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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13740641 No.13740641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw got cut off at a family function again
>tfw kept drinking and blacked out
What do I do bros? I prob owe some people apologies but I dont remember.

>> No.13740668

I wasnt allowed at my friends wedding because I got blackout drunk at the rehearsal and for my best man speech I kept repeating things like "listen, I know shes a cunt but my friend likes her" and "is she a bitch? Of course she is but she makes my friend happy"

>> No.13740675

Is he still your friend or did the cunt tear him away from you?

>> No.13740686

hah, how old are you?
-ive never blacked out at a family function, but everyone starts to get mad at me when i start drinking

>> No.13740689

give us the follow up

>> No.13740717

if you can't drink you shouldn't drink in front of other people. unironically OP made a fool of himself and alienated a friend close enough to make him a best man. bottoms up alky bros

>> No.13740718

I just don’t go to functions anymore cause I know I’ll blackout and start yelling obscure racial slurs and memes at people

>> No.13740727

That sounds entertaining.

>> No.13740738

You guys are retards. I only get blackout drunk on vacation around people I don’t know. Somehow I’ve never been stabbed, raped, murdered, robbed, or had my dick hole fingered. That’s probably not a thing...

>> No.13740744

You've definitely been raped bro it's okay you can admit it

>> No.13740745

>Somehow I’ve never been raped
Well for starters men can't be raped so I don't know why you felt the need to include this.

>> No.13740750

Do you not have a butthole?

>> No.13740753

My Grandpa's father who I never met escaped a concentration camp and came to the US.
They told me his terrible story growing up.
Now I'm 25 and everytime I go to a family function I get drunk and start spouting how Hitler was the good guy and we were the bad guys, and qouting Patton, and Henry Ford, and tell them they've all been brainwashed.
I give no fucks... I had to show them the proof on my phone how the Polish killed 58,000 Germans before Hitler asked Britain and France if he could enact martial law without them enacting war.
Which they thought he invaded Poland for no reason other than he was Hitler.

This is a cooking board though guys, share your drunk stories in the thread already up for alcohol.

>> No.13740754

Well yes I was but not while partying and vacationing.

>> No.13740755

Threads like this give me a tremendous amount of secondhand embarrassment, and I wouldn't even believe people like this existed outside of movies if I didn't already know a guy that behaves like this.


>> No.13740759

>go pozz a neg moon cricket in his blown out blown out bussy you double diaperpup gigagook
I hate having to apologize for those outbursts

>> No.13740770

>tfw i don't know what a neg moon cricket is

>> No.13740785

nobody gives a fuck, this isn't your blog and al/ck/ faggots can fuck off.

>> No.13740790
File: 17 KB, 510x510, 1581480377027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are known in the family as the 'funny' drunk because you fall into shit and make impulsive decisions
>every uncle and aunt tries to get you absolutely hammered the minute you walk in the door so you can be goofy and they can laugh at you trying to jump from the roof to the pool only to trip and slide onto the deck taking the gutter with you
>One uncle and cousins always want to do shots with you so they can suggest poker and hustle you out of all your cash
>end up at the corner of the yard with the young kids puking the turkey out every Thanksgiving
>that one cousin that was one of the young kids once and grew up suggesting AA as it breaks his heart to see this at every family function
>Dad suggesting I shotgun a Budweiser with him after my stomach is empty because he wants to feel popular too
>can't say no or he gets upset that I don't want to be seen partying with him
>Mom berating me on the ride back to their place for drinking so much I'm barely conscious

>> No.13740799

An HIV negative African American

>> No.13740806

I can't live in family events unless i drink enough to make myself forget what is going on around me

>> No.13740807

All African Americans have had HIV since the 80s anon

>> No.13740808

At least your family knows you.

>> No.13740817

Imagine showing relatives unsourced /pol/ddit infographs to show off your “redpilled” epeen. Posting on /pol/ should ban you from using other boards.

>> No.13740825

So should whining about /pol/ like a newly neovaginaed dilating dildo queen. Now take your fucking titty skittles

>> No.13740831

>try to keep up with family drinking every time
>always end up puking
>rest of family laughs and continues to drink as I'm passed out

>> No.13740841

i dont use /pol/, there is no real conversation beyond "look at my meme".
Just google "polish killed ethnic germans" until you find the PDF of the real sources showing German papers with English transcripts/documents/official government records right under. No bias, just translating.
The back and forth between Britain and France have both languages, and a modern transcript.
As well as Polish transcripts of the communist propaganda that fueled the massacres

>> No.13740846

I mean they care in their own way and they do think it's fun for me but it hasn't been for a few years now but I'm in too deep and whenever I tell them I'm done drinking they tell me one more or wait awhile and come up to me with a spiked can of soda or something they mean well and it's not insidious just binge drinking isn't fun in your late 20s anymore

>> No.13740855

You should start doing coke. Does wonders for late 20s binge drinking.

>> No.13740878

I went to Spain with my friend for his cousins wedding and blacked out at the reception because his Polish family kept giving me vodka. I am a happy drunk though and only fell down.

>> No.13740906

>a spiked can of soda
Anon, that's a toxic environment for you. Plus that's legitimately a crime.

What I'd suggest to do. One day, without warning or notice, move to a different state. Deactivate your Facebook. Cancel your cellphone. Change your Netflix password. Deactivate your Instagram, Twitter, Gmail and SnapChat. Get a new cellphone number in your new state. Get a new gmail account. Never have contact with any member of your family or mutual friends.

It's gonna suck the first year. It's gonna suck hard. But you can't let them know where you are. After that first year though, it gets easier. You'll make new friends. You'll maybe even get a girlfriend. Who knows! The world is your oyster. Family only binds you down.

>> No.13740920

thanks for the tip I'll report them and leave state tomorrow morning

>> No.13740921

Found the autistic kid, yeah just say no anon, you don’t need to erase yourself

>> No.13740922

stop trying to inspire family homicide. youre reading too deep
your family obviously loves you and wants you to have fun, if you can't stand their ways, just tell them your stomach feels like shit and you can't drink because it hurts.
any real alcoholic will know that pain and let you be

>> No.13740945

Found the feminist sjw!

>> No.13741038

>yeah just say no anon
Cause that worked so well the first time. It's obvious that his family doesn't respect him. It's perfectly reasonable for him to ghost them.

Who the hell said anything about shooting up a school? You're a real psychopath I hope you know that. You need help.

>> No.13741063
File: 554 KB, 1053x797, seething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop trying to inspire FAMILY HOMICIDE. youre reading too deep
>Who the hell said anything about shooting up a school? You're a real psychopath I hope you know that. You need help.

>> No.13741140

Hold my phone. Is this a drawing of a father from a family photo of him and his trap son?

>> No.13741612

Yes it is don't have the picture I'm afraid

>> No.13741618

Ask someone you know doesn’t hate you or will always love you (such as a parent or sibling) if you did anything explicitly retarded that apologizing is necessary.
Don’t drink at family events if you’re an alcoholic, save the alcoholism for when you get home, retard.

>> No.13741679


>> No.13741697

binge drinking is actually much more fun in your late 20's it's just harder to deal with its effects