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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 154 KB, 632x907, B0FE3C79-D22E-4A5A-8AC0-742384E6DBEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13734809 No.13734809[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What language are you gonna learn so you can go round foreign markets attention-whoring and making the foreign plebs go “wow”, “so based”, “you sbeek so gud”, “le ebic white gui”, /ck/?

I think I might try Kikuyu so I can order salmonella-infused pork in Nairobi one day. And you?

>> No.13734815

His mandarin isn't even good and the translations aren't even correct. His gay friend is much more talented

>> No.13734822

I just find it funny how inherently racist he’s actually being.

>> No.13734889

I hate this fucking guy. Such a pretentious faggot, and all his ‘friends’ are ugly as fuck.

>> No.13735348

How the hell is he being racist?

>> No.13735356

hes white and speaking a POC language, hes pretty racists desu hes also showing that he doesent care about the culture but just views

>> No.13735360
File: 51 KB, 640x538, D01ACBF9-B7AA-47C8-ACD6-079DAF0D5AF1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope you’re being ironic

>> No.13735365

That’s such obvious bait you’re retarded lol

>> No.13735374


>> No.13735461

obnoxious chubby fag
how many times can you go through this same tired routine

>> No.13735535

What isn't him embracing and learning a culture and practicing it the opposite of being racist? I dont get upset when an Asian speaks poor english, I am happy to that they are working hard to communicate with me

>> No.13735562

because after what whites have done to the world they can truly appreciate culture

>> No.13735577

He gonna get that Kung Flu raw dogging all that Chinabussy

>> No.13735621

He got quarantined already from coronavirus. Our thoughts and prayers are with him, lol!

>> No.13735627 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13735630

he makes a living off of exploiting naive people

>> No.13735661

It’s called cultural appropriation and it’s wrong.

>> No.13735686

It’s almost like white “people” have no culture of their own and have to glom on to other cultures in order to feel culturally fulfilled.

>> No.13735691
File: 112 KB, 912x940, AE15846F-E027-428A-9476-7C12E5C4BD82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since they’re cinese I’d say that it’s Wong

>> No.13735722

Why do people think only white folks have done bad things? The Chinese are destroying their own land along with Africa and Central America right now

>> No.13735750

>Why do people think only white folks have done bad things? The Chinese are destroying their own land along with Africa and Central America right now
The majority of people who think this are they themselves white. They need an outlet because they're stuck in a guilt society.

>> No.13735833

>what whites have done to the world
Wasn't me man. I enjoy learning about other culture, history, and especially mythos from around world. Sounds like you are being the gatekeeping bigot.
Idk who he is but he is paying them money correct? How exactly is he "exploiting" them by providing them patronage and exposure/advertising? Why would it even matter if he does make a living off blogging and traveling or whatever? Why do you care?
>cultural appropriation
Lmao buzzwords. What does that even supposed to mean? Why is it unethical to learn about another's culture? That's some pot calling the kettle black bigotry right there.

>> No.13735866

kill yourself retard

>> No.13736081
File: 28 KB, 220x266, 220px-Osama_bin_Laden_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Admiral Akbar!!!
>It's a llama, I like em'

>> No.13736850

"White people"(only a term american idiots use) pretty much invented capitalism, a system unbelievably unnatural and one that brought more suffering and death to humanity and the earth, than anything before or after. Of course, if we actually had real capitalism and not this patriarchal lobbyist bullshit where rich old men own and payroll everything, we might even live in a better world.
Anglo saxons, the french, the spanish, the germans, the dutch, the italians and the portuguese ruined and killed more living beings than anyone else in history ever did. Then USA came along and completely sold out to the psychopath billionaire class, because being rich is like so cool lol xD

And dont even @ me with your little commie posts. Never did I mention communism, you black and white binary minded simpleton americucks, communism and capitalism are just two sides of the same coin.

Regardless, capitalism has killed and is still killing billions people and other sentient and non sentient beings. There is no comparison.

