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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13708970 No.13708970 [Reply] [Original]

I consider myself somewhat of an Oreo connoisseur. Here are my ratings for some of milk's favorite cookie!

The Original - 5/5
Can't go wrong with the OG Oreo cookie, the classic, the one that started it all.

Golden Oreo - 4/5
Perfect for when you want something a little different. A nice and simple variation of the original.

Birthday Cake Oreo - 5/5
Out of all the creative flavors Nabisco has come up with, this has got to be the best. Mostly because it tastes almost similar to the original, but with that extra bit of sweet cake flavor.

Peanut Butter Oreo - 2/5
One would think peanut butter and chocolate would complement each other perfectly, but the peanut butter filling they came up with for this cookie is pretty bland and flavorless.

Mint Oreo - 1/5
No. Just no. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy mint flavored desserts (thin mints, mint chocolate chip ice cream). But this literally tastes like someone put toothpaste between two cookies.

Red Velvet Oreo - 3/5
I absolutely LOVE red velvet flavored desserts. However, with that being said, this one was a bit underwhelming. Certainly not a bad cookie by any means, but not one that I would willingly purchase on a regular basis. Definitely more of a cookie I'd buy every once in a while when I'm in the mood.

Cinnamon Bun Oreo - 2/5
Maybe it's because I don't really enjoy cinnamon buns to begin with, but this Oreo is overall pretty tasteless. If you enjoy eating a dull cookie with a hint of cinnamon frosting flavor, this is the cookie for you.

Peeps Oreo - 4/5
I actually despise Peeps marshmallow treats. I hate the strange sugary flavor and its weird texture. But for some reason, the flavor just works so well in an Oreo! Definitely looking forward to Spring so I can buy more of these bad boys.

Anyway, I know there are a lot more Oreos out there to rate, but I'm gonna stop here for the sake of time.

>> No.13708976

Oreo cakester 100/10

>> No.13708980

How fat are you OP?

>> No.13708984

ProZD did it better and more accurately. Fuck yourself, you derivative puddle of shit.

>> No.13708987

You need a job.

>> No.13708988

lmao I'm actually not really that fat at all. Only weigh 140 lbs at 5'7

>> No.13708993

original- tastes ok, it's a cookie snack thing in a bag. everything else, especially birthday cake- gross

>> No.13708995

you arent reviewbrah so i dont care

>> No.13708996

You cared enough to comment on the thread lol

>> No.13709009

>red velvet flavored desserts
This is a pasta, isn't it?

>> No.13709012

haha wow taking 2 seconds to make a reply means i care a lot
go back to facebook kid

>> No.13709022

Why you still here kiddo? You can leave at any time lmao

>> No.13709031

>Mint Oreo - 1/5
Opinion discarded

>> No.13709034

just rubbing your face in it loser
no one cares about your shitty thread fatass

>> No.13709040

>he still has the thread open

>> No.13709047

i have 4chan x newfag

>> No.13709133

>mint oreo - 1/5
>says "no just no"
>shittest taste
No surprises or coincidences here.

>> No.13709139

you're a manlet. which is as bad as being obese

>> No.13709140

for me, it's pistachio

>> No.13709151

Never liked oreos, thought they tasted like dirt. Golden ones are okay.

>> No.13709175
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Just sayin

>> No.13709232

I just want to say trader joe's knockoff is shit. if it ain't oreo, it ain't right

>> No.13709237

do americans really?

>> No.13709241

S: Low-fat / Original / Dark Chocolate
A+: Double-stuf / Peanut butter chocolate pie
A: Fudgeos / Birthday Cake
B: Cinamon Bun
D: Carrot Cake
F: Golden

No opinion on thins / mint

>> No.13709254


>> No.13709257

how do they get away with false advertising the amount of filling on packaging?
only bought oreos twice because of it

>> No.13709268

>Dark chocolate
My nia

>> No.13709272

I hate oreos and nabisco as a whole.

>> No.13709316

You just have to learn to accept that the filling's never really going to be enough for some people. I personally don't really mind less filling, but to each their own

>> No.13709327

>I absolutely LOVE red velvet flavored desserts.
Isn't "red velvet" just chocolate and red food coloring?

>> No.13709331

>Oreo connoisseur

>> No.13709334

Hydrox is better. And it's the original.

