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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 123 KB, 985x554, 8b33c1cd-1b8e-48c8-8bee-291d5f4ce937-large16x9_KFCdonutsandwhich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13711322 No.13711322 [Reply] [Original]

Damn this looks fucking good. Anyone tried one yet?

>> No.13711334

this CG rendering is too big for my mouth

someone post a REAL pic of one of these with splayed feet

>> No.13711336 [DELETED] 

kfc is fucking terrible nigger food delete this thread

>> No.13711560

Angry whopper

>> No.13711586 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13711589

BK is shit too

>> No.13711592

What's BK?

>> No.13711851

Wish they would focus on their terrible service instead of all this gimmick shit. Every time I’ve been to kfc is it’s half ass cooked food thrown on a tray by some fat black girl with an attitude

>> No.13711876

Every time I go to KFC it's delicious.

>> No.13711879

severely obese means stare at them in public fat.
this was very rare when i was a child and now its fucking 8 percent of the population
holy fucking fuck you fat fucks need to fucking stop

>> No.13711884 [DELETED] 

No, KFC is trash since Pepsico bought them out. Never go there unless you like financing the Hebrew agenda dedicated to wiping your lineage off the face of the earth and replacing you with african scum

>> No.13712231

Just had one. The donut itself could use a little more glaze, but it a perfectly fine pair of donuts otherwise, and if you like KFC’s chicken you will like the sandwich. If you don’t then the donut is good enough it MIGHT still convince you, but I wouldn’t risk it.

What I’m trying to say is it’s probably the best tasting thing on their menu right now, but it’s still KFC.

>> No.13712233

Shut the actual fuck up

>> No.13712237


>> No.13712242

Why wouldn't people like KFC's chicken? It's some of the best tasting chicken I've ever had.

>> No.13712244

Some people are weird.

>> No.13712252 [DELETED] 

kys rabbi

>> No.13712274

Shut the actual fuck up

>> No.13712278

I approve.

>> No.13712286

Let me lay it out for you. KFC has two types of restraunts. Franchised and corprate owned. Most KFC'S are franchised which means you get the angry black chick, a dirty fucking kitchen, soggy ass gross chicken and terrible, old sides.if you love in a densely populated area, think austin texas, altlanta georgia. You get a cooperate owned restraunt. They arent owned by individuals just trying to put bread on the table so they dont mind
>paying extra hours to properly clean
>change fryer oil often
>throw out food after 30 minutes instead of 4 hours
>firing workers who suck
>paying better wages for better cooks

It sucks but thats the way , the way that is is, the wayyy that it iiiissss.

>> No.13712399


>> No.13712468

This is but one manifestation of societal depression caused by a government and media who constantly puts down and demonizes the majority of its population.

>> No.13712579

No, its the manifestation of global corporations attacking the weakest willed and most stupid people on earth (Americans)

>> No.13712585

Friendly reminder to report /pol/ posters.

>> No.13712620

White people are not the majority. I know you were trying to imply they are, but you're wrong.

>> No.13712641

>CG rendering
You have ti be 18+ years of age to post here

>> No.13712648


>> No.13712650

Don't play dumb with me, boy. I will chew you up and spit you out.

>> No.13712653

I have no patience for schizo babble

>> No.13712658

How pitifully trite.

>> No.13712758

is there a way to lookup which store is which, or find a list of corp stores in my area?

>> No.13712871 [DELETED] 

Cope, mutt.

>> No.13712887

I had one with lunch. The first few bites were good but I swear I could feel my arteries cl

>> No.13712925


>> No.13712931

Sorry, I meant to post cleaning. My arteries cleaning. Kentucky Fried Chicken is healthy and good! Go get some now

>> No.13712939

How pitifully trite.

>> No.13712956

>eating from a restaurant called "kentucky fried chicken" but is actually from utah

>> No.13712965


>> No.13712969

It is? That makes me like it more.

