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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200305_135140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13748056 No.13748056 [Reply] [Original]

That's right I'm vegan, 6' 3", and 220lbs. Got any problems?

>> No.13748061
File: 40 KB, 323x412, vegan guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oops. posted wrong picture. This is me

>> No.13748066

how much of that is fat? also, do you suck dicks?

>> No.13748074

>this sweet potato and broccoli should take the same time to cook
fucking retarded vegans...

>> No.13748077

post body

>> No.13748081

How malnourished are you to think that's tall?

>> No.13748087
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>> No.13748094

I just can't see why anyone would eat broccoli instead of brussels sprouts, brocooli is so limp and gross texture-wise in comparison.

>> No.13748103

post ur bolypius

>> No.13748112
File: 53 KB, 450x600, v81fkxy2zqj11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manlet detected

>> No.13748113

looks like he really made it. so if this wasn't for his twink ass boifriend, this isn't bait.

>> No.13748114

>brussels sprouts
Chewable farts
>But if you cook them in blah, blah, blah
Yeah, make them taste like anything but the disgusting little farts that they are.

>> No.13748117

Cooking a pan of vegetables does not make you a vegan. It makes you normal. Claiming to be a vegan, posting veggies, and posting body dimensions (likely fake,) is bait.

>> No.13748120

The flowers or whatever of broccoli taste way more farty that any part of the brussel sprout

>> No.13748122

Love that pic. The 3 inches of hair makes Mr Mini Wop look so much taller.

>> No.13748123

How do you know he added them at the same time retard

>> No.13748125

>knowing what farts taste like

>> No.13748126

I got a problem with your zero char on at the very least your broccoli, famalam
if I were vegan, I'd eat nothing but sweet potato desu

>> No.13748129

> taste way more farty
I'll take phrases never before uttered for $1000, Alex.

>> No.13748140

We can all sit here and pretend we don't inhale our own farts with enthusiasm and fascination but that will not make it true my friends

>> No.13748143
File: 66 KB, 576x720, FA308FB1-77D2-4F01-91EC-C7448EB683A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the broccoli is roasted and the sweet potato is raw, you stupid asshole

>> No.13748227

>be vegetarian for 10 years
>actually get fatter because I don't know what else to eat other than pasta

I'm over it now but still

>> No.13748634

You have to admit this stuff looks tasty

>> No.13748657

I love all sulpheric farty veggies, cauliflower, cabbage, broc, chinese broc, kale, bok choi, kohrabi

>> No.13748666

Health problems? Nope, I'm not vegan.

>> No.13748674

post body

>> No.13748686


OP here. There was a typo: I'm 4'3", 220lbs, and vegan.

I gots serious problems with blood pressure and diabetes.

>> No.13748698

Doesn’t look tasty at all. He threw some veggies on a pan and inadequately roasted them.

>> No.13748833

Actually OP here. They're went complete yet. Had them for lunch and they were pretty tasty. The sweet potatoes were cut thinly enough not up be a problem. Having the left overs for dinner :)

>> No.13748842

doesn't look like they're cooked yet so either you're right he's retarded or he's just turning them

>> No.13748858

Yeah. I'm starting to feel like my girlfriend only stays in our relationship because she's so fond of my dog.

>> No.13748870

WHy would you cook chickpeas in a nonstick grill pan?

>> No.13748874

“Lose” the dog for a week and see what happens.

>> No.13748891

You’re a liar
That’s the point. The broccoli is done but nothing else is, especially the sweet potato, because they have different cook times and op is a retard. He cooks like my brother; starts everything at the same time and only one thing is cooked right while everything else is either undercooked or overcooked. I skew my start times so everything finishes at the same time.

>> No.13748911

Give it another year and you'll be 6'3 100lbs.

>> No.13748917

The broccoli could stand a few more minutes in the oven. The problem for me here is the garbanzo beans. I actually broil them unseasoned until browning before tossing them in some oil/seasoning and baking them on high until crunchy. I find that if you don't dry them out in the broiler the oil locks in the moisture and they are mushy when chewed, especially if undercooked.

>> No.13748929

>They're went
Already getting that vegan brain fog

>> No.13749013

5 years strong and don't crave meat at all :)

I can't imagine why anyone would want to remain a slave to their gluttonous desires. Not being able to go a day without meat (most Americans) is just sad

>> No.13749019

Too obvious

>> No.13749041
File: 22 KB, 350x266, oswald tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that hard to believe? Seems like Big Meat had for you right where they want you

>> No.13749083

imagine being so desperate for attention from strangers on the internet that it would make you larp this hard

>> No.13749088

You cant go a day without eating only veggies which is just sad

>> No.13749097

I knew I shouldn’t have given that (you) so freely

>> No.13749105
File: 184 KB, 960x960, Are+you+that+blind+you+fat+sack+of+ameri++_cdb60e73538904d373b065c32b2ac300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13749113

>still larping
4 more years, leftist

>> No.13749119
File: 19 KB, 257x361, 1535322579000~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so brainwashed that you have to go on a righteous crusade to justify your lust for animal flesh

>> No.13749126

Why is this guy always shitting up threads with his America obsession? It’s sad. Like the anons who go into trap threads and complain about girldicks

>> No.13749170

I’m just being me not giving a fuck about what people like you think. Animals are delicious and I value the life of a cow the same as I value the life of a dog or human; I don’t. If you aren’t my wife or kids, you’re nothing but potential food.

