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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13735743 No.13735743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Losing weight is literally impossible.

I used to go the gym, lifted heavy weights for 2 years, didn't eat any sweets, junk food or procesed foods. Didn't drank any soda and I still wouldn't lose weight and I was always hungry.

This shit is literally impossible.

>> No.13735747

you don't even need to exercise to lose weight you fat fuck, just stop eating like a pig

>> No.13735751

Drink vodka at least 12 shots a day for months. It'll make you vomit often and have no appetite. I went from 220 to 145.

>> No.13735754

You can eat grilled chicken breast and salad until you explode and you'll lose weight. The catch is you can't eat anything else.

>> No.13735757

You are so full of shit, losing weight is easy. You just eat too much. If I eat one meal a day Ill lose like 5 lbs in one week. Clearly you dont have the discipline to eat less than 3 (probably huge) meals a day

>> No.13735765

Confirmed for horseshit. I stopped going to the gym and just watch what I eat and I'm down a hundred pounds.

>> No.13735766

cico. If you eat a lot, even of healthy foods, you won't lose weight. Try going omad and snacking on celery or something else with few calories during the day.

>> No.13735788

>I liftered weights
>I dun didn't eat no bad food.
>it impossinble 2 lose wait.
If you eat 4,000 calories of lettuce everyday you will put on weight.
If you eat 900 calories of pizza everyday you will lose weight.

>> No.13735823

Did you read the OP post? They mentioned not eating like a pig by cutting all those things out of their diet.
This is why no one will listen to you about losing weight. You don't even know how to read.

>> No.13735826


>> No.13735828

Calories in
calories out
simple as

>> No.13735836

I think his point is, even though he is exercising and not eating junk food then he must be eating too much, or else he should be losing weight. I could be wrong but that's how it appears. Unless he has some genetic, metabolic, hormonal issue, then the weight should fly off.

>> No.13735851

OP is probably like my sister who saw me lose weight then claimed she's making sure to eat only 1600 calories a day yet making no progress as I see her scarf down a large McDonalds meal every fucking day.

>> No.13735875


>> No.13735891

That's a really cool meme but OP addressed that.

>that's how it appears.
Ok but in the OP post they mentioned they always felt hungry. Does that sound like someone that just ate and ate and ate?

Maybe but OP said they didn't do that. A lot of people in this thread are just straight up ignoring that part.

>> No.13735905

Based vodka diet, worked great for me

>> No.13735907
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>I have a serious problem, please help me lose weight
/ck/ retards
>hurr just eat less food, it works for me you fat fuck
you people are disgraceful

>> No.13735956

Stop eating processed foods. Eat only things that aren't calorie dense, such as chicken, eggs, veggies, fish. You can eat a metric fuckload volume wise if its the right stuff.

>> No.13735969

They said they didn't eat any processed foods.

I'm starting to think OP actually has a medical issue that can't be solved from anons grasping at issues.
I appreciate your post tho cause while I'm not OP, I find it hard to figure out what I should eat and what I shouldn't eat.

>> No.13735971

Whether you like it or not that's how it works buddy

>> No.13735995

ive lost 165 pounds. Was once 385, now weigh 225 around 19% body fat

You need to change your relationship with food and realize its really not that hard, youve just gotten used to overeating for a while, and now youre maintaining a weight that isnt ideal.

>stop drinking so many of your calories from liquids like milk, soda, juice, teas, soft drinks, coffee
>eliminate excess fats and unnecessary toppings from foods ie extra cheese, ranch dressings, and other sauces
>stop snacking
>eat vegetables with every meal

If you do those 4 simple things not only will you drop weight, but those things will all aid towards living a healthier lifestyle in general.

>> No.13736005

>lifted heavy weights
Muscle is denser than fat.
Measure your bodyfat percentage, not your body weight.

>> No.13736008

Maybe you should ask very specific questions in regards to your issue with losing weight because just saying "idk what foods to eat" is pretty fucking vague and makes you sound like a child. You should eat calories than what youre burning. If youre a fatfuck who has a sitdown job, and if you dont exercise much. It means that you can easily gain weight from food because youre not moving your fat ass.

>> No.13736030


>> No.13736051

>milk bad
stopped reading there. enjoy having weak bones, bonelet

>> No.13736065
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Doesn't matter what you ate, if Calories In >= Calories Out then you aren't losing shit.

Do cardio, count your calories.

>> No.13736070

you're an idiot. Just limit calories and go easy on the carbs

>> No.13736074


>> No.13736097

Not ignoring, just the fact it's simple math and somethings not adding up, maybe he does have something medically preventing him from losing weight, or hes taking in more calories than he realizes. Let's take a simple salad, add some chicken, avocado, light dressing, a couple croutons for texture and boom now your salad which seems pretty healthy is about 600-900 calories. I wouldn't call that junk food but sometimes it can be deceiving.

>> No.13736108

Eating less food literally works 100% of the time.

>> No.13736112

He didn't say milk was bad just instead of drinking calories eat them. Also milk isnt the only source of calcium, leafy greens have just as much if not more.

>> No.13736135

>always hungry
By cutting your diet, eventually your appetite will get used to it.

>> No.13736144

>it's simple math and somethings not adding up
See, that's you reading the post, and throwing out the part where he addressed his diet completely.
And then you're throwing in made up shit about unhealthy salads - OP didn't say anything about eating salad with a bunch of unhealthy shit on it. You're just assuming that.

>> No.13736150

count your calories

>> No.13736154

I didnt even say milk is unhealthy, I said that a proven method of weightloss for beginners is to eliminate liquid calories.
Milk has nutritional value, sure. But its very heavy in calories per serving, and you're better off sticking to water and zero calories drinks, and getting all of your calories from whole food sources. Plus like the other anon said, veggies are superior in every way if you're gonna use calcium as an excuse. Otherwise drink milk if you love it, just dont overdo it as it's easy to do so.