>> No.13712984
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>> No.13712989

After researching a bit more, the first KFC restaurant was in Utah, but Harland Sanders himself is from Kentucky and originally sold chicken in Kentucky before opening a restaurant, and the headquarters is in Kentucky. So I think it is accurate to call it a Kentucky restaurant.

>> No.13712992

Thats what they want you to think.

>> No.13712996

Please, for once in your life, do something besides obsessing over Jews.

>> No.13713000 [DELETED] 

Cope mutt

>> No.13713004

colonel sanders stole that chicken recipe from a black man

>> No.13713007


>> No.13713042

Just look for ones in affluent areas that you need a car to get to. There are some random ones though, if the health inspection rating is 100, its probably good. I went to a mcdonalds that had a 100.5 that i dont even think is legit, but it was the best mcdonalds ive ever been to. The food even came out neatly prepared and looked like the commercials.

>> No.13713133


>> No.13713140

It looks terrible, like one of those two day old really dry donuts you get at a really shitty cheap place

>> No.13713410

Looks terrible, tastes great.

>> No.13713639 [DELETED] 

Die kike

>> No.13713653

>Why wouldn't people like KFC's chicken? It's some of the best tasting chicken I've ever had.
that's just depressing

>> No.13713676

Shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.13713701 [DELETED] 

Nah, shlomo

>> No.13713707

Probably wouldnt look so bad without the nonwhites

>> No.13713708

Then fuck you.

>> No.13713715

Doesn't work if you exclude 90% of America

>> No.13713727

less than half m8

>> No.13713728

More than half

>> No.13713738

No thanks, fag

>> No.13713745

You are so boring and dumb.

>> No.13713768 [DELETED] 

Top fucking. Kek. I hate Americans so much. I fucking want to tear their throats out and stomp their skulls in. Americans are nothing to me

>> No.13713777

KFC is garbage.

>> No.13713787

careful there europoor, don't want to impotently rage too much or the meager energy you've managed to gain from your daily soy ration will run out and you'll collapse again

>> No.13713796

Holy crap

>> No.13713797

I'm dialing the Based Department as I'm typing this

>> No.13714052 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13714072

Its lent

>> No.13714086

You can eat chicken during lent, it's only on Friday you can't.

>> No.13714090

You are not supposed to eat like a fat fuck during lent

>> No.13714337

Bog Kock

>> No.13714424

Must suck to not live in publix land.

>> No.13714573
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I just want a Nashville Hot Chicken sandwich. Guess that's too hard for KFC.

>> No.13714577
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>it’s the Jews fault I’m fat

>> No.13714580

Hey, God didn't go and murder his only son just so I couldn't eat a hunk of fried chicken slapped between two glazed doughnuts.

>> No.13714581 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13714591 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 828x1792, 223FEB5D-3F8E-455C-9911-45A307B8C0AB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dilate tranny

>> No.13714644

go to bruxie. why would you want a garbage version of the nhc

>> No.13714672

I used to live really close to the original bruxie by Chapman university - can't vouch for the other locations but hot dang it's good eats

>> No.13714711

>minorities are ruling over whites
>minorities are dragging whites down
which one is it

>> No.13714716

I had one of these for lunch today and it might have been the best tasting thing I've ever had at a fast food restaurant. I'm still surprised I didn't die on the spot from how unhealthy it is, but that has no bearing on the taste. If taste is all you care about and you don't give a shit that just looking at it too long might cause you to have a heart attack, I completely recommend it.

>> No.13715727

All you need to do is go for a jog afterwards and you're fine.

>> No.13715730
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>> No.13715731

Wtf I hate chicken now

>> No.13715733

Does KFC still sell the Double Down? Seems kind of hypocritical that they would remove that from the menu and then put this beast on it.

>> No.13715855

I just learned you can report advertising threads

>> No.13715868

Good luck with that.

>> No.13715883

Looks like an open wound.

>> No.13715947

>40g of sugar

>> No.13715952

I always hear that carrageenan is something really horrible. Is it?

>> No.13715984

Minorities are dragging whites down while overpopulating and destroying the planet with their pollution

>> No.13715985

Of course you figured out some delusional way to hamfistedly make both of them true. Except, if they're overpopulating, they're no longer minorities, they're majorities. So you didn't think that through.

