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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 153 KB, 1010x1414, getty_red_wine_glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13729377 No.13729377 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13729381

That's a drink

>> No.13729393
File: 115 KB, 1600x900, online_culinary_school_steak_tartare-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude let's take a thing you're supposed to cook and...
>not cook it

>> No.13729398

Foods (and drinks) arent pretentious.
People are.
Such a gross misuse of the English language here.

>> No.13729403

>wa la

>> No.13729404
File: 106 KB, 850x570, flyovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink whine because I'm an american

>> No.13729408



>> No.13729411

>fungus poop dissolved in grape juice

>> No.13729414

t. Tastelet

>> No.13729420
File: 18 KB, 600x400, caviar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13729424

>buy roe at a korean grocery store
>significantly less expensive
>tastes exactly the same

>> No.13729430

have you tasted salmon roe? It's fucking taaaasty

>> No.13729432

That's roe roe and roe. They can blacken fish roe with dyes.

>> No.13729439

I like tobiko more but it's all pretty good

>> No.13729441

U mad bro

>> No.13729450
File: 281 KB, 2000x1500, caviar pie?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly the point, people take the whole caviar meme too far

>> No.13729459

Disagree. It tastes like that water that pools up in a bag of baby carrots and sea salt.

>> No.13729470

>you're supposed to
Who said ?

>> No.13729482

The human digestive system.

>> No.13729505

You're a weak nigga, I'm sorry for you. Raw eggs are delicious.

>> No.13729512
File: 169 KB, 1127x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much every hunter-gatherer culture on earth considers warm meat from a fresh kill to be a delicacy.

>> No.13729557


>> No.13729658
File: 232 KB, 1920x1079, mettbroetchen-mit-zwiebeln-ob-das-koblenzer-wurfgeschoss-mit-gemuese-topping-kam-konnte-die-polizei-im-nachhinein-nicht-feststellen-symbolfoto-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills Mr. Bean.

>> No.13729736
File: 680 KB, 2268x4032, gbsjftpef0k41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow raw fish on vinegar rice, so sophisticated

>> No.13729746

yeah fuck you too

>> No.13729768
File: 797 KB, 2000x1187, 1554997715359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans at McDonalds
>rrawwrr I'm a CARNIVORE give it to me still mooing!
Americans in front of actual fresh meat
>is it safe? UGH is that RAW? eew yuckeeee! mommy can we stop at McDonalds on the way home?!? meat comes from the store, this is barbaric!

>> No.13729795

what are you talking about?

Americans are definitely overly cautious with raw meat when it comes to foodborne illness as that is what the FDA orders everyone be trained from a young age, but like wtf are you whining about even?

Also it is super interesting that states full of mexicans are more likely to have passports and states not near any border less so, who would have thought?

>> No.13729809

McDonalds is barely even meat, same goes for your gas station "rrawwrrr paleo hunter snax fuck vegans lmao"

Get back to me when you can handle scaling and gutting a fish without getting freaked out and going full vegan because your macho posturing was just a defense mechanism for a weak mind

>> No.13729830

>McDonalds is barely even meat
what does this have to do with my post? No one is defending McDonalds' meat quality
>Get back to me when you can handle scaling and gutting a fish
You realize that most flyover men have at least some experience with this? This rant you are doing is fucking weird and rather detached from reality

>> No.13729835

lol at the idea that gutting fish suggests you have a strong mind?

>> No.13729950

baked beans
ever since that dude got caught in the theater all the niggas in the hood buyin beans for clout

>> No.13730106

I know plains native americans would rip the liver out of fresh killed bison and eat it raw.

>> No.13730682

Rainbow trout and whitefish roe are the best ones available.

>> No.13730696

Even in white culture you eat raw liver from your first kill.

>> No.13730747

How the fuck is tartare pretentious?
It's just fresh meat, egg yolks, salt, pepper, pickle and onion
It's as simple as a meal can get
It's also delicious

>> No.13730895

You have to go to high class place to it

>> No.13730911

Dark chocolate

>> No.13731283

Yeah, and humans haven't been hunter-gatherers for a few thousand years.

>> No.13731450

That's literally a picture of a hunter-gatherer family eating their hunted food but okay.