>> No.13736160

Eat fewer calories than you burn. It's that fucking simple but somehow you dumb fuckers can't wrap your minds around it. You're probably eating 5k calories a day and can't for the life of you figure out why you keep gaining weight.

>> No.13736161

Lmao I was agreeing with you

>> No.13736162

>OP addressed that.
He did not. He said he stopped eating specific food. Probably supplemented it with different kinds of food.

>> No.13736168
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you know what's harder? gaining weight. try being a miserable skeleton with noodle arms legs and neck like me struggling to eat two full meals everyday and feeling like shit
fucking recommend me good meals and snacks to stretch my stomach RIGHT NOW

>> No.13736177

Keto helps you adjust to a low calorie diet. After a month or two on it you can just switch to CICO.

>> No.13736180

>where he addressed his diet completely.
He did not. OP hasnt actually posted WHAT they eat. Just what they avoid. and 'sweets' doesnt tell us much

>> No.13736189

So it's a long story but I didn't eat one day, lost 4 lbs, then the next day I ate 2 meals and gained 6 lbs.

>> No.13736193

That's normal no matter what you eat. Fluids/food entering and exiting your body cause fluctuations like that. Only weigh yourself first thing in the morning after you take your first piss/shit before eating anything. That's when your weight is the most accurate.

>> No.13736196

try setting times to eat even when you're not hungry. Small calorie dense food like peanut butter, snack on these.

>> No.13736198

Buy yourself a big bag of salted and roasted nuts, pour in a bag of pretzels and snack on it throughout the day. Get a jar of peanut butter and use it for hefty dips with fruit and whole grain bread/foods. Mix oatmeal with peanut butter and nuts. Drizzle olive oil on any salad, veggie, or meat you plan on cooking.

Basically consume a shit ton of high lipid foods.

>> No.13736202

Wow man you really are fucking retarded. first of all I addressed that I dont know what the issue is, I gave a couple ideas as to what maybe his problem is which is more than you just saying "OP said he doesnt eat junk food!!!!!!" Second of all yes it is simple math, calories in less than calories out and lose weight...either hes lying, doesnt think hes eating junk food, or medical condition....so not really sure where the fuck you think none of those are possible. Now let's address the part where you said he addressed his diet COMPLETELY. He didnt, all he said was he doesn't eat junk food and doesnt drink soda...maybe he thinks potato chips are junk food but french fries aren't, you're giving OP too much credit that he actually knows what junk food is. Now let's take the part about the salad, if you think grilled chicken and avocado is considered a bunch of unhealthy stuff on top of it then you have no fucking right being in this thread and are just as fucking stupid as OP. Also I wasn't making shit up, I was demonstrating how a seemingly healthy salad can be more calories than expected. You truly are the most fucking retarded person in this thread and board.

>> No.13736210

CICO you dense motherfucker. You go to the gym to get heavier, unless you're doing cardio.

>you know what's harder? gaining weight
>Gaining weight is just remembering to eat more
>Losing weight is dealing with hunger pangs all day to eat less
Yeah, so much harder.

>> No.13736239
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I'm not calling you a liar OP, but I am saying I don't believe you

>> No.13736285

>hehe just a cheeky bit of cake that i dont log in my calorie counter hehe whats it gonna hurt

>> No.13736303
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Fatties confirmed brainlets and/or liars

>> No.13736308
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I know people that actually, factually, say shit like "Oh it doesn't count, it's just a snack anon!" then complain about not being able to lose weight. Maybe count every piece of food that enters your body because you're still going to get chemical energy from it whether you want to or not, Jesus fucking Christ your body doesn't give a rat's ass about technicalities or whatever bullshit rules you made up on the spot for what "counts" or not.

>> No.13736309


Eating chicken and veggies doesn't matter if you're eating 5 pounds of chicken a day.

>> No.13736328

Not how what works? Did you reply to the right post?

>> No.13736366

when i diet i only lose muscle i literally cant lose the last abdominal fat, must be the chemicals in the water

>> No.13736376

You're completely right in that OP was pretty vague. It's hard to start a discussion if you just lay everything out there, though. Someone would definitely kill the thread with a bunch of "this isn't your blog" replies and OP might be aware of that.

I actually mentioned the medical condition here >>13735969
>you're giving OP too much credit
Then what I want to know is why you need to give OP no credit and assume that because he said he cut junk food out of his diet, he doesn't actually know what that means.

you sir, are retarded because you went on a retard tirade instead of responding with a calm tone. You can't handle this kind of confrontation over the internet and you have made that very clear. Only mental midgets act the way you do over this kind of discussion.

>> No.13736416
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>Losing weight is dealing with hunger pangs all day to eat less
That sounds like an eating disorder.

>> No.13736634

Can humans consume this

>> No.13736706

I dropped from ~200lbs to 170lbs in 2 months just by walking 2 miles everyday, and doing at least 100 push-ups with OMAD. You either need to eat less or exercise more, maybe both.

>> No.13736729

the fuck?
literally eat less. eat foods that make it harder to eat more. thats it.
i lost 10 pounds over a few months without putting any effort in and I'm significantly underweight. its not fucking hard

>> No.13736854

not OP but I definitely never ate 5 lbs of chicken and I still didn't lose that much weight trying to just cut calories and working out.

>> No.13736914

i had my first and only meal at 5:30 pm yesterday
be like me

>> No.13736921

Height and weight?

>> No.13736922

What's this, the gay vesion of GOMAD?

>> No.13736927

GOMAD is the gay version since milk has so much estrogen and sugar. My bro tried to do that shit when he was bulking to join the military and his nipples started itching. Fuck that.

>> No.13736941

5'8 130

>> No.13736942

ok but what's OMAD then.

>> No.13736954

One meal a day.
Hmm, what did you cut down from?

>> No.13736958

Calories in, calories out

>> No.13736970

Digestion is one of the most energy consuming activities your body can do
You should have more but lighter meals not less

>> No.13736982
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>I used to go the gym
If you stopped playing sports/exercising and continued with the same diet as before you are probably getting ultra fat by now.