>> No.13715988

so does your female parental units birth canal

>> No.13716120

So does your face after I punch it HA

>> No.13716127

Mexico was a mistake.

>> No.13716393


>> No.13716395

I think I'm gonna throw up.

>> No.13716405

Do it in my mouth please.

>> No.13716503 [DELETED] 

uhhhhhhhh, based department? yes I'd like to report a highly based individual posting about fast food on /ck/

>> No.13716710
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>> No.13716735

Way too much text, definitely made by a literal 60 year old.

>> No.13716851 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 596x1008, 479FF387-E590-418A-BD74-C7AAFFA92EA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13716860

It's up boys

>> No.13716862

>another reddit "oomer" wojak
4chan is dead. Originality on the internet is dead. Thanks r/the_donald immigrants.

>> No.13716877

How is he such a skeletor with all the gross fast food he eats?

>> No.13716885

Why does he wear suits that are like five sizes too large for him?

>> No.13717216

It's hard to not look like a scarecrow in a plastic bag you're as scrawny as he is. It's also just part of his sthick at this point that he has this semi-cringy, cheaply concocted class about him. I like it.

>> No.13717301

>No, KFC is trash since Pepsico bought them out.
>Never go there
>financing the Hebrew agenda dedicated to wiping your lineage off the face of the earth and replacing you with african scum
Please take your tinfoil hat and fuck off back to /pol/ or /x/ or wherever you vermin come from.

>> No.13717306
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>> No.13717381

For someone so sophisticated you'd think he'd be above fast food but I guess if you're American there's really no other choice

>> No.13717471

holy fucking based

>> No.13717579

There's going to be more and more of them, they're finally getting kicked off of Reddit now that The_Donald is getting banned.

>> No.13717583

Getting an old suit and some hair gel from Goodwill doesn't cost a whole lot of money.

>> No.13717635
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>> No.13717666

implying you're old enough to have had KFC before pepsi's acquisition.

>> No.13717673

In my experience it is the franchised stores that put out a better product.

>> No.13717691

Getting close to finding a new site to frequent. It’s tough... 4chan has been a staple of my daily life since 2006 when I was in college and spent half my time here and the other half on Newgrounds making Clock Crew flashes. It sucks feeling the need to leave this place behind, but the culture has stagnated and the overwhelming “internet is srs biznis” aura that surrounds these faggots is bad enough as is. With r/the_donald crumbling I don’t think I can take many more of them without becoming an hero.

>> No.13717700

it is a hydrocolloid made from seaweed.

>> No.13718342
File: 29 KB, 490x296, 1581716357878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody will question me if I print out a word salad of oldfag references.

>> No.13718368

I definitely understand the feeling, but personally I refuse to leave. I've been here long before them and I'm going to be here long after they're gone. And it gives my contrarian side special pleasure to be extremely liberal on a site that is going further and further to the right. I'm sure my presence pisses them off greatly and the best part is there is absolutely nothing they can do about it.

>> No.13718376


>> No.13719073

>word salad
Let me guess, you just learned this term? Probably the closest you've ever been to a salad.

>> No.13719101 [DELETED] 
File: 442 KB, 1200x1200, 1576888751791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you're a faggot? Probably right now tossing a salad.

>> No.13719106
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>> No.13719112

each board comes up with their own niche memes fairly frequently, you just want some new lame site-wide 4chan meme to spread out of this website so it can immediately get ruined by normies

>> No.13719114


>> No.13720353

You were doing well with that first sentence and then had to go and take a left turn to schizoville

>> No.13720382
File: 2.11 MB, 330x166, disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with splayed feet
gas all footniggers

>> No.13720487 [DELETED] 

based schizoposter

>> No.13720750 [DELETED] 

Absolutely, utterly, completely, totally, undeniably based post.

>> No.13720876

KFC in general is like the least healthy thing you could eat so I don't think they should care

>> No.13720997

The amount of /pol/tards on this board is unbelievable. Reminder that the word based was invented by a black person.

