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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 1059x1324, 33percent nutrient cube_vanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13707289 No.13707289 [Reply] [Original]

Why arn't there complete nutrition cubes yet?

>> No.13707301
File: 387 KB, 3000x1960, nutrition bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It turns out the mechanics of nutrition are more complicated than simply ingesting raw or concentrated minerals and really no one can agree on the totality of what a body needs anyway.

But if you'd like to try anyway then there are plenty of products that make a good faith attempt, however misguided.

>> No.13707318

Because we humans would go crazy? Food is also an experience.

>> No.13707335

Fuck bars & cubes, I want the meal pills I was promised we would have by now.

>> No.13707338
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>> No.13707341

soylent unironically but its juice and people hate beans

>> No.13707345

makes you grow tits

>> No.13707545
File: 568 KB, 1920x1440, dbsb0161_20190626500007_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is.

>> No.13707565
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Compelling argument, friendo.

>> No.13707573
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Excuse you piggu

>> No.13707590

That’s fine for survival but if you eat only those for an extended period you will die

>> No.13707592
File: 59 KB, 580x240, mouth11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting all your nutrition from liquids/soft solids is a great idea! What could go wrong?

>> No.13707596

they feed it to prisoners as punishment for rule infractions

>> No.13707598

if you eat anything for an extended period you will eventually die

>> No.13707603

That doesn’t sound so bad, why are prisoners such pussies.

>> No.13707622

I would eat them too. Its probably difficult to put raw nutrient powder/vitamins/etc into a product and hit 100% daily value needed. Or even 25/33% per bar so you eat 4/3 per day.

Maybe it just doesn't fit together into like a stable shape or something you know what I mean? Or it tastes supremely bad or when cooked/baked into a bar it fails as a meal/nutrient vehicle or whatever. And if it was put into a pill or capsule it would be fucking massive or you'd have to take multiple handfuls at once of all the pills.

Plus it wouldn't solve the problem of needing hydration, you'd still have to drink water.

>> No.13707628

Why can dogs live off of the same kibble for 15 years and be healthy and happy? But not people?

>> No.13707637

I've always made the argument that dogs age so rapidly I don't think their food matters
humans have decades to worry about
dogs are lucky to even make it through one

>> No.13707975

I just want to buy my bag of bachelor chow and go home.

>> No.13708046

fatties love these fantasies because they imagine somehow some bar of soap will make them full when they can't stop themselves from eating right now

>> No.13708277

Most people wouldn't enjoy replacing warm varied foods with a nutritional substitute bar, what the fuck is there to look forward if that's all you had to eat?

>> No.13708314
File: 198 KB, 1348x1050, Velveeta_Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13708319
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Literally potatoes. Has everything a human need and you could survive purely on potate and water. Fuck I love potatoes

>> No.13708330

mmm fruit cubes and choco milk sounds good to me

>> No.13708335

That's not what Girl's Last Tour taught me.

>> No.13708343

Do you really have nothing in your life that excites you except food?

>> No.13708546

good question
I want ones with all fat and protein, no carbs
no soy, sugar, corn, vegetable/seed oils, etc especially no gmo

>> No.13708565

Not for me, eating/ the eating experience is definitely skmething i could go without to gain some time everyday.

>> No.13708626

Really with the kinda space tech they got they would probably find a way to make nutrition cubes appealing.

>> No.13708638
File: 2.94 MB, 868x484, Nutrition Cube.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13708673

Soylent has a shitload of absorption issues and half the people who try it end up shitting their guts out within a week.

>> No.13708680
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>> No.13708698

>Why can dogs live off of the same kibble for 15 years and be healthy and happy?
They can't though. Most kibble has grain based filler which triggers all sorts of canine allergies.

>> No.13708805

Apparently potatoes do give you almost everything you need but you'll end up being deficient in a few things like B12 and selenium if that's all you eat. Just having some milk or meat once in a while with it would probably be enough though.

>> No.13709609

Watch the movie Snowpeircer

>> No.13709669

Soylent already exists for bugmen like you

>> No.13709732

That's a very based post

>> No.13709818

For humans we had this for literally millions of years, it is called meat. In fact, it was so successful, that it encompassed 90% of our diet up until just recently. Crazy right?

>> No.13710145

>what is protein

>> No.13710495
File: 82 KB, 540x316, danaegcoverphoto-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boil them if you're lazy
crack raw ones directly into your mouth if you're lazy and not American

>> No.13710513
File: 27 KB, 700x393, asgard food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the yellow ones

>> No.13710538

why is this shit so expensive? anywhere to find it online without breaking the bank? I'm not paying >$5 each

>> No.13710541

you could probably live off manwich

>> No.13710546

can I get more info on this?

>> No.13710582

You'd probably be okay if you alternated between a number of them, that should bridge most of the gaps.

>> No.13710605

I've tried it. It's perfectly fine, if a little bland and boring. The problem prisoners have with it is that doing time is almost uniformly bland and boring. Food is one of the few variations of any given day, and getting robbed of that is just kicking a dude in the dick when they're already down. Eat one thing exclusively for a few weeks, and it's going to suck. Couple that with all the other routine bullshit of incarceration, and you'll absolutely have some stir crazy motherfuckers calling cruelty.
But prisons are full of short sighted idiots that have no comprehension of cause and effect relating to their actions, and they'll consider *any* punishment as cruel and unusual.