>> No.13731670

No it's not. It's a picture of a purposely anachronistic family conducting obsolete rituals for no reason other than sentimentality. Humanity has not been hunter-gatherers for millennia. Do you think they hunted that plastic bag or gathered the cotton for their shirts?

>> No.13731675

>for no reason other than sentimentality
The reason is they live in the extreme north and shipping in grocery store type food is prohibitively expensive, so they still hunt and fish and maintain a more or less traditional lifestyle but go off I guess.
Many such cases.

>> No.13731690

I feel like you're missing the point, which is that human digestive systems and human dietary needs have advanced to a point where eating raw meat is far from healthy.

Eating raw meat from a fresh kill was considered a delicacy for many reasons. It was considered a rite of passage and a reward, and it was possibly advantageous because refrigeration and most preservation methods had not been perfected. If there was an alternative, it could never be considered the most nutritious option, even when humans had first evolved. I don't even know what your point is other than "Some people hunt, therefore everyone should eat raw meat."

>> No.13731697

Right back at you: "some people live in suburbs therefor nobody should eat raw meat"

>> No.13732313

He has a point. Tell me you haven't seen faux cultured normies trying to signal to everyone just how fucking sophisticated they are by flexing their pretend enjoyment of shit grade sushi

>> No.13732884
File: 449 KB, 1351x2035, Screenshot_20200229-171447_Reddit-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I get it! You are unironically defining yourself for our explicit lels. Thank you, toppest kek.

>> No.13732891

I like my steak Pittsburgh blue. Kek

>> No.13732905

Fuck off, Did you miss the first post in this thread that said that you're a faggot?

>> No.13732921

>swish wine around in glass, look at it closely
>"mmm nice legs on this one"
>"I'm picking up some subtle minerality"
>"oh is that toasted cedar?"
>"I can definitely smell black cherries"
>take a tiny sip
>flap my tongue against the top of my mouth
>"Balanced mouthfeel, fairly fruit forward, good round texture"
>spit wine out
That's pretentious anon. But that's not all wine. Not all wine has to be pretentious. For me, it's those massive jugs of Carlo Rossi.

>> No.13732968

I get your point, but it still stands that nobody should be eating raw meat regularly. Novelty, tradition, emergency, and taste are fine reasons on the rare occasion. Everyone has access to fire.

>> No.13732983

If you sear the tartare it becomes an undercooked burger patty.

>> No.13733000

maybe in america
in eastern europe tartar is not a high class food at all

>> No.13733003

>Eastern Europe
>High class anything

>> No.13733007


>> No.13733040

You are forgiven

>> No.13733066

I get your point, but it still stands that nobody should be eating MEAT regularly. Novelty, tradition, emergency, and taste are fine reasons on the rare occasion. Everyone has access to other sources of protein. And fuck off with your "muh b12", there's plenty of b12 in non-meat foods. Vegetarian != vegan. A lettuce on your hamboigah isn't going to make you die of b12 deficiency, neckbeard.

>> No.13733089

Now go away faggot

>> No.13733093
File: 8 KB, 285x207, 1244775437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is leaving out the ketchup too pretentious for you as well you faggot?

>> No.13733097

It's literally japanese fast food and has been for centuries.

>> No.13733102

Ah su-shi! I practically live off the stuff. The mysteries of the Orient are no mystery to me.

>> No.13733105

no one thinks sushi is sophisticated

>> No.13733107

i dont think food can be pretentious i think its more of how you present it though some foods will be subjugated to pretentious faggots more like caviar

>> No.13733111

tartare is in no way high class lol>>13730911
hard agree but its still good

>> No.13733121

See >>13732313

>> No.13733127
File: 35 KB, 359x450, large-greypoupondijonmustard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you believe Obama admitted to eating this shit? What a pretentious wanker. So out of touch with the average Joe. I don't even want to imagine how many hours a coal miner in Kentucky would have to work before he could afford a jar of this stuff.

