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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13736127 No.13736127 [Reply] [Original]

Would you make this? Why or why not? Discuss.


>> No.13736186

It seems like how I make soup. Random shit I couldnt find use for.

>> No.13736187

I'm too lazy to watch another Townsend video right now, but yes, I had steak and dill pickles for dinner last night. No onion though. Also capers are gross, I don't care who you are. :)

>> No.13736200

No. Townsenboomer is a common con man selling millennial fags an earthy and cultured experience so they can pretend to be more worldly. He’s a tricky shyster

>> No.13736201

Does Townsend lurk here?

>> No.13736208


>> No.13736222

He's just a larper burning popcorn in the woods Chill, anon.

>> No.13736227

i'm surprised it's not another ""not political"" episode that he had to make a sob video about after

>> No.13736232

there was this:


>> No.13736237

Fuck off Towsenshill. I’m wise to your game. How many more millions are you going to bleed from the people? How much is enough for you?

>> No.13736262


I actually think Townsend is a terrible cook, where are you going with this? Most Townsend threads are made for the purpose of laughing at him, no one's really "shilling for him" here.


>> No.13736266

I'm pretty sure that sauce was supposed to stay on the heat longer than that. He basically melted the butter but didn't cook any of the ingredients.

>> No.13736276

>Today we're making an 18th century sauce
>*melts the butter*
>You know what, fuck it. I don't care about this recipe anymore.
>rest of it undercooked

He really doesn't give an 18th century shit anymore.

>> No.13737631 [DELETED] 

Here's the one phrase the ruin this thread
Orange buffoon

>> No.13737633 [DELETED] 

Here's the one phrase that will ruin this thread
Orange buffoon

>> No.13737710

Sundried Orange slices

>> No.13737723

I'm annoyed

>> No.13737928

that's not very nutmeg tavern of you

>> No.13737980
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Well, Mr. Townsend, I can check the cookbook to see.

>> No.13738167

I'm amazed he didn't just brush it off and go onto the next video but made the most cringetier Boomer take on "OH NO IVE BEEN INTRUDED HOW COULD THIS UNFORGIVABLE NASTINESS HAPPEN TO MUH CHANNEL"
Shows how Boomers are allergic to anything salient in the culture stream. Ffs he makes exquisite outdated recipe videos, it was only a matter of time before he sperged on camera.

>> No.13738374

I'm not a historian but I feel like grabbing a can of Claussen's is against the spirit of cooking in the 18th century.

>> No.13738541

And Townsenshills will defend this response. Very few know what a farce he is.

>> No.13738546

None of it is in the spirit of 18th century cooking. He's just a con artist selling an image of comfy 18th century life to the younger generations in a ploy to get them to spend more on nutmeg. He's a corrupt spice merchant.

>> No.13738555
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I want to time travel too but i can never make it past the 19th century

>> No.13738700

seems like some new england shit they made up because they had too many oysters on hand

>> No.13738886

but would you make it?

>> No.13738901

if i had an abundance of oysters on hand, maybe
otherwise i would just shuck oysters and salt and pepper my steaks

>> No.13738906

is that his wife i dont have sound

>> No.13738913

>using pepper instead of nutmeg


>> No.13738939


You got me, nice one.

>> No.13738947

19th century was the best for US at least, Rocky Mountain men, Wild West, Oregon Trail, trains everywhere. Civil War sucked of course. Either that or I'd want to be English or Dutch colonizing Africa.

>> No.13738951

No, you're mistaken. Townsend's only family is a few jars of nutmeg and maybe like 1 or two cast iron pans

>> No.13739022

these videos are boring

>wow in 1800 they ate meat too!
>the recipe says heat meat in pan!!
>I'll just fill in the blanks here...

>> No.13739148

Are any of his products worth it? All his ceramic stuff is sold out.

>> No.13739187

The interesting part is the sauce and the garnish which is unusual today.
Also in this particular video the meat was on a grill and flipped constantly, completely counter to the modern advice of put it in a pan and don't fucking touch it.

If you can't appreciate these historical tidbits then perhaps you'd be better off watching Epic Meal Time.

>> No.13739216

Yeah but I’d actually make the sauce right and not like a retard. Maybe I’ll get a jar of oysters and try making this for real, I generally like weirdo shit like that

>> No.13739363

>make the sauce right and not like a retard

So a completely different way than Townsend?

>> No.13739553

No, it's yet another scam by the trickster nutmeg merchant that is Townsend.

>> No.13739571

>Epic Meal Time
Didn't like half of them die of heart disease?

>> No.13739613

sounds like the meal time wasn't so epic then

>> No.13739696

>modern advice of put it in a pan and don't fucking touch it
That's for searing, e.g. after sous vide, not cooking. Constant flipping actually does keep the juices in better than cooking one side at a time.

>> No.13739738

>e.g. after sous vide
I don't think the general populace actually gives a shit about sous vide my man

>> No.13740132

I would. I'd not do it exactly as they did though. I'd saute the shallots, then add the flour, oyster juice, and spices (actually use just rind and not a hunk of lemon peel). I'd season the meat, cook it to rare, let the meat rest for a few minutes, then pour the piping hot sauce over top right before eating. Probably would serve that with like a 3 bean salad or amish chow chow and some potatoes.

>> No.13740146

Definitely a bad cook. But I end up taking the recipe and cooking it how I think it should be done. Usually it's pretty damned tasty. I'm especially a fan of mushroom ketchup.