>> No.13736865

I learned spicspeak to bleach the entire americas on my own not to impress some caravan camarera

>> No.13736880
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Am I the only one who cringes at these videos?

people learn languages, planes and internet exist.

>> No.13736885

yeah nothing more natural than sharing your economic output(any form of collectivism) with people you will never have any encounter with whatsoever your entire life. nothing says human nature like a collection of millions of people sharing nothing more than an arbitrary territorial border anymore pickpocketing from each other for their own personal gain.

make your own way in life faggot

>> No.13736889

No anon, you are the only one, you are special. I think the reason for why it appeals to Americans is that most Americans never bother to learn any language, maybe spanish at most(which I dont want to talk down) but not something very *exotic*, like Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Polish, Iranian what have you.

>> No.13736898

Did you just argue against me by arguing against capitalism? Or are you just too fucking stupid to understand what you just said?

>> No.13736919

your bitch ass is teeting rapebabies off your titties in the dark of some shithole forest under the 1 in a million chance you even got to this point to be alive without the underlying concepts of capitalism

you're not wrong about the lobbyist aspect of it, that's just humans gaming a system where they can, but holy shit do you miss the trees from the forest

>> No.13736923

I speak bretty decent tier German, but no one is ever impressed, because they just assume I'm a German, with a slight learning disability. t. Amerifat

>> No.13736929

Chinese is a language that, on a native level, is literally more widely spoken than English. It's not that special.
If I saw a foreigner speaking Pashto or Lao or Kannada yeah that'd be fucking insane.

Any of the big languages, not really. Maybe a bit surprised if it was a medium popularity language like Malay or Hindi.

>> No.13736932

>they just assume I'm a German, with a slight learning disability. t. Amerifat

accurate description of the states tbqh, famalama

>> No.13736936

Wh*te Pipo is raciss no matter what, always remember that. Whyte Mayne is born a raciss and died a rayciss

>> No.13736956

The people he speaks to are just props in the background that he effectively tricks and then pokes fun at later. “Zomg look at this dumb waitress going ‘zoink’ when she hears how based I am at her language, imma just a ‘clueless white guy’ amirite ;)”. You’d only need the slightest shift in his approach for it to be seen as racist generally (for instance, going into a black area and suddenly launching into eubonics so you can film locals’ reactions - no different in substance or intent). He’s just more crafty in the way he presents himself.

I wouldn’t give a shit usually but I’d bet a six figure sum he loves to roll himself out as ‘enlightened’, ‘liberal’, and ‘progressive’.

>> No.13736960

Nah, I find them cringey as fuck, too.

>> No.13736969

:( that's mean, at least I tried to learn a second language. I speak conversational Spanish too, but Mexicans talk so much slang that half the time they can't understand each other, plus they hate Hondurans.

>> No.13736972

Quite a few little niggers in this thread.

>> No.13736974

>Because I am alive I must love the system that created the circumstances for me being alive.
260 million US-americans are alive yet I do not cherish the system that "created" their degenerate existances.

>> No.13736976

Do Mexicans even like anyone?

>> No.13736979

So what is natural? Hunting and gathering? Suggest something better instead of parroting the same old bullshit every other failure does

>> No.13736981

Also I believe the Mongols have everyone beat with murder

>> No.13737005

>muh mongols 100 million
Jesus dude, Capitalism as a system of global exploitation is responsible for billions of dead humans, not even going to mention the extinction rates for plants and animals.
And something better for you lazy idiots: a non hierarchical (no exploitable power structures), no ownership over human beings (directly: slavery or indirectly: wage labour), no state monopoly on violence, but preventation, collective work, understanding and implementation of human beings. No explicit or implicit violent relationship structures (no marriage laws that tie and subjugate women to their men/owners).
Modes of production would have to be regional, it would not be communism but a mix of agriculture with specialised work, tool making intellectual and educational work. Everyone has a purpose, no superflous population.