It is funny how eating less is not an option to these fat fucks.

>> No.13736989

It is an option. It is always an option. Just not one they're willing to take. Same way an alcoholic isn't going to choose not to drink. The funny thing to me is we shame drug addicts, alcoholics and smokers, but the media worships whichever obese black woman is lead rapper. We need to treat the obese like any other addict.

>> No.13737061
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easy to digest and absorb foods that taste good enough you want to eat them even when you're just bored, or can guzzle back without causing digestive issues.
from what I can tell that generally means avoiding most crunchy things that don't absorb liquids well, and foods that contain a lot of air will make you feel more full than you really are, fluffy eggs or breads arent great for weight gain but aren't good for weight loss either since they're both filling yet calorie dense.
also warmer foods that are not hot enough to hurt or damage your body.
alcohol will damage your intestinal tracts, causing poor absorption over time but i'm pretty sure that's mostly reversible but could take a while if you happen to drink liquor instead of just beer. (beer does aid in digestion for dense foods like beef and pork)
potato and onion soup, chanko nabe(sumo soup), shepards pie, pasta past al dente, casseroles like cream of chicken on rice, ravioli, boiled perogies, shredded chicken on a bun and pretty much any other sloppashit sorta dish that contains enough moisture to break itself down will help.

calorie dense but soft foods like nutrigrain bars or fig newtons are good pre-made options for work snacks and won't make you look like too much of a glutton if you're concerned about that, or hurt your guts doing bending and lifting from overstuffing yourself.

but back to the digestive issues part, if you find certain foods make you poop faster than normal or in a funny way it could be a sign you've got crones or celiac, both of which affect digestion, mainly through inflammation. Or some other gastro-condition with similar effects, like doing GOMAD with lactose intolerance sure as fuck won't work for me.
of course in the end, while theres nothing wrong with being a spooky skeleton when you're naturally built that way, I know I feel a bit better when my elbows look a little less knobby, but ottermode is max gains.

>> No.13737090
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You need mass gainer, bro. Don't worry about stretching your stomach, you can drink Ensure and mass gainer shakes, you just need to out the nutrition and surplus calories in.

>> No.13737096

>to out the nutrition
to get

>> No.13737125

>lying on the internet

>> No.13737130

Eat 1500 calories a day over an extended period of time

>> No.13737157

>teas, coffee
literally 2 calories

>> No.13737176

The main reason I don’t eat enough is because I’m too busy doing other things. If you’re fat get a hobby/hobbies that you can invest time into to distract you from eating.

>> No.13737179
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I changed my diet, started working out, lost around 75 lbs coming up on a year, but my fucking belly just will not shrink. My arms, legs, chest are getting pretty toned, but I've got like Rwanda-gut over here and it's horrible.

>> No.13737188

Pic? Put a can of soup or beans in the shot to keep the post /ck/

>> No.13737193
File: 82 KB, 720x479, Magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP explaining how calories work

>> No.13737196

I'm the same now. Had huge issues losing weight until I moved to a new place and changed my diet to reduce bread, include more fruit and removed all but 500 caloires of treats a week. I've lost 20 lbs in four months and I'm so happy it is finally happening.

>> No.13737202

What are some low calorie snacks for dem cravings?

>> No.13737205

I lost 55 pounds these two last months, just eating once a day and doing some cardio about an hour each day. ur doing it wrong, somehow

>> No.13737228

Damn, what was your starting weight?

>> No.13737238

272 pounds, which means I need to lose another 55 pounds to not be a fat fuck

>> No.13737245

Cringe and bluepilled

OP, learn to fast you fat fuck

>> No.13737252

Just eat less and what you do eat make as calorically poor as possible. Callorically dense foods fuck you up.
Regards, 240 lbs from 332 in august

>> No.13737255

Go on /fit/ get advice about fasting and cutting

>> No.13737256

I have a chub- an obese gf and intend to change her.

My plan so far is :
>Make her stop eating junk food and change her hostfile so the can't access food delivery websites and apps
>Make her drink a lot of draining and kidney-cleaning teas and infusions because she doesn't pee as much as she should
>Make her eat some alkaline stuff, maybe a few weeks of fast and juices

I need her to do some exercising as well, but I'm not sure what is appropriate for a blob. She spends her day sleeping and her articulations are fucked by constant inflammation.

Wat do? Any advice?
I need to free Willy.

>> No.13737259

>posting pictures of myself on a Vanuatan homeopathic coconut byproduct IRC (outside of that time I was drinking and made a promise during playoffs on /hoc/)

>> No.13737268

>only had one girl interested in me my whole life
>fucking love boobs; she's a a/b-cup
>don't see her for a year; when i finally do, she's gained a lot of weight, like A LOT
>has some big fat milkers now, but also has a big ol' man gut. we're talking beergut here.


>> No.13737279

I’m female (posting only as relevant). I don’t know what your relationship with her is like but I’ve been in this position (no bf to get me together, though), and I can assure you she’s like this due to low self-esteem and she probably feels she can dial out now she’s in a relationship.

So, again, I don’t know what your relationship is like but what worked for me is me telling myself (and this will be your role) that I was actually pretty, had a cute figure under the lard, that I was unhappy with the way I was no matter how much I tried to convince myself I wasn’t, and that I needed to get it together to do something I deserved.

Once I did that, I signed up to a gym and I just forced myself to stick to a schedule three times a week no matter how much I didn’t want to. It’s hard at first but making the routine dictate your time really works. After about six weeks, I started to see results, and that was the biggest motivator of all. Also, guys at gym were really nice and gave me tips on eating, etc. (you’ll know all this, too). One year and I had dropped 150 pounds to an even 120. Never been happier and more proud of myself.

So, I don’t know what your relationship is like but good old fashioned honesty motivated by love and (self) interest really does go a long way.

Sage for fem posting.

