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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13701738 No.13701738 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being this much of a pathetic manchild. Imagine being a grown man in your 20s or 30s or older and willfully choosing to eat like this. It's no wonder there is an epidemic among our generation with so many failed men being sent their own way in life without wives or girlfriends, serving as nothing but living (if you can even call it that) reminders of how a society has regressed so markedly in just a couple of decades.

If you eat like this, you deserve to be institutionalized and forced to eat food that is actually good for you. The existence of so many manchildren these days is nothing short of disgusting, shameful, and repugnant. Put down the Switch and go get a job like a man. Find a nice wife (preferably one who cooks actual human food) and produce children. Contribute to society for once in your pitiable life. Grow up.

>> No.13701745

what's wrong with eating dino tendies?

>> No.13701763

Dino tendies are nutritious

>> No.13701770

>being this spergy about what others eat
Yes, Nanny Bloomberg.

>> No.13701796

Why do I get the feeling this thread was made by some single mom roastie who is mad that she can't get a beta cu ck provider

>> No.13701803

I literally start seething whenever I see shit like Mac N' Cheese posted on /ck/

>> No.13701813

dino tendies are packed with vitamin d, vitamin delicious that is

>> No.13701818

You may be autistic, or at least emotionally stunted.

>> No.13701823

Go live in communism, fuckwit. We live in freedom here.

>> No.13701946

Food shouldn't just be something that keeps you alive. Every meal should be a joyful celebration of life. That's why dino tendies were created. They are an adequate meal for the hard working man with a youthful mind and a positive view on life

>> No.13701965

wojak bait

>> No.13701983
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Anyone here deep fry their pizza rolls? They cook faster and give a way better texture. Beats the oven any day.

>> No.13702006

Every so often, I just grab a pack of chicken dippers and cook 'em up, put a bowl of ketchup in the centre of the plate and spend an hour eating 'em.

>> No.13702048

We're going to torture town

>> No.13702111

lmao I don't eat any frozen bullshit and am still not stupid enough to get married in this day and age

>> No.13702122

yes. way better

>> No.13702139
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>Imagine being this much of a pathetic manchild. Imagine being a grown man in your 20s or 30s or older and willfully choosing to eat like this. It's no wonder there is an epidemic among our generation with so many failed men being sent their own way in life without wives or girlfriends, serving as nothing but living (if you can even call it that) reminders of how a society has regressed so markedly in just a couple of decades.

>If you eat like this, you deserve to be institutionalized and forced to eat food that is actually good for you. The existence of so many manchildren these days is nothing short of disgusting, shameful, and repugnant. Put down the Switch and go get a job like a man. Find a nice wife (preferably one who cooks actual human food) and produce children. Contribute to society for once in your pitiable life. Grow up.

>> No.13702145


>> No.13702157
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Damn right I am

>> No.13702158

It takes an equally pathetic person to equate having a wife (or even less, a gf) as some crowning achievement of worth. Your own measure of someone's success says a lot about yourself.

>> No.13702161

I would sincerely rather not imagine myself like that.

>> No.13702163

That is not a winning argument. People value having wives because they have kids, and people that don't value having wives are genetic dead ends.

>> No.13702167

I'm saying having a wife isn't a measure of success, not that having a companion isn't valuable in of itself.

>> No.13702181

Imagine being this invested in what other people are doing with their time.

>> No.13702193

No. We don't want these lowlifes to spread their shit genetics. Let them die alone, clutching their hotpockets.

>> No.13702237

I'm a terrific cook and I've been cuckolded multiple times by dullards who cook like this. What you're falling into, OP, is the false dychotomy of causality and casuality

>> No.13702240

It's not an exact measurement, but it is a heuristic.

>> No.13702250

Nah, I'd rather just be a fat fuck that doesn't work, eats chicken nuggets, and fucks your daughters.

>> No.13702251

>I'm a terrific cook
Prove it. Being able to make something that isn't out of a box doesn't make you terrific. Terrifying perhaps.

>> No.13702291

Plenty of dregs get married, from drunks to child beaters. More poor get married than rich and so on. Plenty of unfit people having children when they shouldn't.

>> No.13702296

I remember those dinos. That was a fun lunch yesterday.

>> No.13702569
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Nothing is wrong with eating dino tendies or pizza rolls, it's eating them without a good hot sauce pairing that makes you a failure.

>> No.13702711

Imagine living life based on whether or not a woman judges you for eating dino tendies...

>Cheap as fuck
>ready in 20 minutes
>good tastes

It's the perfect after work snack