>> No.13737006

>learn conversational spanish
>still like talking to a wall to most of them
>tell them to speak to me like a nino
>get texts still full of indecipherable slang shit that might as well be hieroglyphs

>> No.13737012

This has to be bait. No one can be this naive when it comes to human beings

>> No.13737014

I wonder why no one has tried this before. If you could be elected president of the world I would vote for you bro

>> No.13737034

>Quite a few little niggers in this thread
Quite a few little NEET niggers in this thread.* ftfy

>> No.13737039

They really, really, really don't like anyone, from what I can tell. If you're from the north, people from the south suck, central Mexico sucks, if you're brown brown, you're trash, light skinned Mexicans are pretentious, Guatemalans/Hondurans/Costa Ricans, they're the rapists/murders/thieves, etc. Half the time, they don't completely understand each others regional slang.

Also, they hate when you understand and speak a decent amount of spanish, they find it rude or something. It is very confusing especially when an individual refuses to speak to you in english, so you pivot to spanish and then they start speaking english and get an attitude for trying to communicate. Literally the hell do you want?

>> No.13737042

>His gay friend is much more talented

>> No.13737048

Probably didn't want to speak to you and feigning ignorance of the English language helps. When their act is blown it annoys them. Fucking Spics.

>> No.13737052

You should look up what the word "racism" means. And then shut the fuck up.

>> No.13737065

I'm a white guy living in Tokyo, but I'm not the kind of faggot who records myself speaking to people who don't know I know moon. That's pretty fucking gay.

>> No.13737069

Typical libtard needs to silence those she doesn’t agree with. Real tolerant of you

>> No.13737071

>Probably didn't want to speak to you
Well if you're doing maintenance on my house or I'm at la michoacana and I'm trying to buy something, you're gonna have to get the fuck over it.

>> No.13737075

You’re making incorrect assumptions about me. As I said: I’m largely indifferent on most claims of ‘racism’; but I will note when people who likely claim themselves not to be racist actually prove, by their actions and behaviour towards others, that they are.

This guy is using other peoples’ languages and culture to assume a sense of superiority over them. He can dress up his ‘kinda bumbling clueless white guy’ shtick all he likes (and you can fall for it, too) but that is what he’s doing.

>> No.13737084

My black aunt who speaks chinese does this sometimes

>> No.13737087

Too obvious

>> No.13737106

Conservative bedshitters would obviously never support any of these ideas, because they are the anti-thesis to "how things should be done".
But riddle me this: if the status quo is so amazing, why are the millions dying of hunger? We have enough food, its just that the poor (read: the ones that are either not worth anything to capitalism, or not paid anything by their "owners") cant buy it, so the ol' supply and demand would rather throw it away in the hopes that some of the fat americans might gulp it down their cake holes.
And answer me this as well: why is it, that we have constant wars and murders everywhere? Do you think it would be this way, if everyone on this planet was content with his life? Highly doubtful. Wars happen as a reaction to so called "national economies" not being able to expropriate goods as well as their rich neighbours, so war is in fact a direct result of imbalance and poverty. We have enough, we dont need more, we should not be fighting over it, we should simply try and actually stop the eternal growth and just look to it that we make everyone's life better, and not just that of the chosen few.
Appreciate your vote of confidence.

>> No.13737109

>tfw going into the navy as an interpreter and will likely learn mandarin

>> No.13737111

>White guy


>> No.13737114

Conservative bedshitters...

Didn’t read your post just really interesting to see an alleged liberal call others bedshitters

>> No.13737117

That guy is full of himself and sounds like a twat.
Few vids I've watched he completely ignores people who tell him they like his stuff (which I don't understand).
He also is probably a fag.

Laoshu is way better, and he's a nog.

>> No.13737118

How would you enforce these policies on the many many people who would not willingly go along with your rule?

>> No.13737123

You might want to look up what that word means, you little binary thinking bitch. Stop trying to label everything in your world, it does more harm than good. And you dont have to read my post, it might just make you question your preconceived propaganda indoctrinated opinions. Just keep feeding on the state sanctioned idiocy.