>> No.13737306

No hate, you lost a lot of weight. You weighed 270lbs? And now weigh 120lbs? I have noticed either that more females are making these incredible lifestyle changes, or at the least, they're more open about sharing it. Maybe men are ashamed to admit they were ever obese? I've never been that overweight but I think it is valuable to hear perspectives from people who managed to get out of that hole. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.13737317

I like her and want her to get through it. She sure has some low self esteem but also a superiority complex, she knows better than doctors, than dieticians, than everyone. And since she "knows" what she she do, it seems to suffice and she doesn't act.
She is at 210lb and wants to drop to 150. I'm 120 so it is quite annoying for the bed time.

What sort of exercise did you do at the gym?
She doesn't need leg days, she has thighs as big as my torso.

She has nice figures underneath, her waist to hip ratio is ideal but hidden below the belly that drops and manages to hide the pubis. I didn't even know it was possible.
Despite my joking, I find her cute. Her face is a 9 and her skeleton could host a cute chubby loli figure.
She thinks she has big boobs but it's just because of the fat around the torso and the back. I've known big boobs. That ain't it.

>> No.13737329

>I used to go the gym, lifted heavy weights for 2 years
you do realize lifting doesnt burn many calories? it's there to build muscle. cardio is there to lose weight.
>didn't eat any sweets, junk food or procesed foods. Didn't drank any soda and I still wouldn't lose weight and I was always hungry.
literally none of that guarantees weight loss. it's all CICO. also, if you didnt get enough protein, then no wonder you were hungry.

>> No.13737333

>lifted heavy weights
>didn't lose weight

you gained muscle, you fucking retard

>> No.13737338

>I'm 120

Are you a 13 year old boy?

>> No.13737341


Get into your head guys.

>> No.13737342

I'm hoping a small but feisty lesbian

>> No.13737347

for me, it's spending months at a time autistically weighing all my food and focusing on my diet all day long. no job btw haha. lost 65 lbs so far :)

>> No.13737348

muscle is heavier than fat fatso

>> No.13737356

Ok, obviously I don’t know her but that ‘superiority’/I know better than doctors thing is just her trying to justify herself. I used to tell myself I was ‘big boned’ and ‘people shouldn’t be so fixated on appearance’, blah blah. She’s just in denial. Especially as she obviously does want to lose weight.

Anyway, again I don’t know her but I would have liked someone saying to me (and I did to myself eventually) “you’re really pretty, you have a banging body, you’d look so hot if you dropped some weight and took better care of yourself”. I mean, I’d just be straight up with her like you’ve said to me: “you’ve got a beautiful face, your hot as fuck, I love you and I want the best for you”. That straightforward.

Before you do that, maybe look around at gyms close to you so you’re ready to go with info for her. She should just do a classic full circuit, three times a week (low weight, high rep), followed by cardio, and then clean up her diet. You can help with all that but I wouldn’t go to the gym with her. Let her make it her own thing but just help her draw up a routine. Like I say that was the number one factor for my success - I went Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, cardio on Saturdays and then my cheat day later. She probably just needs a kick start so you need to a) be honest with her, b) get her set up. And tell her it’ll be tough at first but her fitness levels will kick in within a couple of weeks and by six weeks she’ll start to see big changes.

She just needs a shove out of her complacency and self-delusion. She’s not happy, I can assure you.

>> No.13737362

You have no job so you have to ration and weigh out your food to make sure it lasts for the month before collecting more cans?

>> No.13737366

no I just ask my mom to get things at the grocery store

>> No.13737373
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You are a disgusting fatbody. Get off your fat ass and stop eating cake and candy.

>> No.13737375

No problem. Closer to 300 I think. I never weighed myself at the start because I felt too ashamed. Also, it was the guys at the gym who helped me the most. No hitting on me or anything; they seemed to respect what I was trying to do from the start so they’d say hi and then talk to me about stuff. I learned everything from them - clean eating, having a cheat day, the right rep ranges, doing low impact cardio then later HIIT. That ‘diet’ was a way to eat forever, not just to shed weight. I mean, I never put the weight back on and I’d struggled for years. But yeah, I love it now. I do ‘boxing’ (basically hitting a bag) now which is really great fun. But yeah, I learned a lot from them. They were really cool.

>> No.13737376

Actually I had 3 posts that were calm suggesting medical condition or the possibility of over eating, to each one you responded, OP DOESNT EAT JUNK FOOD. Yes I get that he said that but it could be a lack of knowledge of nutrition as well. So don't act like some high and mighty person while you chose to ignore any other possible scenario. Also
This post was quite childish, again you chose to ignore any possibility that wasnt your own thought, and also dont know what an example is.

>> No.13737382

it's also CRITICAL that you have no social contacts. you can't risk an am*rifat tempting you with their fatass food any moment of the day. also replacing meals with gfuel helps, especially if it's your favorite influencer's flavor

>> No.13737388


>> No.13737398

32yo man.
Just didn't eat enough soup as a kid. I can lift what I need to, even my gf, which is more than I ever tried at the gym tbqhaf.
Nobulli, fatty.

Makes sense for the denial and self justification.
I'll try and do as you said, thanks for the tips. I can help for the diet but I understand not wanting to be with me at the gym while she does her thing.
I just want her to be happier and stop the circle.

Hope you get happy as well, you're fine for a roastie.

>> No.13737408

Great to hear your gym experience was so positive. Personally, that is what I'd expect as a kinesiologist, all my time in the gym I've found regulars to be to incredibly supportive of newbies, especially if they look like they need help. Very cool you were able to learn of all of that and successfully implement it, many people would pay trainers and be less successful. You were successful because you learned all of that, and that knowledge is yours now for as long as you care to exercise it.

>> No.13737421

Its literally that simple.

>> No.13737429

Thank you. And yes, don’t go with her. I can’t explain why but it’s sort of like you’re hand-holding and she really needs to do this for herself. Please remember the most important thing is the routine. She needs to have a set schedule to stick to. I cannot emphasise just how important this is.