>> No.13749171

on the internet, no one knows I'm 4'7"

>> No.13749175

You could split atoms with that much edge

>> No.13749179

Why would anyone in their right mind even care who eats what

>> No.13749183

manlets, mostly

>> No.13749193

It’s not edgy. I simply don’t care. I walked away from my blood family in the middle of the night almost 20 years ago and never once bothered to check if they are even still alive. If you aren’t my wife or kids, you are nothing to me. I simply cannot be bothered enough to care.

>> No.13749199

Well if the chinaman would stop eating everything that fucking moves we wouldn’t be dealing with Corona-Chan right now.

>> No.13749206

>he still thinks it wasn’t created in a lab

>> No.13749214

So edgy. How will we all cope with all that alpha.

>> No.13749222

Shut up, Deng. We know your raw bat penis growing soup caused this mess.

>> No.13749272

Real talk though, despite OPs terrible cooking technique, we do need to stop eating as many animals. Our environment can't sustain it

>> No.13749285

>our environment
Fuck off its mine

>> No.13749291

you really need to stop being such a pussy...
You’re a fucking retard if you think saying it was grown in a lab and accidentally released into the public is the cover-up story and not the story being covered up...

>> No.13749293


>> No.13749294
File: 31 KB, 194x142, boogerkid~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, do you actually go a day without eating any greens???

>> No.13749375

Carnivore diet bro, Ive only ate meat and organs for 6 months.

>> No.13749390


>> No.13749459

How nasty are your shits?

>> No.13749510

You’re not replying to who you think you are, edgy mcedgeson.

>> No.13749517

fuck off reddit

>> No.13749525

Yeah. You rated My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy a little too low, Fantano.

>> No.13749567
File: 55 KB, 556x835, celt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really. It's a well known fact that plant-diets reduce estrogen and increase height in kids.


>> No.13749592

Were you raised that way? All the kids of vegans I know hate their parents for making them weak.

>> No.13749598

no u, edgy edgefag

>> No.13749612
File: 40 KB, 578x588, 1582656264069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, made the switch to vegetarian about 6 years ago then transitioned to vegan from there since I didn't have too many animal products anyways.

Wasn't hard surprisingly

>> No.13749619
File: 57 KB, 680x573, 8425678E-1F00-41D8-94A3-DB18B7D5A94D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13749684
File: 3.46 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20200305_195648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here again. Having the leftovers for dinner at the office.

>> No.13749718

Are you a trans person?

>> No.13749727

lots of people go on vegan diets

>> No.13749733

Wouldn't you like to know ;)

>> No.13749785

Threadly reminder: OP IS A FAGGOT

>> No.13749877

when I turned vegetarian I just cut out the meat and didn't substitute anything, now I'm 100lbs and malnourished

thinspo tho

>> No.13749894
File: 1.26 MB, 372x200, This is not the future I was promised.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta tell ya. I dated a vegan girl once. One time she farted in the middle of the night; one of those silent death ones. It woke me up and had me looking out the window wondering if a dumptruck tipped over or a sewer backed up or something. No, it was her horrific, stinky ass!

>> No.13750557

>bragging about this
honestly if you feel this way or even romanticize feeling this way, the best course of action is to seek psychiatric help. not even trying to be insulting but nobody is happy living that way

i love every living thing on this planet equally, regardless of their mistakes

>> No.13750926

>6' 3"
didn't know they stacked faggot that high

>> No.13750932

no not really and i dont really care

>> No.13750934

Are any of those baits actually good eating? I always wondered if breaded and deep fried leeches would be good.

>> No.13750937

you dont realise its not a brag do you

>> No.13751213

Do you torture and kill people for fun

>> No.13751444

Don't forget to tell everyone you're vegan and shows them your food before you eat it aswell.

>> No.13752000

Looks disgusting. I have nothing against veganism but why do they always appear as if they're trying to the less flavorful dishes they can. Never any sauces, never grilling almost no fat. I think a lot of vegans don't have a issue with meat as much as with food in general.

>> No.13752079
File: 17 KB, 280x280, 1573674394015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine actually living in the first world with access to all kinds of highly nutritious food and then choosing to be malnourished

>> No.13752097

Vegans won't eat meat because they're zoophiles. Don't engage with people into bestiality. They're not right in the head.

>> No.13752102

How many calories is that, 200?

>> No.13752234

Very based post

>> No.13753304

Let's get real; men admit to being lolicons and still get married and have kids. this is a non-issue when compared

>> No.13753983
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>> No.13754076
File: 28 KB, 250x368, 9EFDC23A-97F4-4360-B7E5-7A5769959A56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or worse, they’re black men

>> No.13754121
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>> No.13754179

Did your feefees get hurt? Maybe try incorporating cauliflower into your mashed potatoes like drumpfs doctor did so there's that.

>> No.13754196

You know being a vegan does not mean you need to eat like a fag right?
Get some at least some mushrooms in there for fucks sake.

>> No.13754214

I'm 6'2, 195 and I'd eat that in a heartbeat. Looks good Anon. If you are militant vegan though, that's pretty gay.

>> No.13754219

Oh, you obviously live in a nice house. Replace that coil stove!