>> No.13721132

ok and?

>> No.13721148


>> No.13721150

I have won. You are not allowed to do things that black people have done.

>> No.13721249

nobody's stopping me! watch:

>> No.13721251

somebody had to say it. and honestly? their chicken fucking sucks dick.

>> No.13721325

>>throw out food after 30 minutes

>> No.13722432

I had one of these at the Big E a few years ago and it's okay, but just one of these is like 1000+ calories, so fuck that noise.

>> No.13722465
File: 151 KB, 1512x1512, 2020-02-28-21-30-13-961_compress59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to give into degeneracy tonight. This might be slighty better than the donut burger. Its chicken and waffles, but better. The chick patty is pretty thick, and has a nice salty spice to it. Donuts are typical glazed donuts. Only down side is a good bit of the glaze had melted to the bottom and I was left with 1/4 donut with no patty. I can't imagine getting this as a meal combo though. Unsweetened tea maybe.

>> No.13722468 [DELETED] 

You can't just take things from niggers like that.

>> No.13722498
File: 359 B, 16x11, USA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn this looks fucking good.
This Board will never need flags.

>> No.13722588

Just about to make this thread myself

>> No.13722597
File: 28 KB, 480x360, waffledown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2020 and I am forgotten.

>> No.13722728

Cringe. I'm sick of you /pol/acks shitting up every board

>> No.13723351


>> No.13723408

That looks like a healthy snack in 2020.

>> No.13723418
File: 486 KB, 2200x1537, 1398754429794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to try this one.

>> No.13723472

reddit is two blocks down

>> No.13723482
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>> No.13723483

No it really really doesn't. At all.

>> No.13723495
File: 70 KB, 576x432, doubledowncomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame the alarmists for ruining an average thing.

>> No.13723501

Imagine the absurd uproar if they put a doughnut between two chicken breasts, despite it being slightly less unhealthy than a chicken breast between two doughnuts.

>> No.13723520

>52g protein to 18g carbs in a fast food item
The God's gift was taken from us.

>> No.13723668

The double down truly was an excellent /fit/ meal

>> No.13725113

Shut the actual fuck up.

>> No.13725126 [DELETED] 

Fucking kikes ruined my chicken

>> No.13725131

It's gelatin made from seaweed there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.13725135

>52g protein
The fart sandwich

>> No.13725324

jesus fucking christ i certainly hope americans don't really

>> No.13725371

yeah we do. cry about it some more wuss

>> No.13725412

The answer to "Do Americans really" is always yes, but even worse is that they're always proud of it. No matter how embarrassing it is.

>> No.13725453
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>thinking we care what irrelevant countries think
Yeah we're proud of it. cry some more bitch nigger

>> No.13725460

I bet you don't think the Coronavirus is in America.

>> No.13725468

Just gonna throw out non-sequiters now that you can't think of any way to make me care?

>> No.13725473

It's spelled non sequitur.

>> No.13725485
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>> No.13725503

I notice you haven't answered the question.

>> No.13725508

You never asked a question. Your grasp on the English language is tenuous.

>> No.13725513


>> No.13725572

Samefag who still can't answer the question because he knows I'm right.

>> No.13725664

Coronavirus is a hoax.

>> No.13725679

Ah, good. I was waiting for some confirmation that you are an idiot.

>> No.13725716

retarded, ESL, AND schizo? No point in answering a completely random question that has nothing to do with what we're talking about, you'll just think of some cope. stay irrelevant, turd-worlder.

>> No.13725724

>lowercase typer thinking he can criticize anyone's English
Loving every laugh.

>> No.13725747

only an ESL would point this out without realizing this confirms him as ESL lmfao. (Pro-tip, being fluent in English requires far more than grammar). Loving your seethe though ;)

>> No.13725754

>chicken + mayo + donuts

Mayo and donuts sound disgusting.

