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File: 52 KB, 500x300, taco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13704280 No.13704280 [Reply] [Original]

Went here recently. It's marginally better than Taco Bell

>> No.13704295

>Mexican chain sells burgers

>> No.13704315

Not at all, retard. You can get a big ass burrito, two full sized tacos, a bag of cinnamon twists, and a large soda for $5 plus tax at Taco Bell. Try to match that at fucking Del Vomit.

>> No.13704326

Del Macho you can get 2 large burritos for 5 bucks. Any kind...
Taco Bell burritos are like 3-4 dollars each

>> No.13704332

Two full tacos, one large burrito, cinnamon twists, and a large drink
two large burritos


>> No.13704335

he said it was better. not cheaper. taco bell suks

>> No.13704338
File: 119 KB, 785x860, 1564707070200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the best thing on the menu

>> No.13704342

no the hell it doesnt kek. taco bell is reasonably priced and flavorful, which should be the case with all fast food.

>> No.13705154

That burger is fucking killer.

>> No.13705173

How much is a 12 taco party pack? Taco Bell's went up recently and it was the best part of the restaurant.

>> No.13705336

Taco Bell is more expensive here for me than Del Taco...

>Full Tacos
Yum, low quality beef from a gun
>One large burrito
Ehhhh they're not that big
>Cinnamon Twists
Literally as cheap to make as styrofoam peanuts and aren't filling at all
>Large drink

>> No.13705552

Ugly shit

>> No.13705993
File: 386 KB, 704x528, vlcsnap-2019-11-22-18h33m34s622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate Taco Bell but I think they make some annoying decisions sometimes. The fact that they remove and re-add the fries is the stupidest thing they do.

Del Taco on the other hand, always has fucking fries on hand and they have fucking delicious fish and sometimes shrimp tacos.

>> No.13706006

>big ass burrito
>no more grilled stuffed burrito
Die shill. Taco Bell is only for drunks and the fat bitch with a shit burger daily.

>> No.13706182

Make the triple crunch wrap a permanent menu item goddamnit.

Also I meant to try the shrimp tacos the other day but I got the chipotle chicken instead. No regrets.

>> No.13706296

the burger is a sleeper hit.

>> No.13706300

taco bell is more expensive and worse than del taco where i live.

also the boxes are fucking 6 bucks here when they used to be 5. Feels bad.

>> No.13706332

del taco is really better. i love their pinto beans more. as del taco actually just uses pinto beans rather than pink and some pinto beans with taco bell. and del taco actually make shit on an actual grill at least.

>> No.13706523

del taco hooks u up with more meat and shredded cheese in thier tacos but thier cheese sauce suks taco bell has better cheese sauce

>> No.13706547
File: 77 KB, 602x803, Del_Taco_Vegan_Burrito_1-602x803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have more genuine tasting food, less fake

>> No.13706550

>and a large soda for $5 plus tax at Taco Bell

That's not even the best value you could be getting yourself at taco bell (also it's medium). The cinnamon twists are overpriced and the standard tacos have maybe 2 ounces of meat under all that lettuce. You're better off just taking that five dollars getting 2 burritos, 2 other items off the dollar menu, and going to a mcdonalds for an actually large dollar drink if you have to have your soda fix.

>> No.13706596
File: 56 KB, 332x918, IMG_20200225_031320970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally went to Del Taco earlier today and got about 1800 calories worth of food for $2. You can do receipt surveys and get $1 off every single time, and the botnet app is always full of legitimately good deals. Even ignoring coupons, there are extremely few Taco Bell menu items that are at least 300 calories per dollar, and they don't even serve breakfast all day. The only thing that Taco Bell had over Del Taco was the caramel apple empanada, and they don't even have that anymore.

>> No.13706755

Mexicans love diner food. Nations and Denny's always has a bunch of them.

>> No.13706852

Do you have a tool that lets you draw a rectangle for pixelation?

>> No.13707962

that doesn't look like genuine f...
>it's vegan

>> No.13708182

Dude, tacos with fries

>> No.13708192

Youre either a shill or poor. Either way fuck you.

>> No.13708244
File: 2.81 MB, 435x435, 1577206194753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real patricians put some fries inside of the red burrito

also del's "del" taco is peerless when it comes to American style hard shell tacos - it is litterally the perfection of the art form

t. am from orange county ca birth place of the del, bros

>> No.13708781

>no posts mentioning strawberry lemonade


>> No.13708834

there isn't a del taco within 1000 miles of me. had it when i was in colorado springs a few years ago. spent the entire next day on the toilet.

>> No.13708859
File: 3.18 MB, 3024x4032, IMAG0770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lads here we go

>> No.13708863


Potatoes are an american food, it's more authentic than the taco.

>> No.13708870

why are americans incapable of digesting taco meat? it's like an aristocrats joke on this board where every american tries to outdo each other from a diarrhea standpoint

>> No.13708873

why are europeans so obsessed with americans?

>> No.13708878

Why can't amerilards handle a tiny bit of cumin and chili powder?

>> No.13708884

why do yuropoors talk about america so much

>> No.13708890

When I was in college and after my shift from work my fat ass loved nothing more than going to DelTaco to get their fish tacos. 2 for $4, I'd get 4 tacos.
Shit was so good. Deep fried fish, pico de gallo, shredded cabbage, on 2 corn tortillas with a wedge of lime. Idk if they have them anymore but if they do, give them a try.

>> No.13708902

probably because it is more sawdust than meat

>> No.13710486
File: 58 KB, 403x403, delbuntacoforinternationaltacoday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13710499

Unironically the best fries in the restaurant industry

>> No.13710510

The deluxe taco was the best deal on the planet for $0.99 but it got replaced by the Del Taco

>> No.13710537

Opinion disregarded. Californians can’t judge food to save their lives.

>> No.13710621

What is the difference?

>> No.13712042

The deluxe taco is basically Del Tacos answer to Taco Bells taco supreme where the Del Taco is a standard taco heavier on the meat which isn't that good when you have a mouthful of it

>> No.13712479

>which isn't that good when you have a mouthful of it
What else would you do with it? Have an assful of it?

>> No.13712523

Americans dont chew their foods, they just take big bites and swallow so their digestion is all fucked up.

>> No.13712532

>i can be a fatass for cheap, therefore the lower quality food is actually better!

>> No.13712622

How the fuck could anyone like del taco over taco bell? Del is so damn bland and tasteless.

>> No.13712632

>taco bell
>”the lower quality food”
Do you just lack taste buds?

>> No.13712642

It helps that Mexicans love burgers. That's the thing, an actually good burger is something almost anyone enjoys.

>> No.13713736

i ate this when i was in the states and it was absolute dogshit, borderline inedible

you guys have random mexican places everywhere, why not just go to one of those?

>> No.13714088

Except mexicans don't eat at del taco. It's gringo food. Even Taco Bell is more popular among mexicans.

>> No.13714113

Depends what you get. Their breakfast wraps are dank and that bean and cheese burrito with green sauce is max comfy. I want to try the burger but my location is slow so in afraid it's a low move item.
That shit is good and depending not a sugar bomb. Also the mini floats are dank.