>> No.13740162

I've been baking onions and roasting trumptards just like James taught us to. Onions are delicious but the trumprhoids? they're a little salty

>> No.13740191

the onions you did right, but I'm pretty sure you were supposed to fry the other thing

>> No.13740197

that's way more effort than townsend put in, he just melted butter

>> No.13740254

Orange fool, there I said it

>> No.13740276

wow that really ruined a nice evening at the nutmeg tavern, thanks a lot!

>> No.13740314

It's so sad and so true. I tend to actually try to make food taste good. Townsends sucks at cooking, but at least they bring interesting recipes out and show them.

>> No.13740323

Hard to avoid the salt when we're swimming in liberal tears since 2016.

>> No.13740333

What is gave Newell doing there?

>> No.13740341

Today we are boiling some flour in a sock
>Takes out nasty paste

>> No.13740392

A solid 18th century meal, sometimes they even ate the sock too

>> No.13740397

making 18th century food, like you should be doing too!

>> No.13740416

It doesn't help that Townsend is complete shit garbage with the English language.
He is just plain BAD at describing or explaining things, he has no eye for detail beyond "is it 1700s-y?", often overusing words like "good", "nice", and "different" instead of more descriptive ones, and he is fucking awkward as hell any time he has to share a mic with anyone, even in his "tavern" podcast thing that I never want to watch for more than 3 minutes. He has a tendency to always try talking over others (or just talking more than them) even when they have more expertise and can explain it better, and Townsend obviously is worse at it.
When it comes to showing you shit, he's great; when it comes to telling you shit, he's almost the worst.

>> No.13740427

Drumpftards btfo, lmao!

>> No.13740435

>When it comes to showing you shit, he's great; when it comes to telling you shit, he's almost the worst.
It's almost like he is a salesman and not a historian

>> No.13740499

when the black guy was there he was pretty cucked man, townsend doesn't fuck with negroes

>> No.13740525
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Not watching superior Mrs Crombe

>> No.13740594

I'm pretty sure he makes insane amounts of money from his store, so you're not incorrect.

>> No.13740848

Michael Twitty is very interesting. He’s a morbidly obese black gay Jew who larps as a slave.

>> No.13740866

>It doesn't help that Townsend is complete shit garbage

I agree.


>> No.13740875

no, I believe that's actually Townsend's slave. then again, they've all become slaves to nutmeg at that point.

>> No.13740881

i watch townsend in bed its comfy to fall asleep to

>> No.13740888


>> No.13740994

>It's almost like he is a salesman and not a historian
It's actually the opposite.

>> No.13741037

>"he's just a historian, guys, he doesn't sell anything"
meanwhile townsend
>has patreon
>has online store


>> No.13741291

>he’s just a salesman guys, he has patreon AND an online store
>meanwhile the rest of YouTube has the same shit
Why is Townsend such a bad guy for doing what every other YouTuber is doing?

>> No.13741311
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what a whiny bitch

>> No.13741382

This is my favorite take

>> No.13742060

The man literally owns and operates a LARP supply store, which he inherited from his father.
Selling shit is his primary business, his youtube channel was originally created specifically to demonstrate products and post the occasional goofy sketch to.
He's not really a cook and he only does cooking videos because the almighty algorithm loves that shit.

I don't dislike the guy or anything, but he is absolutely a salesman first and foremost.

>> No.13742095

Am I the only one on CK who likes this guy? The videos are extremely comfy and he's cute/adorable, and most of the food looks good just because it's hearty shit like roasted meats and stuff.

>> No.13742314


I'm pretty sure all the bile in these threads is just 4chan being 4chan.

>> No.13742315

getting sick of seeing this turd posted here

>> No.13742433


Maybe because he's a con man just trying to get you to buy more nutmeg than you need?

yes Townsend is, but you would be too if the only spice you had was nutmeg

>> No.13742439

but would you make the recipe?

>> No.13742445


>> No.13742454

>he's not really a cook

Way to state the obvious.


>> No.13742546 [DELETED] 

Good. Glad to see people waking up to the lies of Big Nutmeg.

>> No.13742572

Even this recipe?


>> No.13743588

yeah i don't really give a shit if he's a salesman or he's not great at cooking I just watch his videos as background noise when I'm baked and hungry and he's cosy as fuck

>> No.13743630

this post is a slow burn but a good one lol

>> No.13743668
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do you also listen to the full nutmeg tavern podcast?

>> No.13743676
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>> No.13743766

sometimes I find townsends interactions with other people to be really grating most of the time though

>> No.13743821
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what do you mean by this? These nutmeg enthusiasts look like they're having a great time at the nutmeg tavern. These nutmeg enthusiasts could be you!

>> No.13743915
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>Founding Father and renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin carried around nutmeg and a grater in his pocket to enhance any food he was served.
Since when did the right turn against the Constitution and founding fathers? Oh right...

>> No.13743918

I, too, often wonder why people stopped carrying around nutmeg and a grater to enhance every meal.

>> No.13743926

wtf? first video of these I watched, how can someone fuck up following a recipee so badly? fried steak, proceeds to grill it over a fire.
make sauce after cooking the steak with its gravy along with the oysters and its own liquor, proceeds to make it totally out of wack with the recipee. i hate the concept but the word ethnocentric really comes to mind its like these cooks having no experience with cooking outside of the US context have no idea what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.13743942
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Townsend's purpose is not to educate, but to get you to buy more nutmeg.

>> No.13743944
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Nowadays people carry hot sauces in holsters, so there's that.

>> No.13743949
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That's just not the same.

>> No.13745046
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