>> No.13737129

How long did it take you to figure out the solution to every worldly problem and why haven’t you won a Nobel prize yet?

>> No.13737136

this guy isn't white though, he's a jew

>> No.13737139

You can tell a lot of people in those videos know who he is, and just think he’s a twat, too. There’s one in some barber shop where a guy basically sneers at him but he brushes it off. No self awareness at all.

>> No.13737142

Enforcing policies is wrong. It would be a very long process, decades, in fact hundreds of years of cultural programming would have to be reversed and we, as humans would have to become what we could be, were it not for our ruling classes, dividing and conquering us every way they can. Human beings are empathic creatures, and we would not have to turn our empathy on and off, because we could rest assured that only the people in our proximity are in need of empathy, because everywhere else in our world, there would not be massive systemized suffering, imposed by our modes of capital accumulation and production.
We would slowly and lovingly (yes, that word is not a bad word, however "wrong" it may appear to all of our anons here, who tragically have to experience a lack thereof) change mankind for the better, by making use of innate human qualities, such as intelligence, dilligence, work ethic, empathy, help etc. I am not proposing nationalism but a multitude of city states, that are self reliant for the most part, and that do not need to import massive amounts of goods. Would it be hard to actually implement? Sure it would be, but if we as humans arent able to do that, for all of us, and all of the generations to come, then we might as well just nuke this planet right now

>> No.13737144

>some fag goes around making harmless fun by speaking a language he isn't expected to
better get mad at the internet bois

that said, not very interesting vids.

>> No.13737145

Haha okay, just saying if anyone shits the bed it’s you people

>> No.13737147

Oh I see now. You’re just a common /x/ tier schizo

>> No.13737148

It only requires a little bit of reading, and I do not at all imply that I am the right person to "lead" such a movement. It should be a collective approach, because it will be something for all of us, not just the 1 percent, wether they be the rich or the politicians.(or both, as is the case in our system now)

>> No.13737153
File: 79 KB, 640x737, B38DADD6-F6EF-43A2-BE9E-0D78001E3BC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they are actually like that. Notice how he said we should just nuke the world if he doesn’t get his way too? Never forget how dangerous libs are.

>> No.13737155

You dont have to samefag anon. You dont have to resort to this petty name calling. You are better than this, I believe in you.

>> No.13737158

Or maybe it is a schizo

>> No.13737160

>he completely ignores people who tell him they like his stuff (which I don't understand).
>No self awareness at all.

He is Jewish. Once you understand why that matters, then it will make sense.

>> No.13737161

I only wrote the schizo one because you or the anon writing the text walls about how all it takes to solve everything wrong with the world is a little reading is a fucking lunatic too far gone for any traditional political label.

>> No.13737167

>Pol meme charts
>Not being able to read between the lines
When did you decide to be the intellectual slave to this agglutinazation of lonely, virginal people with nothing in their heads but hatred and fear?
My comment on the nukes was written that way (we might as well nuke the planet right now) to imply to the thinking population on this board, that this will happen either way if we continue down this path, that you so devotedly try to keep free from the dead bodies.

>> No.13737175

You know you’re responding to many anons and it isn’t just one guy calling you a nutter, right?

>> No.13737177

Again, no need to samefag anon. I know its hard to accept that people might not support your regressive, violent view of humanity and the world, but even to you, a little bit of reading might do wonders. And dont take "a little bit" literally please.

>> No.13737184

You both are indoctrinated by the same kinds of "ideas". You are obviously therefore equal to one, to any outside observer, as much as to you, two black people are just niggers.

>> No.13737186

Not him and I’ve not really been closely following this particular strand, but it is certainly true that people are far too quick to compartmentalise one another nowadays which is one of the major reasons terms like ‘racist!’ get bandied about by actual racists. Try be more nuanced in your worldview: it’ll take you a long way.

>> No.13737187

schizos always think anons are samefagging. Every fucking time. And the scope of your arrogance is unimaginable. What makes you think you know what’s best for humanity? How can you be sure you’re even close to being right?