Even if you have to draw up a chart for her. Of all the factors I had that worked for me, that was the number one. It’s very hard at first but it becomes easier very quickly, too. She needs to sort out what days and what times she’ll go, and she needs to stick to it no matter what. You really need to impress that on her and help her do that. Like walk her there and then go home and make her a delicious post workout meal (or whatever works as a motivation for her). On weekends, etc., as she gets fitter, plan nice little hikes or walks to local beauty spots, or tell her you’ll take her to a nice meal (she must have a cheat day) if you do a long walk to the restaurant. That kind of thing. Make it a lifestyle thing for you both.

Anyway, good luck. You obviously really love and care about her and that really counts. She’s lucky.

>> No.13737434

If your problem is that you are always hungry, there is a way to fight that. Fasting and keto will get rid of your hunger if you are willing to fight through a few days of pain for a lifetime of not being overweight. You only get one life, I suggest biting the bullet and making the changes. I was never super fat, but lost 20 lbs and have now maintained my current weight with no effort for several years. I was at 205 to 210 or higher from high school to age 35, I'm now between 180 and 185 and have it feels like a perfectly natural weight and does not require constant effort or diet or planning to maintain.

>> No.13737439

You’re very sweet. Thank you. And yeah, I always try help out newbs, too. I like that I always try remember what it feels like to be them and that we’re all in it together. Thanks again for the kind words.

>> No.13737453

What fasting did you do?

>> No.13737459

If you lost weight you wouldn't be able to lift it so you wouldn't be able to lose it. You're right, it is inherently impossible.

>> No.13737466

She has a lot of difficulties for anything that requires routine. From making the bed to checking the mail, routine is fucked up. I'll need to force her to stick to it but I can't go against the will. She'll need to stick to it herself.
She never had a real job so she doesn't understand what it is to wake up and spend the day doing something you don't like. She is delusional about her professional life, but I don't care, I can put food on the table and pay the mortgage and don't expect us to understand what it is like. But sticking to a gym schedule should be possible.

>> No.13737481

Ok, so she basically has no sense of self-discipline at all. Ok. I mean, she really can’t be happy. I don’t care what anyone says, human beings need routine and structure to feel a sense of self-worth. I know shedding that weight and sticking to a routine helped me massively just generally. Everything changed once the weight started going. I could buy nice clothes, I was fitter and felt better so would accept invitations to go out with friends, etc. In a nutshell - it’s not the weight that’s holding her back, it’s her whole sense of self-worth. She just thinks she isn’t worth it and can’t do it (or anything) so basically why bother. Very debilitating.

Anyway, I think starting with a routine is key. Just get her to stick to it and, very importantly, not to expect anything for the first couple of weeks. That’s the hardest part of all - those first two weeks to six weeks. Once she sees the results, it’ll kick in. By that time, she’ll be used to the routine. Make her music mixes to wear on her headphones, too (or get her to do that - you seem to do a huge amount for her so I hope she’s grateful). But yeah, it’ll be good for her. The hardest part will be going so that’s why the routine is imperative. She’ll do it, don’t worry. If she is how I think she is, she’s just waiting for someone to show her it’s workable.

>> No.13737490

Of course, we all start somewhere. But in a way, starting from a harder position like being obese means when you reach your goal of a healthy weight you've undeniably achieved great success in regards to fitness outcomes by virtue of the drastic changes in body composition, which puts you in a unique position to share that knowledge and experience. I also find that helping others is a great way to reenforce our own knowledge, behaviors and beliefs. Sometimes you identify gaps in your own knowledge while helping others, which is a great opportunity to learn more. It is definitely a mutually beneficial relationship, I think that's part of why gyms are conductive of support.

>> No.13737507

I'll do what I can. I need to reshape her entire life. Not supposed to be my job, her parents fucked up.
My fear is that she starts defeatist. As in
>I'm smoll so if I lose weight I will still be considered a little chubby and it's awful to think about all the effort you put into something and in the end still be considered as if you didn't do anything
This before even starting.

We've been together three months so I don't know if it's too soon to give her advices/orders.

>> No.13737532

>What fasting?
Nothing but water and coffee. Started out planning on a three day fast as a way to jump start ketosis. First day was torture, but it got easier and I kept going because I was surprised how easy it got. First fast was five days, then I transitioned to keto and semi OMAD. I did a few more fasts, some of them spontaneously just happened and every fast was easier than the last. After my first fast and then keto for months I had a different relationship with sugar and with hunger. When I broke keto with a bunch of ice cream sundays I felt depressed and had nightmares. Went back to keto and loved every second of it. I haven't done keto or anything since thanksgiving and haven't gained a lot of weight. Want to try carnivore soon but haven't gotten around to it yet.

>> No.13737542

thotposting or go away /fit/

>> No.13737572

Not op and loosing weight

>> No.13737578

The only reason fasting works is because people have no self control when eating so they use the natural roof of how much you can eat in a single meal instead
If you're not a pig distributing your calories all throughout the day would be the best option

>> No.13737639

>was nearly 21stone last month
>now down to 19 stone

All I did was cut Cherry Coke and ramen out of my diet, eat slightly smaller portions and do a few hours of walking when I had the free time.

>> No.13737641

Oh for context I'm 6'3, working towards 15stone.

>> No.13737642

Have lost 20 pounds so far this year without even trying.

>> No.13737647

Lost 17lbs with minimal effort. OPs just a fat cunt.

>> No.13737654

>This shit is literally impossible.
eat only two meals a day
no snacking
eat a very low fat high starch diet
eat beans, potatoes, healthy bread, oatmeal and the like.
They only fat I'd eat is like 20 grams of peanuts with a daily vitamin.
Dietary fat is what causes that insatiable hunger.
Casomorphins in dairy products might also cause hunger but I'm not sure. they have morphine like qualities.

>> No.13737656

you are either lying, grossly exaggerating or have a condition

go see a doctor and stop lying to yourself

>> No.13737661

No faggot, you're just doing it wrong or something. I do deadlift, squats and bench each once a week and i limit myself to 1500 calories per day max. I lost close to 60 kilograms in about a year.