>> No.13725756

>n-n-n-n-n-n-no you!
Yikes, you're getting desperate.
>inb4 projection

>> No.13725762

jooozzz amirite

>> No.13725765

I don't think it has mayo.

>> No.13725771

They still sell the double down in most KFCs.

>> No.13727332


>> No.13728176

Fuck yeah

>> No.13728196

They sell it at none anymore in my country, nor any of the adjacent states to where I live.

>> No.13728198

Well it is really fucking easy to make two pieces of chicken and put some bacon in the middle so I don't see what the big deal is. Just make your own?

>> No.13728221

>minutes to drive to KFC and get a double down
>over an hour to acquire the ingredients, prep, and make my fake double down
It's a matter of principle, really. If I felt like going through the effort, I'd much rather make a chicken cordon bleu instead.

>> No.13728364
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>> No.13728708

>700 fucking calories in one meal, for one fucking item
>almost 2 GRAMS of sodium
>37 grams of fucking fat
Think about your poor liver, kidneys and pancreas before you put this shit in your mouth. They don't deserve to have to processes this trash.

>> No.13728734

>le fat bad

>> No.13728749

yes it is, it forces your liver to overproduce bile acids to get rid of it.
also fats are absorbed lymphatically, eating such an insane amount at once is a massive burden to transport and metabolize.
adipose tissue is also a direct contributor to insulin resistance and promotes it's own hypertrophy.
Stop being a fat fuck.

>> No.13728935
File: 535 KB, 615x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had something similar in Red True BBQ.

Messy as shit to eat and rich as fuck but the flavours work

>> No.13729109

unequivocally based

>> No.13729167 [DELETED] 

No it's not, it's just because your liberal mind trick you "because it's a black ape that makes my food it's obviously good" it would be racist for your skimpy mind to think otherwise and realize the truth.

>> No.13729772

Or, drive to KFC, order something with chicken and bacon in it, and enjoy your free Double Down in seconds.

>> No.13729787

Imagine being the kind of idiot who sees an absolutely milquetoast post calling KFC delicious and decides it is the perfect reason to absolutely lose his mind crying about liberals and blacks.

>> No.13730113

Honestly, people who eat fast food in the car are slobs. You should be sitting down at a table somewhere to eat your meal, so it shouldn't really matter if it's messy because you'll be washing your hands and face afterwards.

>> No.13730153

I wasn't in a car.
It was sticky and fell apart when I bit into it.

>> No.13730221

Which shouldn't be a problem because it would fall onto the plate.

>> No.13730268

>writing a sanctimonious essay in response to a shot post you don’t like
I think Twitter is more your speed buddy

>> No.13730283

Twitter doesn't let you write essays, the character limit is too small.

>> No.13730284

>You should be sitting down at a table somewhere to eat your meal
No one under 70 sits down to eat fast food, what le fuck?

>> No.13730291 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 785x731, 73A6DA4D-268B-46A2-98AE-4465177A2ED0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter doesn't let you write essays, the character limit is too small.

>> No.13730292

it's a problem because it's marketed as a fucking sandwich.

>> No.13730447

Is that all you have to say? Pathetic.

>> No.13730472
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Way too rich for my blood. I prefer a nice smoothie.

>> No.13730580
File: 278 KB, 1125x1358, 4532214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't they just bring back the Twister instead of making this viral garbage that 10% of consumers might try once and then never go back? KFC is legitimately the Burger King of chicken restaurants, they literally have zero appeal.

>> No.13730692

Yeah because I want to deal with shitty parking in the most gentrified part of OC for piss poor fried chicken and waffles.
I'll still go for their cola though.

>> No.13730734

I'd prefer it if it were just one donut cut in half and the chicken in between that. I guess I could do that myself and have a donut for later.

The double down was much better, 600 calories, 50g of protein, god I wish they'd bring it back.

>> No.13730984
File: 80 KB, 1000x562, D9CFE780-981E-4310-A36A-792C623034B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs bacon

>> No.13732017


>> No.13732058

I'd agree but literally every company on Earth is a slave to the kike agenda.

>> No.13732484

You are large and particularly stupid.