>> No.13737189

I want whatever drug this poster is taking. Must be some good shit.

>> No.13737208

By your logic: Why are you so arrogant to believe, that a system that only serves ~15 percent of mankind to live a decent life, at the expense of not just the other 85 percent but at the expense of future generations, is a good and well working system.
I do not claim to know everything, I simply offered a few rather basic statements that would make life on this planet better for all of us.

>> No.13737213

Yes and if everyone shit Skittles we'd all be over the fucking rainbow

>> No.13737214

Well, thank you for the support. Especially on 4chan it seems to be very hard for people to actually let loose of their mental barriers, which is saddening, because here, nobody has to lose anything by being more open toward life and its utter enormity of forms and shapes.

>> No.13737220

>itt: liberal arts major mad he's basically useless in life and can't afford his debt with his basket weaving skills

>> No.13737222

Way to go anon, truly a very "non naive" way of thinking, you do not happen to have more of these deep analogies do you? Its painfully obvious how much of your so called "arguments" rely on the fact that you do know nothing of the world around you. You came here empty handed, it's shameful. You dont even read anything other than 4chan posts do you?

>> No.13737226

No, you said we may as well nuke the world if you don’t get your way you fucking cretin, whatever that way is considering you said nothing but vague narcissistic feelgood crap you libs live to excrete and consume in an endless shit eating cycle. And you continue to say nothing, trying to stop my image calling you out by calling it le /pol/ graph, if you even understood it, can’t be sure.

You realize all this shit is logged? Everything you post on the internet is here forever, it’s not just going to go away, you might want to think about how smart you really are before you keep on shitting the bed permanently for the left. Hating on incels like calling people virginal in your post for instance, probably the biggest fuck up, you guys don’t even have a base anymore that you try to pick and choose your oppressed peoples.

>> No.13737229

You’re pulling those numbers out of your neovagina.

>> No.13737230

That actually explains a lot.
A fag and a jew.

He does it for the shekels.

>> No.13737233

Not everyone lives on your neoliberal nightmare sphere anon. But keep on spewing baseless assumptions, its all you people are good for after your /pol/ indoctrination.

>> No.13737239

I hate those videos and never even watched them
it sounds like some yellow fever dream
literally who cares that someone learned a language, many such cases

>> No.13737240

Dealt with this when I worked for a Starbucks in a Hispanic heavy area. I managed to learn quite a bit of Spanish working in the food industry. Those Latinos were willing to help me because it'd help the kitchen run smoothly.

Customers on the other hand...

I'd say the same exact shit as my Hispanic coworkers at the speaker box and we'd get the order just fine, then when they got to the window and saw it was a pasty white ginger with a Southern drawl when speaking English, they'd clam up and pretend they couldn't even count USA cash correctly.

Probably to try and trick me with cash. They LOVED to do this at the same Starbucks. They'd hand you a $20 then say "no wait I meant to give you this $5" and quickly exchange bills and coins in hopes you were just trying to rush them along and they'd end up with $10+ in extra change.

>> No.13737242

Did you ever wonder why you are so filled with hate? Sexual frustration? Lack of love? When was the last time anyone ever hugged you anon? You can keep spouting your pathetic little rants, I know your life must be very empty anyway, so your time can not be worth much, I imagine. If you need a break, or need to refuel your hate, just go, go back to /pol/ and bask in their close mindedness, their name calling, their racism, their endless self pity. I'll be here, waiting for another one of your empty outrages.
I dont hate people that do not have sex, I just pity them, because its wonderful to love someone, and I think you are just lonely and you try to repress your frustration.

>> No.13737247

I think you type a lot without really saying anything

>> No.13737248

Again, you’re assuming anons are the same person. And I haven’t been to /pol/ since 2016. That place is a hellhole.

>> No.13737249

Do you ever wonder if maybe you libs live in a fantasy world that necessitates you to assume anyone who disagrees is a samefag? Does this same liberal fantasy world exempt you from actually replying to posts?

