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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13727899 No.13727899 [Reply] [Original]

>he still drinks coffee even though its scientifically proven that caffeine is a feedback loop with no actual benefit

>> No.13728112

Prove it faggot

>> No.13728147

What if I actually like the taste? It's a weird concept to be drinking coffee only for the caffeine.

>> No.13728148

Love is also a feedback loop with no actual benefit. No what?

>> No.13728951

yer ma's crungy minge loves my feedback loop faggot

>> No.13728958

Actually i get my caffeine from monster energy zero ultra

>> No.13729026

Yea. I could just drink energy drinks or take caffeine pills if I didn't like the taste of coffee.
But I actually really like how coffee tastes.

>> No.13729074

You can never take away the power of Placebo! I'll feel and actually be better doing things that should have no effect but my pure belief in a positive effect will actually improve my life.

>> No.13729085

>caffeine is a feedback loop with no actual benefit
caffeine reduced lung congestion. I drink caffeinated beverages 3 times a day to keep my lungs healthy. and I abstain from dairy products.

>> No.13729145

Science was invented by coffee drinkers in the first place
Checkmate, atheists

>> No.13730915

That's like those people who say they actually enjoy the taste of beer, you're both lying faggots trying to look pretentious

>> No.13730926
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>he still drinks vodka even though it's scientifically proven that his body will seize up and die if he stops

>> No.13730936

What is this thing this 4 chan what is going on

>> No.13730946

Nah, you're just a child-palated dork.

>> No.13730977

Do people saying shit like this actually believe it? Like do they unironically believe the millions of people ordering a beer or a cup of coffee at a bar or are trying to impress the waiter or something?

>> No.13730992

I like my cold brew 1:1 with milk. Shit's outstanding. Otherwise, coffee generally doesn't taste good.
Also, caffeine have no effect on me unless I get it in obscene amounts. And even then, it's not "energizing" - I'm makes me slightly tipsy instead.

>> No.13731009

And there's people that like different kinds and types of beer and coffee.

>> No.13731021

Yes, but what does that have to do with the tinfoil-hat-tier idea that everyone who has a beer or a cup of black coffee is an impostor trying to "look pretentious"?

>> No.13731034

You're thinking of nicotine, faggot. Caffeine has a measurable benefit.

That said, most people consume WAY too much. Learned that the hard way.

>> No.13731082

Nicotine prevents degenerative brain diseases. There's good research on it.

>> No.13731242

*tips fedora*

>> No.13731509

I like it. Go fuck yourself

>> No.13731519

you ever hear of the phrase "you dont drink for the taste"?
its because you fucking dont. you drink to get drunk.

>> No.13731552

Not even lying, I like the bitter taste of beer. Also I drink coffee with a splash of cream. I dont get why you fags let neckbeards on 4chins dictate your taste because muh anti social pressure. Enjoy life.

>> No.13731556

"you don't drink it for the taste" is alkie cope, because they can't afford to binge-drink anything that actually tastes decent.

>> No.13731561

i quit coffee 4 days ago and I feel fantastic

>> No.13731573

I think you might be confused with nicotinic acid, better known as niacin.

>> No.13731600

i dont enjoy the taste of beer because it tastes like shit. i dont drink coffee either, it tastes like shit. i drink water, because it has no taste and its entirely healthy.
you might have a point there

>> No.13731634

I don't know what's stranger. Assuming millions of people are faking their enjoyment of coffee or getting so upset trying to convince total strangers that you do indeed enjoy the taste of coffee.

>> No.13731708

when you get old enough to drink legally you'll understand

>> No.13731731

im 24.

>> No.13731759

when your mind catches up to your body you'll understand

>> No.13731763

I'm not. Google it.

>> No.13731769

Cursed with the tongue of a corpse.

>> No.13731786
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Who said I valued love? When I get my urges, I just go to other countries and beat and rape the women there.