>> No.13709335
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Double Stuf Oreos are my absolute biggest food weakness. I believe that has the perfect "creme to cookie" ratio to make the ultimate mouth feel possible in a cookie, and I will pound through 10+ after smoking a bowl. I cannot control myself around them.

>> No.13709336

>hates mint oreos
>likes birthday oreos
absolute fucking child taste

>> No.13709387

>You just have to learn to accept that the filling's never really going to be enough for some people
Nah I just won't buy it lad, I don't have to accept anything.

>> No.13709410

You fucking racist! Don’t accept oreos, huh? Go back to /pol/ nazi.

>> No.13709479

>Birthday Cake Oreo - 5/5
You're okay in my book

>> No.13709515

for me it's swedish fish flavor

>> No.13709618

when i was a wee lad we had these fun coloured oreos


i still miss them sometimes

>> No.13709656

I like the lemon oreos the best

>> No.13709663


This is what your mom asks for

>> No.13709896
File: 1.07 MB, 1466x1000, FGnCZMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pistachio Oreo Thins
This. Genuine god tier.
Other than the original, the coconut thins are pretty decent too, but not even close to pistachio.

>> No.13709900

The Trader Joe's neapolitan oreos are pretty good

>> No.13709904

Not OP but he's right, the mint are shit and the birthday cake is surprisingly good

>> No.13709922

Same with you but it's your dad that asks cause he's a cum slut

>> No.13709927

Not a bad ranking but why such hate for the golden oreos? They are kind of plain but they're not bad

>> No.13709971
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Came here to post this, these things were fucking INSANE, literally created by Jesus having a wet-dream.

>> No.13710195

Cinnamon roll > dark chocolate > everything else

>> No.13710198

Good taste, but carrot cake is the tops.

>> No.13710205
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These were surprisingly decent.

>> No.13710262
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The real original cookie

>> No.13710266
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>> No.13710275

And it tasted like wax

>> No.13710503

As someone who prefers the chocolate wafers in general, I found that the creme in combination with the golden wafers is just nauseatingly sweet. I don't necessarily like Carrot cake or Cinamon bun either, but I at least appreciate the combination of flavours as opposed to Golden.

>> No.13710590
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i prefer the finnish version.

>> No.13710683
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>> No.13710689

what a HORRID cookie name

>> No.13711860

this is my kind of flavor!

>> No.13712011

huge sucker for birthday cake
it's the only one i'll buy

>> No.13712016

very good review. do you have a food blog? you seem like a foodie who really knows his stuff!

>> No.13712118

This. Shit sounds like a bleach brand.

>> No.13712448

Diabetus inc.

>> No.13712816

Nah, I'm just a nobody who just really likes Oreos lmao
But thanks

>> No.13712846

oreo anon isn't based (cookies are bad for you) but isn't a faggot.

>> No.13712879

Never had those but fazer makes pure dope. I bet they are way better then Oreo

>> No.13712911

>Birthday Cake Oreo - 5/5

I would argue that these are the worst ones.

>> No.13712936

Tried the pumpkin spice ones a while back. As a big pumpkin spice fan. Not impressed. Gave half the bag to the dogs.

>> No.13712948

I really prefer Hydrox. The flavor is more subdued. Not as sweet or striking. Just more relaxed all around. But I'm also old and old people seem to lean towards less-sweet things, so whatever.

>> No.13712988

Golden chocolate are the best

>> No.13713005

I had 4 regular oreos for breakfast bc I was running late today. They were nasty. I think my tastebuds have finally grown up.

>> No.13713050

big man, you're only 19 relax

>> No.13713897

these go stale almost instantly after you open them.

>> No.13714024


>> No.13714034
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I only like the original oreos and maybe eat them if my dad buys them. I don't like sweet stuff, I'd much rather eat a fried porkchop with gravy and mashed potatoes vs a bunch of cookies.

>> No.13715072

Peeps that high cinnamon bun that low your disgusting.

>> No.13715092

>no lemon oreo rating
>birthday cake 5/5
Shit taste, opinion discarded.

>> No.13715166

Source pls

>> No.13715185
File: 35 KB, 640x640, 273C7FB5-EFE5-45AC-BD1E-7F19659427CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these.

>> No.13715243

Mint Oreos are fucking good you shit

>> No.13715709
File: 45 KB, 480x434, Mac & Cheese Oreo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these any good OP?

>> No.13715735

I agree with you.

>> No.13715737

I've never eaten one, sooo.... uhh..