>> No.13737251

It's okay baby, mommy still loves you.

>> No.13737253

I am surprised how Laoshu was among the first doing this trend but managed to be better because he is an actual humble polyglot.

I really like when he switches to Cantonese. Also the old Polish ladies that run shops in Cleveland love it when he can actually spit out a couple of Polish common phrases.

This fag speaking Mandarin does what a majority of people can do--speak Mandarin.

>> No.13737261

So its 2 of you guys now. Is it a classic strategy that /pol/ crossposters use? Replying mutiple times to make yourself seem more powerful?

>> No.13737266

Do you know any other of those guys?
Indeed he is humble, laughs when it's appropriate, and he spots quite well his targets.
Switching to Cantonese and to local dialects amazes them. The one with the fishers, the one with the Nepali, they're all amazed.

He's a cool guy.
Made me unironically less racist by actually being good and not whining.

>> No.13737271

It’s actually just one guy samefagging to make you think you’re crazy. But we both know you’re of sound and sober mind.

>> No.13737272

Sshh, it's okay. No need to cry now.

>> No.13737276

I really could not care less. /pol/ fosters all the bad qualities of a weak and insecure human being, a little like the police adademies in the US.
As evidenced perfectly here:

Arguing is not their strong suit, for obvious reasons, so they go through various stages. When nothing seems to work, they simply resort to making baby noises.

>> No.13737285

If you had Thanos’ powerglove would you *snap* for the good of the planet and humankind?

>> No.13737291

Does baby want some tenndies?

>> No.13737294

Not him, but you’re just shitposting now. Get better.

>> No.13737297

The absolute state of /pol/.

>> No.13737298

Choccy milk?

>> No.13737299

Does Thanos do it for that reason in the movies? He does it to impress his crush in the comics.

>> No.13737302

I don’t know anything other than he snapped and I think half of all life forms vanished. Not sure though cause capeshit is gay

>> No.13737312

Not OP here, but what the fuck is with you people? A fucking cooking board and yet this is the place you want to write a thesis on mankind? I'm not even sure who's more pathetic here. /pol/ would actually be a better place to post this shit. Find a better place and use of your time for shit like this. Don't even reply to me. Mods, get off your asses and delete this fucking thread.

>> No.13737314


>> No.13737316

/pol/ isnt for political discussion, its just a containment board for racists and incels, sadly enough, it doesnt really contain them at all, as evidenced by literally every board.

>> No.13737318

Idiot. You come to cook in California and you learn my language. If you can't speak English I don't give a flying fuck about your food or services. Too difficult for you? Than get out of my face you racist piece of shit.

>> No.13737328

That change trick is old as fuck even though ive seen people fuck up the scam more times than get it right.

>> No.13737351

There is nothing racist about learning another language. Why are you zoomers so fucking insecure? No wonder you kids never create anything new

>> No.13737355

Anon is correct. That trick is old as fuck and easy to counter. All you do, is say I have to count my register because now "I'm" confused or call a manager over and hold up the line.They'll almost always leave or submit to social pressure (e.g. people glaring at them). It's delightful making them sit 5-7 minutes while you "count" (should take no more than 1-2 minutes and to compare it to your cash values) the register and then they're pissed off they had to wait.

>> No.13737359


>> No.13737370

I would always give them the change they asked for even when I knew it was a scam

>> No.13737379

Hmmm, "boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I shit on company time". Not that I gave a flying fuck if the company turned a profit, but one of the simple joys of working in food service is politely fucking with people, especially when they're trying to fuck with you.

>> No.13737380

You don't have to learn other languages. You just have to dumb down proper language so they understand, like for instance tell them "me eatee chickee-bock-bock yum with yumyum sauce, yes?"

>> No.13737383

Essentially. Why would you care? Because the business makes you liable? Fuck that, they would have to actually prove that, and without incriminating evidence, they dont have shit on you.

>> No.13737394

They know you handled the register, and know that during the period you handled the register a certain amount of money disappeared without account. I'm now certain that you've ever really handled a register, which makes me wonder about these fantasies you choose to write about yourself. They're not interesting if true, and even less interesting if not.