>> No.13733174

Probably 0.3-0.5 hours

>> No.13733204

if you think red wine is pretentious you're too young to be posting here

>> No.13733288

What's the absolute shithole you live ?
It's literally 2€ here, beef or horse and it's perfectly healthy

>> No.13733299

Or they still believe that there are two genders and that speaking english isn't a hate crime

>> No.13733304

What is the equivalent word for being a coomer/coombrain but for retards like this post

>> No.13733400

Any of the following will do:

>> No.13733428

Fast-Food in general is the most pretentious food ever. They sell it like it's something other than pure shit.

>> No.13733460

we haven't appreciably evolved as a species in around 10-12k years when some of us acquired the ability to drink milk into adulthood without shitting our pants. Our digestive systems are the same as our hunter gatherer ancestors otherwise

>> No.13734323

My balls lmao

>> No.13734407

You keep saying "nobody" like we've all been living in New York City for the past 200'000 years but those people in that image have been living in the stone age until about 1930 and have only had "modern" food introduced into their diet within the past 50 years or so.
They're not the only culture in this circumstance, and they're very far indeed from the only culture that still hunts.

We get it dude you're a limp-wristed faggot afraid of meat. Get over yourself.

>> No.13734568

Coal miners are unionized and make a really good living as long as the mine is producing, terrible for your health tho

>> No.13734586

Why do you type like you season your food with ground HRT pills?

>> No.13734595

I hate roe I also hate the way it pops when you eat it. so gross why do people eat fish bait

>> No.13734604

spicy mustard is pretty basic black people food

>> No.13734679

Coal plants are shutting down all over flyover land nowadays. More coal plants have shut down under in the last 3 years than the preceding 8 years.

Doesn't matter, flyovers are scared of food with gombunist french sounding names like Poupon so they wouldn't buy it even if they could afford it.

>> No.13734749

Napa valley called, it says you should consider suicide.

>> No.13734817

Salty poor people

>> No.13734959

Why does everything have to be one extreme or the other for you? When was the last time you had a normal discussion that didn't devolve into punching straw men? I'm not saying that these people don't exist, just that they would be better served cooking their meat. Something that's hardly a "modern" concept.

We get it dude you're a cool self-subsistent hunting man living off the land. Get over yourself.

>> No.13734994

>Why does everything have to be one extreme or the other for you?
You're the one speaking in absolutes, faggoli, I am merely providing counter examples.
When was the last time you considered lifestyles other than your own? Why do you think your own personal experiences are universally standard?

>> No.13735007

Nigga in the middle's got drip. Wtc that nike beanie?

>> No.13735025

What lifestyle or circumstance would require one to eat uncooked meat? What makes you think I live in a big city? The fact that we are in a disagreement? He is disagreeing with me on something so he musy represent everything that I despise? Is that it?

I'm not even saying the lifestyles of these raw-meat eating cultures are invalid. I think they are plenty valid, and am happy for them to exist in our diverse world. My only point is that they are not locally optimal lifestyles. Does my putting it that way make it easier for you to find enough common ground with me to actually tell me why you think I'm wrong instead of strawmanning my position?

>> No.13735102

>Backwoods third worlders do it so it must be alright

>> No.13736460

I'm a fan of flying fish roe, but I haven't had it in over half a decade.

>> No.13736485

Yeah, and you like your dick Detroit black

>> No.13736487


>> No.13736573

yikes that ratio of fish to rice blows donkey dick; i mean i appreciate the generous portion but, wtf just get sashimi and don’t pretend that plate makes sense

>> No.13736640

Besides the point you are a retard that looks like terrible tartare that was sent through a meat grinder

>> No.13737003
File: 122 KB, 900x852, 1570491349809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so horrifyingly accurate?

>> No.13737008

And yet somehow it was the whites that introduced the virus that killed millions of them. These motherfuckers had the original corona virus.

>> No.13737011

almost any modern multiple star michelin restaurant

>> No.13737019


>> No.13737041

New York pizza

>> No.13737707

that's not the definition of advanced

>> No.13738440

Napa Valley winemakers should consider suicide for unleashing their sugary-sweet "cabs" upon the world.

>> No.13738461

Nonsense, we're taller, live longer, and have smaller brains than our ancestors from 10000 years ago.

>> No.13738519

New york pizza isn't expensive

>> No.13739171

nothing pretentious about downing 2 $3 bottles wines in one day

>> No.13739368

>Carlo Rossi