>> No.13710977

yea if you dont drink it you cant absorb it, strange how that works

>> No.13711021

>Why can dogs live off of the same kibble for 15 years and be healthy and happy?

they dont. That cheap kibble is the reason your dog is sitting on all kinds of internal damage you dont know about until your dog just dies one day because dogs have evolved to be stoic about the pain they are in. Same for cats. If you pet your cats stomach and it immediately tries to bite you, its because it hurts because your cat is corn and wheatfed instead of meatfed

>> No.13711027

>I've always made the argument that dogs age so rapidly I don't think their food matters

that actually makes the problems show up faster, though you're right about dogs not even making it that far

>> No.13711179

Don't tell the poor guy about those gold retrievers that can live up to their 30s if fed a good diet of clean animal parts and vegetables

>> No.13711227

You won't. You are bragging about shit you don't understand and refuse to check. All words.

>> No.13711360

have you never done an extended fast? it really isnt that hard to go without for a little while

>> No.13711397

Wait so me fucking my dog without her reacting negatively is just her being stoic? Whoops they don't tell ya that on zoophilia forums

>> No.13711398


>> No.13711431

I feel like you could get the same nutrition and cost without it tasting so bad if you tried a bit. Defeats the purpose a bit, but some texture and spices would do wonders.

>> No.13711532
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 50e8031c3304205875b8636c926ebbca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it exists.

it's called Lembas bread. I bite will fill your belly for a whole day

>> No.13711548

I mean, it worked for Matt Damon in the Martian.

That’s a movie though so I’m not sure how accurate it is in regards to survival

>> No.13711566

Will this give me 100% in every vitamin, minerals and amino acids so i'll be /fit/ and my brain will run at 200% ?

>> No.13711570

probably 0%

>> No.13711574

it sustained 2 people on a 2863 km journey across mountains, valleys, and rivers. They survived on almost entirely Lembas bread for 20 weeks with the exception of an occasional hare

>> No.13711582
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>> No.13711608

2 hobbits. That's like 2/3 of man

>> No.13711639

I want some more!

>> No.13711673

is that ice cream inside a marshmallow?

>> No.13711687

But they died

>> No.13711703

a few reasons, biggest I see is
Nobody can agree what good nutrition is, and it has gotten far far worse as lobbyist and big money have push changes. I think it varies person to person, but their should be a few general blends that cover most situations.

Back when they everyone demanded low fat milk, the dairy folks had so much fat left they had to pay high waste disposal fees. So they stater making low fat milk and pushing high fat cheese, as they just moved things around. Market was flooded with so much cheap fat that double cheese pizza was born as a backroom deal to dump it. They also nearly got the nutrition fat limit raised by 3 times, but few congressmen refused to go along and ruined the plan. Let that sink in, a few good people in congress was what save us from new triple fat limits becoming part of our nutrition standards.

I use SPIRU-TEIN as significant powdered meal supplement, and it has worked wonders. But I still eat normal foods as well.

>> No.13711947
File: 77 KB, 1365x609, SOYLENT-GREEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give it a few more decades when the animals die off, maybe then you can have your nutrition cubes

>> No.13711953


>> No.13711999

>He doesn't know.

>> No.13712197

>t. BigBoss

>> No.13712545

you can get that if you dont wash them, b12 is in dirt, so if you eat them from a garden you should be fine

>> No.13712555

normie memes

>> No.13712562

Explain this long egg

>> No.13712630

Long chicken

>> No.13712815

i sure hope thats not people

>> No.13712878

>40,7g sugar per serving (80g)

>> No.13712918

Because the cats and dogs can't actually live off most forms of kibble.
They develop allergies to the filler, and has trouble digesting the filler.

And if you feed them raw meat, you need to vary heart/liver/lung/muscle/cartilage to avoid long term malnutrition. Dogs just have it easier since they can chew trough bone.

And thats a big problem with nutrition packages for humans as well:
There is a difference between what you can digest properly for years on end, and what is nutritious after trying to digest the nutrients.
Some kind of preserved meat would be ideal, if you found a reasonable way to preserve it that doesn't involve salt or nitrates.

Thats also a good point.
80-90 years vs 10-15 is a huge difference.
That said, it do pop up for longer lived breeds. Since size vs lungs vs heart ratios do impact long term lifespan.

>> No.13712928

>Why can dogs live off of the same kibble for 15 years and be healthy and happy?
Same reason you can raise babies on formula.

Science and experimentation, it works.

>> No.13712971

>Willingly reducing your kids IQ and giving them lifelong allergies

>> No.13713473


>> No.13713490

Your kids are gonna be the ones that get picked on at school lmao

>> No.13713507

Dogs are actually supposed to live into their 50s but ignorant humans kill them by feeding them the same food for years on end.

>> No.13713518

>eat potatos
>every month or so eat a lobster
There you go, all set.

>> No.13713520


>> No.13713526

What were the cockroaches eating though. They never explained that.
>inb4 human corpses
That wouldn't be self sustaining

>> No.13713529

now that's what i call dirty bulking

>> No.13713530

>implying it has to be every meal
This shit would be a life saver for lazy people

>> No.13713541
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 1513129804055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this

>> No.13713555

>”science, it works”
>what are breast milk antibodies
t. formula-drinking retard

>> No.13713643

>when the animals die off
There's more livestock on earth than ever before

>> No.13713970