>> No.13737396

Not that it's a lot of money, but at the time I was making about $18 an hour, with tips, just making coffee (with healthcare/vacation/sick benefits). As a supervisor, I was liable for cash shortages, so I kind of did care, about my job. It was a great college gig.

>> No.13737404

When I was is Bulgaria they guy at the kebab place was getting frustrated because he couldn't understand what I wanted. I learned some Bulgarian, those rim-jobs should learn a bit of English too.

>> No.13737417

Nah I don't know him, just know of him and agree with his methodology of learning a language. It is how I learned conversational Spanish and too a very minimal degree Korean (spoken). The latter I didn't retain very well though
I'd give them appropriate change because I was able to keep up with he slight of hand, then when they'd ask for the manager I'd repeat (because I was the supervisor on shift) and use my numbers to print off a transaction order and to manually count in front of them. They'd get so damn pissed it was hilarious.

Yeah I'd have to comp and give recovery cards to the 2 or 3 customers behind them, but it was worth it. $10 in cheated change cost Starbucks more than 5+ Venti sized free beverages of any type. A full brewer of Pike' s Medium Roast is entirely covered by the cost of one tall black coffee (which costs a customer a little less than $2).

Im so glad I don't work there anymore. Customers and the company were awful and made me yearn for being abused in kitchens.

>> No.13737427

Starbucks is hands down the worse place I've ever worked for and I did delivery for an Indian guy that would physically/verbally berate you for, basically anything (he'd get you drunk afterwards).

>> No.13737454

Yep, I worked for a Chinese guy who owned a small restaurant with sushi and a traditional Sichuan menu. He was so abusive to his wife and mother. And myself.

But he didn't know what a W2 was and just gave me cash lol. Lots of cash, way more than Starbucks paid me to supervise. I worked a job for the university and so did he so I tujnk that's how he got away with it.

Either way I got lots of free food and decent money. Starbucks gave me worse customers, less pay, the same manager abuse, terrible coffee, and made me sick more. They even accused the night closers of "stealing" food when they took Protien Packs we were throwing out due to sell by date.

I only miss the free Spotify I guess.

>> No.13737473

Another cringy soiboy appealing to the normies
>Look at me pretend to be a dumb pasty gaijin
>I can speak your shitty language too even though I'm just a dumb foreigner
>Wow he is so amazing pretending he can't speak their language then surprising them
>Listen how well he can talk about noodles and communicate with these third worlders
>Millions of views

I hope they tamper with his food.

>> No.13737475

Fucking lul, Indian guy did the same thing. No W2, cash in hand and just told me to declare what I was making. Not that this makes me a better person, but if he was giving me a shit night, I just wouldn't ring certain things in correctly (rice/side veggies/crap we were just gonna throw out) deliver them and pocket the cash. Apparently he got deported for tax evasion (he was on a green card).

>> No.13737502

Yeah I'd pocket deliveries all the time if we had to re-fire them because he forgot about the order. Here I am jangling my keys and he's like "oh shit" and makes it along with me trying to run another wok for dine-in orders and says "we will comp the to-go."

I'm late and tell the delivery customer I'm sorry, but we cooked it and here is fresh food and it is on us. They'd try to pay me like half the amount anyway and half the time it was cash so I just took it lol. Even if I refused they'd try. Guess they felt sorry for me and the food was legit good so...

>> No.13737530

They chose to give me the option to handle the register, I can not be faulted for handling it incorrectly, thats their job. I am just a wage slave cuck, not a fucking manager, so you should be treated as such. I hate this notion that politicians and mega corporations can literally waste billions or trillions of money without repercussions but a measly low wage worker has to be responsible for being literally fucked over.
Where is the justice?

>> No.13737554

Asian people are genuinely amazed by non-asians speaking their language though, I bet 80% of his views are from Chinese people.

>> No.13737559

Doesn't matter. We have a Jewish problem