>> No.13737677

Some retards call the milkshakes they get from Starbucks "coffee."

>> No.13737722
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Lifting raises your resting metabolic rate. Steady state cardio lowers it and increases cortisol.

>> No.13737738

I started intermittent fasting and keto diet the second half of january and ive lost 13 Kilos since.
Two years ago it took me an year just to lose 20 Kilos by just cutting calories and doing excercise (that I got back over the next year because of drinking and no excercise).

>> No.13737761

Get a job where you move a lot and take adderal/amphetamines. I lost almost 40kg in half a year like this.

>> No.13737774

>Maybe but OP said they didn't do that
Okay and? Fat people lie to themselves about what they eat all the time. I did the same thing when I was obese I'd claim I didn't eat that much or that much bad foods etc but it wasn't until I actually started counting calories it dawned on me how much shit I was eating.

>> No.13737792
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This. God I hate so much that those fucking meat heads come here and turn everything into "muh workouts bruuh" "o wow what a positive experience from working out!!"

I swear, they all act like such fags. And watch. Even tho I'm not that fat I bet some predictable piece of shit will post some reply to this saying "t. fatty" or find some way to call me fat just because I don't like their stupid ass OMAD anorexia diet disguised as "intermittent fasting, just get past the hunger pangs bruh!!" "Ya just gotta push thru itt!!"

>> No.13737799

>t. DYEL fatty

>> No.13737817

You are just assuming the worst of OP based on your anecdotal observations.
I'm assuming good intentions instead of just jumping to the conclusion that OP *must* be lying when they managed to describe a diet, while vague, a diet that sounds like it should have helped them lose weight since they were also exercising.
From what a lot of anons here like to preach, if OP is eating less calories than they burn, they should have lost weight. OP wasn't clear, but if they had been this thread would be more hostile and you know it.
So they summed up their diet in a way that sounds like it should work. Why lie about that kind of issue unless they're trolling for replies? They could be since no one cropped up to mention they're OP. They definitely just posted and took off.

But I'm a lot like OP. I went on a diet and worked out. I didn't lose all that much weight. I've tried cutting calories, and working out and didn't succeed either. I don't have a medical condition but I'm pretty sure I have an eating disorder that takes a lot more to reverse than some stupid shit about "you just gotta push through it".

>> No.13737820

Shut up OP you're lying to yourself about what you're eating the sooner you're willing to be honest the sooner you'll make a positive change. You can dance around the truth all you want with your fancy paragraphs going NO YOU'RE BLAHBLAHBLAH but you know that I know that you know that I know that you know you're eating too much crap.

>> No.13737821
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>wanting a woman to lift
Lol you're just gay and don't know it yet.

>> No.13737831
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>your fancy paragraphs
First of all, I'm not OP. Keep making these extremely wrong assumptions tho.
Also, fancy paragraphs are a sign of intelligence.
And I'm not lying to myself. I know I eat like garbage currently. My living situation is part of the problem.

So I'm gonna type this again for you because you just assume all anons are liars unless they're on your side of the argument:

I'm not OP. I have a similar experience to OP but I have lost weight in the past. OP wasn't successful in losing weight. I was but I gained it back. Totally different from what OP said.

Hope that makes sense to you now. I know you have a hard time reading paragraphs.

>> No.13737835

Listen, look here, LISTEN.

>> No.13737836

My gf had the same problem then she got the weightwatchers app in january and she has already lost 3 kilos (7 pounds).

It took around 2 weeks to eliminate crap food by scanning barcodes on foods to see how much shit it contains, it also has the common fastfood dishes in the database.

>> No.13737840

Stop being dihonest, OP never adressed a caloric deficit, he simply said he stopped eating junk food.
Which is pointless if you keep stuffing your face with healthy foods. It's about how much you eat, not what you eat

>> No.13737843

Its probably an age thing. I've been hitting the gym for two years as well. I do 3-4 workouts 45min each per week. I eat one meal a day, sometimes two meals in 24hours. I'm actually 4 lbs heavier than a couple years ago. But I'm old now and I work nights

>> No.13737850
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Why would I stop eating just because some random anon is capslock cruise controlling at me?
The reason why a lot of fattys have a hard time losing weight is because meat heads like you just yell dumb shit at them.

>> No.13737854

Wew boy.
Not eating junk food should translate to "I was trying to eat healthy" and not "I'm totally lying"

>> No.13737856

stop lying man

>> No.13737858

ahahahha you see i was sort of lacking a proper arguement but i see you made a little typo there so everything you said is invalid

sorry summer child

>> No.13737870

That is literally how it works. You're fat because your body is storing all the calories you don't need in fat. Eat less food, exercise more.

>> No.13737888

It's not anons fault you can't put down the fork, fatso

>> No.13737895
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If you weren't just dying to reply so quickly, you could have avoided that entirely.
I just pointed it out. Because you're coming off more upset that you might actually be.
This topic sure is getting to you.

Anyway, did you actually read the other part of my post? Instead of just focusing on the typo you got shit for and apparently can't handle..

>> No.13737901

When I was 15 I was closer to 300lb than ever. I'm 27 now and 190lb. I'm 6'1" and I lift and do cardio. I could probably be down to 170ish if I really tried but I'm also positive I have about 10+ lb of loose skin on my body. I lost alot of my weight very quickly when I was 17-19. So I guess I didn't lose it properly and got fucked with the loose skin.

My diet is great and I still get to eat what I want. But I'm being genuine when I say I am never not hungry. there has not been a day goes by that Im not feeling the never ending hunger to consume massive amounts of food. and hell, sometimes I do. Ive eaten meals that are easily 2000+ cals in a single sitting. I still feel hungry after. I don't think I've ever felt full and satiated for longer than maybe 30min even after the biggest meals.

water does not help. eating slow does not help. eating more veggies does not help. protein drinks and snacks does not help. healthy balanced meals does not help. everything I do does not help. I feel like I'm genuinely cursed with eating and food. I either feel starving hungry or sick like Im going to puke because I ate so much at once.

