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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13708399 No.13708399 [Reply] [Original]

at what point did you realize your mom doesnt know how to cook?

>> No.13708405

Never, mine was great. Sorry you're descended from losers.

>> No.13708530

Couple years ago when I started ordering takeout frequently
And the fact that she refuses to eat from restaurants is exactly why her food is so shit, she has nothing to compare it to so she thinks she cooks well and never tries to improve or do something different
Literally been cooking the same shit for decades

>> No.13708554

Your parents can't cook.
My mother is fairly good. My father is mediocre.

>> No.13708577

My mom is an alright cook actually, she just doesn't like cooking.
Which is actually a big issue because dad loves cooking but is less than mediocre at it, because the man cannot be trusted not to do shit haphazardly unless there's money involved.
I actually got interested in cooking as a teen specifically because I didn't want to deal with dad's bullshit.

>> No.13708579


>> No.13708583

that was pretty brutal, man. fpbp?

>> No.13708590

My mom can cook though.

>> No.13708609

>this thread: my mom can cook
>reality: my mom can't cook but I have no frame of reference other than fast food and her shit cooking so I can't tell

>> No.13708621
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my mom can cook the same 3 dishes decently, but anytime she tries something new it sucks. to be fair, her recipe sources were kinda shit.

thank god i have internet recipes.

>> No.13708646

Anyone can fucking cook its just a matter of having all the ingredients and how lazy you are

>> No.13708652

I figured it out when I realized that boiled eggs weren't supposed to have a half-inch thick green ring from sitting on the stove for 4 hours in the water they were boiled in

>> No.13708656

My mom's not park trailer trash anon, where I come from if you're a woman that can't cook, you're not worth shit.

>> No.13708661

When people cook the same shit all the time it tends to gradually get worse as they always seem to start taking shortcuts.

>> No.13708671

My mom is a good cook when she puts effort into it. My dad knows a few dishes, but overall not the best.

>> No.13708672


Same :(

Why do they need to overcook everything? Eggs smell of rotten sulfur, vegetables are grey mush, pasta and rice are glue. And she has the nerve to get uppity if nobody touches her "delicacies".

>> No.13708676

I knew a guy who constantly went on and on about what a terrific cook he was. He'd burn roast/steak to the point of it having the consistency of burnt plastic that could cut the roof of your mouth. When he cooked chicken breast, he wouldn't salt, season, tenderize, or marinate it, he'd just throw it in the oven or dump it in a pot and over cook it to the point where it was like chewing on a tasteless piece of leather.

>> No.13708677

Cmon anon there's always that one recipe that only she knows.

>> No.13708681

90% of being a good home cook today just requires an ability to identify quality sources of information

>> No.13708702

When I realized that she doesn't spice things, and has a palette that prefers the bland over the flavorful. I tried to make tikka masala to appease her palette once by reducing the spices, and while she was a fan of it, I thought it tasted like tomatoes and sadness.

She makes a damn good Italian Wedding Soup though. And she still has my grandma's amazing mashed potato recipe.

>> No.13708741

Baked Chicken legs and tilapia were staples growing up. Unseasoned

I got to college and lived alone and started googling and was like I love this garlic powder shit

>> No.13708744
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I learned the basics of cajun and italian cooking from my mom. From there, I did a lot of independent reading and observation to figure out different techniques to improve my own skills. During the holidays, I would help her cook, and it would be a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, her doctor has her addicted to shit like lorazepam that makes her a husk of the woman she once was. She no longer cooks at all, just sits in bed and goes on about how we're all going to die a horrible death because of North Korean missiles or coronavirus. Time is a real bitch.

>> No.13708779

My mother was generally a pretty good cook except that she tended to overcook meats. She was from an era when meats didn't have the same quality controls as today.

>> No.13708790

kike doctors always want to get you on pills and meds, not even once

>> No.13708796

Right around the time that I began independently teaching myself how to cook.

>> No.13708927

My mom was pretty good but she learned a lot of it from my Dad's crusty old ozark mother. She did expand into doing good chicken cacciatore and spaghetti and meatballs. She was a fair hand at texmex burritos and the midwest suburban mom tacos as well. She had little quirks where she would make a pickle, cheese, mustard sandwich and elbow macoroni with canned bake beans and hot dogs, but they were ironically good. She did good traditional bacon and eggs breakfasts. Dad handled the beef dishes and was pretty good.

But the main thing was, she cooked most meals and made them as palatable as she knew how because love, basically. I guess the best description is she tried and succeeded on a certain level.