews who by their desert laws are forbidden to eat blood (except infant Gentile blood). Ever notice how some people moan and whine when a little blood comes out of a steak?

Yeah, they're Jewish. Reverse sear is a Jewish trick to deprive you of juicy bloody steaks.

>> No.13754183

>Could the crystallization of the moisture contribute to not equal cooking?

This is definitely true and that’s why you should freeze the meat inside a blast chiller, because the process is so quick that crystals don’t have time to grow.

But since we don’t live inside restaurants we have to use our kitchen traditional freezers.

>> No.13754192

They're not freezing meat in restaurants, homie. They get that shit off the Cisco truck, even fancy places.

>> No.13754213

What about the leftover meat?

However I was referring to the fact that nobody owns a chill blaster in his home apart from rich enthusiast maybe...shit costs $2000

>> No.13754218


Ok I’m exaggerating but at least from half that price, still a lot of money if you eat 1 steak every 2 weeks

>> No.13754300

Excellent work anon, I’d smash that steak.

>> No.13754318

There's nothing on the steak. That's just the amazing crust from deep frying.

I added salt after taking the photo.

>> No.13754331

>not adding that there A1 steak sauce to all your cow meats
Literally LMAOing at your life RN.

>> No.13754450

Post new pictures, close ups with flash if possible

>> No.13754477

I'll be cooking ribeyes in a few days. I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures. I know that /ck/ will never get tired of my deep fried steaks.

I have achieved close to steak perfection. It is mind blowing how good my steaks are.

It's sad to see people confused by a fantastic crust. Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to explain colours to a person born blind. You don't even understand what you're missing.

>> No.13754480


>> No.13754488

At least it’s IT with the board instead of youtube eceleb whorshipping and fast food.
Post your steaks anon