>> No.13731793

Coffee and beer do taste good

>> No.13731811

yeah enjoy your pounds and stunted brain, lardass

>> No.13731832

Chug two bangs and enter the next realm.

>> No.13731849

I mostly drink coffee because it is like selecting easy mode for shits. Doesn't hurt that it is also rich in antioxidants and I feel energized by it.

>> No.13731912

>enjoying the taste of beer = living off the stuff
and who's he one with the stunted brain?

>> No.13731973

Nobody likes coffee, same for beer or alcohol in general, stop being pretentious

>> No.13732026

i meant coffee

>> No.13732311

i love how a board full of millions of white incels post a Middle Eastern chad as their savior.

makes me feel worshipped

>> No.13732323

Wow. So you guys really do have no concept of ironic humor.

>> No.13732332

that guy is one of the goofiest lookin mofos Ive ever seen

>> No.13732349


but this is a good thing
It means you can drink coffee your whole life and not suffer long term consequences

>> No.13732935

Coffee has no calories, fucking idiot.

>> No.13732942

Why do manchildren subhumans think you can speak on behalf of someone else's tastes? Go have some gummy bears and choccy milk, you fucking faggot.

>> No.13732944
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Literal sperg right here.

>> No.13732952

You can feel the obesity in this post.

>> No.13732961

caffeine has no calories therefore it cannot provide energy

>> No.13732964

that's a strange way of saying you use non-dairy creamer

>> No.13733719

Checkmate atheists

>> No.13733743
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im seeing more tomoko lately in any section of 4chan.

its feeled natural how she just hated coffe in 1st year.
keep on sipping it in 2nd year but still not loving it.
Then in 3rd year she drinks it as a daily basis.

That's how it works in real life right? you just hate it as a kid , then drink it sometimes when other people offers it to you and finally you get hooked by the coffe.

>> No.13733761

No, in real life your taste buds mature as you grow older and you stop reflexively disliking bitter drinks.

>> No.13733963
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>> No.13733972

Same, also helps me poop in the morning.

>> No.13733995

I’ve trued to stop but it’s tasty and a nice morning ritual
Even though it’s toxic bean anxiety juice

>> No.13734014

I chew up at least 4 200mg of caffeine per day and I spend every hour after 10am until I get off work fighting nodding off despite being a manual labor job and sleeping 9 hours per night. I will literally be falling asleep while walking around the shop having to slap myself to keep my eyes open while trying to turn wrenches. I want to kill myself so much. My life is spent fighting the urge to sleep non stop day after day after day. I've put cars in ditches. I've woken up in strange parking lots with no memory of how I got there. On the weekends I sleep over 14 hours per night. If I died tomorrow it would be a relief. Imagine going to work on 2 hours of sleep. Now imagine it every single day for years. This is what my life feels like. I hope I get a painless terminal disease

>> No.13734018

Yes that’s how it works

>> No.13734050

Speak for yourself.

>> No.13734447
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>I don't like how X tastes so that means nobody likes how X tastes

>> No.13734457

When you're above 20 it'll make sense one day. I suspect the brain rewires itself to enjoy the flavors because it understands their relationship to the effect they cause, but it does start tasting good. I don't like consuming caffeine or ethanol anymore but I'll have a nice beer for the flavor sometimes, or a decafe with a slice of cake.

>> No.13736353
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>> No.13736687

Randall has a good comic but my god that man is a fucking faggot

>> No.13736835

Do people actually like the feeling of being drunk? That's the only drawback of alcoholic drinks for me.

>> No.13736967
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I do. Even though I don't feel any of the pleasant dopaminergic sensations people usually get from alcohol, it's still better than being sober.

>> No.13737599

Drinking is absolute bliss. I'm drunk right now. It eases the pain.

>> No.13737666

there is still no way I can see the asshole on the who doesn't like beer as being in the right. He is told if he doesn't like it then he shouldn't drink it yet continues to be a fag about it

>> No.13737687

Narcolepsy, maybe?

>> No.13737714

is coffee good for you