I dont know what to do anymore. I cant afford any kind of doctor or dietician either. So I think I'm just fucked with food and eating for the rest of my life. hopefully I die soon so I can be freed

>> No.13737902

Nice headcanon, but my statement still stands: OP never said he reduced his caloric intake.
And since he couldn't lose weight, it's a certainty he didn't even try.
>I was trying to eat healthy
Why are you so dense? If you eat too much healthy foods you'll still gain weight. It's all about the amount of calories, not the quality of food.
People -especially fat people- truly are ignorant when it comes to nutrition and weight loss, but this is common sense. Are you this much in denial that you can't grasp something as simple as energy in and energy out?

>> No.13737906
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True but what you're doing isn't helping so why are you screaming into the void like it's going to do anything other than help you vent about your personal fat hatred.
You can call people fat all you want, anon. It changes nothing.

>> No.13737916


>> No.13737925

This. So many of the fucking edgelords on either side screeching away at each other just don't get this. You're all good, lads, until you're about 35, but from then on expect to see your metabolism begin to nosedive. Keep lifting. Once you're into middle age, it's only that residual mass that'll keep you from changing into a fat fucking tub of lard no matter what you eat or don't.

>> No.13737932

>why would I stop eating
The real question is 'why would you keep overeating' ?

>> No.13737936

>OP never said he reduced his caloric intake.
He didn't. He did describe a healthy diet but Ohhh he must be lying!!

OP never used the phrase "I was trying to eat healthy". That's something I said. You seem to have the same issue that other anons are having in this thread. Let me help you out with this.

I'm not OP.

Hope that helps.

>> No.13737940

I'm currently only one meal a day due to my schedule. Go ahead. Keep bitching at me about over eating.

>> No.13737946
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Be real. How much does it kill you knowing that won't happen?

>> No.13737963

Not much honestly. It's just after I lost about 90 pounds it made me realize how easy it is to do and feel bad when other overweight people fall into the same mental trap I did.

>> No.13737966

You're just concern trolling.
Not everyone has a body like you do. What works for you may not work for someone else.

>> No.13737970

You have to be baiting.

>He did describe a healthy diet
You still can gain weight on a healthy diet!
Why can't you understand that?
Eating homemade meals and vegetables won't help your weightloss if you're not reducing the amount of calories you eat. I never said OP was lying, I just said cutting off junk food and soda was useless if you keep eating the same amount of kcals.

Your problem is that you automatically correlate 'healthy diet' to weightloss, which is nonsensical.
I'll say it one more time: eating salads won't make you less fat, but eating less calories will.
It's not rocket science. Why do you think gastric bypass works?

>> No.13737971

That's another typical excuse.
Calories in.
Calories out.
It's that simple friend.
Practice a threshold of about 1600 for around two to three weeks constantly weigh yourself if you're honest and stick with it you WILL see progress which will further motivate you.

>> No.13737981

You indirectly referred to yourself as a fatty, which means you're overeating. OMAD is great in theory but totally pointless if you eat 4000cals in one sitting.
Do you know how much you consume everyday?

>> No.13737991
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the amount of mental gymnastic fatties go through just to make up excuses to not stop eating is amazing
you deserve your fate fucking degenerates

>> No.13738000

This is poor advice, but not untrue

>> No.13738002

Thermodynamycs apply to everyone, anon. You can't create fat rolls out of the void

>> No.13738007

How do you get rid of loose skin?
Or avoid having some while losing weight?

>> No.13738022

as far as I know you can only get rid of ot by surgery. they put you under and slice sections off then stitch it back together. but Im not even sure thats true, Im not a surgeon or anything.

the best way to avoid it is losing weight correctly and slowly. If you lose it too fast like I did, I lost about 60+lb in just a couple months cause I went super hard into biking and dieting and eating much less per day, you get that loose skin and stretch marks can stay.

if you lose it slow, your body have time to go back to its normal state more easily. you can fill out loose skin by bulking up muscularly but that can be hard and you might need a ton of muscle to make it right, which not everyone can do.

just try not to lose it too fast

>> No.13738025

Your body isn't breaking the universal law of thermodynamics. Cutting out sugar and junk food isn't enough if you're just replacing them with other high calorie foods and exceeding your calorie intake.

>> No.13738027

>Eating homemade meals and vegetables won't help your weightloss if you're not reducing the amount of calories you eat.
How come so many people lose weight on keto and don't bother with this CICO meme ck pushes so hard then?

Not an excuse. I met someone recently who has an actual thyroid problem so they have to be careful when they work out and have to consult their doctor about how to work out without hurting themselves.
Everyone on this site likes to spew the meme about how medical conditions aren't common but they really are.

If we're talking about me personally though, I've done CICO for way longer than 6 months at a time without a lot of progress. And this was when I was much much younger.

Not only that but when I did see progress, it didn't motivate enough to keep me going.

Well I can tell you that I'm definitely not eating 4000 calories in one sitting.

>> No.13738032

>You can't create fat rolls out of the void
No one is saying that. How many fat people do you actually know? And do you actually talk to them?

>> No.13738040

This thread is just turning into anons saying the same shit over and over again.
Typical based retards can't have a discussion. Starting to get real obvious that no one is reading the thread and just replying to shit that triggers them.

>> No.13738049

You aren't judging your portions right is the only answer. It's exceedingly easy to underestimate calorie count. 1800 calories or even 2000 is both 'more than you think' and 'less than you think'.

My problem is cokes. I do OMAD because I am not in the mood to do rabbit food meals so I'd rather one shitty meal and then maybe healthier options if I need to snack like a few raspberries or roma tomatoes.

My friend lost almost 100 pounds and she did the stomach thing, the bypass. I really wish I had the money to do it because I think that's ultimately the only solution to the hunger pangs for someone whose body got used to a higher calorie diet. You would think the body would learn eventually that a lower calorie intake is the norm but nah.

Then again I don't really get the hunger pangs, it's more bored eating. OMAD off that "just a single plate and not piled up, a single layer on a single plate" and I am fine. It's just coke fucks me over, I love it.

>> No.13738052

>Typical based retards can't have a discussion.

That's how 4chan works pal. At least that's how the desktop version works; people reply to what they see on the page without opening all 172 comments. Which is why I read your worthless comment and added my worthless response.

How fucking new are you, anyway? If you want 2000 replies to the "top" comments go to reddit.

>> No.13738073

>At least that's how the desktop version works
Are you fucking serious right now? You're calling people new even though you don't realise that most of the idiotic posters are phone posters?

Nice meme btw.

Just because that's how 4chan/4channel is doesn't mean you have to lower yourself to dumbass board culture.
Reddit is for neckbeards. I can't grow facial hair so I'm pretty sure I don't belong there. I've been posting on here back when Moot was still around it was still just 4chan.

>> No.13738076

>tfw just bulked 20 lbs and started cutting 4 weeks ago, already down 10
it's easy, I do it every year, you're just worthless op

>> No.13738081

Go back to /fit/ meathead.

>> No.13738084

Cheers. Just asking for the gf. I don't need to lose weight, actually the opposite.
But her on the other hand already has stretch marks and when she'll lose weight she'll have to deal with the skin issue.
Which is why I hesitate to suggest to her the stomach ring surgery thing, surely the skin will be fucked and the scars will be annoying.

>> No.13738087

Because keto makes your body enter ketosis which makes it burn fat at an accelerated rate. It also lowers your blood sugar and insulin levels.
>CICO meme
Are you serious? CICO is not a meme, it's simple math. Try it yourself for a week and see the results.
How is knowing fat people relevant to the issue? I don't live in America so none. But I've lost weight for aesthetic purposes, and I have a little sister with multiple eating disorders. What I know is that weightloss is very simple to achieve when you have a healthy relationship with food, but is nightmare tier when you have mental issues, eating disorders, and a tendency to indulge in comfort eating.

Anyways, anecdotal evidence are irrelevant here. You were saying ''What works for you may not work for someone else''>>13737966
when it comes to shedding weight, and the fact of the matter is you're wrong.
No matter how slow your metabolism is, no matter if you have thyroid or water retention issues, no matter how morbidely obese you are, you WILL lose weight if you eat at a caloric deficit for a prolonged time.

Don't believe me? Try it yourself and see. Until then you're just finding excuses to stay fat because you're scared of getting out of your comfort zone. Saying things like ''I won't do it because it might not work'' is just lazy and hypocritical.

>> No.13738089

Welcome to your 30s. It only get worse from here

>> No.13738092





t. exfat

>> No.13738123

>How is knowing fat people relevant to the issue
Because there are different reasons why different people are fat.

>dismissing a thyroid issue that causes physical issues that needs to be heavily monitored by a doctor
You wrote all that shit for nothing. You clearly don't know what you're talking about because you just want generalize fattys.

>> No.13738130

There are plenty of slim people in their 30's. You don't become a fat slob overnight on your 30th birthday. People like to use their age as an excuse for their poor diet and sedentarism.

>> No.13738131
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Fit fags are so easily triggered

>> No.13738142

Now instead of repetitive CICO its
>you're just making excuses!!!
Fat haters all sound the same and just say the same shit over and over.
Does losing weight make people dumb or something?

>> No.13738145

>Fatty McLardass is trying to lose weight
>Hunger rears it's ugly head
>w-we-well if I eat healthy food
>Downs 12 chicken breasts and a salad drowned in a gallon of vinaigrette
>It's wrong to be wasteful right
>eats the skins from 12 chicken breasts
>fruits are good for you, right?
>gobbles down 6 bananas and 2 boxes of grapes
>Why ain't I losing weight?
Every time.

>> No.13738173
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>different reasons why people are fat
Nope, there's only one reason : they consume more energy than their body burns. Go on and tell me what other reasons there are for obese people being a thing
>muh thyroid
Favorite fatcope. Anyone can lose weight by eating less including people with thyroid issues, PCOS, handicapped folks, and anyone on earth ''heaviy monitored by a doctor''.
Having hormonal problems doesn't make one's organism create energy and adipose tissue out of nothing, it just means they store fat more easily and have to work harder to shed the pounds. But how would you know? You don't sound like the kind of person who would work hard for the betterment of heir health/physical appearance but would rather find excuses instead.
Do you even have thyroid issues? Have you ever tried to eat less? Do you base your posts on anything other than your emotion driven delusions?

>> No.13738182

Used to eat 1600 and stay healthy weight, more calories even when lifting. Now need to stay under 1200 if I want to be on the lower end of overweight. And that's with exercise. Sure I could work my ass off and be thin, but damn does metabolism take a hit with age for some people.

>> No.13738183

the thyroid bit is weird to me because all you need to do is get the meds and then it fixes your weight issues.

>> No.13738188

It's funny how so many people somehow violate energy principles on a daily basis even. We need to study these people to achieve infinite energy and a new age of man.

>> No.13738200

As dumbfuck as "cars go forwards because their wheels turn". No shit. The factors that affect how much energy their body burns, however, are myriad, complex, poorly understood and considerably varied.

>> No.13738213

I didnt read anything other than losing weight and your brainlet post, cope again sweaty :^)

>> No.13738220

She's still fat.

>> No.13738228

Just fucking wrong. There is plenty of science to show that metabolic rates begin to decrease with age. Even you're going through the same thing right now and with every day that goes by, loudmouth.

>> No.13738236

This is the food equivalent of
>What weighs more? 100 pounds of feathers or 100 pounds of hammers?

>> No.13738239

Why are you samefagging/talking in the third person?

>> No.13738245

Milk has 100 calories per cup.

>> No.13738255

Gain muscle weight instead of fat weight, you retard. Lift weights and eat constantly.